HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes January 22, 2012 Extension AdvisorySt. Lucie County Extension Advisory Council
Minutes of Meeting
January 22, 2013
Extension Classroom
Members in Attendance: Pat Alley; Gracie Bryant; Pat Gostel; Pat Dunn; Ed Lounds;
Conrad Hardie; Buzz Eaves; Parker Platts; and Kathryn Hensley
Members Excused: Brant Schirard; Louis Forget Jr.; Linda Cox; Ann McMullian;
Donna Rhoden; and Linda Minton
Staff/Guests in Attendance: Anita Neal; Ken Gioeli; Tim Gaver; Sue Munyan; Karla Lenfesty;
Karen Murphy; and Alfreda Souter, Executive Aide to
Commissioner Johnson
The meeting was called to order at 9 A.M. by Chairman Hensley.
Old Business
L Approval of the October 2.4rd Meeting Minutes
Chairman Hensley noted there was not a quorum present so no vote could be taken.
77. Update on UF/IFAS Regional Advisory Meeting — Ed Lounds
Ed Lounds attended the Regional Advisory Meeting at Baum Research and Education Center.
He reported that most of the discussion was dedicated to the budget; particularly of funding for
PhUs at the region's research centers. Dr. Nick Place, the new Dean of Extension was
introduced at the meeting.
'ISm Gaver asked if regionalization of Extension offices was discussed. Mr. Lounds said that it
was not, but there could be possible changes in Okeechobee and Indian River Counties. He
indicated that the discussion at the Regional Advisory meeting turned to the counties working to
support Extension with regard to unfunded mandates, and in turn, OF needs to support
Extension also.
Anita Neal reminded the advisory members that it is their role to remind others of what
Extension does. They could provide elected officials and the public with the annual report and
success stories that come from Dr. Schaefer.
Mr. Lounds noted that counties work better and run better when working in cooperation with
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Chairman Hensley reported that as a whole, the effort is and has been to get more of a
University of Florida (UF) presence here. She mentioned there is a new dean of the Pharmacy
school and indicated that that person may be open to the idea of locating a Pharmacy school in
our area because there is a need. If the USDA Horticultural Lab could get federal funding and
expand, another building could be built, providing more laboratories for research or educational
At this time Alfreda Souter, Executive Aide to Commissioner Icm Johnson was welcomed and
New Business
III. Planning for the USDA Open House Tasting and "Know Your Farmer, Know
Your Food."
On Wednesday, April 3rd Extension will be providing a tasting event during the USDA
Horticultural Laboratory's annual Open House event. Currently organizers expect
approximately 16o high school children from several schools to tour the facility, and attend the
tasting. Area growers will be displaying foods grown in our area, and may donate those which
will be prepared for the event. The Open House will take place from io A.M. to 3 P.M. and the
"Taste of Florida" food -tasting event will be from 11:3o A.M. to 1 P.M.
As in past years, Margaret Ash, Culinary Director for Fort Pierce Central High School and her
students will prepare the food and 4-H volunteers will assist with surveying the participants.
Menu highlights will include using prepared Asian vegetables, citrus, and honey. This will be
not only a marketing opportunity for Extension, but for agriculture as well.
IL Nomination of Sub -Committee for Smith -Lever Act Celebration in 2014
In 2014 the Smith -Lever Act will be celebrated. The Morrill Act granted each state land for a
university, and the Smith -Lever Act in 1914 established Extension offices which were put in
place to disseminate this research -based information.
Extension's Morrill Act event held in 2012 was a success and Extension is hoping to be even
more successful with the Smith -Lever celebration in 2014. Once again, Extension hopes to
partner with the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) and others.
It was noted that there was a lot of media coverage for the event and many people
"discovered" Extension that were not aware of its existence.
Pat Gostel volunteered for the sub -committee; it was suggested the committee be composed
of the same people as the last sub -committee. Pat Alley also volunteered. Pat Gostel thought
this time there should be more of an emphasis on involving the County decision makers.
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Anita thought it would make a statement if all the Extension offices did something on the
same day. Ken thought it would be great to see a map of Florida online where one could view
counties that recognized these events with resolutions and proclamations.
III. Extension Marketing Toolbox —What information can Extension provide
Advisory members to promote Extension
Anita indicated that along with UF's annual report advisory members would receive
information on actual Extension success stories, where Extension has had a positive impact on
the community's lives. Extension 4-H and Master Gardener employees would be listed in a
dollar amount showing the value of our volunteers.
Chairman Hensley reminded members that it is okay and encouraged to bring up the topic of
Extension at speaking engagements and at other meetings.
Parker Platts said that cattle prices are going up and that the cattle industry in our area is
bigger than it has ever been. He was wondering who he could get the actual numbers from. It
was suggested that the Cattlemen's Association would possibly have those figures.
Pat Alley requested an Extension staff description, along with a listing of programs. This
would assist with promoting Extension. There was also a request to be notified of future events.
In promoting Extension, there was discussion of disseminating information to both cities, the
commissioners, and County Administration to familiarize them with what Extension provides
the community. Everyone needs to know that Extension is much more than just agriculture.
There was discussion of keeping only active and attending members on the Council. Conrad
Hardie offered to look at the attendance records.
Pat Alley invited Extension staff to participate in the Sandy Shoes Festival's annual "Squeeze
Off' on March 23rd at 1 PM.
Ms. Souter said that Commissioner Johnson was unable to attend the meeting due to another
commitment. Karen Murphy told the members that Ms. Outlaw was out of town and therefore
unable to attend as well.
There being no further discussion the meeting ended at io: io AM.
Pat Dunn, Secretary
Cc: Dr. Joe Schaefer, DED