HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 14, 2012 LCB Agenda_ __
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*Public hearing to be followed immediately by the LCB regular meeting*
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: St. Lucie County BOCC Chambers
St. Lucie County Administration Building, 3~d Floor
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, Florida
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Introductions
4. Opening Public Comment
5. Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
(FCTD)/Local Coordinating Board (LCB) Overview
TPO staff will present an overview on the FCTD and LCB.
6. Transportation Disadvantaged (TD)/Public Transportation Overview
The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) will present an overview
on the operation of the coordinated transportation system.
7. Medicaid Transportation Overview
MV Transportation staff will present an overview on the process for providing
Medicaid trips.
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
March 14, 2012 LCB Public Hearing Page 2 of 2
8. Overview of Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP)
Minor Update Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives and Strategies
Staff will provide an overview on the TDSP Mission Statement, Goals,
Objectives and Strategies related to TD service development and quality
9. Closing Public Comment
10. Adjourn
Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to .access the meeting facilities.. should contact
Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours
prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meeting
should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at
least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The St. Lucie TPO satisfies the requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations
including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race,
color, national origin, age, sex,. religion, .disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their
concerns about Title VI should contact Marceia Lathou, Title VI Coordinator, at 772-462-1593.
Items. not included on the agenda may also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the
public's health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person's right of access. If any
person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie LCB with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a
purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which
includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Creole: Si ou to rinmin recevoua information sa en creole si I bous plait rele 772-462-1777.
Espanol: Si usted desea recibir esta informacion en espanol, por favor Ilame al 772-462-1777.
.~~ ,~;.,~: ~~, Transptartation
_ '~ Plannin
'x'x~= C~rganixa~icsn
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Time: Immediately following the 2:00 p.m. Public Hearing
Location: St. Lucie County BOCC Chambers
St. Lucie County Administration Building, 3rd Floor
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, Florida
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
• December 14, 2011 Regular Meeting
5. Comments from the Public
6. Action Items
6a. lob Access and Reverse Commute (7ARC)/New Freedom Project
Selection Committee: Appoint a LCB representative to the JARC/New
Freedom Selection Committee.
Action: Appoint a LCB representative to 'the JARC/New Freedom Selection
6b. Letter of Support for the Veterans Transportation and Community
Living Initiative (VTCLI) Grant Application: The Community
Transportation Coordinator (CTC) is requesting a letter from the LCB in
support of the St. Lucie County VTCLI grant application.
Action: Provide a letter of support for the VTCLI grant application.
7. Informational Items
7a. LCB Member Reappointment/Appointment Summary
7b. 2012 Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Legislative Day Summary
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
March 14 2012 LCB Regular Meeting Page 2 of 2
7c. Florida Public Transportation Association (FPTA) Electronic
Media/Audio Visual Award
8. FDOT Comments
9. Recommendations/Comments by Members
10. Staff Comments
11. Next Meeting: The next St. Lucie LCB meeting is scheduled for 2:00 pm,
Wednesday, June 13, 2012 in the Port St. Lucie Civic Center, 9221 SE Civic Center
Place, Port St. Lucie, Florida.
12. Adjourn
Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact
Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428, at least 48 hours
prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meeting
should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at
least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
The St. Lucie TPO satisfies the requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations
including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race,
color, national origin, age,. sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their
concerns about Title VI should contact Marceia Lathou, Title VI Coordinator, at 772-462-1593.
Items not. included on the agenda may also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the
public's health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person's right of access. If any
person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie LCB with respect to any matter
considered at this meeting, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a
purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which
includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Creole: Si ou to rinmin recevoua information sa en creole si I bous plait rele 772-462-1777.
Es ariol: Si usted desea recibir esta informacion en espariol, por favor Ilame al 772-462-1777.
.:,°°~ .mot ~~ Transportation
`'~" ys~'i %~ ~_ ~liClE:' Planning
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Regular Meeting
DATE: Wednesday, December 14, 2~
TIME: 2:00 P.M.
LOCATION: St. Lucie County Walton Road Annex
2nd Floor Conference Room
1664 SE Walton Road
Port St. Lucie, Florida
1. Call to Order
Kathryn Hensley, Vice Chair, called the December 14, 2011 regular
meeting of the St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation
Disadvantaged (LCB). to order at Z:04 P.M.
2. Roll Call
The roll was called. ~ Members who attended after roll call.
Members uresent: Rearesentin4:
*Paula Lewis, Chairwoman
Kathryn Hensley, Vice Chair
Marianne Abore
Cindy Barnes
Brian Bauer.
Albert Birks, ]r.
Dalia Dillon
Roy Brewer
Tina Herzik
John Salvesen
*Arlease Hall
Elected Official
Public Education Community
COASL/Community Transit
Florida Agency Health Care Adm.
Regional Workforce Development Bd.
Citizen Advocate
FI Dept. of Elderly Affairs
Local Veteran's Service Office
FI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Local Private For-Profit Transportation
Local Medical Community
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
St. Lucie LCB Meeting -December 14, 2011 Page 2 of 7
*Jayne Pietrowski FI Dept.. of Transportation-District 4
*Donna Minok FI Dept. of Children and Family Services
*Carolyn Niemczyk Elderly .Community
Others uresent: Representing:
Peter Buchwald
Marceia Lathou
Ed DeFini
Heather Young
Corine Williams
Edward Cajade
Mike McInnis
Mary Holleran
A quorum was confirmed.
St. Lucie TPO
St. Lucie TPO
St. Lucie TPO
St. Lucie County
St. Lucid County
MV Transportation
Recording Specialist
3. Approval of Agenda
• MOTION -MOVED by Tina Herzik to approve the agenda as presented.
** SECONDED by Marianne Abore Carried UNANIMOUSLY
4. Approval of Minutes. *September i4, 2011
• MOTION - MOVED ; by Tina Herzik to approve the minutes of the
regular LCB meeting held on September 14, 2011.
** SECONDED by Cindy Barnes Carried UNANIMOUSLY
5. Comments from the Public -None
6. Action Stems:
6a. Election of Vice Chairperson: The Committee was asked to
nominate candidates and Elect a Vice Chairperson for 2012
MOTION -MOVED by Cindy Barnes to nominate Kathryn Hensley, Vice
There were no other nominations from the Committee.
** SECONDED by Dalia Dillon Carried UNANIMOUSLY
St. Lucie LCB Meeting -December 14, 2011 Page 3 of 7
6b. 2012 Meeting Schedule: The Calendar schedule for 2012 LCB
meetings was presented for approval.
* MOTION- MOVED by Roy Brewer to accept the LCB Meeting schedule
for 2012 as presented.
** SECONDED by Cindy Barnes Carried UNANIMOUSLY
7. Discussion Items: This item was heard prior to Item 6c.
7a. Treasure Coast Regional Transit Organization (RTO) Board:
Marceia Lathou provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding the
background and purpose of the RTO, the draft.. of the By-Laws for the
RTO, and establishment of the RTO_Board. Commissioner Paula Lewis of
the St. Lucie TPO was elected Chair of the RTO Board.
A regional transit capital grant opportunity in the amount of $500,000 to
fund the US-1 Corridor improvements for bus shelters, bus benches,
signage, etc. has been tentatively approved. The City of Port St. Lucie
was approved to serve as grant administrator and the RTO Transit
Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) was approved to form a
subcommittee to refine the methodology for prioritizing projects.
A meeting calendar ' o include the RTO Board meeting the third
Thursday of alternate months was approved. The next meeting of the
RTO Board will be held on Thursday, February 16, 2012.
6c. Coordination Contracts:
Conine Williams, Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC)
presented coordination contracts of transportation providers for review.
These agencies provide trips" for disadvantaged residents. The providers
can be for-profit or not-for-profit, and must offer specialized
transportation services for individuals unable to use public
transportation independently. Three agreements were provided for the
Board's action: Men of the Sword, Inc., Positive Mind Body Support.
Group Services, Inc. and MV Contract Transportation.
Ms. Hall asked if these were the only agencies that had contracted for
the services. Ms. Williams indicated fourteen were on the network.
* MOTION -MOVED by Ms. Arlease Hall to approve the Coordination
Contracts presented.
** SECONDED by Ms. Kathryn Hensley Carried UNANIMOUSLY
St. Lucie LCB Meeting -December 14, 2011 Page 4 of 7
7b. Transportation Coordination Network:
Ms. Williams reviewed St. Lucie County Housing and Community
Services' role as the Community Transportation Coordinator
collaborating with other social service agencies to identify and
determine potential solutions for unmet transportation needs in the
County. Service gaps exist such as lack of evening and weekend
transportation that affects residents' abilities to reach employment or
educational opportunities; inability to take advantage of community
programs; purchase critical items of food or medical care; and limit the
ability of individuals and families to be successful, that can dramatically
affect their quality of life.
In order for these gaps in service to be filled, a roundtable discussion
with human service agencies, and coordinated contractors identified
the transportation gaps and identified potential solutions. A special
transportation support group called.. the Transportation Coordination
Network (TCN) was created with local partners, agencies and
contractors. With the assistance of this group, creative ideas and the
ability to help with existing resources will fill the after-hours and
weekend gaps faced by residents in need of transit.
The acquisition of resources to provide technical assistance and
software to aid,_the group in matching inquiries with providers and
generate referrals are being pursued by staff.
Commissioner Lewis commended the individuals in St. Lucie. County
willing to come' together to collaborate, pool ideas, and use their
cooperative efforts to provide solutions to these issues.
Ms. Hensley commented the Children's Services Council was in St.
Lucie .County, not Martin County.
Roy Brewer asked how many people this would affect. Ms. Williams
said all of the agencies that have social services clientele that have
transportation needs in the County, and they might possibly partner
with Martin County, as they are looking at a similar. effort. The
numbers were not determined as yet, a survey has gone out, and
when that comes back, those numbers may be available at the next
St. Lucie LCB Meeting -December 14, 2011 Page 5 of 7
8. Informational Item:
8a. TD Legislative Day/TD Advocacy Day
Ms. Lathou provided information on the upcoming TD Legislative Date /
TD Advocacy Day set for February 2, 2012 in Tallahassee.
The Legislative Platform will provide opportunities to ensure the current
Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund. level is maintained and
support all opportunities to increase revenue for transportation services.
It will: ensure smooth transition of transportation services through
implementation of Medicaid Reform;.. seek innovative ways to include a
.Coordinated Transportation System; monitor funding for Medicaid Non-
Emergency Transportation (NET) Program to ensure adequate funding is
included for any service changes; monitor all Legislation and take
actions to ensure program integrity is maintained.
9. Recommendations/Comments by Members
Ms. Barnes asked if the RTO meeting on February 16, 2012 was open to
all. Ms. Lathou confirmed it was and that TTAC and other sub-committee
meetings were being publicly noticed.
Commissioner Lewis commented on having good discussions, and was
impressed with ahe FDOT funding, and the comments at the RTO
meeting on what was going to happen to improve bus stops and having
easily identifiable route signs from north to south.
Ms. Lathou explained that asub-committee of the TTAC was going to
have a :bus tour of 'the entire route on U.S. #1, starting in Fort Pierce
and going down to the Treasure Coast Mall and then taking a Martin
County bus to Salerno Square. They will come back and meet after, to
discuss and get. a finalized list of current projects to present to the full
TTAC, to present that to the RTO Board.
Commissioner Lewis agreed that it was a good idea to actually take the
tour versus looking at a map on paper.
Mike McInnis, a member of the public, questioned how he could get
information to provide services to accommodate and transport
individuals who are transportation disadvantaged. He asked what steps
were necessary, and explained this was the reason for his attendance at
today's meeting.
St. Lucie LCB Meeting -December 14, 2011 Page 6 of 7
Mr. McInnis was introduced to Ms. Williams and Ms. Lathou as two of
the individuals to speak to concerning information he requested.
Mr. Buchwald commended Mr. McInnis for attending and explained this
Board was the first place to come to in order to get that information,
and one of the reasons why the Board was created.
Mr. McInnis said he read articles and saw the meeting date on-line.
Discussion ensued on the type of services Mr. McInnis wanted to
Mr. Salvesen advised he needed information on the type of vehicles and
the requirements to meet ADA specifications, and should contact the
Director of Public Safety for the processing''' and licensing of those
Other sources of getting information were 'provided including a text that
can be purchased, a travel training video and accessing the County's
website. Discussion ensued on what was the best way to get information
and public involvement.
Ed Cajade commented that he looked forward to working with the
County and providing medical transportation services and wished
everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Ms. Williams commented on the upcoming Treasure Coast Secret Santa
Holiday Giveaway to be held from December 19 to the 23rd at various
transit stops. Santa will be getting on the bus and giving away
numerous prizes and gift cards from local sponsors to lucky riders who
use transit during that week.
10: Staff. Comments
Ms. Lathou commented on the new TPO logo that will be used on all
printed materials, that identifies the Organization's multi-modal
transportation mission.
Ms. Lathou noted sadly that Stacy Malinowski's husband passed away
last- month.
Ms. Lathou noted that the TPO is celebrating its 30th Anniversary having
been established October, 1981, through what was then known as the
Fort Pierce Urbanized Area.
St. Lucie LCB Meeting - December`14, 2011 Page 7 of 7
Refreshments were provided to the .Board. Staff wished all a happy and
safe holiday.
11. Next Meeting: The next LCB meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
March 14, 2012 in the St. Lucie BOCC Chambers, 3rd Floor, St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce,
Commissioner Lewis wished everyone a Happy Holiday and she looked
forward to seeing everyone next year.
12. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Mary Holleran
Board Recorder
Approved by:
Paula Lewis
LCB Chairwoman
;~:.~~ . Transpcartation
~` i ' ~rc ~~'~~1?~t1?~ Planning
~~ Organization
Agenda Item No. 6a.
TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for. the Transportation
Disadvantaged (LCB)
THROUGH: Peter Buchwald
Executive Director
FROM: Marceia Lathou
Transit Program Manager
DATE: March 14, 2012
Item Origination: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 -
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program
Action: Appoint a LCB representative to the JARC/New
Freedom Committee
The Job Access and Reverse Commute. (JARC) program is intended to help
fund transportation services and supportive activities that improve access to
jobs for low income persons and those on welfare and that provide reverse
commute trips for the general population. A reverse commute trip provides
transportation for urban, suburban and rural area residents to suburban
employment opportunities.
The purpose of the New Freedom program is to provide improved public
transportation service and alternatives to public transportation, beyond
those required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), for
people with disabilities regardless of income.
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
March 14, 2012 Page 2 of 2
The LCB is involved in the JARC/New Freedom project selection process
because the process is required to include representatives of public, private,
and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation
by members of the public.
Projects funded by JARC/New Freedom must be selected through a
competitive process. Because ]ARC/New Freedom funds are awarded to the
Port St. Lucie Urbanized Area which includes Martin and St. Lucie Counties,
St. Lucie County participates in a regional, competitive selection process
with Martin County for these funds.
Total funding available for Martin and St. Lucie Counties is $231,792 for
]ARC projects and $166,555 for New Freedom projects.
A project selection committee will rank the JARC/New Freedom applications
that are received. The Committee will consist of one representative from
each of the following agencies/businesses: St. Lucie and Martin Counties,
St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization, Martin Metropolitan Planning
Organization, St. Lucie and Martin Local Coordinating Boards and the local
business community.
The LCB is requested to appoint a member to serve on the JARC/New
Freedom project selection committee. Ms. Nancy Hess served on this
committee last year.
• Not applicable
Agenda Item No. 6b.
TO: St. Lucie County. Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation
THROUGH: Stefanie Myers, Community Services Manager
FROM: Corine Williams, Transit Coordinator ;~
DATE: -March 14, 2U12
SUBJECT: Letter of Support for Grant Application
The St. Lucie .County Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) is submitting an application
for the Federal Transit Administration (F~'A) Veterans- Transportation and Community Living
Initiative (VTCLI) grant.
The grant .encourages grantees to assist with "Enhancing veterans` and military families`
awareness of, and access to, transportation choices in their communities .which. are integral to
successfully reintegrating these men and women and their families." This grant also encourages
the provision of services far alltranspor#ation disadvantaged.
The Siate of Florida has 1,650,900 veterans, of which 28,421 reside within St. Lucie County and
receive services within and outside of the county. 'The. purpose of the funding available is to ''bring
together transportation services available to the general. public with those available to customers.
of human services programs, and especially services for veterans and military families:"
St. Lucie County would like to create a regional plan for both social services and senior services
for older veterans. Services are already available for transportation to the Veterans
Administration Medical Center; the goal of the program would be to offer services for other unmet
medical transportation needs. This funding could be used to purchase the software needed for full
implementation of the Transportation Coordination Network.
The CTC is requesting a letter of support from the St. Lucie County Local Coordinating Board for
the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) for the FTA VTCLI application.
ATTACHMENTS: Letter of .Support
TCN Brochure
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March 14, 2012
Re: Letter of Support folr VTCLI- One Call/One Click Grant Application
To Whom It May Concern:
The St. Lucie County Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation
Disadvantaged (LCB) is writing this letter in support of the St. Lucie County
Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC)'s application for the Federal
Transit Administration (FTA) Veterans Transportation and Community Living
Initiative (VTCLI) grant. St. Lucie County has a total of 28,421 veterans
and their families who reside within the county and receive services. To
adjust to life post active duty, military families need to access many of the
community resources available to them. Often there are barriers to
successful adjustment that must be overcome including access to
transportation. While the County has a public transportation system, there
are times and locations where transit cannot be utilized. In anticipation of
the increasing need of returning veterans and in response to previously
identified gaps in transportation support, a regional innovative approach has
been developed.
The inability of residents to access locations in the evenings and on
weekends or because they are not located near a transit route has led to the
creation of an alternative transit service program, the Transportation
Coordination Network (TCN). This network was developed through
collaborative efforts of local transportation service providers and human
service organizations. The program has been successful in providing trips
to/from local hot meal sites, local colleges, and other activity centers. The
LCB is in full support of this creative solution and its expansion to assist
veterans and their families.
If awarded a VTCLI grant, funds would be used to invest in the infrastructure
necessary for the One Call/One Click program to grow and expand. The TCN
would be able to purchase hardware and software for a web based system
that would connect those with transportation needs to designated
coordinated contractors' assistance. The software would allow for more
Transportation Planning for Fort :Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
March 14, 2012 Page 2 of 2
efficient matching, as well as improvements to vehicle tracking and
monitoring. In addition, the software would allow human service
organizations to fund trips for their clients directly through the system, by
generating vouchers for those meeting the program eligibility criteria.
Prospective riders would be able to schedule self-pay trips by calling the
dispatch company or through the website (One Call/One Click).
As the LCB, it is our responsibility to identify unmet needs for the
transportation disadvantaged and to ensure that solutions .are identified.
The TCN has already made a difference in ~~filling the gap" and it is hoped
that this grant award would fund the needed expansion to serve our
veterans and their families in ,.meeting transportation needs.
Thank you for your support of this innovative program.
Respectfu I ly,
Paula A. Lewis
LCB Chair
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Agenda Item No. 7a.
TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation
Disadvantaged (LCB)
THROUGH: Peter Buchwald
Executive Director
FROM: Marceia Lathou
Transit Program Manager
DATE: March 14, 2012
Item Origination; Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 -
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program
Action:. No action required.
The St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged
(LCB) consists of 18 members including one member who is a person with a
disability representing persons with disabilities and one member who is a
person over sixty years of age representing the elderly community.
According to the LCB By-laws, members of the LCB shall be appointed by the
TPO Board .
At its February 1, 2012 meeting, the TPO Board made a reappointment and
an appointment to the LCB. Mr. Alan Love, formerly the LCB representative
for the elderly community, was reappointed as the LCB representative for
persons with disabilities. Ms. Carolyn Niemczyk, formerly the LCB alternate
representative for the elderly community, was appointed as the LCB
representative for the elderly community.
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
.3~°..~~ ~ 1~ranspcartatian
,~ y~ (. ~4Y .y'` ;~~Ie Planning
~''~,~ ~3-ganiz~tion
Agenda Item No. 7b.
TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating .Board for the Transportation
Disadvantaged (LCB)
THROUGH: Peter Buchwald
Executive Director
FROM: Marceia Lathou
Transit Program Manager
DATE: March 14, 2012
Item Origination: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 -
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program
Action: No Action Required
Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Legislative Day is held each year in
Tallahassee during the state legislative session to enhance awareness of and
support for the needs of Florida's TD population. TD Legislative Day is hosted
by FACTS (Florida Association of Coordinated Transportation Systems)
through funds donated by sponsors. Palm Beach County (through the office
of Equal Opportunity and Palm Tran) sponsors the transportation and rooms
for TD advocates in and around Palm Beach County to attend TD Legislative
LCB member Nancy Hess. attended the 2012 TD Legislative Day in
Tallahassee. Ms. Hess participated in the Palm Beach County-sponsored trip.
The TPO co-sponsored expenses for this trip.
Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County
March 14, 2012 Page 2 of 2
Ms. Natasha Monaco, the Mobility Coordinator for St. Lucie County, also
attended TD Legislative Day and participated in the Palm Beach County-
sponsored trip to Tallahassee.
One of the speakers at 2012 TD Legislative Day was Lieutenant Governor
Jennifer Carroll.
Agenda Item No, ~c.
T4: St -Lucie County Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation
THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director ~`''
FROM: Corine Williams, Transit Coordinator
DATE: March 14, 2412
SUBJECT: Travel Training Video
The. Florida Public Transportation Association {FPTA} is a nonprofit association whose
members include every major public transit agency in Florida, as well as interested citizens
and businesses. Each .year the FPTA recognizes excellence in the public transportation.
industry through an awards .competition. All. FPTA public transportation _systems in good
standing are eligible to compete for these awards. Awards are announced and presented at
banquets held during the FPTA annual conferences. The 37th FPTA Annual Confierence was
held October 201..1 in Tampa, Florida. St. Lucie County competed for three award 'categories:
Marketing, Bus Exterior Advertisement, and innovation/creativity.
St. Lucie County was awarded 1st place in the Marketing category for the 2011 .Best in Class
1 Electronic Media/Audio Visual. The Class 1 group encompasses .systems with-99 uehicles
or less. Natasha Monaco, fdrmerly an Indian River State College student intern .and now
employed as a Mobility Coordinator, created the travel (raining video entitled "How to Ride
Transit." In addition, St. Lucie received 3rd place honorable mention for Bus Exterior