HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 16, 2011 MinutesFORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVI:ORY COMMITTEE
Meeting Held On
November t6, 20tt
Convened at 3:05 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday
November t6, 2ott at 3:00 p.m. in the 3~d Floor Conference Room in the Administration
Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call. was taken. Quorum present.
Members Present: Mary Chapman, Chair
Gerald Kuklinski, Vice-Chair
Marty Laven, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast
Mayor Bob Benton, City of Fort Pierce
Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL
Bradley 1. Currie, Land Design South
David Sousa, St. Lucie Village
Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village
Members Absenit: Andy Brady
Also Present: Sherry McCorkle, Assistant to Congressman Rooney
Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney
Don West, Public Works Director
Mark Satterlee, Planning & Development Services Director
Britton DeWitt, Planning, SLC
David Carlin, City of Fort Pierce
Bob Bangert
Cwest ipeaher: Don West, St. Lucie County Public Worms Director
NEW BU=INE=;: Minutes from the October 19, 201t were approved.
Don West, St. Lucie County Public Works Director gave the Committee members a
presentation on the Taylor Creeks Restoration .Dredging Project and the 2"d Street
Improvement Project.
The Taylor Creeks Presentation discussion included questions on water monitoring, permitting
and grant funding. Don led the Members through the Phasing plan and proposed. schedule
for the upcoming spoil site construction and dredging of Taylor Creek.
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During the 2nd Street Improvement Presentation Don informed member of 2 different projects.
On is the 2"a Street Improvements and one is for the proposed "Port Flyover" that was part of
the Charrette the City of Fort Pierce had in t996 on the Port of Fort Pierce.
Discussion included the funding to update the Port Master Plan that was part of the October
t9t" meeting with Guest Speal?er, Jeff Weidner, from the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), Mega Yacht futures and underground utility possibility.
Committee Members discussed makting a recommendation to the Board of County
Commissioner's to update the "Port Master Plan" and as much of the Port Area's as possible
with the funding being offered by the FDOT.
Madame Chair will craft a recommendation letter to update the "port Master Plan" for
discussion at the next Harbor Advisory Committee meeting.
The City of Fort Pierce will bring a presentation to the next meeting about the "Taylor Creek
Charrette that was completed previously.
OLD BU:INE=:: Mayor Benton gave a brief update on the Marina Project.
Madame Chair informed member that certain limit terms were coming to an end and to
Speaks with their respective Agency as necessary.
AD~OURNMENI'~ At 4:20 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held
Wednesday December 2t, 20tt at 3:00 pm, in the 3rd Floor Conference Room.
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2011 Meeting Schedule
** 3"d Wednesday of Every Month C~ 3:0® p.nn. **
** in Conference Room 3
• unwary t9 -Wednesday
• Febrwary t6 -Wednesday
• Mareh 16 -Wednesday
• April ZO -Wednesday
• May t8 -Wednesday
• ~wne ~s -Wednesday
• ~wly ZO -Wednesday
• Awgwst 1? -Wednesday
• feptember Z~ -Wednesday
• Oetober ~s -Wednesday
• November t6 -Wednesday
• December Z1 -Wednesday
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