Meeting Held On
October 17, 2012
Convened at 3:02 p.m.
Adjourned at 4:05p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday
October 17, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken. Quorum present.
Members Presents Mayor Bob Benton, City of Fort Pierce, Chair
Bradley). Currie, Land Design South, Vice Chair
Vice -Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL
Marty Lavin, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast
Mary Chapman
Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA
Members Absents David Sousa, St. Lucie Village
Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village
Gerald Kuklinski
Also Presents Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney
Don West, Public Works Director
Mark Satterlee, Planning, SLC
Joshua Revord, Dredging and Marine Consultants
Linda Hudson, Candidate/CFP
Charles Grande, Candidate County Commissioner
Pamela Adams AGC
Michelle Peary, AECOM
Tom McGowan, AECOM
Jim Karas, Port Consulting Team
Richard C. 511vertri
OLD BUSINESSo Minutes from the September 19, 2012 meeting were approved.
STAFF COMMENTfs Update from Don West, Public Works Director concerning relocating
channel markers for safety reasons. This will be completely handled by our Parks and Facility
Department as they have a line item in their budget that cover the expenses through boating
registration dollars that come in from Tax Collectors Office. The US Coast Guard determines
the locations of channel markers, and must approve the re -locations through a permitting
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Don also updated the Committee Member about the Channel Inlet Dredging, due to the
Board of County Commissioners declaring an emergency, the County is now able to go out for
3 bids, the project will go to the lowest bidder, and the County Administrator will be able to
sign for up to $260,000 as this is the projected cost of the project per Board approval.
Don explained that AECOM was able to help the County secure a permit quickly due to the
fact that this is a small volume to be dredged and that the project is a declared emergency.
Tom McGowan explained that there is an area that is in need of pushing or moving sand to
level the area so that ships can come through at a 28' depth and the dredge will only be
moving the sand around and not removing the spoil material.
Don introduced Pamela Adams to the Committee Members to cover the update with the Port
Master Plan. All Members were e-mail Phase II of the Port Master Plan prior to the meeting
for review. Members discussed whether or not to maize a recommendation to the Board of
County Commissioners and when would be a good time to do so. After much discussion and
with a few revisions to the Port Master Plan Phase II scope document, Brad Currie, Vice
Chairman made a motion to malze a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners
to move forward with Phase II of the Port Master Plan, Marty Lavin 2"d the motion, all were in
favor except Ms. Chapman.
ADJOURNMENTS At 4:05 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting to
be held is Wednesday November 21, 2012 at 3:00 pm, in the 3`d Floor Conference Room.
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