HomeMy WebLinkAboutSigned Agendas 4-2-2013ITEM NO. RES-2013-51 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *PROCLAMATIONS/PRESEN TATIONS TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: Proclamation Designating the Month of April 2013 as "National Child Abuse Prevention Month" BACKGROUND: It has been requested that this Board designate the month of April 2013 as "National Child Abuse Prevention Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,`Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res )PJAq Dan'el S. McIn re County Attornep/19/2013 Updated: 3/19/2013 3:04 PM by Brian Hurwitz Page 2 TO: PRESENTED BY; SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jeffrey Johnson, Senior Planner Planning Division ITEM NO. RES-2013-63 DATE: 04/02/2013 *PUBLIC HEARINGS A Resolution to Rezone from AR-1 to CO - Wright Professional Plaza located approximately 1/3 mile north of Midway Road on the west side of South 25th Street. The petition from Wright Professional Plaza was submitted on December 18, 2012 to amend the Official Zoning Atlas from the current AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1) District to the CO (Commercial, Office) District. The subject 4-acre property is designated RS (Residential Suburban - 2) on the Future Land Use Map, and is consistent with the proposed CO zoning. At the February 21, 2013 public hearing on this matter, the Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request to the Board of County Commissioners, the details of which are recorded in the attached minutes. There was no public comment. The applicant conducted a neighborhood meeting on January 31, 2013. This informational meeting was attended by four area property owners to have their comments and questions addressed by the applicant on their plans to re -zone the property and construct a medical office facility. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 21, 2013 - Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board Adoption of a Resolution approving an Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas from AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1) to CO (Commercial, Office). COMMISSION ACTION: SULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] WER: Chris Dzadovsky, District No. 1 CONDER: , Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair rwweiy, nUl.U111lJU1l, VLdUUVSKy,.: LCWIb, JU1l W>UI CONCURRENCE: County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Mark'—� Pla� Dev irdVQ k/2013 )PJ-AV Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/20/2013 Updated: 3/19/2013 2:47 PM by Brian Hurwitz A Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-55 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: John Wiatrak, Airport Manager SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County International Airport Division SUBJECT: Approve Budget Resolution for the Design and Construct Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector (Phase 1-Design) Project BACKGROUND: This agenda request is for Board approval of the attached Budget Resolution establishing the project funds for the Design and Construct Parallel Runway Connector Project. This project was approved under the FY 2013 Capital Improvement Program. Funds are available with no impact to the General Fund. Project funding consists of a FDOT 80% match share of $499,000 and a local 20% match share of $124,750. PREVIOUS ACTION: December 16, 2012-Board Approval of Resolution No. 12-220 accepting FDOT IPA in the amount of $499,000 for the Design and Construct Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 140382-4220-563005-134608 - Infrastructure, Consulting Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution establishing the fund for the Design and Construct Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector Project, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Merk a terlee, Planning & Dev ire3¢tbY/2013 Marie i , c or 3/22/2013 -WAq Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/22/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 4:04 PM by John Wiatrak Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COM PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney ITEM NO. ORD-2013- 15 DATE: 04/2/2013 *PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: An Ordinance amending sections 1-14.5-21 "adoption" to provide for the adoption of a deferred compensation program; amending section 1-14.5-22 'administration" to change administrator from the national association of counties (NACO) and the public employees benefit services corporation (PEBSCO) to TIAA CREF and to provide for periodic review of the program by the deferred compensation committee and to further provide that the board of county commissioners may change the administrator by resolution BACKGROUND: Section 112.215, Florida Statutes, authorizes counties to enter into deferred compensation programs. On August 9, 1983, the Board adopted Ordinance No. 83-04 establishing a Deferred Compensation Plan to be made available to all eligible County employees, elected officials, and independent contractors pursuant to Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code. Based on the recommendations of the County's Deferred Compensation Committee and the independent investment consultant, The Bogdahn Group, the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the officers and employees of St. Lucie County to change the deferred compensation program and administrator from the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the Public Employees benefit Corporation (PEBSCO) to TIAA CREF. Attached is a copy of a draft ordinance which, if adopted, would implement the recommended changes. Permission to advertise was granted on March 5 and notice was published in the St. Lucie News Tribune on March 20, 2013. PREVIOUS ACTION: Ordinance No. 83-04 adopted on August 9, 1983 establishing a Deferred Compensation Plan FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the Ordinance and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Chris Dzadovsky, District No. 1 SECONDER: ` Kim Johnson, District No. 5 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye w. Outlaw, M P A' 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/19/2013 Updated: 3/25/2013 9:05 AM by Missy Stiadle B Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Linda Pendarvis, Planner SUBMITTED BY: Planning Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1138) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AG EN DA\PLAN N I N G AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBJECT: Transportation Impact Study Waiver for North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). BACKGROUND: On March 20, 2012, the Board of County Commissioners authorized Masteller & Moler, Inc. to complete the design and permitting for the expansion of the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). The proposed Major Adjustment to the Major Site Plan for the North Hutchinson Island WWTF has been submitted to the County for review in accordance with the Land Development Code. In accordance with Section 11.02.09.A(4.a.) any proposed development on North Hutchinson Island shall provide a transportation impact study. The applicant, St. Lucie County Utilities Department, is requesting a waiver from this requirement due to the fact that any increase in maintenance and operation traffic is likely so small as to not be picked up in a traffic analysis. Pursuant to Section 11.02.09.A(4.a.3) of the Land Development Code, the Board of County Commissioners shall grant a waiver from the submittal of a traffic impact study with a recommendation of the Development Review Committee. The wastewater treatment improvements are proposed to an existing facility located on North Hutchinson Island and are not expected to create a significant demand for additional staffing. The proposed capacity increase to the treatment plant will not generate significant additional traffic beyond what currently exists for the maintenance and operation of the plant in its current configuration. Therefore, the improvements should not create an increase in traffic or negatively impact the level of service on State Road North AlA. On March 21, 2013 the Development Review Committee recommended approval of the request for a traffic impact study waiver. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Transportation Impact Study Waiver for North Hutchinson Island WWTF as outlined in this agenda request. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie: Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures 7� /(12 Mark a terlee Plannlhg & Dev inX29/2013 _)VWWA Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/20/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 8:53 AM by Linda Pendarvis C Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney ITEM NO. RES-2013-52 DATE: 04/02/2013 *PROCLAMATIONS/PRESEN TATIONS SUBJECT: Proclamation designating April 6, 2013 as "Children's Day" and April 7, 2013 as "Parents and Children's Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: Darlene Halvorsen with the Early Learning Center of St. Lucie County has requested that this Board proclaim April 6, 2013 as "Children's Day" and April 7, 2013 as "Parents and Children's Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/19/2013 Updated: 3/18/2013 10:43 AM by Carol Bishop Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, County Engineer SUBMITTED BY: Engineering ITEM NO. (ID # 1140) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: Oleander Avenue Business Park Culvert Replacement / Oleander Avenue Pipe Replacement Project BACKGROUND: The Oleander Avenue Business Park Culvert Replacement is essentially a small portion of the larger Oleander Avenue Pipe Replacement Project to rehabilitate the aging infrastructure and to alleviate the associated drainage issues on Oleander Avenue between Edwards Road and Bell Avenue. The objective is to repair collapsed piping which has resulted in surface depressions, potholes within the right-of-way as well as roadway, and impeded drainage. This project generally involves the following: Replacement of existing corrugated metal pipe culverts, Removal of existing catch basins and construction of ditch bottom inlets, Restoration of concrete curbing, Roadway pavement restoration. It is required that the construction be substantially completed within 30 calendar days from the notice to proceed date. On March 20, 2013, submittals to Bid No. 13-031, Oleander Avenue Business Park Culvert Replacement, were opened. Eight bids were received. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder was Ag-Scape Services Inc. Of Vero Beach in the amount of $64,516 (Attachment A). This project was bid in accordance with Local Preference Ordinance No. 09-005. Under the ordinance, bids are awarded to the lowest responsive bidder. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: 102001-3725-563000-133602 MSTU Stormwater RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to award Bid No. 13-031 to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Ag-Scape Services Inc. In the amount of $64,516, for the Oleander Avenue Business Park Culvert Replacement and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res 4jone��—b k ; Director 3 13 )Wwv Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/21/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 11:23 AM by Shane A. De Witt F Page 2 ITEM NO. (ID # 1141) DATE: 04/2/2013 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Bireley, Tourism & Venues Manager SUBMITTED BY: Tourism & Venues Division *CONSENT AGENDA\PARKS, RECREATION, & FACILITIES SUBJECT: Waiver of Fenn Center Facility Rental Fees for the Phil Chalmers Assembly Presentation BACKGROUND: Phil Chalmers is America's leading authority on juvenile homicide and juvenile mass murder and has held numerous speaking engagements throughout the country addressing this concerning issue. Mr. Chalmers is regarded as an expert in school violence and anti -bullying and has been studying youth culture for 25 years. He is an expert in youth behavior, youth culture, and youth entertainment. Mr. Chalmers is planning a series of speaking engagements in St. Lucie County. On Thursday, May 2, 2013, Mr. Chalmers will engage the local community with a presentation at the Havert L. Fenn Center. The event has broad public benefit and is being led by the St. Lucie County Roundtable and sponsored by several governmental agencies, including the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. The BOCC unanimously endorsed their support of this event at the Informal Meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2013. It is requested that the BOCC waive the fee for the rental of the Fenn Center in the amount of $675. This fee can be waived by the BOCC pursuant to section B8b in "Attachment A" of Resolution No. 12-047. Additional costs for County staff and equipment will be paid by the renter. Please note: If the rental fees are waived, the amount of rental fees waived to date at the Fenn Center for fiscal year 2013 will total $2,325. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to waive $675 in facility rental fees for the Phil Chalmers Assembly Presentation at the Havert L. Fenn Center COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,'-Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures _ . a� Edward Matthew?;, irecct6r13 )NAq Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/19/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 3:26 PM by Faye W. Outlaw Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Britton Wilson, Senior Planner SUBMITTED BY: Planning Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1142) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise - Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code to Resolve Residential Open Space Issue in the Agricultural Areas of Western St. Lucie County. Lands Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code BACKGROUND: This is a request to advertise for upcoming public hearings for two ordinances proposing to update the text of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Staff presented a Western Lands status update to the Board at the February 26, 2013 Informal Meeting. At the Informal meeting staff indicated that a number of meetings with representatives of the Western Lands property owners and stakeholders have occurred since the BOCC accepted the "Western Lands Study: Vision and Plan" on September 18, 2012. The purpose of the meetings was to develop a resolution to the open space issue that was one of the driving forces for the study. Several lawsuits and Bert Harris claims remain unresolved and the Board, staff and property owners/stakeholders agreed upon Plan acceptance to focus on resolving the open space issue prior to proceeding with other aspects of the plan. PREVIOUS ACTION: September 18, 2012 - Western Lands Study Report Acceptance FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to advertise the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code text amendments. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No.,4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis,District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures ~ /J Dark a terlee, Planning & Dev ire'3¢f?ff/2013 Danki S. McIn�County Attornep/20/2013 Updated: 3/20/2013 2:20 PM by Leslie Olson C Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-57 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections SUBMITTED BY: Supervisor of Elections SUB]ECT: Budget Amendment to Include Federal Funds BACKGROUND: *CONSENT AGENDA\SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections received a warrant in the amount of $44,859.15 from the Florida Department of State to assist in expenses of federal elections. I am asking the Board of County Commissioners to approve amending the Supervisor of Elections 2012-2013 budget in order to cover expenditures made from The Federal Election Activities monies. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: Available: 001-8191-599080-800 SLC Supervisor of Elections RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of a Resolution in the amount of $44,859.15 To amend the budget for the Federal Election Activity Agreement for FY 2012-2013. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,`Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures )N-A� Dan'el S, McIn re County Attorneq/19/2013 Updated: 3/18/2013 3:15 PM by Sherry Eichin Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-58 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *PROCLAMATIONS/PRESEN TATIONS TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: Proclamation Designating the Month of April 2013 as "Child Abuse Prevention Month" as requested by CASTLE. BACKGROUND: Rossana Gonzalez, with CASTLE has requested that this Board designate the month of April 2013 as "Child Abuse Prevention Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: FrannieHutchinson, District No. 4 Vice -Chair SECONDER: ' Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Heather Young, Asst. County Attc 6/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 3:14 PM by Shane A. De Witt Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. (ID # 1147) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\HUMAN RESOURCES PRESENTED BY: George Landry, Employee Safety & Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY: Employee Safety & Risk Division SUBJECT: Corizon Inmate Health Care Invoice No. CZN000012457 BACKGROUND: Corizon Health Services acts as a third -party administrator for St. Lucie County Jail inmate healthcare. Corizon manages, administers, and pays for inmate HIV medications and offsite services for inmates at the County Jail. Corizon has submitted their Invoice Number CZN000012457 (Attachment A) in the amount of $67,351.41 and is requesting reimbursement from the County for January 2013 inmate HIV medication costs. Per F.S. 901.35, the medical services provider shall be reimbursed from the general fund when no other source of payment is avialable. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 19, 2013 BOCC Approved payment for December 2012 HIV invoice of $37,613.05. December 18, 2012 BOCC Approved payment for November 2012 HIV invoice of $48,896.39. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001-2300-531300-200 Inmate Medical Expenses RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval for payment of Corizon Health Services invoice number CZN000012457 for Inmate HIV medications for January 1, 2013 through January 31, 2013 in the amount of $67,351.41. COMMISSION ACTION: >ULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] VER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair ;ONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 °SE Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: nsz�� —� Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res are Raymore, rec or of Human WkW )Pd#� Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/21/2013 Updated: 3/25/2013 9:38 AM by George Landry Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. (ID # 1149) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\H U MAN RESOURCES PRESENTED BY: George Landry, Employee Safety & Risk Manager SUBMITTED BY: Employee Safety & Risk Division SUBJECT: Corizon Inmate Health Care Invoice No. CZN000012459 BACKGROUND: Corizon Health Services is a third party administrator for County Jail inmates health care and manages and pays for offsite (outside of jail) utilization of medical care. The County then reimburses Corizon for the invoices Corizon has paid. The County contract requires the County to pay for inmate medical services, whenever an inmate has no viable method of paying for medical services. Corizon has submitted invoice number CZN000012459 (attachment A) for FY-2012 Inmate Utilization of medical costs for claims through September 2012 totaling $106,726.11 and is requesting reimbursement from the County. This invoice was not billed to the County until now, due to Corizon receiving claims from providers after the end of the fiscal year. This is the second invoice the County has received after the end of the fiscal year. This invoice will be paid out of the FY-2013 Budget. Inmate utilization of medical services costs for FY 2012, including the attached invoice, now totals $2,206,367.99 PREVIOUS ACTION: February 19, 2013 BOCC Approved payment of FY-2012 Utilization Aggregate in the amount of $413,891.61. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001-2300-531300-200 Inmate Medical Expenses RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Board approval for payment of Corizon Health Services invoice number CZN000012459 for FY-2012 Inmate Utilization of Medical Services costs in the amount of $106,726.11. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,'Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures ara Raymore, reclEor of Human FW2W G3 Marie i i c o 3/25/2013 )W-A� Dan'el S. McIn�re County Attorney/25/2013 Updated: 3/25/2013 11:08 AM by George Landry Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney ITEM NO. ORD-2013- 16 DATE: 04/2/2013 *PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: Ordinance f/k/a Ordinance No. 13-012 - Establishing procedures for processing requests for reasonable accommodation pursuant to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act from the County's unified Land Development Code. BACKGROUND: Attached is an Ordinance adopting Reasonable Accommodation procedures for St. Lucie County to consider requests for reasonable accommodations under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. Federal law requires local governments to have a formal procedure in place for individuals with disabilities. This ordinance will ensure the County is compliant with Federal Law. PREVIOUS ACTION: Permission to advertise was granted by the Board of County Commissioners on February 5, 2013 for public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and the Board of County Commissioners. A public hearing was held before the Planning and Zoning Board on February 21, 2013 wherein a recommendation was made to forward the Ordinance f/k/a Ordinance No. 13-012 to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation for approval with one addition to paragraph 8. The Planning and Zoning Commission amended the Ordinance to clearly state if the applicant were to take any action while enforcement is in abeyance, it would be at the Applicant's risk. The first public hearing was held on March 19, 2013. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the Ordinance f/k/a Ordinance No. 13-012 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance as drafted by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No.-4, Vice -Chair SECONDER:- Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination/Signatures )Z4AA Dan'el S. McIn /re County Attorney/21/2013 Updated: 3/19/2013 4:06 PM by Carol Bishop Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana Wesloski, Housing Manager SUBMITTED BY: Housing Services Division SUBJECT: loth Street Road Construction BACKGROUND: ITEM NO. (ID # 1151) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COMMUNITY SERVICES St. Lucie County was granted $8,058,428 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for recovery projects as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. The County has partnered with Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie to coordinate five infrastructure projects. The Ioth Street Road Construction project went out to bid on January 29, 2012 to 635 vendors. Five (5) responses were received. The lowest responsive responsible bidder was Dickerson Florida, Inc. in the amount of $2,051,534.00. Each change order has been reviewed and approved for payment by Fort Pierce Engineering Department. The maximum amount of the grant allocation for the 10th Street project is $1,490,455 and any additional expenses will be paid by the City of Fort Pierce per the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement. Change order number three in the amount of $20,474.17 is for drainage and sewer changes, sidewalk and signal adjustments, additional work at the Orange Avenue Intersection, concrete collars, and other related work, as outlined in the attached copy of change order request number three. Previous change order requests have totaled $102,172.14. Per the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual, contract change orders in excess of $50,000 must be approved by the Board. PREVIOUS ACTION: March 23, 2010 - Board approval of the interlocal agreements with Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie. March 20, 2012 - Board approval of Bid No. 12-013 to Dickerson Florida, Inc. October 16, 2012 - Board approval of change order No. 2 in the amount of $69,462.39. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001519-5420-581090-500 - Community Development Block Grant Diaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) 001544-5420-581090-500 - Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Enhancement Fund (CDBG DREF) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of change order number three as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures z2wo��_ betfi Ryder, Community vice �fY�2013 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/21/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 4:18 PM by Shane A. De Witt A Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COM PRESENTED BY: Diana Wesloski, Housing Manager SUBMITTED BY: Housing Services Division SUBJECT: Engineering Services — D9 Canal Project ITEM NO. (ID # 1152) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COMMUNITY SERVICES BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County was granted $8,058,428 in CDBG DRI funds for recovery projects as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. The County has partnered with Fort Pierce and Port St. Lucie to coordinate five infrastructure projects. On October 6, 2010, responses from RFQ No. 10-058, Professional Engineering Services for the D9 Canal Improvement Project were opened. Notification of RFQ No.10-058 was sent to 850 companies and 73 RFQ documents were distributed and eleven proposals were received. On December 14, 2010, the Board approved the short-list of firms for Professional Services, and granted permission to conduct oral presentations, contract negotiations and award contract to the successful short- listed firm. Engineering Design and Construction (EDC) was chosen to provide engineering services for the D9 Canal Project. On October 23, 2012, the Board approved the termination of the construction contract with Arbor Tree and Land, Inc. The remainder of the project was re -bid. This requires EDC to provide ongoing construction inspection services and geotechnical testing throughout the remainder of the project. EDC is requesting an additional $87,330. Previous change order requests have totaled $49,387. Per the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual, cumulative contract change orders in excess of $50,000 must be approved by the Board. PREVIOUS ACTION: December 14, 2010 - Board approval of the short-listed firms for Professional Services and permissions to conduct oral presentations with the short listed firms, conduct contract negotiations with the successful short-listed firm, and award contract to the successful short-listed firm. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001519-5420-581085-500 — Community Development Block Grant Diaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of change order number four as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: "ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: ` Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Ryder, Community vice H--OtO2013 )Z4_A� Dan'el S. Man re County Attorney%/21/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 4:19 PM by Shane A. De Witt Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Britton Wilson, Senior Planner SUBMITTED BY: Planning Division ITEM NO. ORD-2013- 17 DATE: 04/2/2013 *PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBJECT: Large-scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (FLUMA) to Residential Estate (RE) BACKGROUND: This is the transmittal hearing for a County -initiated amendment to the Future Land Use Map for portions of five privately owned contiguous parcels totaling 14.61 acres (M.0.L.) from R/C (Residential/Conservation) to RE (Residential Estate) and from Conservation Public (CPUB) to RE (Residential Estate) Future Land Use designations consistent with the original designations of the property prior to an apparent scrivener's error. This item will be processed with a concurrent amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas during the adoption hearing. The subject properties front on Tozour Road and North US Highway 1 and are owned by the Hearns, Headals, Coletti and Marcello. In discussion with the property owner, it appears the properties were mistakenly changed due to a scrivener's error. Staff researched the property owner's assertion and determined that the properties were likely changed when the hand drawn maps were electronically digitized in the early 1990's. To return the properties back to the original zoning classification of AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) a Future Land Use Map Amendment (FLUMA) to RE (Residential Estate) is required for the zoning to be consistent with its Future Land Use designation. The original Future Land Use designation prior to 1990 was CH (Commercial Highway), which is no longer an adopted Future Land Use designation within the County's Comprehensive Plan. Analysis Summary: Staff's analysis indicates that the proposed amendment is consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. The amendment is being proposed to correct a scrivener's error that occurred during the mapping process back in 1990. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 21, 2013 - The Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to transmit the Ordinance to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for review and comment. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Kim Johnson, District No. 5 SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination/Signatures Ra�k a terlee Planni & Dev irNWir/2013 )M-A� Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/20/2013 Updated: 3/20/2013 2:32 PM by Leslie Olson Page 2 ITEM NO. (ID # 1154) DATE: 04/2/2013 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COM PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Bireley, Tourism & Venues Manager SUBMITTED BY: Tourism & Venues Division SUBJECT: SEAL Museum Grant Agreement Payout BACKGROUND: *CONSENT AGENDA\PARKS, RECREATION, & FACILITIES In September 2010, the County entered into a 5-year Grant Agreement (C10-07-320) with the SEAL Museum to allocate future TDC capital funds generated from the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax. As per the Grant Agreement, the County has paid regular monthly payments to the SEAL Museum in the amount of $7,632.08 in accordance with amortization table for the construction loan that was received by the museum in order to fund an 8,500 square foot expansion. The agreement was not to exceed $470,000 including interest. A per section 4a of the Grant Agreement, it states that "After the first year of the term, the County shall have the right to prepay the principal amount of the loan in whole or in part." By April 15, 2013, the SEAL Museum's loan payout amount will be $231,156.73 with a daily interest amount of $34.1156. The County currently has a balance of $250,339 in reserves of the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax fund. If the County were to exercise its right to payout the loan, the interest savings to the County would be approximately $18,609. At the Tourist Development Council (TDC) meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2013, the TDC unanimously supported using the reserve funds accumulated in the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax fund to payout the loan balance. PREVIOUS ACTION: July 20, 2010 - Board approval to enter into a grant agreement with the National Navy UDT- SEAL Museum to allocate future TDC capital funds generated from the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax in an amount not to exceed $470,000 including interest to fund the museum's expansion project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 162-9910-599300-800 Reserves RECOMMENDATION: Board consideration to exercise its right to payout the loan amount not to exceed $231,156.73 using the reserve funds in the 33% of the fifth cent Tourist Development Tax fund. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res c < a/r �m< Edward Matt hew�,Direct r 3/2�0/2013 )Pdw�q Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/21/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 8:42 AM by Patty Marston-Duva Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana Waite, Senior Planner SUBMITTED BY: Planning Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1155) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SUBJECT: Land Development Code Text Amendment - Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: Staff is proposing changes to Chapter 4 (Special Districts) of the Land Development Code (LDC) to amend Section 4.12.05, the Permitted Zoning and Rezoning provisions for a 30.95 acre tract within the Jenkins Road Area Plan Special District. The text amendment is proposed to allow the 30.95 acre tract to be rezoned to CG (Commercial, General) as proposed by a conceptual settlement agreement between the Board of County Commissioners (Board) and the property owners, Angle Road Development, LLC (Angle). The Board conceptually approved the settlement proposal on October 2, 2012 (Exhibit A). The text amendment would allow CG (Commercial, General) Zoning on the 30.95 acre tract at the southwest corner of Angle Road and Taylor Dairy Road as provided for in the settlement proposal. The Angle tract is located within the Jenkins Road Area Plan Special District and subject to the regulations in Section 4.12.05 that limit zoning options in that location to a non-residential or mixed use planned development district. The proposed amendment would add an option to rezone the lands to a commercial zoning district, which includes the proposed CG Zoning District. The text amendment is consistent with the existing and proposed future uses in the area and would maintain consistency with the LDC. The required public hearings for the LDC text amendment will be scheduled prior to processing other applications related to the implementation of the settlement agreement. Future applications included within this request to advertise include the following: a Future Land Use Map Amendment from RU (Residential Urban) to MXD (Angle Road Mixed Use Activity Area - Specific Use - Com/Res-5) that would allow both commercial uses and residential units at a density of five dwelling units per acre • a change in zoning from AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential —1 du/ac) to CG (Commercial, General) • a Development Agreement providing a conceptual plan and the vesting of 175,200 square feet of commercial space for a 10 year period. The first public hearing for these items should be forwarded for your review within the next 6 months. Attached is a draft ordinance identifying the proposed changes to LDC Section 4.12.05 in str"�^'hru and underlined type. Other minor changes to the Jenkins Road Area Plan Ordinance include adding a provision for the Board to grant a waiver from the Road and Trail System requirements, and a correction to a reference to the Road and Trail System provisions. These changes, unrelated to the settlement agreement, are staff -initiated and made to allow greater flexibility in design and to address environmental or engineering constraints that may be identified as part of future development proposals. The proposed text amendment is required as the first step towards addressing the terms of the settlement agreement between Angle Road Development, LLC and the Board of County Commissioners. PREVIOUS ACTION: October 2, 2012 - the Board conceptually approved the Angle Road Development, LLC settlement proposal as outlined in the May 7, 2012 letter. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to advertise the required public hearings for an amendment to the Land Development Code for the Jenkins Road Area Plan Special District. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: - Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson �� - Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Updated: 3/26/2013 8:43 AM by Faye W. Outlaw B Page 2 Coordination /Signatures 01 L i Ison, Planning Manager 3/22/2013 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attornep/22/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 8:43 AM by Faye W. Outlaw B Page 3 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana Wesloski, Housing Manager SUBMITTED BY: Housing Services Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1157) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: Construction Services for D-9 Canal Drainage Improvements BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County was granted $8,058,428 in CDBG DRI funds for recovery projects as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. The funds were designated for 2010-2012 and for five (5) infrastructure projects. On March 23, 2010, the Board approved an interlocal agreement between St. Lucie County and the City of Port St. Lucie to provide funding for D-9 Canal Drainage Improvement project. The Federal Davis Bacon Act that establishes the requirement for paying the local prevailing wages on public works projects applies to this award. The D9 Flood and Drainage project went out to bid on December 16, 2012 to 54 vendors. Three (3) responses were received. The lowest responsive responsible bidder was Guettler Brothers Construction. Local preference is not permitted under CDBG regulations. PREVIOUS ACTION: December 22, 2009 - Board approved submission of grant application. March 23, 2010 - Board approved the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Port St. Lucie. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001519-5420-581085-500 - Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to award Bid No. 13-019 for construction services to Guettler Brothers Construction for the D-9 Canal Drainage Improvement project funded under CDBG DRI, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [4 TO 01 MOVER: Chris Dzadovsky, District No. 1 SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Tod Mowery, Chris Dzadovsky, Paula A. Lewis, Kim Johnson ABSTAIN: FrannieHutchinson CONCURRENCE: ay�W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Ryder, Community vice Hr,�tpP013 Dan el S. McIn re County Attorne$d/22/2013 Updated: 3/27/2013 4:38 PM by Missy Stiadle C Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Diana Wesloski, Housing Manager SUBMITTED BY: Housing Services Division ITEM NO. RES-2013-54 DATE: 04/02/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COMMUNITY SERVICES SUBJECT: State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP) BACKGROUND: Every three years, jurisdictions receiving State Housing Initiative Partnership(SHIP) funding are required to adopt a Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP). Substantial changes to the LHAP are as follows: • Fiscal years covered • Requirement that counseling services are to be obtained by a HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agency • Increase in the maximum award amounts for housing repairs, reconstruction, and accessibility improvements PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Resolution adopting the SHIP LHAP for FY 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures tkefi Ryder, Community ice 8-,ktO2013 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/21/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 2:34 PM by Shane A. De Witt A Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-53 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *PROCLAMATION S/PRES EN TATIO N S TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: Proclamation Designating the Month of April 2013 as "Water Conservation Month". BACKGROUND: Gary Ritter, with South Florida Water Management District, has requested that this Board designate the month of April 2013 as "Water Conservation Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures ),Pd-#A Dan'el S. McIn re County AttorneP/21/2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 8:11 AM by Carol Bishop Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. (ID # 1160) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\ADMI NISTRATIO N PRESENTED BY: Michael Brillhart, Business and Strategic Initiatives Manager SUBMITTED BY: Business & Strategic Initiatives Division SUBJECT: 2013 Federal Legislative Agenda BACKGROUND: It is St. Lucie County's practice to secure the approval of the Board of County Commissioners for Federal legislative issues and requests. County staff has been working with Greg Burns from Van Scoyoc Associates to identify these issues and requests as part of the County's Federal Legislative Agenda for 2013. The items identified within the Agenda are anticipated to have a fiscal, regulatory, or operational impact upon the County. The 2013 Federal Legislative Agenda will provide a background and summary on these issues for members of the Federal Congressional Delegation, as well as, appropriate Federal agency staff. PREVIOUS ACTION: At its March 14, 2013 informal meeting, the Board reviewed legislative issues and requests as part of its Federal Legislative Agenda for 2013. The legislative agenda was prepared by our Federal Lobbyist, Greg Burns, with Van Scoyoc Associates in conjunction with County staff. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to submit the County's 2013 Federal Legislative Agenda to members of Florida's Federal Congressional Delegation. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: FayeW. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res )N-A� Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 9:47 AM by Michael Brillhart Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. (ID # 1162) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PARKS, RECREATION, & FACILITIES PRESENTED BY: Guy D. Medor, Regional Parks & Stadiums Manager SUBMITTED BY: Regional Parks & Stadiums Division SUBJECT: Bleacher Expansion South County Regional Stadium - 560 NW University Blvd, Port St. Lucie BACKGROUND: In April 2011, during the renovation at Tradition Field to upgrade the right field bleachers, staff determined that the aluminum bleachers were salvageable, and given their excellent condition, felt that they could be re -installed on the visitors' side at South County Regional Stadium. During the installation process, we found out that, prior to installation, these bleachers had to be engineered, permitted, with a new site plan approved by the City of Port St. Lucie. Additionally, per the site plan, the installation must be ADA compliant on reinforced concrete ribbon footings with sidewalk/ramp connections. Moreover, the Fire District requires the installation of adequate lighting for evacuation purposes. Staff's initial estimate of $50,000 was short and did not anticipate the additional requirements; therefore, this agenda is requesting the Board's approval to allocate $60,000 Parks Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) funding to complete the project. PREVIOUS ACTION: April 10, 2012 - Approval of $50,000 Parks MSTU funding by the County Administrator re- install the bleachers from Tradition Field to South County Stadium, FINANCIAL IMPACT: 129-7210-563000-7516 Infrastructure - Bleacher Expansion (South County Stadium) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to allocate $60,000 of Parks MSTU funding to increase the total project cost to $110,000 in order to complete the re -installation of the bleachers at South County Stadium. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,;Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: �- —::1 --� Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Edwar t w9, bir66t6F_ )N_A� Dan el S. Man re County Attorney%/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 3:56 PM by Edward Matthews A Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-56 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: John Wiatrak, Airport Manager SUBMITTED BY: St. Lucie County International Airport Division SUBJECT: Approve Budget Resolution to Accept FAA Reimbursement Funds BACKGROUND: The Rehabilitation project of Taxiways A & B required additional monies for completion. In June 2012, the Airport advised the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the final change order and of the total increased costs of $73,186.32. The FAA confirmed that it would reimburse the airport for 95% of the costs associated with the change orders, a total of $69,527, upon submission of the final closeout documents. The FAA advised that reimbursement of funds would not take place until all change order requests under the project were approved at final project completion and that the monies would need to be paid initially by the Airport. In February 2013, staff received written notification from the FAA that the funding was approved. On February 13, 2013, the final billing was submitted to the FAA for reimbursement, and payment was received on February 28, 2013. PREVIOUS ACTION: July 17, 2012 - Board approved permission to transfer funds from the Airport West Commerce Park project to cover the funding shortfall of $73,187.86 until FAA reimbursement is received. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 140-4220-563000-104601 - Infrastructure (pending BOCC approval) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution No. 13-035 accepting the FAA Reimbursement and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: FrannieHutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,'Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures ark a terlee, Plannin 8� Dev lrGVCb1r/2013 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attornep/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 9:25 AM by Patty Marston-Duva A Page 2 TO: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS John Wiatrak, Airport Manager St. Lucie County International Airport Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1164) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES To Approve Work Authorization for Parallel Taxiway Connector Design and Construction Services This agenda request is for Board approval of ATKINS Work Authorization No. 13 for design and bidding services for the St. Lucie County International Airport Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector Project. Phase I of this project entails the design and bidding services for the project. The Scope of Services provided by ATKINS includes data collection, design, and bidding phase services for a lump sum amount of $347,783. This project was identified in the 2011 Master Plan, approved under the FY 2013 budget and is fully funded with an 80% grant from Florida Department of Transportation with a 20% local match share. The total cost of Phase I for the Design and Bidding portion of the Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector Project for FY 2013 is $499,000. PREVIOUS ACTION: December 16, 2012 - Board approval of Resolution No. 12-220 accepting FDOT Joint Participation Agreement (IPA) in the amount of $499,000 for the Design & Construct Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 140382-4220-563005-134608 — Infrastructure — Consulting Engineer (pending BOCC approval). RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of ATKINS Work Authorization No. 13 for design and bidding services for the St. Lucie County International Airport Parallel Runway Taxiway Connector Project for a lump sum cost of $347,783, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures 7�x Z/� , / ( I _?� n Mark`Sa`Eterlee, Plannii7g & Dev 1r9¢tEF/2013 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/21J2013 Updated: 3/21/2013 4:00 PM by John Wiatrak Page 2 TO: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS John Wiatrak, Airport Manager St. Lucie County International Airport Division ITEM NO. (ID # 1165) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES To Approve Second Amendment of Michael Baker Inc. Work Authorization No. 37 for Customs & Border Protection Facility Renovations This agenda request is for Board approval of Michael Baker Inc. Second Amendment to Work Authorization (WA) No. 37 for professional engineering and design services to modernize the existing Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Facility. PREVIOUS ACTION: November 9, 2010 - Board approved Resolution No. 10-280 accepting the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement. January 4, 2011 - Board approved Budget Resolution No. 11-024 establishing the fund. August 16, 2011 - Board approved Michael Baker, Inc. WA No. 37 for Professional Engineering and Design services for the Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Facility Renovation Project. September 13, 2012 - First Amendment to WA No. 37 was approved for a cost increase of $42,666 increasing the total to $172,002. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 140372-4220-562005-114601 — Building -Consultant Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Michael Baker, Inc. Second Amendment to WA No. 37 for Professional Engineering and Design services for the St. Lucie County International Airport Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Facility Renovation Project for a revised lump sum cost of $230,967, an extension of time for completion to 9/30/2013, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures :'k' a terlee, Plann1 g & Dev irMOk/2013 )PdAp Dan'el S. McIn�re County Attorneq/21/2013 Updated: 3/25/2013 8:55 AM by John Wiatrak Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney ITEM NO. (ID # 1167) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COUNTY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Madison Vines, LLC - Subordination Agreement with PNC Bank, National Association BACKGROUND: On April 27, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners approved a mortgage and related documents for the Madison Vines, LLC affordable multi -family rental community located at 4262 Oleander Avenue. As part of the 2008 Universal Cycle of the Florida Housing Finance Corporation tax credit program, the County encumbered one fifty thousand and 00/100 dollars ($150,000.00) from SHIP funds for the project. These funds were secured by the promissory note and mortgage which provide for the loan to be repaid over thirty (30) years. Primary funding for the project was provided by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation through a loan in the amount of ten million eight hundred thirty-seven thousand five hundred and 00/100 dollars ($10,837,500.00) and a loan from PNC Bank, N.A. in the amount of one million seven hundred eighteen and 00/100 dollars ($1,718,000.00). In conjunction with the conversion from interim construction financing to a permanent loan, PNC has requested the County enter into a Subordination Agreement. Staff has reviewed the Subordination Agreement and finds it acceptable as to legal form and correctness. PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 27, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners approved a mortgage and related documents for the Madison Vines, LLC affordable multi -family rental community located at 4262 Oleander Avenue. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Subordination Agreement with PNC Bank, National Association, for the Madison Vines, LLC project, and authorize the Chairman to sign the Subordination Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: FrannieHutchinson, District No. 4 Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky,;Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res Heather Young, Asst. County Att 6/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 8:28 AM by Stephanie Bush A Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Peter Buchwald, Executive Director SUBMITTED BY: Transportation Planning Organization ITEM NO. RES-2013-62 DATE: 04/02/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\TRANSPORTATIO N PLANNING ORGANIZATION SUBJECT: Resolution - Approval of Federal Transit Administration Grant BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) has received notification of funding for the 5-year Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5303 Metropolitan Planning Grant. The amount of Federal funds for the third year to be received by TPO is $81,635, with a State match of $10,204 and a local match of $10,204. Because the St. Lucie TPO account is within the Budgetary system of the County, the County is required by Florida Statute Section 129.06(d) to amend the County budget by resolution for the receipt of the grant funds on behalf of the St. Lucie TPO. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 1, 2011 - BOCC approval of the first year allocation of FTA planning funds in the amount of $90,099. February 7, 2012 - BOCC approval of the second year allocation of FTA planning funds in the amount of $91,191. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001534-1540-331421-100 Federal Transit Administration (pending BOCC approval) RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resoulution in the amount of $91,839 to amend the County budget for receipt of FTA funds on behalf of the St. Lucie TPO. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 vt�� County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Sianatu res Marie c.or 3/22/2013 Heather Young, Asst. County Attc .6/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 8:03 AM by Brian Hurwitz Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Peter Buchwald, Executive Director SUBMITTED BY: Transportation Planning Organization ITEM NO. (ID # 1170) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\TRA N S PO RTATI O N PLANNING ORGANIZATION SUBJECT: Approval of the Federal Metropolitan Planning Grant Third Authorization for St. Lucie TPO BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) has been granted a third authorization of planning funds in the amount of $436,718. These funds were budgeted in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) of the TPO. PREVIOUS ACTION: August 7, 2012 - BOCC approval of the first authorization of PL planning funds in the amount of$125,519 October 16, 2012 - BOCC approval of the second authorization of PL funds in the amount of $173,113 FINANCIAL IMPACT: 001547-1540-331130-100 Federal Highway Administration RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Federal Metropolitan Planning Grant third authorization for $436,718 on behalf of the St. Lucie TPO. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE, Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Marie i i c.orIj 3/22/2013 Heather Young, Asst. County Attc 6/2013 Updated: 3/26/2013 8:04 AM by Brian Hurwitz Page 2 ITEM NO, RES-2013-59 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *CONSENT AGENDA\COUNTY ATTORNEY TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: Proclamation designating the month of April, 2013 as "General Aviation Appreciation Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: It has been requested that this Board proclaim the month of April 2013 as "General Aviation Appreciation Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPT_ED[UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 i AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8J2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Dan'el S. McIn�re County Attornep/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 2:59 PM by Carol Bishop Page 2 ITEM NO. RES-2013-60 DATE: 04/02/2013 AGENDA REQUEST *CONSENT AGENDA\COUNTY ATTORNEY TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: Proclamation designating the month of April, 2013 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: It has been requested that this Board proclaim the month of April 2013 as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures Dan'el S. McIntyre County AttorneP/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 3:24 PM by Carol Bishop Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney ITEM NO. RES-2013-61 DATE: 04/02/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\COUNTY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Proclamation designating April 19, 2013 as "Patriot's Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. BACKGROUND: It has been requested that this Board proclaim April 19, 2013 as "Patriot's Day" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached proclamation has been drafted for that purpose. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER: Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA 4/8/2013 County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures )W-Av Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorneq/22/2013 Updated: 3/22/2013 4:22 PM by Carol Bishop Page 2 AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. (ID # 1174) DATE: 04/2/2013 *CONSENT AGENDA\PUBLIC WORKS PRESENTED BY: Laurie Waldie, Utilities Services Division Director SUBMITTED BY: Utilities Division SUBJECT: St. Lucie County / FPUA Bulk Services Agreement BACKGROUND: St. Lucie County Water and Sewer District (District) currently purchases bulk water and wastewater from Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) to serve a portion of the District's customers pursuant to the Bulk Services Agreement executed February 10, 2004. In 2005, the District exercised its five year option to stop using any additional bulk services from FPUA and to construct its own facilities on a going forward basis. The District has reviewed its future utility service planning and has determined that it would be beneficial if the District were to provide the fifteen year notice to terminate the Bulk Services Agreement. As the Board is aware, there have been challenges for both FPUA and the District with the terms of the Bulk Service Agreement. From the District's perspective, these include; no control over or input into the rates charged to the District for bulk service from FPUA, and the inability to utilize another provider at a potentially lower cost for bulk service. By St. Lucie County eventually being able to provide the water supply and wastewater treatment for all their customers or to acquire lower cost bulk service from other providers, there is control over the cost of those services and the customers have representation regarding oversight of the rate setting, which is lacking under the current bulk arrangement. As growth occurs and capacity is built, SLCU District will be able to provide for those customers currently being served through the bulk agreement. Staff feels it is in the best interest of the District customers to provide this fifteen year notice of termination to FPUA. The fifteen year notice period also allows FPUA reasonable time to plan for the future loss of the small percentage of FPUA's overall water and wastewater flows attributed to the District. PREVIOUS ACTION: February 10, 2004 - Agreement between Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority and St. Lucie County, Florida, for provision of bulk water, wastewater and reclaimed water service was made (Bulk Services Agreement). March 20, 2005 - Board approved the March 11, 2005 letter of St. Lucie County providing the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority with five years prior notice of the County's election to construct water, wastewater and reclaimed water treatment capacity for new development not already serviced under the Bulk Services Agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval for St. Lucie County to provide the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority with fifteen years prior notice of the County's election to terminate the Bulk Services Agreement and for the County Administrator to send the attached letter. COMMISSION ACTION: RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Frannie Hutchinson, District No. 4, Vice -Chair SECONDER:Paula A. Lewis, District No. 3 AYES: Mowery, Hutchinson, Dzadovsky, Lewis, Johnson CONCURRENCE: County Administrator, ICMA-CM Coordination /Signatures on est, Public Work c Director 3 13 Dan'el S. McIn re County Attorney/25/2013 Updated: 3/25/2013 1:44 PM by Missy Stiadle Page 2