HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes March 13, 2012Uirifru~E,sc~me
S~ C[~
f-i, Pierce •. t?oir5t. Lurie
• Haihinson Island
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
3`d floor Conference Room
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce 34982
1:30 p.rn.
Call to Order .................................................................................
Roll Call ........................................................................................
Self-Introductions .........................................................................
Approval of Minutes fi~om February 13, 2013 .........................
Financial & Web Report ..........................................................
a. January 2013 Revenue and P & L Report
b. 5'~ Cent Capital Fund Report
c. Website Analytics
d. E-Newsletter Results
SEAL Museum Grant Agreement Payout Proposal ................
Other Business .........................................................................
Public Cornment .....................................................................
Adj ourmnent ............................................................................
.............Commissioner Dzadovsky
..............................Jennifer Garrity
.............Commissioner Dzadovsky
............. Commissioner Dzadovsky
............................Charlotte Bireley
...........................................Charlotte Bireley
........................... Commnissioner Dzadovsky
..................... Commmissioner Dzadovsky
........................... Conunissioner Dzadovsky
By 2017, the St. Lucie County Tourist Development Council will provide a greater impact in promoting St.
Lucie as a top Florida destination for Eco/Adventure/Agri Tourism; amatem•/professional sports; and
other lrnown assets, allowing for increased overnight stays.
Please note -Meetings are recorded.
Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie
Tourism Office at (772) 462-2130 m• TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 0 1:30 P.M.
Members present: Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky, Chairman
Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of Port St. Lucie
Linda Cox, St. Lucie County Chamber
Chris Egan, Vistana's Beach Club -Sheraton PGA
Ryan O'Connor, Sandhurst Hotel
Members absent: Commissioner Tom Perona, City of Fort Pierce
Marilyn Minix, Road Runner Travel Resort
Michelle MacNichol, Perfect Drive Golf Villas
Paul Taglieri, St. Lucie Mets
Staff present: Katherine Barbieri, St. Lucie County Attorney
Edward Matthews, Parks, Recreation, & Facilities Director
Guy Medor, St. Lucie County
Charlotte Bireley, St. Lucie County
Jennifer Garrity, St. Lucie County
Also present: Jon Ward, Fort Pierce Authentic Tours/City of Fort Pierce
Anne Satterlee, Fort Pierce Authentic Tours/City of Fort Pierce
John Wilkes, Sunrise Theatre
Tom Colucci, Treasure Coast Sports Commission
Rich Nalbandian, Treasure Coast Sports Commission
Kelsie Stickles, Holiday Inn Express Fort Pierce
Craig Mundt, Navy SEAL Museum
1. CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Dzadovsky called the meeting to order at 1:42
2. ROLL CALL: Jennifer Garrity called roll.
Attending guests identified themselves.
The minutes from January 9, 2013 were approved.
Charlotte Bireley reported that December 2012 revenue was down 15% compared to
Tourist Development Council Meeting 0 February 13, 2013
December 2011. Year to date revenue is down 12%.
Charlotte Bireley reported the balance in the 5lh cent Capital Fund to be $257,924.00.
Charlotte Bireley provided the TDC with a report on the activity of the St. Lucie
County Tourism web site. Website activity report attached.
Tom Colucci gave an update on past and future sporting events in St. Lucie County.
Presentation attached.
Commissioner Dzadovsky spoke about the possible partnerships for the Web Cam
on the beach. Discussion ensued with board members.
Edward Matthews, Director for Parks, Recreation, & Facilities, gave an update on the
Lawnwood Baseball expansion project.
Commissioner Dzadovsky discussed the possibility of Hotels having a meet and
Jon Ward mentioned the possibility of a Bed and Breakfast opening in Edgar Town
in Fort Pierce and gave an update on FPAT.
Chris Egan mentioned the St. Lucie Chamber of Commerce event taking place at
Vice Mayor Linda Bartz spoke about Club Med and the possible cuts in the race
circuit held at their location.
John Wiles from the Sunrise gave an update on upcoming events.
Meeting adjourned at 3:18 PM.
Page 2 of 2
TDCJan 2013 Variance
P & L Report Actual Budget Budget
Bed Tax Revenue $ 53,040 $ 49,500 7%
Carry Forward $ 19,042 $ 25,552 -25%
Interest $ 250 $ 250 0%
Total Revenue $ 72,332 $ 75,302 -4%
Direct Expenses
Salaries $ 4,778 $ 4,448 7%
Benefits $ 2,083 $ 1,718 21%
Other Contract Services $ 3,655 $ 2,917 25%
Software Support $ - $ 833 -100%
Travel $ 218 $ 833 -74%
Communications $ 145 $ 83 74%
Postage $ 2,712 $ 583 365%
Printing $ 24,235 $ 2,500 869%
Promotional Activities $ 2,957 $ 250 1083%
Promotional Entertainment $ - $ 250 -100%
Office Supplies $ 166 $ 83 100%
Dues $ - $ 83 -100%
Aid $ 47,666 $ 12,500 281%
G & A $ 5,156 $ 5,156 0%
Materials Center $ - $ 83 -100%
Promotional Advertising $ 19,427 $ 16,667 17%
Tax Collector $ 1,217 $ 1,217 0%
Total Direct Expenses $ 114,415 $ 50,204 128%
Net Income $ (42,083) -58%
YTD as of
TDC Year to Date 2013 1/31/2013 Annual Variance
P & L Report Actuals Budget Budget
Bed Tax Revenue $ 152,294 $ 450,000 -66%
Carry Forward $ 89,188 $ 306,622 -71%
Interest $ 1,000 $ 3,000 -67%
Total Revenue $ 242,482 $ 759,622 -68%
Direct Expenses
Salaries $ 21,531 $ 53,370 -60%
Benefits $ 10,105 $ 20,620 -51%
Other Contract Services $ 6,745 $ 35,000 -81%
Software Support $ 9,600 $ 10,000 -4%
Travel $ 218 $ 10,000 -98%
Communications $ 650 $ 1,000 -35%
Postage $ 3,480 $ 7,000 -50%
Printing $ 24,235 $ 30,000 -19%
Promotional Activities $ 2,957 $ 3,000 -1%
Promotional Entertainment $ - $ 3,000 -100%
Office Supplies $ 657 $ 1,000 -34%
Dues $ 608 $ 1,000 -39%
Aid $ 90,166 $ 150,000 -40%
G & A $ 17,589 $ 61,868 -72%
Materials Center $ 127 $ 1,000 -87%
Promotional Advertising $ 49,911 $ 200,000 -75%
Tax Collector $ 4,868 $ 14,604 -67%
Total Direct Expenses $ 243,447 $ 602,462 -60%
Net income $ (965) 0%
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St. Lucie County -Email results
Targeting: Entire List
Subject Line: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in St. Lucie!
Sent: February 20, 2013
471 331 1861 1.34%
e ~e• o ®a• ®®-
3063 2189 15.80%
a e -
365 246 1.78 % 11.24
Sent: the number of subscribed email addresses in your list
Delivered: the number of emails that are successfully sent to subscribers' inboxes
Hard bounce: email addreses that are invalid or otherwise blocked
Soft bounce: email addresses that are recognized, but cannot receive email
because of a full inbox, temporary unavailable server, or other reasons
Mail blocks: the recepient's email service is blocking email from the sending server
Abuse complaints: receipients reported an email as Spam
Unique opens: the number of unique recipients who opened the email
Unique clicks: the number of unique clicks on links within the email
Unsubscribes: the number of recipients who chose to opt-out of future mailings
by clicking an unsubscribe link
coll~nson~~~~r~ {pia
z~i Ei'~'~' j3 ((ts`
If you have any questions about this report, please contact Caroline Niziol (cniziol@collinsonmedia.com).
Collinson Media & Events 115 Technology Parkway South Suite 250 I Norcross, GA 30092
From: Caroline Niziol
To: Charlotte Bireley
Subject: Re: TEST HTML :: It"s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in St. Lucie!
Date: Monday, February 11, 2013 1:42:57 PM
Hello Charlotte,
Thanks for approving! I've added the email address to your list as well as the leads
that were sent over recently. The email will go out tomorrow morning, 2/12. You will
get a report in a week's time.
Best regards,
Caroline Niziol
Digital Marketing Coordinator
collinson media
& events
15 Technology Pkwy. S., Suite 250
Norcross, Georgia 30092
O: 678.987.9970
F: 770.582.9898
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Charlotte Bireley <BirelevC(a stlucieco.org>
Hi Caroline,
The newsletter is good to go.
Please let me know when you deploy it.
Also, will you please add the following address to the distribution list?
fpcmdeanr~city-ftpierre rom
Thank you.
Charlotte Lombard Bireley
Manager of Tourism & Venues
St. Lucie County
772.462.1539 ofc
772.462.1128 fax
772.480.6375 cell
2000 Virginia Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
www.visitstl uciefla.com
From: Caroline Niziol [mailto:cniziolnacollinsonmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, February il, 2013 12:03 PM
To: Charlotte Bireley
Subject: Re: TEST HTML :: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in St. Lucie!
Hmm. Well, here is a screenshot of what I see in the test email -- it's definitely
being sent, so I'm not sure it's cutting off in your email when you see the forward.
Caroline Niziol
Digital Marketing Coordinator
collinson media
& events
15 Technology Pkwy. S., Suite 250
Norcross, Georgia 30092
O: 678.987.9970
F: 770.582.9898
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Charlotte Bireley <BireleyCCo stlucieco.org>
No, still can't see it
Charlotte Lombard Bireley
Manager of Tourism & Venues
St. Lucie County
772.462.1539 ofc
772.462.1128 fax
772480.6375 cell
2000 Virginia Avenue
Ft. Pierce, FL 34982
www. vis i tstl uci efla. com
l~,¢iF~tur~~.~r3 v~ ~
Fk, ('is ~ ra ~ ~ brr bt, Ltd{jq
From: Caroline Niziol [mailto:cniziolCalcollinsonmedia.com]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 10:27 AM
To: Charlotte Bireley
Subject: Fwd: TEST HTML :: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in St. Lucie!
Can you see the bottom text now? If not I'll send a screenshot of the area.
Caroline Niziol
Digital Marketing Coordinator
collinson media
& events
15 Technology Pkwy. S., Suite 250
Norcross, Georgia 30092
O: 678.987.9970
F: 770.582.9898
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: St. Lucie County <info(a~email.visitstluciefla.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:06 PM
Subject: TEST HTML :: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year in St. Lucie!
To: cniziol(a~collinsonmedia.com
You are receiving this email as a test mailing. Some contents of this email may not display and/or
behave properly. Learn more...
Comedy Niaht
Feb. 23, 2013
Port SL Lucie
Civic Center
(772) 807-4488
~ rl ~
In St. Lucie, Florida -home to the City.
of Fort Pierce, the City of Port St. Lucie
and the breathtaking beaches of
Hutchinson Island-we sing this tune
during the winter months when we are
enjoying sunny, warm weather (think 70s
and low BDSI) almost on a daily basis. li
Fort Pierce really IS the most wondedul time of the
~aa & BiUPS year in St. Lucie!
Concert Outdoor activities abound when the
humidity is low, the air is cool and the
Mar. 6, 2013 skies are bluer than ever. Enjoy the peak
6:30pm time for catching sailfish offshore. 00
Port St. Lucie your charter here. Grab your clubs and
Bot nb tee off at nearly two dozen golf courses.
Gardens ° Pack your binoculars and catch a °
Fort Pierce glimpse at the amazing migratory bird
(772) 337-1959 fallouts that happen every spring - c ick
here for information. Work on your ion at
one of our many pristine and uncrowded
beaches. Parking and admission is
F{OOke(1 OU always freel And don't miss your chance
i~iUSIC to see Major League Baseball up close
F2StIVai -the New York Mets start their Spring
Training a[ the end of February in Port
Mar. 30, 2013 St. Lucie. Get vour tickets now.
1 pm -tam
1 ve. A
° Downtown Fort ° Now that's just a small sampling of all
Pierce there is to tlo in St. Lucie. Be sure to
(7721 461-0880 check out our Ho[ Hotel Deals below and
book your trip today!
Fort Pierce
st r
Apr. 6, 2013 _.
10am - 7pm
Downtown Fort
° Not Hotel Deals ° ICY Mets
Sprina Training
St. Lucie always has hotel
o deals to keep your vacation
affordable. Whether it's a pp
°Let's Go Mets! Spring
popular chain hotel or a Training games start on
quaint, family-owned Saturday, February 23 and
property, we have it all. go through Fritlay, March
29. Get your tickets nowt .
° Primetime for
Bird Watchers
°~t's peak season for ioatls of
migratory birds that choose
St Lucie as their
destination. You should,
You are receving ihls email because you have signed up to receive
more Information about St. Lucie County.
To unsubscdbe, click heie..
St. Lucie County Tourist Development Council
2300 Virginia Ave i Fort Pierce i FL i 34982
Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County offcials regarding County
business are public records available to the public and media upon request. II is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County
records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject [o public
disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. if you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-
mail and delete all materials from all computers.
Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most wdtten communications to or from County officials regarding County
business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County
records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public
disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-
mail and delete all materials from all computers.
TO: Tourist Development Council
FROM: Charlotte Bireley, Manager, Tourism & Venues
DATE: March S, 2013
RE: Proposed SEAL Museum Grant Agreement Payout
In September 2010, the County entered into a 5-year Grant Agreement with the SEAL Museum to
allocate future TDC capital funds generated from the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development
Tax. As per the Grant Agreement, the County has paid regular monthly payments to the SEAL
Museum in the amount of $7,632.08 in accordance with the amortization table for the
construction loan that was received by the museum in order to fund an 8,500 square foot
expansion. The agreement was not to exceed $470,000 including interest.
Asper section 4a of the Grant Agreement, it states that "Lifter the first year of the term, the County
shall have the right to prepay the principal amount of the loan in whole or in part." By April 15,
2013, the SEAL Museum's loan payout amount will be $231,156.73 with a daily interest amount of
The County currently has a balance of $250,339 in reserves of the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist
Development Tax fund. An additional $25,000 is also available in the grant agreement's contract
reserve fund. If the County were to exercise its right to payout the loan, the interest savings on the
loan would be approximately $18,609.
Staff recommends the Tourist Development Council consider approval to exercise its right to
payout the loan in an amount not to exceed $231,156.73 no sooner than April 15, 2013 using the
reserve funds in the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax fund.
c: Faye Outlaw, MPA, ICMA-CM
Edward R. Matthews, Director, Parks, Recreation, Facilities
Jennifer Hill, Budget Manager, Office of Management & Budget
C 10-0~-3~
(Tourist Development)
THI56RANTA6REEMENT("Agreement"),between ST. LUCIECOUNTY,apolitical
subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County" and UDT-SEAL MUSEUM
ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not for profit corporation qualified under 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code, or its successors and nssigns, hereinafter called the "Recipient"
(hereinafter, County and Recipient may be individually referred to as a "Party" or collectively
as the "Parties").
WHEREAS, the Recipient had forty thousnnd (40,000) local, state, national and
international visitors to the NATIONAL NAVY UDT-SEAL MUSEUM last year; and
WHEREAS, the Recipient is the operator of the NATIONAL NAVY UDT-SEAL
MUSEUM located in St. Lucie County, Florida, which is planning approximately a 8,400 square
foot expansion; and
WHEREAS, the Recipient has requested that the County assist in funding the
MUSEUM expansion by allocating four hundred thousand and 0/100 {$400,000.00) dollors
from the monies generated from 33% of the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tnx; and
WHEREAS, the County does not currently have the funds available to fully fund the
proposed expansion but is willing to pledge future monies to the Recipient from the 33% of
the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tax for up to five (5) years to fund a maximum of
$400,000, plus interest; and
WHEREAS, the Recipient is willing to finance the construction of the expansion by
obtaining a loan from a financial institution for the monies needed to construct the expansion;
WHEREAS, the County is not pledging any revenue source other than 33%of the Fifth
Cent Tourist Development Tax.
IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits received by each Party, the Parties
mutually agree as follows:
1. The County has agreed to disperse to the Recipient an amount not to exceed
four hundred seven thousnnd and 00/100 dollars ($470,000.00) including interest at o rate
5:\ATTY\A6REEMNTUDT-Seol Muteum.wpd -1-
not to exceed~/a ("Grunt") from the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tax over a period of
5 years for construction of a 8,400 square-foot building addition (the "Project"). The sole
source for the County's grant is 33% of the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tax. The County
makes no representation or guaranty that the allocation of the County's Fifth Cent Tourist
Development Tax will generate a specific amount. In no event shall the recipient be able to
compel the County to levy an nd-valorem tax. In no event shall the recipient be able to compel
the County to disperse any other Tourist Development Tax monies.
2. The Project Manager for the County is Charlotte Lombard, who may be reached
by telephone at (772) 462-1539. The Project Manager for the Recipient is Cnpt. Michael R.
Howard, USN Ret., who may be reached by telephone at (772) 595-5845.
3. The Grant shall only be used by the Recipient for the construction of the
Project in accordance with the St. Lucie County Tourist Development Council Capital Grants
Program 2009/2010 Handbook and Recipient's Application, copies of which are attached
hereto and incorporated herein ns Exhibits "A" and "B" respectively. To the extent there is
a conflict between the Handbook and this Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. With the
consent of the County, the Recipient may modify the application because of physical, financial
or legal circumstances. Independent of the Grant Agreement, the Recipient agrees to obtain
n loan to fund the expansion. The County shall not be obligated to sign or co-sign the note.
4, The procedures for disbursing payments pursuant to the Grunt are set forth
below ns follows:
a. In accordance with the terms set out above, the County agrees to pay
to the Recipient an amount not to exceed $470,000 including interest at a rate not to exceed
~/° subject to receipt of sufficient funds from the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tax.
The County agrees to pay these monies in monthly payments (subject to receipt of sufficient
funds from the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tnx) for five (5) years beginning on October
i, 2010 and continuing on the first day of each succeeding month over the five year term in
accordance with the amortization table attached as Exhibit "C". After the first year of the
term, the County shall have the right to prepay the principal amount in whole or in part.
b. The Parties agree that the Recipient shall begin construction on or
before April 30, ZO11 and shall complete construction of the Project on or before March 1,
2012. Parties agree that if at anytime before o certificate of occupancy is issued the
construction is halted, p~ment of the monies will cease.
c. The parties agree that the construction and landscaping plans for the
Project must be reviewed and approved by the County before construction begins which
5:\ATN\A6REEMNT\UDT-Seal Museum.wpd '2'
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Recipient agrees to contract with a licensed
contractor to construct the Project. The contract between the Recipient and the contractor
shall include provisions requiring the contractor to: (a) provide a public construction bond
consistent with Section 255.05, Florida Statutes (2009); (b) general liability insurance with
limits of of least 1,000,000/2,000,000 naming the County and the State of Florida as
additional named insureds; (c) comply with applicable federal, state and local rules and
regulations; and (d) comply with green technology and building standards to the maximum
extent possible. The Parties agree that the County will be notified upon completion of the
Project and provided an opportunity to perform an on-site inspection.
d. The County will establish a reserve fund from the proceeds of 33°/a of the Fifth
Cent Tourist Development Tax in the amount of $25,000.00 upon the commencement of the
term. The reserve funds would be used in the event of a revenue shortfall and shall be
replenished and maintained at the $25,000 for the five (5) year term or such time as the
Recipient's loan is satisfied from the 33% of the Fifth Cent Tourist Development Tax.
5. The term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) year commencing on
September 1, 2010. The term of this Agreement may be extended upon the mutual written
consent of the Parties. Consent is hereby assumed if the principal amount of $400,000 has
not been paid to the Recipient by the end of the five (5) year term.
6. The Recipient shall notify the County in writing within ten (10) days of any
modifications to the Note obtained for the construction of the Project.
7. The Recipient shall have internal controls adequate to safeguard the Grant
funds. Recipient shall submit an uncertified audit of all receipts and disbursements of Grant
funds within sixty (60) days following the termination of this Agreement.
8. The Recipient grants to the County the right until the expiration of three (3)
years after the last expenditure of Grant funds under this Agreement, to audit the use of
the Grant funds. Upon demand, the County shall be provided with access and the right to
examine any books, documents, papers, and records of the Recipient involving transactions
related to the use of Grant funds. All required records shall be maintained by Recipient until
the earlier of the following to occur: (a) nn audit is completed and all questions arising
therefrom are resolved or the County has notified the Recipient in writing; or (b) until the
expiration of three (3) years after the last expenditure of Grant funds.
9. Recipient responsibilities shall include the following:
5:\ATiY\A6REEMNT\UDT-Seal Museum.wpd -3-
a. Maintenance -Upon completion, the Recipient shall maintain the Project
in accordance with the standards of maintenance for other similar local facilities in
accordance with applicable health standards including the roof and exterior walls as well as
major equipment including air conditioning, electrical and plumbing. Project facilities and
improvements shall be kept reasonably safe and in reasonable repair by Recipient to prevent
undue deterioration and to encourage public use.
b. Handicapped Accessibility -The Project will comply with handicapped
accessibility in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and
c. General Accessibility - As n specific condition of this Agreement, the
Project must be accessible to the public consistent with the Facilities Use Agreement
between the parties, Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or as may be
modified from time to time but not less than five (5) days per week, fifty-two (52) weeks per
year, upon the payment of an entrance or membership fee on anon-exclusive basis without
d. On-Site Signage - Signage shall be erected by Recipient to acknowledge
that Tourist Development Tax dollars were used in part to construct the Project. The
Recipient shall submit the proposed Signage to the County for approval before construction.
Approval by the County shall not be unreasonably withheld. The sign shall be compatible with
the general decor of the premises. If not acceptable, the Recipient shall resubmit and erect
Signage acceptable to the County.
e. Recipient shall sign a restrictive covenant acceptable to the County
Attorney in recordable form, the terms of which shall require that: (1) pursuant to Section
125.0104, Florida Statutes, the Grant funds be utilized to build, and improve a NATIONAL
NAVY UDT-SEAL MUSEUM open to the public operated by snot-for-profit organization; and
(2) if the Recipient dissolves or becomes inactive for a period of six (6) months or more or
sells, transfers or assigns Recipient's interest in and to the MUSEUM to an individual,
another profit or not-for-profit organization or otherwise and such sale, transfer or
assignment is not first approved by the County, then title in and to the improvements
constructed in, on or about the MUSEUM shall automatically revert to the County (title to
the real property underlying the MUSEUM is currently vested in the State of Florida).
10. The Recipient shall make available all documents, papers, letters or other
material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by
the Recipient in conjunction with this Agreement.
5:\ATTY\A6REEMNIIUDT-Seal Museum.wpd -4-
il. Recipient agrees to pay on behalf of, protect, defend, reimburse, indemnify and
hold harmless the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, its officials, agents,
employees, elected officers, and representatives and each of them, collectively and for the
purposes of this Paragraph 10 only, the County at all times from and against any and all claims,
liability, expenses, losses, costs, fines, recoveries and damages, including attorney's fees,
resulting from the Recipient's receipt and expenditure of the Grant funds or causes of action
of every kind and character against the County, including but not limited to, damage to
property or the environment or bodily injury (including death, specifically arising out of or
as a result of or incident to or in connection with Recipient's performance under this
Agreement or the condition of the MUSEUM as a result of actions taken or omissions by
Recipient pursuant to this Agreement; provided, however, that Recipient shall not be
responsible to County for any claims, liability, expenses, losses, costs, fines, recoveries and
damages, including costs and attorney's fees, resulting out of bodily injury or damages to
property which Recipient can establ ish as being attri butable to the sale negligence of County,
its respective agents, servants, employees or officers.
Recipient further agrees to pay on behalf of, indemnify and hold harmless the County
for any fines, citations, court judgments, insurance claims, restoration costs or other
liabilities specifically resulting from the Recipient's activities in, on or about the Project,
whether or not the Recipient was negligent or even knowledgeable of any events precipitating
such a fine, citation, insurance claim, restoration cost or other liability. The Recipient hereby
acknowledges that the payments made under this Agreement include specific consideration
for the indemnification provided herein.
12. The Recipient agrees to comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and
regulations including but not limited to Americans with Disability Act and Ordinance No. 09-
005 "Local Preference:'
13. All future publications, media productions and exhibit graphics concerning this
Project and this Agreement shall include the following statement: "Sponsored in part by St.
Lucie County Tourist Development Council."
14. The County may terminate this Agreement on thirty (30) days notice if the
Recipient fails to obtain an adequate construction loan by January 1, 2011. Either Party may
terminate this Agreement with cause upon the delivery of ninety (90) days' prior written
notice to the other Party and failure of that party to cure the alleged default within ninety
(90) days the Recipient shall reimburse the County for: (a) all unexpended Grant funds as of
the effective date of the termination; and (b) Grant funds expended in conflict with
Recipient's application notwithstanding the time of disbursement.
5:\ATTY\A6REEMNT\UDT-Seal Museum.wpd '~J-
15. Any notice shall be in writing and sent registered or certified mail, return
receipt requested, postageand charges prepaid, and addressed to the Parties at the following
To the County:
St. Lucie County Administrator
2300 Virginia Avenue, Third Floor
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982
With a copy to:
St. Lucie County Attorney
2300 Virginia Avenue, Third Floor
Fort Pierce, Florida 34982
To the Recipient:
UDT-SEAL Museum Association, Inc.
3300 N. Highway AlA
Fort Pierce, Florida 34949
With a copy to:
Notice shall be deemed received on the date set forth on the return receipt. If any notice
is returned because a Party refused to accept delivery thereof, then notice shall be deemed
received on the date the notice was refused by such Party as evidenced by said return
16. No amendment,modificntionorwaiverofanytermorconditioncontainedinthis
Agreement shall be valid or effective unless in writing, properlyauthorized, executed by both
Parties and delivered. No waiver of any breach or condition of this Agreement shall be
deemed to be a waiver of any other conditions or subsequent breach whether of like or
different nature. If the County currently provides or subsequently provides any forms of
contract modification, Recipient agrees to use said forms.
17. Except as otherwise provided, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and/or assigns (only if
permitted by the terms hereof).
18. The Recipient, however, shall not assign this Agreement to any other person or
firm without first obtaining County's written approval. In addition, the Recipient shall not
have the right to assign any or all of its rights and interests under this Agreement to any
subsidiary or parent company, or any successor to its business through merger, consolidation,
voluntary sale, or transfer of substantially all of its assets without the express written
consent of the County. For purposes of this paragraph, a transfer of substantially of its
assets shall mean more than fifty percent (50%) of the proprietary interest in the business
entity transfer, other than between themselves, their immediate fami li es or their heirs, such
5;\ATTY\A6REEMN1lUDT-Segl Museum.wpd '6'
proprietary interest to another person firm, partnership, corporation or business entity. Any
attempt to effect an assignment without the County's prior written consent shall be deemed
a default subject to the remedies provided herein.
19. This Agreement embodies the whole understanding and agreement of the
Parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. There are no promises, terms,
conditions,orobligationsotherthanthosecontainedinthisAgreement. This Agreement shall
supersede all previous communications, representations oragreements between the Parties,
either verbal or written.
20. In the event of a dispute between the Parties in connection with this
Agreement, the Parties ngree to submit the disputed issue or issues to a mediator for non-
binding mediation prior to filing n lawsuit. The Parties shall ngree on a mediator chosen from
a list of certified mediators available from the Clerk of Court for St. Lucie County, Florida.
The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by the Parties. To the extent allowed by law,
the mediation process shall be confidential and the results of the medintion or any testimony
or argument introduced nt the mediation shall not be admissible as evidence in nny subsequent
proceeding concerning the disputed issue.
21. All interpretations of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Florida. In the event it is necessary for either Party to initiate legal action
regarding this Agreement: (n) for any claims arising under state law, venue shall be vested
in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for St. Lucie County, Florida; and (b) for nny claims
arising under federal law, venue shall be vested in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of Florida and each party shall be responsible for their own expenses and costs,
notwithstanding any other provisions herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused the execution by their duly
authorized officinls os of the day and year set forth below the signature of the last of the
Parties to execute this Agreement.
5:\AT7Y\A6REEMNT\UOT-Seal Museum.wpd -7-
BY: ~~~~
r~i County Attorney
Title: /~E~IS(/R~tZ
Date: ~/~ °'~~ G 10
5:\ATTY\A6REEMNT\UDT-Seal Museum.wpd '$'