HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes May 3, 2013CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: May 3, 2013 Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: CALL TO ORDER John Culverhouse, Chair Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair Carl Hensley Dan Kurek Craig Mundt Marty Laven Ed Lounds Gwen Morris Patrick Campion William Donovan Jane Bachelor James Clasby Richard Pancoast Stephanie Morgan Jay L. McBee Faye W. Outlaw Marie Gouin Mark Satterlee Don West Karen Smith Leslie Olson Ed Matthews Laurie Waldie Johnny Ortiz Toby Long Debbie Scribner Robert Bentkofsky Jennifer Hill Stefanie Myers Tara Raymore Beth Ryder Monica Graziani John Wiatrak Sherry Burroughs Garry Wilson Ron Roberts Mr. Culverhouse welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. APPROVAL OF APRIL 19, 2013 MINUTES After a motion from Mr. Mundt and a second, the minutes were unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT Citizens' Budget Committee May 3, 2013 Page 2 No member of the public spoke at the meeting. MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT: FOLLOW UP INFORMATION Ms. Outlaw introduced the presentation (see attached) by giving history from the last meeting. Ms. Gouin explained the numbers. Ms. Outlaw mentioned some of the Board's options. Ms. Morris asked about the millage increase. Ms. Outlaw explained that it could be used only for Mosquito Control, how it would affect the total tax bill and the Committee's and Board's options. Mr. Knaggs and Mr. Laven commented on an increase for the Mosquito Control millage. Ms. Outlaw explained the procedure. Mr. Donovan asked about rolling back the millage after the reserve is increased. Ms. Outlaw answered that it could be done. Mr. Knaggs feels the $4 million should be the minimum. The Federal government's position on reimbursing and the inability to predict storms were discussed. Mr. Lounds repeated. his quote, "If you go to the well, bring a big bucket." He feels the Board should be given larger parameters to work with and be told the $4 million is where they should end up. Mr. Culverhouse and Ms. Outlaw discussed the recommendation. Mr. Lounds asked for Mr. Kurek's opinion. Mr. Kurek agreed with Mr. Lounds. The challenge will be to keep the total millage the same. He is concerned another fund will take a hit unless there is an increase in valuation. Ms. Outlaw will press the Board to not take that approach. because of the operating gap.- Ms. Outlaw agreed. to bring the final motion with the numbers included to the next meeting. STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE Ms. Outlaw started the attached PowerPoint on Special Revenue and Enterprise Funds. Because of new members, she gave an explanation of the funds. Ms. Gouin and Mr. Long explained the required 27% for the Sheriff's road patrol costs. Mr. Knaggs asked about fund balance. Ms. Hill explained the amount and told the challenges. Ms. Gouin and Mr. Long added that it depends on property values. Ms. Outlaw introduced John Wiatrack, the Airport Manager. He gave the Airport portion of the presentation. Mr. Satterlee added information on the situations of the renters. Mr. Knaggs asked for an explanation of Above Base Request. Ms. Outlaw explained. Mr. Laven asked about energy savings. Mr. Wiatrack explained the expected savings from the solar panels on the new building. Ms. Morris asked if sequestering affected our tower. Mr. Wiatrack answered that it is not expected to close: The tower staff did have some furlough days. We may see an increase in traffic if nearby towers close. Mr. Satterlee was told we should be safe for a year. Mr. Wiatrack says the traffic is up which helps everything. Grant assurances affect how the Airport can earn revenue. Citizens' Budget Committee May 3, 2013 Page 3 They are choosing a firm to provide a business plan for direction. Mr. Knaggs clarified that the Airport would be subsidized from the General Fund. Rent and renters were discussed. Ms. Morris asked about the flight school. Mr. Wiatrack explained how much they help to make the Airport busy enough to stay open. The flight school is looking to improve. Fixed Based Operations (FBO) and rental units were discussed. Mr. Wiatrack explained the process, budget, duties and expected time to hire a consultant. Mr. Lounds started discussion on the Airport property. Ms. Morris started discussion on the Airport Master Plan. Ms. Gouin presented the Enterprise Funds section. Mr. Matthews gave the Golf Course Fund portion, starting with history of the former landfill and current conditions. Mr. Mundt asked about Personnel costs. Mr. Matthews, Ms. Hill and Ms. Gouin explained. Mr. Donovan asked about the methane gas: Mr. Matthews and Mr. Roberts explained the concentration levels. Mr. Lounds asked about green fees and maintenance. Mr. Matthews answered and praised the efforts of the staff. Mr. Knaggs asked about the past season. Mr. Matthews answered the percentage they were down and why. Ms. Morris asked about the relation between Tourism being down and the golf course. Mr. Matthews answered and told about new programs they are excited about. Ms. Morris asked about discounts for County employees. Mr. Matthews said it had been suggested. Mr. Hensley started discussion on golf fees and revenues. Mr. Matthews is very optimistic about the future. Mr. Lounds asked about the Fairgrounds. Ms. Gouin answered that it is in the General Fund. Mr. Bentkofsky concluded the presentation and made suggestions for the next meeting. OTHER ISSUES There are two more meetings before Strategic Planning. Mr. Bentkofsky told the plans for future meetings. Ms. Morris asked when they would be advised of the new tax revenues. Ms. Gouin said they are planning for flat, but the estimate should be available June 1 and the final number on July 1. ADJOURNMENT Citizens' Budget Committee May 3, 2013 Page 4 After a motion by Mr. Lounds and second by Mr. Knaggs, Mr. Culverhouse adjourned the meeting at 8:51 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. m O ~ ~ N N II O '~' ~ vi O, • ~ ~ ~ U ~ EL m ~` LL' ~ m O ~ ~ ~; ° ° ° ~' °' ~. ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ m: ~ . ~ ~ '; m ~' ~.7 ~ ~' i~ 0 a 0 _L a hA 16' C rn N O N +~ O 0 a~ z m U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [6 hA = f6 C C_ ~G i-+ .{~+ ~ CU v ~ L U W o d- rn ~ ~ dttl' .~. ~ ~ M C N ~ ~ ~ N ~ ce ~: t +~ ~ to i -! t!)- M +' N X N N L a -~ h.0 p C I- C '(!} -~ ~ ~ (6 ~ U ~ N `~ ~ ~ o a m ~ ~ i ~ .U p ~ o~ ~ ~n a~ ~ ~ r P ~ ~n- '~' > '~ uun ~ .~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " Q ~ ~ Q U d ~ Q ~ • ~ b,0 Q ~ - ~ '~ ~ N O +~ ~ ._ - ~ O ~ ~ ~ N t6 - X fD ~ O ~ ~ U ~ .~.i O ~ to ~- z c o ~ ~ - ~ ~ - -~ ~' ~ ° ~ `~ ~ ~ ~U ~ _o ~ ~ ~ m o '' ~ a~ a. ~ a ~ ~ ~ N ~ -a O L U 4+ ~ C - ~ ~ ~ ~ vl Q! ~ N ~ ~ Q i ~ L ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ t6 SZ ~ N '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'J o ,~ ~ ~ f6 ~ N _ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ L 9F W ~ ~ .--1 - ~3F Q. -% 5/6/2013 Special Revenue .and Enterprise Funds Strategic Planning Citizen's Budget Committee Meeting May 3, 2013 • Account for specific sources of revenue that are legally restricted for expenditures of specific purposes: • Special Revenue Funds to be reviewed: - Mosquito Control - Erosion Control - Sports Complex -Airport - MSTU Funds for Law Enforcement, Transit & Unincorporated Services • Current projections indicate that the Erosion Control, Sports Complex, and Transit-MSTU & Unincorporated Services Funds are self-sustaining and have sufficient reserves. 1 5/6/2013 • Law Enforcement MSTU Fund: To the extent that FY 14 property taxes are not sufficient to fund the required 27°/o of the Sheriff's road patrol personnel costs, use of fund balance may be necessary. • Mosquito Control Fund: Will require a millage adjustment in FY 14 to avoid use of fund balance to support recurring operations and re-establish the reserve level at $2 million. • Airport Fund: Not self-sufficient and will continue to use fund balance to support recurring operating expenses and in FY14 will need to rely on General Fund reserves to provide matching funds for grants to connect runways and for other capital improvements. Budget Analysis. FY 13 Budget 'FY13 Projection FY14Projected Budget Revenues - Operating Revenues $437,615 $494,215 $442,991 Less Statutory 5% $0 ($350} Interest $7,000 $6,000 $7,000 Subtotal-Recurring Revenue $444,615 $500,215 - - $449,641 Expenditures Personnel $430,225 $356,457 $436,245 Operating - $807,983 $612,436 ~ $708,326 Subtotal-Recurring Expenses $1,238,208 $968,893 $1,144,571 Operating Budget Variance ($793,593) ($468,678) ($694,930) 2 5/6/2013 -- `Fund _ FY136udgef FY13P,rojectlnn FY14ProjectedBudget Beginning Fund Balance $2,016,547 $2,022,016 $1,135,995 Operating Budget Variance ($793,593) ($468,678) ($694,930) Match/ProJeds ($1,222,954)' . ($417,343) -.($717,002) Above Base Requests $0 ~ - ~ $0 ($412,500) Ending Fund Balance $0 $1,135,995 ($688,437) • Because the Airport Fund is not self-sufficient, reserves must be appropriated to balance the operating budget and provide matching funds for grants (funding for matching grants in FY 14 is $412,500). • As a public airport that receives federal and state funds, we .are precluded from charging various types of usage fees to generate revenues: • A marketing and business plan is slated for development during 2013 that will provide the Airport with a blueprint for revenue and economic development opportunities. 3 5/6/2013 ~ • Account for operations financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises. The County's enterprise funds include: - Utilities - Solid Waste, - Golf Course - Building Inspections/Permitting • Current projections indicate that the Utilities, Solid Waste and Building Funds. are self-sustaining and have sufficient reserves. ,, ,. ~~ ~A~~M ~s C~~N/~ ~' Budget MalYsis. FY138udget €Y13 Rrofection FY14 Projected Budget. Revenues Operating Revenues $1,311,221 $1,151,260 $1,282,000 Less Statutory5% ($68,060} ($63,835) Interest $700 $500 ~. $700 Subtotal-Recurring Revenue $1,243,861 $1,151,760 $1,218,865 Expenditures Personnel $607,060 $542,884 $696,540 Operating $636,801 $543,923 $522,325 Subtotal-Recurring Expenses $1,243,861 $1,086,807 - $1,218,865 Operating Budget Variance $0 $64,953 $0 4 5/6/2013 _ FY.13 Budget FYl3Projection FY14 Projected Budget Beginning Fund Balance $0 ($64,953) $0 Operating Budget Variance $0 - $64,953. $0 Above Base Requests $0 $0 $0 Ending Fund Balance . $0 $0 $0 • With the exception of capital equipment purchases that are funded from the Parks MSTU Fund, the Golf Course Fund is moving towards self-sufficiency. • Ideas for revenue and service enhancements are being evaluated such as resident/non-resident. differentials and changes to the food concession contract. • Maintenance -costs are being evaluated to find the most efficient mix of temporary and part time county employees. 5