HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet FTZ May 9, 2013Treasure Coast Foreign Trade Zone Inc., FTZ #218 Board of Director's Meeting St. Lucie County Administration Building Third Floor Conference Room 2300 Virginia Avenue - Fort Pierce, FL Thursday, May 9, 2013 9:00 a.m. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER • Roll Call and Introductions • Approval of February 14, 2013 Minutes AGENDA ITEM 1: Proposed Expansion of Palm Beach County FTZ 135 Using the Alternative Site Framework (AFS) Process AGENDA ITEM 2: Discussion on a Revised FTZ Marketing Services Proposal Submitted by Point Trade Services, Inc. AGENDA ITEM 3: Informational U.S. FTZ Acceptance of FTZ 218 Name Change U.S. FTZ Acceptance of Boundary Modification to St. Lucie West Commerce Park AGENDA ITEM 4: Notice of May 15rh Harbor Advisory Committee Meeting to Discuss the Port Master Plan Update AGENDA ITEM 5: Board Discussion AGENDA ITEM 6: Next Meeting Date AGENDA ITEM 7: Adjourn NOTICE: All proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing s/he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, s/he may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross examine any individual testifying a hearing upon request. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Central Florida Foreign Trade Zone, Inc Thursday, February 14, 2013, 9:00 AM 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 3rd Floor Conference Room A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, has been placed in the file along with these minutes as part of the record. In the event of a conflict between the written summary minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall prevail. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Babcock called the meeting to order at 9:08 ROLL CALL Bill Wilcox............ John Griffin.......... Thomas Babcock. MEMBER ABSENT: Jane Rowley........ Robert Ravinski... STAFF PRESENT Heather Young .... Michael Brillhart... John Wiatrak ....... Sarah Smith.....,. Ar Affiv OTHERS IN ATTEPN INTRODUCTIONS Mr. Sed 2 oar 1. roval Board ............ Board ............Chairr ............ Board ............ Board .. nt County ey (Arrived at 9:13 AM) ... Bus d Straf is Initiative Manager MOMPLucie County Airport Director. Further FTZ # s are tentatively scheduled to be held at the airport. meeting minutes. Mr. BabcNl�d a",' tion to approvethe minutes from the December 13, 2012 meeting. io; d to a rovethe minutesMr. Wilcox seconded the motion and itpas2. Iteeration or Action A. Agenda Item 1: Discussion on Proposed FTZ Marketing Services as Submitted by Point Trade Services, Inc. Mr. Babcock called for discussion of Agenda Item 1 Mr. Brillhart presented in the Board agenda package a letter dated January 8, 2013 explaining a scope of service Mr. Tommy Berry with Point Trade Services, Inc. determined to be relevant to FTZ # 218 at present time. Services deemed most relevant at this time are Marketing Review and Marketing seminar. 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx Page 1 of 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Marketing Review would include: • Review any current marketing materials • Provide recommendations to effectively market to potential FTZ users • Identify potential FTZ opportunities Marketing Seminar would include: • Market analysis • Public relations • Competitive strengths • Review external environment • Strategies and action plans • Other issues, as requested Discussion ensued regarding the negotiation of seminar. The board was amenable to having activities under a not to exceed cost to include, total cost of $5,000. Further discussion ensued: Mr. Brillhart stated that he could could do for a set total cost. Mr. Babco4for before the Mr. Wilcox .B. Mr. ci above motion both the keting review and Marketing w and seminar out Berry to unanimously. showing what he have to be brought back the "Cruise Shipping Miami 2013" Item 2. After contNtheP cr line corporations for information on the cruise ship industry Mr. Griffinof . Lorenzo from Mediterranean South Cruises (MSC) asked Mr. Brillhart tti about the Cruise Shipping Miami 2013 Conference and Tradeshor. Lorenzo advised Mr. Griffin that one of the best opportunities for markeould be at the Miami Tradeshow, where hundreds of cruise ship operators,rs and port operators will be in attendance. Mr. Griffin feels like purchasing booth space at the Tradeshow will be a great opportunity to market the Port; therefore, he would like the FTZ Board of Directors to consider sponsoring a booth in order to market the Port. Mr. Griffin made a motion to authorize $7,000 for the County to set up this booth. He stated that the fee would be $4,700 for a 10 x 10 feet booth. A Discussion ensued. 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx Page 2 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Mr. Wilcox asked how many days the show would be. Mr. Griffin stated that the show is a two day show from March 12" - 14". Mr. Wilcox asked if there was a list of attendees available. Mr. Griffin stated every major cruise line in the world would be at the show. Mr. Wilcox asked with the Port as it stands now, how beneficial it would be to purchase a booth at the Tradeshow in order to market it at this time. Mr. Griffin stated that the biggest benefit to the Port would be to get a short cruise operator to come in and run a short cruise from the harbor to the blue water. Mr. Griffin also stated that thi would be the cleanest operation possible. Mr. Babcock stated that he feels without question that a crui at the Port facility would be a great economic addition; however, his experience in act g companies and new industries has been that everyone has to be on board an order everyone on board further exploration has to be done. Mr. Wilcox agreed. Mr. Griffin stated that his hopes is that everyone and that the Board has to do something to get it sl Mr. Babcock stated that he does not market the Port at a Tradeshow withc Port, having done the necessary reset Mr. Griffin feels that a obstructive and in co which is to help wit the citizens. Mr. Babcoc Mr. W' x stated tha wit elevant enti Port go i Mr. Babcock fff Lucie County; r operations at the Mr. Babcock asked the Port. to to dAelop the Port V' g 7,000 or any money to o entities affected by the in ce to properly market it. s 201 ruise Ship Miami Tradeshow is FTZ oard of Directors is meant to do, St. Lucie County and the good interest of he of u`-n7fRFWnd citizen's money. d a proposal that the FTZ Board of Directors meet a ensus on what direction people would like to see the that M riffin was right; cruise ships would be a great benefit to St. er, felt that it would be more feasible to pursue cruise ship ioint effort. Brillhart what needed to be done to initiate joint efforts to develop Mr. Brillhart suggested that the Board of Directors could meet with the Board of County Commissioners at their monthly informal meeting to discuss the desires of the FTZ to operate (home port) a commercial passenger cruise line out of the Port. In addition, the Board could ask for a general study to be done on feasible costs and other generalities needed to market the Port. 2012.02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx Page 3 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Ms. Young also suggested that the Harbor Advisory Committee, which makes recommendations to the Board on matters related to the Port or! and the Port Master Plan consultant (FDOT) might also be some good avenues to pursue. Mr. Griffin asked Mr. Brillhart if paying for a group to go to the 2013 Tradeshow would be money well spent from the FTZ budget. Mr. Brillhart informed Mr. Griffin that the FTZ budget consists of a total budget of $16, 000. He said that there could be a benefit, but it's difficult to say because this has never been done before. However, from a tourism point of view, it has been very beneficial to send a staff person to different tradeshows, but that they usually took tage of cost sharing with other municipalities. After further discussion, Mr. Brillhart suggested that othe uni tes be called to see if they would be participating in the Tradeshow and if so, f the an interest in doing some cost sharing for joint participation and represe a the Tre Coast. Mr. Griffin asked, what is the biggest expenditurl& FTZ hss authorized Mr. Brillhart stated that in the 2112 years he's beeXtoother Z the bigger cost he can remember is the recent authorization of up to $5,0Mr. Tommy Berry to do a study on the FTZ. He also stated that would cheamounts exceeding the $5,000 were authorized in the past. Mr. Griffin stated that the trade show is s and hurt the community not to participate directors. Chairman. would be a huge mistake directs us to do it than obviously we'll do it. I think you (Mr. Griffin) as a citizen to the County copied the information to the Board on the 2013 Tradeshow and asked them to consider spending the money; however. I don't know if there has been any response. Normally, 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx Page 4 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 when the Board of County Commissioners get something like that they'll forward it to the County Administrator and then provide direction to staff, but I don't think we have received anything yet. Mr. Babcock stated, since we have a maiority consensus then. Mr. Griffin stated I don't see a maiority consensus. Mr. Babcock stated, there are two, three members present. C. Agenda Item 3: Request for Future to the FTZ Boundary Mr. Babcock called for discussion of Agenda Mr. Brillhart stated that agenda item 3 is a req modifications to the FTZ boundary. In response to on marina Modifications e discussiorf on exploring of the resolution to remove 93 acres out of the St. Lucie West C erce Park with rider land use actives and zoning are insu nd incompat se Brillhart sent an application to the FTZ ashington talking them down from a $6,000 applicat fee o doll p Brillhart's discussion with the FTZ Board in as was currently taking place o 582 acres the F ounda Board expected to a he f Fort Pie and Air ort West boundary they may to look urther redu ons in acreage. standing that the current within FTZ # 218. Mr. modify the boundaries, plication fee. During Mr. notified that no activity is ry # 218 and that if the Commerce Park to the Mr. Brillhart stated that h ran liirection today, but would like the Board to consider it fo - scus i�it'�elitk=?FCC{�f�'Eii►.�:,4�a1��T�icr':;�:..., - .�[I Mr. Brillh ated that th rposs to reduce some acreage that is not felt to have any compatibilit a idea is t aye an FTZ that would have concentrated activity focused on the St. Lucie ty Airp and the Port of Fort Pierce, which would allow for greater marketability. A is i r initial discussion in hopes that the Board could look at it in the future for discussio Mr. Griffin asked whdt Michael meant by concentrated activity. Mr. Brillhart explained that it meant focusing development activity where it would be cost effective and most beneficial. Mr. Griffin asked Mr. John Wiatrak, Airport Director a question about the physical status and core sampling of the SLC Airport's main runway. Mr. Wlatrak stated that one of his objectives as the new airport director it to get the runway's strength tested. 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.doox Page 5 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Mr. Griffin asked if it was important to the FTZ to get it tested. Mr. Wiatrak feels that it is important, but would not be an immediate issue unless the FTZ intended to have plans to move in a major cargo operation using large aircrafts. Mr. Griffin stated that he felt like plans for a major cargo operation is considerable and asked if there was a timeline in place to have the core samples done. Mr. Wiatrak stated that he did not know, but would look into it. Mr Mr. Wiatrak stated that at least 100,000 lbs. would be Mr. Wilcox asked if Airport West was currently in the Mr. Brillhart stated that it is not; however FTZ. Mr. Mr, Brillhart stated that it is not; hundred acres within the FTZ bo Mr. Griffin asked what would be the in the FTZ. Mr. Brillhart stated the Board of Direc as a FTZ zoned be Mr. Griffin are the c1n Mr. J very Mr. Griffin statl the Port of Fort of any custom Mr. Brillhart respondi additional activity. ' User Fee Application cargo operation. is in the easement that is several Airport West, there was an operator before an operator was there; however, if FTZ area it would have to be designated FTZ zoned boundary and if so; what chances of the application being denied would be he designation is a little premature. He asked if we designated time whether or not the County would have to absorb the cost d that the County would be responsible for the cost of customs for any he County would have to do the accounting and pay the Federal and costs. Mr. Griffin feels that the operator/applicant should foot the cost of any designations. Mr. Wilcox asked would the County have to pay a monthly fee to customs if the Port of Fort Pierce was zoned in the FTZ. Mr. Brillhart responded that is correct. 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx Page 6 of 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Further discussion ensued regarding customs fees The discussion was reverted when Mr. Griffin asked Mr. Wiatrak if the airports capacity could house aviation contingent on the Coast Guard. Mr. Wiatrak responded yes there is plenty of room at the airport. However, issues regarding sound might arise. Moreover, he believes that as the airport grows and jobs are created the noise Issues won't be such a big problem. Mr. Babcock interjected and stated that at this time no action will b en until there is a user in the FTZ. BOARD DISCUSSION None NEW BUSINESS None ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Brillhart announced that Mr Directors meetings effective immedil meeting to assist. Next meeting date: TBD The meeting adjourned 2012-02-14 FTZ Meeting Draft Mins.docx over the FTZ # 218 Board of )e in attendance at the next Page 7 of 7 AGENDA ITEM 1: Proposed Expansion of Palm Beach County FTZ 135 Using the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) Process The Port of Palm Beach and its Foreign Trade Zone #135 has received approval and support from the County Commission to apply for authorization by the U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Board to use the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) process. The ASF process, revised by the Federal government during the past two years, would allow applicable usage -driven sites within Palm Beach County not currently within the boundaries of the FTZ to become active foreign trade subzones. In addition, adjacent counties within a 60 mile radius of a Customs and Border Protection "Point of Entry" could also become a subzone of the FTZ. As referenced on the attached South Florida Business Journal news article dated April 19, 2013, the Port of Palm Beach FTZ is looking into expanding its zone boundaries into Martin and St. Lucie Counties under the ASF process. Some of the components for consideration under the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) include the following: • The areas within St. Lucie County not under the boundaries of FTZ #218 could become part of the ASF service area for Palm Beach FTZ #135. Under this scenario, FTZ 4218 could continue under its current boundary structure. Active users could use either Customs Office at the St. Lucie County Airport or at the Port of Palm Beach. • The ASF process allows a company to be granted subzone "user" approval by the U.S. FTZ in a much shorter timeframe (one month to three months) as compared to the one year timeframe under the traditional application process. Ms. Jarra Kaczwara, with the Port of Palm Beach, has been invited to the May 91" FTZ #218 meeting to present an overview of their proposed expansion into Martin and St. Lucie Counties. Port of Palm Beach will seek to expand foreign -trade zone - South Florida Business Journal Page 1 of 2 This was printed from South Florida Business Journal News Made Easy Get today's news delivered to you. Sign Up Now » Subscriber -Only Article Preview I For full site access: Subscribe Now Apr 19, 2013, 6:OOam EDT Port of Palm Beach will seek to expand foreign -trade zone Shaun Bevan Reporter- South Florida Business Journal Email I LinkedIn I Twitter I Google+ Palm Beach County commissioners on April 15 adopted a resolution supporting the Port of Palm Beach District's application to expand its foreign - trade zone (FTZ). In May, the port will apply to extend Foreign -Trade Zone 135 to include the rest of Palm Beach County — and possibly Martin and St. Lucie counties — through the alternative site framework (ASF) program, said Jarra Kaczwara, senior director of business development at the Port of Palm Beach District. The port is the grantee for the trade zone. The program will allow for the expansion of FTZ 135 to give companies broader access to trade ... Shaun Bevan covers tourism, hospitality, retail and restaurants. To continue reading subscribe now Already a subscriber? Sign in to link your subscription Industries: Logistics & Transportation http://www.bizj ournals.conilsoutbfloridalprint-editioiil20l3/04ll9/port-of-palm-beach-will... 4/19/2013 Foreign -Trade Zones Board: List of Zones Under the ASF Page 1 of 11 SITE INDEX IMPORT ADMINISTRATION SEARCHIA List of Zones Under the Alternative Site Framework (ASF) (April 4, 2013) APPROVED State =Mzuomnoeer Location IF Service Area Maricopa County and Arizona 75 Phoenix portions of Pinal and Yavapai Counties C� 174 Tucson Pima County 219 Yuma Yuma County FF277 Western Maricopa Western Maricopa County County Clark, Conway, Dallas, Faulkner, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Arkansas 14 Little Rock Jefferson, Lonoke, Montgomery, Nevada, Pike, Pulaski, Pope, Saline, Yell and White Counties City and County of San California 3 San Francisco Francisco and San Mateo County 18 San Jose City of San Jose Orange County and 50 Long Beach portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties City and County of San 153 an Diego Diego and the western portion of Riverside County Orange County and 202 Los Angeles portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties PortHueneme Ventura County n2444 Riverside Western Riverside County New Castle, Kent and Delaware 99 1 Wilmington Sussex Counties portion of Miami -Dade http://ia.ita.doc.gov/ftzpage/letters/asflist.html 4/30/2013 Foreign -Trade Zones Board: List of Zones Under the ASF Page 2 of 11 Florida 32 Miami I County Baker, Clay, Columbia, 64 Jacksonville Duval, Nassau, Putnam, St. Johns and Bradford Counties 136 Brevard County Brevard County DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands and 215 Sebring Okeechobee Counties and the Cities of Belle Glade and Pahokee 281 Miami -Dade County Northern half of Miami - Dade County Haralson, Paulding, Polk, Floyd, Bartow, Chattooga, Gordon, Pickens, Gilmer, Walker, Whitfield, Murray, Forsyth, Dawson, Hall, Banks, Lumpkin, Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Cobb, Douglas, Clayton, Henry, Fayette, Rockdale, Cherokee, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Troup, Georgia 26 Atlanta Meriwether, Pike, Spalding, Butts, Lamar, Upson, Jasper, Newton, Morgan, Greene, Walton, Oconee, Clarke, Barrow, Jackson, Bibb, Crawford, Jones, Monroe, Putnam, Richmond, Harris, Talbot and Muscogee in their entirety and portions of White, Franklin, Peach, Houston, and Twiggs Counties Bulloch, Bryan, 104 Savannah Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Liberty, Long and Screven Counties Appling, Atkinson, Brantley, Camden, 144 Brunswick Charlton, Coffee, Glynnm Jeff Davis, McIntosh, Ware and Wayne Counties Idaho 280 Ada and Canyon Ada and Canyon Counties Counties �IF--]I Cook, Du Page, Grundy, http://ia.ita.doc.gov/ftzpage/letters/asflist.htmi 4/30/2013 [Instructions: In the absence of letters from the appropriate jurisdictions within your proposed service area, provide as part of your ASF application copies of the original letters (using the standard language below) sent to the appropriate jurisdictions, as well as proof that those letters were received at the offices of those jurisdictions. If you wish to modify the standard language below for your letters, please consult with the FTZ Board staff regarding the specific modification(s) you propose.] This letter is intended to provide information to you pertaining to the [Name of grantee organization]'s application to the U.S. Foreign -Trade Zones (FTZ) Board for authority to use a new procedure (the "Alternative Site Framework") to provide quick and simple access to FTZ service for companies in our region. Our organization is the grantee of FTZ [insert zone number] and currently sponsors a limited number of FTZ sites in our region. The authority we are requesting from the FTZ Board would enable us to quickly bring FTZ designation to any company within our proposed "service area." Our proposed service area includes [name the county that the letter will be sent to] as well as [list of all other counties in proposed service area]. FTZ designation can provide companies with customs duty savings and logistical benefits that can help encourage them to establish or maintain operations in the U.S. As such, access to FTZ benefits can be an important tool in economic development efforts. If the FTZ Board approves our application, [Name of grantee organization] will be able to bring FTZ designation to companies anywhere in the proposed service area based on those companies' trade -related needs. We also note that FTZ access will be made available on a uniform basis to companies across the service area, in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be operated as a public utility. [The following paragraph must be included if the zone is in a state where FTZ designation of specific sites may have an impact on local tax collections (for example, ad valorem property taxes in Texas or real property taxes in Arizona): Regarding any local taxes for which collections may be affected by FTZ designation of sites, FTZ [insert zone number]'s application to establish its "service area" under the Alternative Site Framework does not propose any specific new FTZ sites (and therefore can have no impact on tax collections), At the time that any specific new site is proposed for FTZ designation in the future, we will contact parties potentially affected by the site's proposed designation (such as the county government) so that they can indicate their views on the impact on tax collections related to the proposed designation.] If you have questions about the [Name of grantee organization]'s application to the FTZ Board, please contact [Name of grantee contact] at [Contact information]. If you have comments you would like the FTZ Board to consider regarding the proposed inclusion of [Name of county] in the proposed service area of FTZ [insert zone number], please provide your comments to the staff of the FTZ Board by [insert date, which must be at least 30 days after the letter is transmitted to the county official to which it is addressed]. The FTZ Board staff also welcomes any questions you may have — the staff can be reached at 202-482-2862 or ftz@trade.gov. AGENDA ITEM 2: Discussion on a Revised FTZ Marketing Services Proposal Submitted by Point Trade Services, Inc. The attached revised proposal for consulting services dated April 24, 2013 has been submitted by Point Trade Services, Inc. This revision is submitted in consideration of action taken by the FTZ #218 Board of Directors at its February 10 capping the cost of consulting services at $5,000. PointTrade Services, Inc. April 24, 2013 Mr. Michael Brilthart Business & Strategic Initiatives St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Foreign -Trade zone Consulting Services Marketing Seminar Dear Mr. Britlhart, PointTrade Services, Inc. ("PTSI") is pleased to submit this letter to provide St. Lucie County ("St. Lucie") with FTZ consulting services for FTZ #218, The purpose of this letter is to describe out, relevant service offerings and to define the scope of services to address St. Lucie's FTZ needs. COMPANY OVERVIEW PTSI was established to share knowledge and experience with companies conducting international trade. Our mission is to assist companies in achieving cost efficiencies and savings, global supply chain enhancements, advanced systems automation, and increased compliance with U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Foreign -Trade Zone laws and regulations, trade agreements and other governmental agency requirements. The combined experience of PTSI's team totals more than 100 years in FTZ work and international trade, with 28 years of combined experience in public FTZ grantee and operator positions, 24 years in executive management of the industry (National Association of foreign -Trade Zones), and 23 years as a leader in FTZ managed services, specifically in high volume manufacturing FTZs. PTSI Managed Services currently provides administrator services For FTZ manufacturing, warehousing and distribution operations in multiple states. The primary FTZ team has been together over 24 years. PointTrade Services Inc. consists of two divisions — Consulting and PTSI Managed Services. Consulting Our consulting group provides innovative solutions for trade and customs matters with a special er aphasis on FTZs, trade compliance and risk management, global supply chain strategies, process implementation, and seminars. Tel: (850) 522-4101 1518 Jenks Avenue www.pQintirado5plyices.com Fax: (850) 747-1552 Panama City, FL 32405 4�ointTrade Services, Inc. PTSI Mattaged Services Michael Brillhart St. Lucie County April 24, 2013 Page 2 PTSI Managed Services provides FTZ administrative services for the day-to-day operations of a foreign -trade zone. PTSI Managed Services can act as the FTZ Administrator for an FTZ Operator through its centralized FTZ operation concept. PTSI is one of the largest FTZ related practices in the U.S. For additional information regarding PointTrade Services and our service offerings please visit our website — www.pointtradeservices.com. OUR UNDERSTANDING We understand that St. Lucie is interested in PTSI providing consulting services for FTZ #218 to include assistance with marketing efforts for the foreign -trade zone. SCOPE OF SERVICES The PTSI team wilt provide the following services to assist St. Lucie: Marketing Seminar to include the following: One day on -site seminar presented to the FTZ staff and/or Board of Directors to cover the following topics. • Market analysis • Public relations • Competitive strengths • Review external environment • Strategies and action plans • Other issues, as requested OUR PROFESSIONAL FEES PTSI's fees for the above services will be as follows: Marketing Seminar $2,800 flat fee, plus out-of-pocket expenses, not to exceed $5,000, for the one day on -site seminar If client desires additional marketing services outside of the Marketing Seminar listed above, these services will be provided at the hourly rates below, , plus out-of-pocket expenses, and will only be provided upon receipt of client's written notice to proceed.. \VointTrade Services, Inc. PT5I Hourly Fees: Tommy L, Berry $350 per hour Debora Caporale $275 per hour Tracy Fetrow $275 per hour Michael D'Aoust $275 per hour Sr. Manager $250 per hour Manager $200 per hour Associate $125 per hour Billing of Fees and Ouf-of-pocket Expenses: Michael trillhart St. Lucie County April 24, 2013 Page 3 Fees will be billed on a monthly basis. Out-of-pocket expenses are in addition to the fees. Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses include, but are not limited to, those expenses incurred for travel, (including transportation, hotel, meals, etc.), private courier services, binding, web and teleconference meetings, and certain duplication charges. Reasonable expenses are defined as coach class airfare, mid -grade hotel, etc. Before incurring any unusual expenses, PTSI will seek approval from the appropriate personnel of client. PTSI's preferred method of receiving payment is via electronic transfer. Routing information for electronic payment will be provided by PTSI. If client has any specialized instructions for billing, these instructions must be provided at the time of engagement. Bills are payable upon receipt and due within 30 days. Finance charges will apply for invoices outstanding 60 days or more. Any fees or other charges by third patties are not covered by this agreement. Expiration of Offer: The fees quoted in this proposal will expire 60 days from the date of this proposal, unless a signed engagement is issued, and are subject to change based on revisions to the Foreign -Trade Zones Board Regulations. Lapse Clause — Should client terminate work during the project or lapse activity for a period of 60 days, the project may be terminated and the balance of the outstanding fee will become payable within 30 days. ENGAGEMENT ACCEPTANCE The attached Standard Terms and Conditions are incorporated by this reference into the agreement. To confirm acceptance of this agreement, please sign and return this letter to `"1'ointTrade Services, Inc. Michael Brillhart St. Lucie County April 24, 2013 Page 4 PointTrade Services, Inc., 1518 Jenks Avenue, Panama City, FL 32405 or fax to 850- 747-1552. If you have any questions or wish to discuss any aspect of this agreement, please call me at 850-522-4101. Very truly yours, Tommy L. Berry President & CEO Accepted by and on behalf of St. Lucie County By: Signature Name: Title: Date: PointTrade Services, Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions Consulting Engagements I. Terra of Engtgewenr: The engagement will become effective on the date of receipt by PointTrade Services, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as PTSI) of the engagement letter signed by the Client. Unless terminated earlier in accordance with the bclo%v terms, this engagement shall terminate upon completion of PTSI's services for the project(s) outlined in the engagement letter. The engagement may be terminated by either party with 30 days written notice to the other party. If at any time during this engagement, Client decides not to continue with the engagement, Client may notify PTSI to that effect with 30 days written notice. In the event of this agreement being terminated and without prejudice to any other remedy available to PTSI, the Client shall immediately pay to PTSI any sums due under the terms of this agreement and any further sans which would but for the termination of this agreement have fallen due by the end of PTSI's engagement. Lapse Clause - Should Client lapse activity on the engagement project for a period of 60 days, this agreement may be terminated by PTSI. Upon declaring the agreement terminated, PTSI shall invoice Client for all goods delivered, services rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination date, Such invoice shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days of the dale it was issued. 2. Scope of Services; PTSI will be bound only for the scope of services speci tied in the engagement letter signed by the Client and the terms contained in this document. Should PTSI encounter additional issues or matters that are beyond the scope of this engagement as specified in the engagement letter signed by the Client, PTSI will notify Client of such matters as they arise and will not incur additional expenses without Client's prior written consent. 3. Poyment for Services. Fees and expenses will be billed on a monthly basis. Out-of-pocket expenses are in addition to the professional fees. Reasonable out- of-pocket expenses include, but are not limited to, those expenses incurred for travel, (including transportation, hotel, meals, etc.), private courier services, binding, web and teleconference meetings, and certain duplication charges. Reasonable expenses are defined as coach class airfare, nnid-grade hotel, etc. Before incurring any unusual expenses, PTSI will seek approval from the appropriate Client personnel. Client agrees to pay all invoices to PTSI within 30 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise stated on the invoice. In the event Client fails to pay any invoice when due, in addition to any other right reserved hereunder, PTSI reserves the right to suspend or limit performance until all past due sums are paid. Further, PTSI reserves the right to charge interest at the rate of one and one half percent (1.50A) per month on any unpaid balance owing by client front the date due until the date paid. Any estimate of fees or the time likely to be involved will be given in good faith for planning or other proposes only and will not be contractually binding. 4, Third Par[j, Fees: Any fees from a third party, including but not limited to government agency fees, grantee fees, support fees from a software provider, systems costs, or other charges by third parties used on behalf of Client for this engagement are not covered by this agreement and are to be paid by the Client. 5, Information red Support: PTSI will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from reliance placed on any information given by the Client, or from the Client's failure to give any relevant information. The Client agrees to cooperate with PTSI in the performance of PTSI's services and to give such support, facilities and information as may be reasonably required, including but not limited to, providing PTSI with timely accessibility to data, information and personnel of Client. PTSI will rely on data, facts, and suppositions provided by the Client and will not independently verify this information. Inaccurate or incomplete information provided by the Client could have a material effect on PTSI's conclusions related to the engagement services. Client shall be responsible for the performance of its employees and agents and for the correctness and completeness of all data and information provided to PTSI for purposes of the performance of PTSPs services. In provision of its services, PTSI may consider the applicable provisions of the U.S. Customs Regulations, Code of Federal Regulations, as amended, and relevant state statutes and regulations, and judicial and administrative interpretations thereof. These authorities are subject to change and any such changes could affect the validity of PTSI's conclusions, PTSI will not update its advice for subsequent changes or modifications to the law and regulations, or to the judicial and administrative interpretations thereof, unless Client separately engages PTSI to do so after such changes or modifications. 6. Acting for otter Clients: PTSI will not be prevented or restricted by any item contained in the Revised December 5, 2012 Page 1 of 2 PointTrade Services, Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions Consulting Engagements engagement from acting for other clients, unless otherwise agreed with the Client. 7. Constraint on Use: Any advice, written or otherwise, provided by PTSI to Client is for the information and use of Client only and may not be relied upon by any third party without the express written permission of PTSI. 3. C'oiyidendal Information, PTSI will keep confidential any information obtained from the Client, except insofar as PTSI is required by law or other relevant process to disclose details of the Clients dealing with PTSI. This does not apply to documents or information which PTSI obtains or develops independently of any work done for the Client or which are in the public domain. 9. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity. PTSI's maximum liability to Client arising for any reason relating to services rendered under this engagement shall be limited to the fees paid for these services. In the event of a claim by a third party relating to services under this engagement, Client will indemnify PTSI and its personnel from all such claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, except to the extent determined to have resulted from the intentional or deliberate misconduct of PTSI personnel. 10. Legal Representative: Client should confer with a legal representative to obtain counsel on the legal aspects of matters on which PTSI provides services. A legal representative should be sought for drafting any legal document and/or agreements that may be required in connection with the engagement PTSI will provide Client's legal representative with non- legal advice that is deemed necessary by Client's legal representative to draft such documents and/or agreements. Client is responsible for payment of services as provided for under hem 4 — Third Party Fees. 1). Independent Contractor This Agreement shall not render either party as an employee, partner, or joint venturer with the other party for any purpose. It is understood and agreed that each of the parties hereto is an independent contractor. Neither party shall act or represent itself, directly or by implication, as an agent of the other. 12. Recruitment of PTSI's Staff: The Client undertakes that it (including for this purpose any subsidiary or associated company) or any person connected with it will not directly or indirectly recruit as an employee or engage as an independent contractor any person employed by PTSI fora period of one year after PTSI last provided services to the Client. 13, PTSI's Outputs, Materials, atol Information: All intellectual property rights including copyright which are capable of existing in any documents, computer software, or information or (without limit) other materials created or provided pursuant to this contract by PTSI shall be and remain PTSI's property. The Client undertakes to keep all materials, documents, and information provided to it by PTSI confidential to itself and its employees and to not distribute any product ofthe services provided hereunder to any third party without PTSI's prior written consent. The Client and PTSI undertake with each other during the course of this contract to not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. 14. Complete Agreement: The engagement letter signed by the Client and these terms and conditions, along with any exhibits, appendices, addendums, and schedules, encompass the entire agreement of the parties, and shall apply to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions and constitute the entire agreement between PTSI and Client and supersede all other oral and written representation, understandings or agreements relating to the subject engagement. 15. Warranty.- Each of the parties warrants its power to enter into this agreement and has obtained all necessary approvals to do so. 16, Force Dfajeure: Both parties shall be released from their respective obligations in the event of national emergency, war, prohibitive governmental regulation, or if any other cause beyond the reasonable control of (lie parties or either of them renders the performance of this agreement impossible, whereupon all money accrued due under this agreement shall be paid. 17. Governing Law: The engagement letter signed by the Client and these terms and conditions, along with any exhibits, appendices, addendums, and schedules, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida with exclusive jurisdiction in the State of Florida in the event of any dispute. Client agrees to pay in full any collection or attorney fees plus costs of court should a collector or attorney be required to be used by PTSI to collect funds past due under Ibis agreement. Revised December 5, 2012 Page 2 of 2 AGENDA ITEM 3: Informational - U.S. FTZ Acceptance of FTZ k218 Name Change - (Please see attached letter dated March 19, 2013). - U.S. FTZ Acceptance of Boundary Modification to St. Lucie West Commerce Park - (Please see attached letter dated March 21, 2013) t March 19, 2013 Michael Brillhart Treasure Coast Foreign Trade Zone, Inc. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Dear Mr. Brillhart: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The Foreign -Trade Zones Board Washington, D.C. 20230 Thank you for your letter (and supporting documents) informing us of the change in the grantee name for FTZ 218 from Central Florida Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., to the Treasure Coast Foreign 'trade Zone, Inc. The name change appears to be based on the location of the zone and to assist in the zone's marketing. The FTZ Board recognizes Treasure Coast Foreign Trade Zone, Inc., as the grantee of FTZ 218. Sincerely, Andrew McGilvray v Executive Secretary � 31 Mil March 21, 2013 Michael Brillhart Treasure Coast Florida Trade Zone, Inc. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Dear Mr. Brillhart: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE The Foreign -Trade Zones Board Washington, D.C. 20230 S-33-2013 This is to inform you that your inquest for a minor boundary modification of Foreign -Trade Zone 218 (St. Lucie County, Florida) is approved pursuant to Section 400.38 of the Foreign -'Made Zones Board's regulations. 'file request involves removing 93 acres from Site 3 (St. Lucie West Commerce Park) due to changed circumstances. Site 3 will now consist of 315 acres. This change will not result in an expansion of the scope of zone activity and is consistent with the zone plan approved by the Board. This action does not imply authority for any production activity requiring advance approval by the FTZ Board. The requested minor boundary modification is approved. We ask that you retain the application and approval documents in your zone file and update your zone records in accordance with the FTZ Board regulations (15 CPR Sec, 400.51). As a separate matter, we have been renumbering sites in other F'TZs that have sites with letter designations. The reason for this is that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is developing a major automated system — file Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) — that will process all information related shipments into F'fZs. ACE will incorporate information on all F'I'Zs, including details of their specific sites. However, ACE has been designed only to accept two -digit numeric site "numbers" (no letters are accepted by the ACE system). So for a number of situations around the U.S. where, for historic reasons, sites may have numbers like"2A" or "T-I," we are having to undertake site renumbering as we prepare to enter the site information into the ACE system. We would not be able to keep the current designation for Site IA (Crossroads Commerce Park). Since the parcel does not appear to be related to Site 1 (St. Lucie County International Airport), it would be best to renunnher IA to the next available site number (which would be Site 4). This is just an administrative action on our pail and we will update OFIS to reflect the change, We have enclosed the revised site description for FTZ 218 to reflect the changes via the minor boundary modification and the renumbering of Site 1A. Sincerely, --Z- C// Andrew McGilvray Executive Secretary ppi�r ii VED Enclosure m4 \R Z 3 2013 cc: Jennifer L. Connors �+ Port Director CO3. ttCt it IJIN151��f�l��NON U.S. Customs and Border Protection !t ` co \ go ) \ \ \ \ ( ) In \ & ƒ § / 7 \ u a . j , ) j # j 7 Be it. \ : \ 2 ) (3 ) �._ � ..e.� � � � �'�'.