HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotices 2012Florida Department of Transportation Conducts Study: The Role of Port Fort Pierce in Enhancing Economic Development Opportunities in Florida's Seaport System Just Che FACTSand FAQs Most FAQs oa• Frequently Asked .Questions are questions asked by .those seeking to know more about a program they have an inCei~est or stake in. This FactSheet is meant to encourage interest and hopefully, participation in Che process pf determining if an update to apt existing Master Plan makes sense. Please attend'at least one'of the ', following community meeCings: Cam~nunity Meeting Dates St Lucie Coun y Wednesday, May 2,1012 6:00'PM to 900 PM Location: County Commission Chambers, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 City of Fort Pierce Wednesday, May 16, 2012 1;00 PM to 3: tI0 PM Location: River Walk. Center, 600 N. Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FI,34950 Wednesday, May 16, 2012 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Location: City HaII- Commission Chnrnbers, 100 Orange Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 if you hove questions for us', or would like more information, nr would like fo lrnow ho~a~ to particii~ate in Jitture actrvitics, please seari an e-ntnil note ar call: Ms. Pamela ftdams at 9.54-7G4-13500 or e-mail at padams(?udamsconsultin,q.biz The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOTJ is conducting a study to evaluate an expanded role for the Port of Fort Pierce. The key question being asked is what would be the role the Port could contribute to a regional and state-wide transportation system? A consultant has been hired to collect, compile, analyze and share information to help determine whether additional study is warranted - if so, an update to the 2002 Port Master Plan will be completed The Facts: • The Port (of Fort Pierce) is a small cargo port with great potential to become an important part of Florida trade infrastructure. • Nearly ten years have passed since the last Port Master Plan update - in the same time, because of the economy, many communities have been adjusting their visions for economic sustainability. • FDOT is identifying stakeholders to collaborate by sharing their views of opportunities and challenges of expanded port activity given the changed conditions facing the Port. • A preliminary study phase is underway to assess strategic planning, collaboration, and investment strategies. This phase will act as a'go no go' phase to updating the existing Master Plan. • An evaluation that would also look at how many and what type of jobs could potentially be developed. FDOT recognizes that opportunities and challenges may differ for different individuals or organizations. It's good to see for yourself some of the questions we are frequently asking. What FDOT Wants to Know: / If stakeholders in the community are interested and willing to engage in a collaborative process that explores opportunities and challenges concerning the future of the Port. 3 / The market opportunities for the Port given the larger framework of o Florida's seaport system. ~ 3 a / If the community is committed to further explore additional opportunities at the Port. a o The following questions will be asked of the stakeholder groups. a `° ~' 1 Will you collaborate with the City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County to x discuss viable economic development options related to the Port? 2 How is your property being used now, and what. plans do you have for or see x for potential future use? 3 How properties in or near the Port could be developed positioning the Port x to be more competitive locally and globally? a What do you see as potential challenges related to possible pursuit of x x x expanded activity? 5 How do you envision expanded Port activity impacting the quality of life for x x x you and other residents in the region? 6 What do you see as potential challenges related to possible pursuit of x x x expanded activity? ~ How do you see expanded Port activity promoting economic development x for the Port for your industry and, specifically, for your business? s What would you see as potential economic benefits expanded Port activity? x x 9 How do you envision expanded Port activity coexisting with commercial and x x x residential development?