HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 19, 2011 Agenda PackageFORT p1ERCE HARBOR ADVI=ORY COMMITTEE We~ne~day October 19, 2011 At 3:00 P.M. In the 3rd Floor Conference Room 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the minutes from the August meeting 3. New Business A) Presentation by FDOT 4.OId Business A)Inland Port update 5. Public/Staff Comment's A) Presentation of Port Project by Don West, Public Works Director. 6. Adjournment FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVI:ORY COMMITTEE Meeting Held On August 17, 2011 Convened at 3:10 p.m. Adjourned at 4:10 p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday August 17„ 2011 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building; 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken. Quorum present. Member: Pre:enib~ Mary Chapman, Chair Gerald Kuklinski, Vice-Chair Marty Laven, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL Bill Theiss, SL Village Bradley 1. Currie Member= Ab:enb~ David Sousa Mayor Robert Benton, City of Fort Pierce Andy Brady AI=o Present: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney Don West, Public Works Director Britton DeWitt, Senior Planner, SLC Bob Bangert Charles Grande Buzz Smyth Lloyd Bell Bill Parker NEW BU:INEi=~ Minutes of the June meeting were approved. Buzz Smyth gave apresentation/conversation to the Harbor Advisory Committee members on the port property with a request to implement the Port Master Plan as it is written. Mr. Smyth brought exhibits and maps of the property from past and present. Mr. Smyth feels that with two new members on the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) this would be a good time Page 1 of 3 to pursue this approach. Mr. Smyth askred the members to consider an approach to the implementation similar to what the City of Tavares has achieved. Mr. Smyth asked the members if they would consider doing a five or ten year plan for the port property. Mr. Smyth suggested that perhaps now would be a good time to look over and update the Port Master Plan. Mr. Grande gave a brief explanation of what the Port Master Plan uses consisted of when it was approved and adopted through the Board of County Commissioners, and was also adopted by the City of Fort Pierce. Mr. Grande expressed that in the past the purpose of the Harbor Advisory Committee has been to assist the Board of County Commissioner with review and advise on the plans that are bought to the Board for the port property and to give their recommendation. Mr. Smyth read the mission statement of the Harbor Advisory Committee. Mr. Currie and Mr. Lavin agreed with Mr. Smyth and feel that with the new BOCC, the Harbor Advisory Committee should be more involved. Mr. Currie suggested the members come up with a "to do list" for the Board and askz for direction on how to implement the Port Master Plan. Mr. Thiess agrees with being more pro-active, however funding might be difficult, due to the economy. Mr. Grande suggested that the committee members go to the BOCC for direction, and gave advice on what help in with the past proposals. Mr. Currie feels the committee is not ready to give the BOCC a formal recommendation, but feels that an informal recommendation would be appropriate. Vice-Mayor Bartz asl~ed members "What do you want on your to do list". Mr. Lavin asked Madame Chair Chapman what was taken to the BOCC in the past. Madame Chair Chapman shared that the committee wanted the BOCC to put out an RFP for the port property but the BOCC did not pursue that recommendation. Mr. Currie made a motion to go to the BOCC on an informal quest to asks for direction. motion was 2"d by Vice-Mayor Bartz and approved by members. OLD BUi1NEff: Chair Chapman asked for an update on the inland port. Mr. Lavin said there is not much new at this time. Mr. Currie offered to bring back more information at the next meeting. Mr. Currie asked Chair if County Staff could be included on the Agenda's and be more involved with input at the meetings. AD~OURNMENi': At 4:10 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Wednesday September 21, 20112010 at 3:00 pm, in the 3rd Floor Conference Room. Page 2 of 3 FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVISORY COMMITTEE 2011 Meeting Schedule ** 3"d Wednesday of Every Mon#h C~ 3:0o p4m. ** ** in Conference Room 3 • unwary f9 -Wedne=day • Febrwary t6 -Wednesday • Mareh t6 -Wedne:day • April ZO -Wednesday • May 18 -Wedne:day • ~wne ~s -Wednesday • ~wly ZO -Wednesday • Awywst ~? -Wednesday • =eptember Zi -Wednesday • Oetober t9 -Wednesday • .November f6 -Wednesday • December Zf -Wednesday Page 3 of 3