HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes April 19, 2013CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: April 19, 2013 Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER John Culverhouse, Chair Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair Carl Hensley Dan Kurek Craig Mundt Marty Laven Ed Lounds Gwen Morris Patrick Campion William Donovan Jane Bachelor Jay L. McBee Richard Pancoast Stephanie Morgan James Clasby Faye W. Outlaw Marie Gouin Mark Satterlee Don West Karen Smith Audrey Jackson Jim David Laurie Waldie Jerome Adams Robert Bentkofsky Jennifer Hill Stefanie Myers Tara Raymore Michael Quinn Leslie Olson Ed Matthews Sherry Burroughs John Wiatrak Mr. Culverhouse called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. He announced the Committee had the full 15 members. He asked each one to introduce themselves for the sake of the new members. APPROVAL OF MARCH 22, 2013 MINUTES After a motion from Mr. Knaggs and a second from Mr. Mundt, the minutes were unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT Citizens' Budget Committee April 19, 2013 Page 2 No member of the public spoke at the meeting. MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT: FOLLOW UP PRESENTATION Ms. Outlaw introduced Mr. David's presentation (see attached) by giving history and explaining the process to determine the numbers. Mr. David gave more information on dike repair. Mr. Knaggs asked about the time lag between the millage set and collection. He asked how quickly the reserve needed to be increased. They are trying to bring it back up to the minimum in one year. Ms. Hill added the year started with almost $3.8 million in reserves. Between the operation shortfall and Tropical Storm Sandy it is currently $1.4 million. Tropical storms and impacting events were discussed. Ms. Outlaw added that money has been used from reserves to balance the operating budget at least the last five years. Mr. David explained they have tried to use expenditure reduction to balance their budget. Ms. Outlaw said they have reduced to the level that if reduced further, it will impact public safety. Public safety, dike repair, foolishness of banking on no events and an austerity budget were discussed. The relationship between the General Fund and the Mosquito Control District Fund was discussed. Ms. Bachelor asked about aCounty-wide millage increase. Ms. Outlaw and Mr. Knaggs explained why it should be Mosquito Control not General Fund. Mr. Knaggs gave the reason for his questions and expressed his concern that the reserve is not enough. Ms. Bachelor voiced her equipment concerns. Mr. Lounds started discussion on the amount needed. The proposed 0.0982 millage increase would bring the reserves to $2 million in FY14. The Committee discussed sending a resolution to the Board. Mr. Knaggs made a motion and Mr. Kurek seconded sending a message saying, "The Committee agrees in order to maintain the health and safety of this County, as well as the maintenance of the dikes, the $2 million reserve for the Mosquito Control District is the minimum needed and sufficient for minimal operations. However, the Committee feeling the importance of maintaining a higher level of reserves, in anticipation of storms that could occur, recommends that the reserves be raised to $4 million." The motion carried unanimously. Ms. Outlaw agreed to bring back information to the next meeting. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROPOSED PROGRAM Strategic Planning dates have been changed from beginning April 29 to June 12. Ms. Outlaw went over the attached draft of the agenda for Strategic Planning. Ms. Outlaw answered questions about the nonprofit agencies, Health Department and Citizens' Budget Committee April 19, 2013 Page 3 New Horizon funding. 2013 MEETING DATES Ms. Outlaw asked the Committee to look at the attached schedule which includes two additional meetings. May 3 and June 7 meetings were added. OTHER ISSUES Mr. Knaggs applauded the Management and Budget Department for the award they received from the Government Finance Officers Association for the budget book. Mr. Lounds asked about the County's bond rating. Ms. Outlaw answered that there has been no change. Ms. Gouin added that we are refunding parts of the sales tax bond issue, taking advantage of the interest rate. She believes we will save $4-6 million. We have to get it rated. Conference calls are set up. Mr. Knaggs asked about borrowing additional funds. Ms. Gouin answered that the cost of the process is the only addition. Mr. Lounds expressed the importance of the bond rating. ADJOURNMENT After a motion and second, Mr. Culverhouse adjourned the meeting at 8:30 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, May 3, 2013 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. 4/22/2013 .Mosquito Control District Strategic Planning Citizen's Budget Committee Meeting April 19, 2013 :':Budget Analysts FY130udgek FY14 Projected OUdgetf Revenues - - Taxes $2,835,115 $2,835,115 Less Statutory 5% ~ ($145,256) ($145,256) ' hrterest $70,000 $40,000 Subtotal-Recurring Revenue $2,759,859 $2,729,859 Expenditures Personnel $1,456,655 $1,542;943 Operating $2,132,708 $1,965,022 Subtotal-RecurHng Expenses. $3,589,363 $3,507,965 Operating~BUdget Shortfall ($329,547) ($778,106) 1 4/22/2013 _. Fy13 Budget Fy14 Projected Budget.: Beginning Fund Balance $3,756,318. $1,478,795 Operat(ng Budget Sfiortfall ($829,504) ,($778,106)- CIP-Hurricane Sandy ($1,448,019) -Ending Fund Balance $1,478,795 $700,669 MjllageProposal FY,14Resenes=$2M Current Millage Rate 0.2036 , Estimated Millage Increase Needed* 0.0982 Proposed Millage Rate 0.3018 Estimated homeownerimpact(per$100,000 $ of taxable property value) 9.82 Taxes Levied $1,367,696 Less 5% ($68,385). Net Taxes $1,299,311 Based on the above analysis and no change in property values in FY 14. To the extent the property values increase, the proposed millage increase will be reduced. 2 4/22/2013 ,Budget Analysis FY13 Budget.'-. FY14 Projected Budget' Revenues Taxes $2,835,115 $4,202,811 -Less Statutory 5% ~-{$145,256). ($213,641) Interest $70,000 $40,000 Subtgta!-Recurring Revenue _ $2,759,859 - ~ -$4,029,170 Expenditures Personnel -- $1,456,655 - $1;542,943 Operating ~ $2,132,708 $1,966,022' Subtofgl-Recurring Expenses -.-$3,689,363, _ $3,507,965 -0parating Budget Variance- ` ($SZ9,SOA) $521,205-. Millage .Increase FY13BUdget ;FY14Projected9udget Beginni ng Fund Balance -$3;756,318 $1,478, 795 Operating Budge[Variance ($829,504). $521,205 CIP-Hurricane Sandy ($1,448,019) Ending Fund Balance $1,478,795 $2,000,000 3 4/22/2013 In 2005, theeoard established an emergency reserve policy and a fund balance policy, The eoard- revised this policy in4030 to the following: •Emergency Reserves Fund. ~ The Hoard shall maintain a designated Emergency Reserve Fund equal to 5% of the total operating budget excluding funds that have a minimum of 10% or $2,000,000 in reserves, whichever is greater. By majority vote, the Board may use all or a portion of this designated Emergency Reserve Fund. Such use shall normally be reserved for natural or manmade disasters. •FUnd Balance Policy. The eoardshall maintain a Fund Balance Reserve In the General Fund equal to 5% of the General Fund operating budget. By a maJorlty vote, the Board may useall or a portion of this fund balance reserve to address unanticipated revenue shortfalls or anY unforeseen expenditures not necessarily resulting from a-natural or manmade disaster. The following table is a breakdown of the funding as stated in these reserve policies. FY 2012113 Operating Budget" S% All Funds (6nergency Reserve Policy) 194,612,987 9,730,649 General Fund (Fund Balance Policy) 70,539,120 3,526,956 Total - 13,257,fi0fi *Indudes operating budget for all agencies the County funds. Does not Include Capital, Debt Service or Reserves. 4 BOCC 2013 Strategic Planning Session June 12-14, 2013 (TENTATIVE DRAFT AGENDA FOR REVIEW & DISCUSSION PURPOSESONLy) Day 1: Wednesday: June 12, 2013 Welcome & Opening Comments Overview of Session 'Updates: FY13 Tax Collections-DVM 2014 Preliminary Property Value Update Presentations: Workforce Planning • Employee Morale Initiatives • Succession Plan Framework • Overview of Employee Handbook Changes Special Revenue Funds Presentations • Mosquito-Erosion Control Districts • Sports Complex • Airport • Transit MSTU • Law Enforcement MSTU ---------------------------- ---------------------- L u n c h Enterprise Funds Presentations • Utilities • Solid Waste • Golf Course • Building Discussion and Direction Presentations • Library Services • EnvironmentallySensitive Lands 8:45 am - 4:00 p.m. BOCC Chairman Mowery County Administrator Outlaw Tax Collector Craft Property Appraiser Pruitt Assistant County Administrator Human Resources Director ' County Administrator Mosquito Control Director David Parks & Recreation Director Planning-Develop. Services Director Community Services Director OMB Director Directors and Staff Directors and Staff NOTE: THIS IS THE TENTATIVE DRAFT AGENDAFOR REVIEW & DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 4/15/13 BOCC 2013 Strategic Planning Session June 12-14, 2013 Day 2: Thursday: June 13, 2013 Greetings Recap & Overview of Session Operating Fund Balance Presentation Operating Expenditure-Revenue Forecast Operating Financial Strategies 8:45 am-4:OOpm BOCC Chairman Mowery County Administrator County Administrator OMB Director County Administrator OMB Director Budget Manager -------------- ----------------------------------- B re a k----------------------------------------------------- Policy Questiohs Panels Assistant County Administrator • Internal-Support • Health & Safety • Economic Enhancement-Development Quality of Life Space Planning Presentations • Supervisor of Elections Building • Campus Complex Expansion Plan • Existing Administration Building Improvement Plan • Southwest Library Site Constitutional Officers Presentations • Sheriff's Office • Supervisor of Elections • Clerk of the Court-Finance State Agencies Presentations • Court Administration • Public Defender • State Attorney NOTE: THIS IS THE TENTATIVE DRAFT AGENDA FOR REVIEW & DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 4/15/13 _ , BOCC 2013 Strategic Plarning Session June12-14,2013 Day 3 Friday: June 14, 2013 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Greetings BOCC Chairman Mowery Recap & Overview of Session County Administrator Capital Improvement Projects Review • Priority Projects Presentation Directors and Staff • Roadway Bond Program Update Public Works Director County Engineer Next Step: • Wrap Up of Session County Administrator • Fall Strategic Planning Session Asst. County Administrator NOTE: THIS IS THE TENTATIVE DRAFT AGENDA FOR REVIEW & DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY 4/15/13 _ _ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~;€ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Citizens' Budget Committee 2013 Meeting ,Schedule 7:30 AM, Friday Conference Room 3 `., ';', 1- _ April 19 May 3 Proposed May 17 June 7 Proposed June 21 July 26 August 16 October 18