HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 21, 2012 Approved Meeting MinutesFORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVI=ORY COMMI'r'I'EE Meeting Held On March 21, 2012 Convened at 3:03 p.m. Adjourned at 4:40 p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 3:0o p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was talxen. Quorum present. Memberf Presence Mary Chapman, Chair Gerald Kuktlins42i, Vice-Chair Marty Laven, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Mayor Bob Benton, City of Fort Pierce Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL Bradley 1. Currie, Land Design South Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village Memberf Absent: David Sousa, St. Lucie Village Alfo Prefenb~ Commissioner Chris Craft Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney Don West, Public Worhs Director MarIZ Satterlee, Planning, SLC Kara Wood, Planning SLC Buzz Smith Charles Grande Carole Mushier, President of the South Beach Property Asso. Bob Bangert Ian Browning R.C. Silvestri HEW BUi1NE==: Chair Mary Chapman opened the meeting with a discussion on the Port Master Plan. Mayor Bob Benton made a request to the Committee members for support to take a request to the Board of County Commissioners to add a referendum to this November's Ballet election year for Citizens input on the Port Master Plan. Mayor Benton informed members that the City of Fort Pierce declined the referendum. Discussion from members included that they have attended various meetings concerning the Port Master Plan, and .members are concerned that the Consultant for Florida Department of Transportation is not doing a fair and thorough interview process. Members feel there should be more publicly advertised meetings for general public input. Page 1 of 3 Members decided to table the referendum request until the next meeting. Chair Chapman opened the floor for elections and nominated Mayor Benton for Chair of the Harbor Advisory Committee, and Jerry Kuktlinskti seconded. Marty Lavin nominated Brad Currie for Vice Chair of the Harbor Advisory Committee, and Mayor Benton seconded. Roll was taF~en and both nominations received unanimous approval. Buzz Smyth asked for time to give a presentation, he spoke briefly on the Port's recreational potential and Resolution 96-11, and asked for more time at the next meeting. At a Harbor Advisory Committee meeting several months ago it was suggested that a "to do" list be brought to the County Commissioner's concerning the Port. Discussion on that will be brought up at the next meeting, as to whether it is better to wait until the Port Master Plan is completed, or tape a list to the County Commissioners now. OLD BU=INEft: N/A ADJOURNMENT: At 4:4o p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held Wednesday April 18t" 2012 at 3:00 pm, in the 3rd Floor Conference Room. Page 2 of 3 F~JRT PIERCE MARBURADVISDRY COMMITTEE 2012 SCHEDULED 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH Ca) 3 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM 3 • Wednesday -unwary t8th • Wednesday - Febrwary t5th • Wednesday -Marsh Zts~ • Wednesday - Apri118Eh • Wednesday -May t6th • Wednesday - ~wne Zoth • Wednesday - ~wly 18th • Wednesday - Awgwst tsth • Wednesday - :eptember 19th • Wednesday - Oetober t?th • Wednesday -November Ztst • Wednesday - December t9th Page 3 of 3