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TDC 6-13-2012
ST. LI.ICIE COUNTY "I`OUItIS't' Di,Vl."I=OPMGN'f COUNCIL WOdhcsday,.lune 13,2012 St. Lucie Couhty Administration BUilciing, C'ogl'erence Room 3 1:30 p.m. J'LLsASL NtYi I PJf?1�� v1lili'19NC; I INIF) I. Cali to Orderr ........................... ... ;..... ........ ..... Commissioner Mowery 3. [toll Call ........... ............ :....:.... --- .....................................,... —. ....,.,Jennifer Garrity ................................ 3. Seif•Innoductions...... ......... —................................. ............ ... ... Corrnrlfs>loner Mowery, .............................. 4. Approval of Minutes from May 10, 3012—... ...... —.............. .... ................... .... Commissioner Moweq, 5. Financial K Web Re;port............................................. ...C'harlotte f3ircley a, April 2012 Revenue and P & I.. Report b, Website Annlytics/May e-Newsletter Results G. 2012 -Mets Spring Training Wrap Up.......... ....................................:.... ,........... Paul Taglleri 7. 2011 =2012 Travel Show Follow lip Report Chtu lofte Bireley 8: 2013 Proposed Budget Presentation... ............. ...„.... ...C'harlotte 131ri ley 9. Other Business....... ............... ............. ......... ....... Conmissioner Mower), 10. Public Comnienf............... ........... —.... .......................... ............. ...................... Commissioner Mowery II, Adjournment- ...... ___ .............. ......... .................................. ........... Commissioner Mowdry Please note— Meetings are recorded. Anyone with a disability requiring accontinoclatiun to attend this meeting should contact the St; Lucie "tourism Office at (772.) 4fi2-21 0 or fDD (772) 462-1428 tit least forty-eight (48) flours prior to the meeting. ST. LUCIE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, May 30, 2012 012:00 P.M. MINUTES Members present: Commissioner Tod Mowery, Chairman Vice -Mayor Linda Bartz, City of Port St. Lucie Commissioner Tom Perona, City of Fort Pierce Michelle MacNichol, Perfect Drive Golf Villas Marilyn Minix, Road Runner Travel Resort Chris Egan, Vistana's Beach Club — Sheraton PGA Ryan O'Connor, Sandhurst Hotel Linda Cox, St, Lucie County Chamber Paul Taglied, St, Lucie Mots Members absent: Staff present: Charlotte Bireley, Tourism Development Manager Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney Jennifer Garrity, Recording Secretary Michael Brillhart, Business Coneurrency Also present: Laura Thomas, Homewood Suitesv'— Anne Satterlee, City of Fort Pierce Rebecca Gardy, City of Fort Pierce Jon Ward, City of Fort Pierce Laura O'Brien, Port St, Lucie,Civic Center Rich Naibandian, Treasure Coast Sports Commission Tom Colucci, Treasure Coast Sports Commission Mark Harrison, Florida Ranch Tours. T P,, , Lisa Gilrane, Courtyard Hutchinson Island, Holiday Inn PSL 1. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Mowery called the meeting to order at 12:03 PM 2. ROLL CALL: Jennifer Garrity called roll. 3. SELF INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Attending guests identified themselves. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes from April 11, 2012 were approved. 5. FINANCIAL REPORT & WEB REPORT Charlotte Bireley reported that March 2012 revenue was up 3% compared to March 2011 Year to date revenue is up 11.4%. Tourist Development Council Meeting 0 May 30, 2012 Charlotte Bireley provided the TDC with a report on the activity of the St. Lucie County Tourism web site. Website activity report attached. STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP 6. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS - Thom Epsky 7. OUR HISTORY & SYNOPSIS OF WHERE WE HAVE BEEN -- Charlotte Lombard Charlotte Bireley gave a brief presentation on the history of Tourism in St. Lucie County. 8. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? — Thom Epsky a. Survey results — See Attached b. Our Vision Statement — The following Vision Statement was identified. By 2017, the St. Lucie County TDC will provide a greater impact in promoting St. Lucie as a top Florida destination for Eco/Adventure/Agri Tourism; amateur/professional sports; and other known assets, allowing for increased overnight stays. c. Our mission Statement To market St. Lucie County and its cities as a destination and to promote activities that will generate new or repeat visitors, thereby creating a positive economic impact for St. Lucie County. This is the current TDC Mission Statement that may be modified after the Strategic Planning Workshop's Executive Summary and report are completed. 9. MOVING FORWARD AND ACTION STEPS — Thom Epsky Thom Epsky will present to the TDC, the Strategic Planning Workshop's Executive Summary & Report at the July 2012 TDC meeting. 10, APPROVAL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING OUTCOMES — Thom Epsky Marilyn Minix made a motion to accept the TDC Vision Statement, Michelle MacNichol seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 4:10 PM. Page 2 of 2 TDCApr. 2012 Variance �YTO YTD April P & L Report Actual Budget Budget ATtuals Budget Varianc Bed Tax Revenue $ 42,544 $ 33,660 26% $ 4151 $ 254,320 39% Carryt-orward $ 19,042 $ 19,042 0% $ 1 ,293 $ 133,,2901 0% Interest $ 250 $ 250 0% $ 1; 50 $ 1750 0% Total Revenue $ 61,836 $ 52,952- 17% $ 489,1 4 $ 389,363 26% Direct expenses Salaries $ 4,901 $ 5,310 -8% $ 35,901 1,860 13% Benefits $ 1,335 $ 1,593 -16% $ 9,934 $ 9,558 4% Other Contract Services $ 239 $ 5,883 -96% $ 41,844 $ 35,298 19% Software Support $ 213 $ 883 - ° 76/ $ 9,813 $ 4;998 96% Travel $ 1,621 $ 500 224% $ 6,600 $ 3,000 120% Communications $ 205 $ 83 147% $ 1,127 498 126% Postage $ 539 $ 417 29% $ 4,441 496 78% Printing $ - $ 3,216 -100% $ 23,818 $ 191 96 23% Promotional Activities $ $ 83 -100% $ 4 8 61% Promotional Entertainment $ $ 83 -100% 0 $ 49 -70% Office Supplies $ 231 $ 42 451% 6 $ 252 105% Dues $ - $ 83 -100% 0 $ 498 53% Aid $ 22,500 $ 12,500 80% 7s,00a n ion G & A $ 2,121 $ 2,121 0% 7 $ 12,726 17% Materials Center $ 15 $ 83 -82% /3�1,869 $ 498 -82% Promotional Advertising $ 10,221 $ 6,250 64% $ 37,500 1% Tax Collector $ 1,217 $ 1,217 0% y 7,302 1 / Total Direct Expenses $ 45,358 $ 40,347 12% $ 776 241,776 37 Net Income $ 16,478 27% 32% YTD as of TDC Year to Date 2012 4/30/2012 Annual Variance P & L Report Actuals Budget Budget Bed Tax Revenue $ 354,151 $ 374,000 -5% Carry Forward $ 133,293 $ 228,501 -42% Interest $ 1,750 $ 3,000 -42% Total Revenue $ 489,194 $ 605,501 -19% Direct Expenses Salaries $ 35,901 $ 63,720 -44% Benefits $ 9,934 $ 19,120 -48% Other Contract Services $ 41,844 $ 70,600 -41% Software Support $ 9,813 $ 10,000 -2% Travel $ 6,600 $ 6,000 10% Communications $ 1,127 $ 1,000 13% Postage $ 4,441 $ 5,000 -11% Printing $ 23,818 $ 38,587 -38% Promotional Activities $ 803 $ 1,000 -20% Promotional Entertainment $ 150 $ 1,000 -85% Office Supplies $ 516 "$ Soo 3% Dues $ 760 $ 1,000 -24% Aid $ 127,500 $ 150,000 -15% G & A $ 14,847 $ 25,457 -42% Materials Center $ 88 $ 1,000 -91% Promotional Advertising $ 45,208 $ 75,000 -40% Tax Collector $ 8,519 $ 14,604 -42% Total Direct Expenses $ 331,869 $ 483,588 -31% Net income $ 157,325 32% i Charlotte Bireley From: Sent: To: Subject: A,Loci Florida .Au14F UPCOMING if, LIJOE EV[I--N r Civic Center UV[I improvisational Connedy Friday, June 1, 8:30pm Pon 5t Lucie Civic Center, Port St. Lucie Baseball & Fireworks St, Lucie Mats vs. Jupiter Hammerheads Wednesday, July 4, 6:30pm Digital Domain Park, Port SI, Lucie Jazz Jam at Fort St. Lucie botanical Gardens Wednesday, August 8, 6:30-9:30 pm St. Lucie County <info@enlail.visitstluciefla.com> Tuesday, May 01, 2012 UO PM Charlotte Lombard Discover a Fishing and Boating Paradise Welcop,g ig St. Lucie. Plonda -nnlfle to the City of Fart Pierce, fire City of Potl St, Urole and the 69achas of Hutchinson Island. Thank you for Signing up to reudive Gii"tat Inlortpattgri dbadt all the wondedul things to do end places to 81ay in our beautiful and pdallAu, area. Sommer Is Around the corner And that means tun in the sun and (uri on than water, so make plans to visit apt fishing anti boating paradise) Idol f-latel Beachfiont (-aeliFt Golf 1. w Port St, Lucie Botanical Gardens, Port St, Lucia DOWntown Fort Pierce Farmers Market Saturday, August 11, 8c00am — Noon Marina Square, Downtown Fort Pierce Rising gas PflCes Put a damper Oil any vacation, but St. Lucie always has hotel deals to keep your vacation alferd:Ible: Wtrethar It's a Popular chain hotel or a quaint, family-overa d Properly, We have it all, Rlu' :, St Lucie is one of the only Places In Honda Hird offers horseback di ing on the beech. This memorable activity happens at one of our "lost beautiful and Isolated beaches.fl65arvaUana unqulrea. Pori St. Lucie is home to the world -Imams PGA Village and dozens of otltor publio and seri8-private gall boluses that stilt all levels of Play It's affordable, toe Come get your swing our You are feenVing this email because you have arousal up to receive more inloonallon about St Lucie County. To unsubscribo, click new, St Lucie County Tourist Development Gouncli 2300 Vitamin Ave i Pori Pierce 1111 134902 St. Lucie a -Blast Results Subject Line: Discover a Fishing and boating Paradise Sent: May 1, 2012 Sent Delivered % Delivered soft Bounce Hard Bounce Total Bounce 14,744 _� 11,430 77.52/-- -281 3033 331A ...._-. tVleil 8ipclGdmplalgk§, i1 � b r b: �fi sylisa ►i r# TtA, -048 170 34II 3.04% �4+""(`ru aFsir .e„1'� r�r la f, q^.m�y q �.;�fz ,y Jq,,-�.�,t s,.o�. c��r�.�.' Lam=: �t�» �x;�.t �'t1 x tr:a!_ � • Sent: the number of subscribed email addresses in the list • Delivered: the number of emails that are successfully sent to subscribers' inhoxes • Hard bounce: email addresses that are invalid or otherwise blocked • Soft bounce: email addresses that are recognized, but cannot receive email because of a full Inbox, temporary unavailable server, or other reasons • Mail blocks: the recipient's email service is blocking email from the sending server • Abuse complaints recipients reported an email as spam • Uniqueopens: the number of unique recipients who opened the email • Unique clicks: the number of unique clicks on links within the email • Unsubscribes. the number of recipients who chose to opt -out of future makings by clicking an unsubscribe link Jennifer Garr! From: Charlotte Bireley Sent: Tuesday; July 03, 2012 10:22 AM To: Jennifer Garrity, Subject: FW: St, Lucie County Digital Domain Park 2012 Highlights Charlotte Lombard Bireley St, Lurie County Tourism 772.462A539 ofc 772A62.6431 fax 772-480,6375 cell 2300 Virginia Avenue rL Pierce, rL 34982 w ww. v i s i is t l u c l of I a. c o m nWd Florida M, t uo, • HUe,'i ti intZ;rt t-,L1gd From: Paul Taglieri r a'WQ.-pta Iieri stlnciemets.comj Sent: Wednesday, June,13, 2012 9:41 AM To: Charlotte Bireley CC: Paul Taglied Subject: FW: St. Lucie County Digital Domain Park 2012 Highlights Charlotte, Please accept my apologizes for not being able to attend today's meeting. Here are some highlights from spring training and the complex to share with the TDC. + 2012 Attendance 80,377 in 15 home games, compared to 2011 attendance of 87,413 in 17 games. (attendance slightly down due to the difference in the number home games, but ticket revenue increased from last year due to slight ticket price adjustements), E Set single game attendance record on April 3, 2012 vs. NY Yankees with a crowd of 7,644 # NY Mots signed lease extension with St. Lucie County lease expires 2023 (present lease Was to expire in 2018) • NY Mets received $2.75 million dollars in facility capital improvements for the extension o Removed right field bleachers / added a 16,000 sq. ft. party deck with 504 box seats (this addition built complete connectivity throughout entire stadium) c) Added a baktronics 36ft. x 20ft. high definition video board to stadium scoreboard o About to begin construction renovation project to stadium fan shop Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Paul 7aglierl Please Note: Florida has very fgnarl p4Nlt@ lercuos laris 1,1r t vr((Iten cnnunruu al nos Ic or from Chanty ofFlCnls regarding f ounly _ inIslIlls s are, public wolda avallahM to file public and III alto Upnrt Its the palsy of St Luria r,ounly (Lnl aIt County t?cords all all 1 )pen for pWawa I lur.,p i tort, exapanapon and; up sopying Yqm n ma➢ colpriuu`Cauons will he subfsct lit public dlscioiure nrileai an oxeloplioo appling to If)(,, communic.rdion If you u_caWQa Silly sIpLIjl 4r srroi. Please Onlify IIIB Sender fiy folly r.-mall and delcto all materials from all aunpotoo, TRAVEL SHOWS 2011-2012 Summary of Results Travel shows take place in nearly every major city of the world. The travel shows listed below were chosen In key 5t. Lucie County markets that complement our marketing strategy, At every show, the schedule is structured to target the travel industry (travel agents, travel writers, media) as well as the consumer or potential visitor. The one-on-one sales time with these individuals is a very important factor to help sell the area as a destination, Every show increases awareness about our area and generates LOOS of leads for future marketing. Samples of handouts attached.. EVERY travel show was purchased it) partnership with either Visit Florida or Martin County allowing our exhibitor expenses and show costs to be cut in half. MONTREAL, OCTOBER 21-23, 2011 _ 37,250 Number of attendees 550/450 _ Travel Guides/Brochures distributed — n/a Data collected *Brochures were shipped to be distributed at the St. Lurie County/Martin County booth. Staff did not attend the show, therefore travel costs were not incurred. CHICAGO, JANUARY 2$ — 29, 2012 17,650 Number of attendees 480 Travel Guides distributed 79,(trade) Data collected GERMANY—MOTORRAD.MES$E ULM, FEBRUARY 16 —19, 2012* 23,000 ---- Number of attendees 600/250 - -- Travel Gdides/Brochures distributed n/a Data collected -, vuiul en were ainppeu to oe custrmutea at the St. LUCIe COUnty/Martin County/Indian River County booth. Staff did not attend the show, therefore travel costs were not incurred. BOSTON, FEBRUARY 10-12, 2012 24,216 Number of attendees 600 Travel Guides distributed 744 Data collected WASHINGTON, DC, MARCH 17 16,950 Number of attendees 600 Travel Guides distributed 678 Data collected Q N rD 3 C) 0 N TS 0 R D � ro Q � rr m 1'TI (D fU . UP Cn r� S33 CD O lJ> O N 3 rh w ar :p Ln o) o Cl (D y O r+ m rn U) (n m r In. Itn v}CD *ur ur t� to : cn ry s C) O (D O'O.'�s4- AD W <D CD 0 CD r.G7 0 C7 O CS�-��. O O'er NJ �. g• ,� ^ ,a NJ m m w CD 3 N N CD CDNO N C) CD C7 fiJ ` CiJ CD X CD CD r F 3' {i? (D CD w C 0- E co Q cr N � �} -n 0 � W r t I -' C`' '' Jj y A tJl i IX 0 m m 50 -9 z m X -i mQ z 0 m q z G) ( § 2 o § � ¥ ! E \ .. G O CO @ / m | J / O z 00 /gym CD z � @ ®r | 0 © 9 z Q z e o 9 / / k m 9 � \