HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 2012 Meeting MinutesCITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE
Meeting Date: January 20, 2012
Conference Room 3
John Culverhouse, Chair
Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair
Dan Kurek
Craig Mundt
Richard Pancoast
Stephanie Morgan
Jay L. McBee
Dana McSweeney
James Clasby
Carl Hensley
Bill Casey
Edward Lounds
Jane Bachelor
Patricia "Pat" Ferrick
Faye Outlaw
Marie Gouin
Jim David
Mark Satterlee
Ken Pruitt
Laurie Waldie
Robert O'Sullivan
Jack Southard
Stefanie Myers
Toby Long
Ben DeVries
Lee Ann Lowery
Beth Ryder
Jennifer Hill
Don West
Frannie Hutchinson
H.M. Ridgely
Karen Smith
Sophia Holt
Jerome Adams
Bill Hoeffner
Brad Currie
Kara Wood
Audrey Jackson
Mr. Hensley called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES -November 18t" Meeting
Mr. Knaggs made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Pancoast seconded. The minutes
were unanimously approved.
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January 20, 2012
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Before Mr. Hensley turned the meeting to Ms. Outlaw for the election, he stated that it had
been a privilege to serve as Chair. He felt the respect that was due the Chair was shown.
Ms. Outlaw called for nominations. Mr. Pancoast nominated Mr. Culverhouse for Chair.
Ms. Morgan seconded the nomination. Mr. Mundt nominated Mr. Knaggs. The members
voted. Mr. Culverhouse was elected as the Chair with nine votes. Mr. Knaggs received
Mr. Culverhouse thanked the members for their votes and Mr. Hensley for his service the
last five years.
Mr. Culverhouse took nominations for Vice Chair. Mr. Mundt nominated Mr. Knaggs. Mr.
Pancoast seconded. Mr. Knaggs was unanimously approved.
Mr. Satterlee distributed a Comparison of Code Amendments Proposed in Draft Ordinance
No. 12-003 (see attached). He began his PowerPoint presentation, attached, with a brief
history. Mr. Brad Currie, the Chair of the Task Force, and members H.M. Ridgely and Mr.
Mundt were in attendance. They hope to have a recommendation for.the Board of County
Commissioners by May. The goal is to iron out as many differences as possible with the
Task Force.
Mr. Currie said he was impressed with the staff's ability to work with them. He thinks a lot
of effort has been put into the project in a short amount of time. He feels that they can
work together to get to a place they will be happy with.
Mr. Knaggs complimented Mr. Satterlee on the presentation and asked about the Business
Navigator. Mr. Satterlee said because there have been so many positions eliminated, to
add a new or change a position would be something to tread lightly on. It has been
discussed. They did not feel it needed to be addressed in the ordinance. Mr. Knaggs
agreed that it should not be in the ordinance, but wondered if it was delayed because of
monetary concerns. Ms. Outlaw explained that a new position being added is not being
considered. They are exploring taking an existing position and transferring duties. They
have a person in mind. She feels there is a good chance to do a reclassification. Timing
was discussed. Mr. Casey asked if it has to be all or none. Ms. Outlaw answered that the
duties and time they would take are being considered. Mr. Casey asked about the
responsibilities of the Navigator. Mr. Satterlee said it would be the person the applicant
goes to when they come in, so they don't get upset with the process. They would work not
only with St. Lucie County staff but other agencies. Ms. Outlaw said the overall intent is to
have someone on the front-end working with applicants to help them get through the
process so it does not become an overwhelming, frustrating experience for them. Delays
would be identified and expedited.
Mr. Casey feels it is a refreshing approach. The impression some citizens have of
employees is they feel these are the rules, I didn't make them and you just have to live by
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them. They feel the employees are not helpful. Mr. Satterlee works hard in his department
to not project that attitude. He asks his staff to put themselves in the customer's place.
Mr. Casey thinks it is smart business. If the County gets the reputation of being open for
business he feels customers will come here instead of other Counties.
Mr. Clasby asked about the Business Navigator compared to Brevard County's e-
Government. Mr. Satterlee said he would take a look at it the information.
Ms. Outlaw began her presentation with an explanation ofwhythe Committee had decided
to review each department. The spreadsheet attached has columns added. FY07 is used
as the base because that is when staffing levels peaked. FY08 is when the budget
Mr. Knaggs asked if FY07 is actual or budget. It is budget. He asked for actual for FY 11
It is included in the packet. The numbers on the spreadsheet are budget.
Mr. Kurek asked if all the positions were filled in FY07. They were.
Ms. Outlaw pointed out the amount of cuts and asked for the Committee's direction. Mr.
Casey asked about the increase in Criminal Justice. Ms. Outlaw explained that it is part of
the County Attorney's operation. It was a new function in FY05 or FY06. She would prefer
Mr. McIntyre and Mr. Godwin be in attendance when it is discussed.
Mr. Kurek asked if the Parks and Recreation Director will be replaced. It will.
Mr. Knaggs, thinking outloud, said the original intent was to look at the County from a
different perspective. How do they see needs/wants in the handout? Looking at dollars
will not help them determine need. Media and the Research Park are discretionary. They
will need to understand the function to determine need. Ms. Outlaw, looking at page 125
and the spreadsheet, said after the second column of the spreadsheet, it tells if the Board
is required by State statute or Federal law to have the function. The statute requires the
County to have an Administrator, but not an Administration Department. The Committee
would need to determine how many other positions are needed. Media Relations is
beneficial, but not required by law. The Committee also may determine if the Research
and Education Park isessential/nonessential, requirement/nonrequirement or need/want.
Mr. Knaggs thinks there should be three categories to start, as a guideline, the minimum
number, the maximum number and the middle amount theywould be comfortable with. He
would like input from the Committee as to whetherthey should do headcount and how they
would determine the nonpersonnel amounts. He does not see how he can make the
decision with what he has been provided. Do they need more information? Ms. Outlaw
said that since it is a new process, they need to work through how they want it structured.
Mr. Hensley asked to what degree they want to micromanage. The folks that run the
Departments know what they are doing. You can see in the numbers that they have been
severly cut back in the last five years to almost bones. He feels they (the Directors) should
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make the decision. He thinks Mr. Lounds used the terms essential and nonessential. He
prefers mandated and discretionary. He's not comfortable examining every detail. Mr.
Knaggs said they agreed to do it, the County's shortfall has not changed and wants to
know how are they going to do it. He understands that they do not want to micromanage
and agrees. Mr. Hensley feels they can make recommendations, but he thinks they are
getting into areas that they don't understand. Mr. Knaggs feels they need a scorecard. Mr.
Hensley said the report is a scorecard. Mr. Knaggs asked if the Committee accepts the
report and has no suggested changes. Do they think it all is essential? Mr. Hensley said
his opinion is that it is discretionary. The chart says they are. They could recommend
everything discretionary be thrown out, but you can't throw away everything. Mr. Knaggs
asked if it was right that we are $3-4 million short of a balanced budget. Ms. Outlaw said
the last projection for FY14 is $8 million out of balance which is why the Committee chose
to take on the effort and have recommendations as towhat functions should be cut back or
Mr. Kurek started with the fact that we must have a County Administrator. The intent and
plan of the Research Park is to create economic growth by attracting business #o increase
the tax base and employees. It would be foolish to do away with something that has the
potential to become an asset. Back in the day before media, there were more public
record requests. One person used to spend half their time getting information. Since the
nation has become more interested in what government is doing, imagine what it would
take to provide the information now. With 650 employees, one person could not oversee
that many. Since the amount of Directors has been cut in half, there is more supervision
pushed upstairs. Their jobs have become more complex, so the need for assistance has
increased. He supports the presented program and does not see any room for cuts.
Mr. Casey is trying to figure out how to approach the situation. Positions may not be the
correct way to look at it. Maybe they should look at ways to trim without cutting services.
He wonders if a static camera could film a meeting without a staff person present. He
wonders if the budget could be cut without reducing positions. Ms. Outlaw said the
conversation underscores the challenge. She agrees that starting from the Full Time
Equivalent (FTE) count would not be the way to go. Each function will carry positions.
Mr. Casey agrees with Mr. Hensley that they can not make reductions without
understanding. Ms. Outlaw knows what is needed. He thinks she has cut to what she
believes is bare minimum. We must reduce numbers, but if we cut the entire department,
we won't balance the budget. Ms. Outlaw agrees that there is not one area that we could
cut and save a million dollars. It will be a host of cuts. It will be tedious and painful. They
have cut the big items. We are down to a death by a thousand cuts. We have to find
savings and functions that can be reduced or eliminated to get to the FY14 budget gap
Mr. Casey asked what percentage the $8 million is to the total budget. The total General
Fund budget is $133 million. The County's portion is about $45 million. It is about 5% of
the total and 20% of the County's part. Mr. Casey asked about the ability to manuveur.
Ms. Outlaw said that at the pleasure of the Committee, they could look at all the
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operations. That would include the Constitutionals, State Agencies, Research Park and
Economic Development Council. The Committee must decide.
Mr. Kurek asked what part of the budget is salaries and benefits. Ms. Hill answered that on
the County's side it is just under $24 million. He asked if anyone is getting a raise. He
asked if the health plan or any benefits are going to be cut back. Will there be relief from
the State retirement plan? If you are looking at the big picture, you need to look at big
numbers to begin. Then you look at the total salaries. He asked about the bargaining unit.
They are coming to the end of the third year. Raises and benefit changes are where you
get numbers. If you have $20 million in salaries and cut all salaries by 1 % you've picked
up a bunch of money. They need to see the total to see if they are comfortable with the
benefit level and total salary cost. Ms. Outlaw answered that they could have that
discussion. If they want to start with that, they could. About 64% of the employees earn
$25,000 and under. A lot of dynamics come into play. Mr. Kurek said those are big
numbers. He wants to know the plan. Ms. Outlaw said there are no increases planned.
Not even cost of living. Mr. Kurek asked about the turnover rate. People are not leaving.
Mr. Knaggs summarized that we have to consider investments today for potential gains in
the future and unintended consequences. This conversation is not black and white. It is a
knife fight of 1,000 cuts. They are going to have to look at the big picture and at minor
cuts. He agrees that they cannot micromanage, but they have the charge to look at
possibilities and give their opinion. The first thing is to cut personnel costs from
nonpersonnel expenses and understand potential impacts. He asked where they are
going. He thinks they should use the current department as a guideline.
Mr. Mundt thinks they should separate salaries from other expenses. He used Research
and Education as an example.
Mr. Hensley said most of the talk is-cut, cut, cut, but we need to talk about enhancing. We
are down pretty low. He doesn't know if we can cut any more. It could be part of their job
to make sure the agencies are doing what they are supposed to.
Mr. Knaggs responded that the departments could come in with their budgets and a list of
benefits to the County provided by the department, including any revenue generation.
They should not be limited to justifying their existance. They should tell why their existance
is important to the continuing operation of the County. It might be to offset other cost or
investment in the future.
Mr. Mundt asked about Mr. Pruitt's forecast for two years out. Ms. Outlaw answered that
he will not make predictions. June 1St we will get the preliminary number. Mr. Mundt said
he would ,hate to make major cuts in support staff and have a revenue enhancement. He
wants to be optimistic, but if we need to find $8 million, we need to get at it. Ms. Outlaw
said June 1 St we will get the preliminary number and based on that, we will know if we have
stabilized. This year the drop was 4.75%. The numbers we have been using is based on
no further drop. If there is a drop, we have to make an adjustment. If there is an increase,
we are using the right assumption. Starting this soon will give them time to make an
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Mr. Knaggs added that when we have the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR), we will know if last year's budget and actuals generated more.
Ms. Outlaw said that right now we are not looking at any cuts for FY13 based on discussion
with the Board. There will be no Strategic Planning. Mr. Mundt asked about FY13's
budget being balanced. Mr. Knaggs said it is balanced using savings to fill the void. Mr.
Hensley said it doesn't mean they can't recommend reductions. If not for fund balance, we
would really be in trouble. The fund balance is filling the deficit between this year's actual
revenue and projected expenses.
Mr. Casey asked if there is a plan of attack. They are discussing the plan. Mr. Knaggs said
they decided at the last meeting they were going to take a long term look at down the road
when they expect to run out of fund balance. They have been debating how to get to the
end point before they get too far in.
Mr. Casey asked how many months they have. Ms. Outlaw answered a minimum of a
year. Mr. Mundt added that unless they decided some should be cut in FY13 so FY14
would not be so bad. Ms. Outlaw added that based on guidance from the Board, there will
be no cuts, no reductions in FY13. There is a very streamlined process planned, with a flat
budget. The Board can change that.
Mr. Knaggs envisions the Board not having Strategic Planning but will challenge the budget
that is presented. Ms. Outlaw agrees. She is not planning to recommend any reductions.
But, she would present any justified reduction or increase.
Mr. Casey suggested they identify best opportunities in the larger budgets. Then they
need to decide how they would approach. In the past, they focused on staffing. He feels
they should leave staffing to Ms. Outlaw and focus on the remainder of the budgets.
Commissioner Hutchinson added that there is an informal meeting every month in which
they are given budget updates. The Board is open to change if needed because of major
things happening. She wanted to remind them of the many cuts. Not representing the
Board, but personally, since we have cut down to the bone, she asked that they focus on
ways to enhance what we have. She gave the example of online permitting. She would
find that kind of idea helpful. She believes even the public realizes we are as low as we
can go. Several showed up at a meeting to say they do not want programs cut. She asked
if programs for the Constitutionals, State Agencies and the Board could be streamlined. If
State mandates say they will no longer help, a decision will have to be made if they should
be continued. Grants may need to be explored.
Mr. Knaggs said for every investment that is suggested, they should bring a budget
showing revenue enhancements and opportunites to generate more top line. Any time you
cut anything a special interest group will object. But it is still $8 million. Whether we get it
through revenue enhancements, streamlining or reductions, that is the charge.
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Commissioner Hutchinson agreed. She had given an idea for another perspective.
Mr. Mundt thinks they should pull the salaries out and look at the other. Ms. Outlaw asked
them to look at page 125 in the report attached. Administration's budget is $311,000.
Broken out, her operating budget is $82,000. That is pretty slim. The budgets are very
tight. Personnel costs are the largest part.
Mr. Casey asked that they prioritize, in dollar format, what is left after personnel and other
related costs are taken out. Ms. Outlaw commented on the spreadsheet.
Mr. Knaggs asked for a list of Departments with personnel and nonpersonnel costs ranked
in order by nonpersonnel costs so they could see what it looks like. Ms. Outlaw explained
that the Sheriff's budget does not come in with that information. Mr. Knaggs would like the
information for all she can get with a list of those she cannot. Ms. Outlaw said it would be
easy to start with the County operations. Mr. Knaggs thinks the State Agencies are so
small that they won't want to spend time on them.
Ms. Outlaw said they will bring back that type of information to the next meeting and have a
similar type of discussion because she feels it is a revolving process. Mr. Knaggs still
wants to get to a total. Mr. Clasby feels they should look at surrounding Counties and see
what they are doing. Ms. Outlaw would be happy to do that over time. St. Lucie County
tends to get calls wanting to know what we have done because we have done so much.
They are always looking for opportunities. Mr. Clasby thinks the eGovernment permitting
process might take the place of the Business Navigator. If they planned to put a current
employee in that position, does that employee need to be here? It would be a one-time
payment to have the position always available.
Mr. Casey asked how to incorporate Commissioner Hutchinson's suggestion by only
looking at numbers. He asked when they can start talking to department heads. Ms.
Knaggs believes they have started with Ms. Outlaw. Ms..Outlaw believes they are a couple
meetings away from having the process refined.
Mr. Clasby asked if the meeting Commissioner Hutchinson referred to was the Budget
Workshop on January 24t". Ms. Outlaw answered that the Board will hear the first quarter
update at that meeting. Mr. Knaggs asked for a summary of that meeting at the next
Committee meeting.
Mr. Knaggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and Mr. Culverhouse
adjourned the meeting at 9:07 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin
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The next CBC regular meeting will be held on Friday, February 17, 2012 at 7:30 a.m.,
in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex.