HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04-26-2012PUBLIC:AFETY COORDINATING COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting April 26, 2012 Convenede 3:38 p.m. Adjoyrned: 4:45 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Mowery called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m. in Conference Room # 3, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was takten. Me~nberf Pre=eni~ Commissioner Tod Mowery Chief Judge Steve Levin,l9t" Circuit Judge Philip 1. Vacucci,l9t" Circuit Justine Patterson, Florida Department of Corrections Scott Harloff for Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program Garry Wilson for I(en Mascara, Sheriff of SLC Major Pat Tighe, SLSO Diamond Litty, Public Defender Janet Collins, Bail Association Member= Ab:ent~ Bruce Colton, State Attorney John Romano, New Horizons Ober: Pre:enit: Marks Godwin, SLC Criminal Justice Coordinator Chris Harris, Majellan Health Trevor Morganti, SLSO Ethel Rowland, Taxpayer Broderickt Underwood, CJIS Analyst Lisa Savage, SLC Pre-Trial Program Lt. William McMahon, SLSO Victoria Filippini, Student APPROVAL OP MINUTEf: The minutes from February 23, 2012 were unanimously approved. Pabli~ fafety Coordinating Coaneil April Z6, ZO1Z Page Z UPDATE by fLC fherriff~s Offiee- Maior'iighe on behalf of fheriff Ma:eara: Major Tighe reported the jail's populations count at 1245 which includes 48 US Marshals Prisoners, and 21% of the population is mentally ill. Major Tighe had numerous hand-outs for everyone's review, and announced that Resolutions were going before the BOARD for Corrections Officer's Weep and Law Enforcement Weeks. A video "Incarceration Nation" was viewed and a general conversation followed by most members that discussed Re-Entry and Prevention/Intervention efforts taking place in the court system. The consensus of the members agreed that the programs have made a difference. http:/www.cbsnews.com/83o1-3445162-57418495/the-cost-of-a-nation-of-incarceration/1 tag=contentBod ;cbsCarousel Diamond Litty said she thinks; crime is down because we have combined these programs, again not to the extent that we need to but, crime is substantially down. Major Tighe wanted to remind everyone why we are here at the Public Safety Coordinating Council and that is to monitor the jail population. He reported it at 1245 today and once it hits 1265 that is 85% capacity and considered full to an administrator because of restrictions and guidelines that need to be followed. Major Tighe said that is why we need to talk about building alternatives and the cheapest way to do it. Commissioner Mowery read over some of the statistics on the Population report in regards to trackting trends from 2009 to where we are now and the costs associated with those numbers. He then turned it over to Marks Godwin for his report. UPDATE by Criminal ~a=ties Coordinator- Mark Godwin: Mr. Godwin informed members of a possible Pilot Project with the Juvenile Assessment Center, which would help with juveniles in the intervention phase of their entry into the system. Also, Mr. Godwin reviewed the Population Report (see attached). Mr. Godwin also reported that the Pretrial and Drug Lab were doing well. Members discussed an opportunity to participate in the National Institute of Corrections (NIC)"Mapping" project. The NIC is a huge operation and as the Major indicated, it would be a free technical assistance. Major Tighe remarked the justification to that is that the Clerks of Courts has switched to E-filing. He indicated that we know what we are doing today, but how will things be handled tomorrow. He suggested having a facilitator come in without subordinates, just in a room to discuss arrests all the way through to E-filing. Major Tighe pointed out that because technology has moved so fast, we may need a facilitator to see where we are today and where we may be tomorrow or next year. Major Tighe explained their intent is a facilitator not to tell us to do anything, we control that, and the facilitator would just keep us on point. The Major-said the number Thirteen Hundred does concern him and Chief Judge replied we are not there yet. Major Tighe explained some history of the population expansion since he first came to this community in 2002 and felt we can run into a safety issue. It was decided to move forward to at least looks into the mapping option with a facilitator. Pablie fafety Coordinabiny Coan~il April Z6, ZOt2 Paye 3 JUDICIAL UPDATE: Chief Judge reported all is been well with the five new courtrooms and is operational; it was worked on for the past four years. The last thing is they are moving the magistrates over from Seventh Street to the Main Courthouse because the Supreme Court has mandated that we had to have a unified Family Court. Chief Judge mentioned they have dipped into their Court Innovation fund to help out with Court Security and that has worked out well. Mental Health as well as Drug Court has gone well. He shared that a Judge in Martin County has enacted something like a juvenile diversion program for Rids that would not normally come into our system. Even his Juvenile Drug Court has had positive response and has almost done away with disciplinary issues in his courtroom. OLD BUfINEffe None HEW BUfiHEff~ Commissioner Mowery advised the group of potential parking issues he was informed of near the Courthouse and wanted to be proactive to avoid any future issues. The Chief Judge said he would asks Court Administration about it. A special guest, Victoria was introduced, my daughter attended the meeting for Take Your Son/Daughter to Work Day. AD~OURNMENI': Commissioner Mowery adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m. Submitted by, Carlene Busse THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE HELD May 31, 2012 St. Lucie 'County Criminal Justice System Y~eatlyRVe~ei(~a^Ls+1~r^npc~€e[ion~nnma,r r, c'~ua:~9Federeli~mr~s _ L ~ t't ~D311~PO~UI?titsry~ 2009 ~ z0a.o 2011. 2a1z 14sa ~...._...~...._..~.__:~~.~ _ _ ~ __ .._::_:~~ Average Population 1350 _ ._ ..~. _ .~. ... .. __. ~~tt ~ ~~~ 1300. ~,~., ~~ ,~..-,~.~s~.~ „,,,.. 1250 -~~ 1254:. __~-__w .._ ,.,.~- _ 1~~0 121 1205 ~`" 1'1.75 ~~1;z04 ,~~~,. ~' 1209 1172 1150 '~ .~.. - .~ ,~ ~ ~ ~. a~ ..~. ~~ ~ .. 1160 ~.~....~. 1050 .. ~,~...1Q6$ ~....~.. 1086 _..~..ew~~ _.,~ ~°~. ~. 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