HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes May 15, 2013 (2)FORT PIERCE HARBOR ADVIfORY COMM11'1'EE Meeting Held On May 75th, 2oi3 Convened at 3:04 p.m. Adjourned at 4:35p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday May 15th, 2013 at 3:0o p.m. in the 3'd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken. Quorum present. Minutes from the March 20, 2013 meeting were approved. Memberf Prefent~ Bill Thiess, FPUAISt. Lucie Village, Chair Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL Marty Lavin, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA Christine Taylor Mary Chapman Memberf Absents Bradley 1. Currie, Land Design South, Vice Chair Bobby Hopkins Also Presents Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney Don West, Public Works Director Mike Brillhart, SLC Leslie Olsen, Planning, SLC Britton Wilson, Planning, SLC Carole Mushier, South Beach Association Richard C Silvestri Jim Karas Lori Baer, AECOM Tom McGowan, AECOM Marty Murphy James Oppenborn, SLC NEW BBfINEff~ Tom McGowan and Lori Baer from AECOM started the discussion on the Port Master Plan Workshop and how different options were rated by the group, (see at the end of the minutes). There were 13o participants in the workshop who came up with the options that AECOM took and created a Consensus Plan that will go through the Florida Department of Transportation and in turn then be presented at the Joint meeting between the City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County Boards. The timeline for this plan should be within the next few months. Page 1 of 4 Lori Baer offered to the Harbor Advisory Committee Members for recommendation, the design of the South Spur of the Railroad, which is already part of the Current Master Plan. The grant would need a match and would cost approximately $300,000 - $600,000 for design. Committee Member's discussed this option and decided against it at this time. One of the concerns for Members is the Fuel Farms that was recently announced. Some members want assurance that the City/County would not proceed with the Fuel Farm project before moving forward with the Railroad grant application. Don West asked Katherine from the Attorney's office if she would check to see if a grant application for State Funding can be submitted without matching funds identified. The State's budget cycle is July so an application for this grant funding would have to be in June. Members felt that was too short of a timeline. Chairman Thiess mentioned to Members that the Fuel Farm would most likely be dealt with on a City or County Board level. Kevin Griffin introduced himself and made note that he was opposed to the Railroad grant application and would like to see the City and County purchase the private property at the Port. Warren Falls asked if there were any buildings available to purchase for a Maritime Academy for the Port. Don West said there is a building that is owned by the City that the Police Athletic League used. Members also discussed infrastructure and the possibility that the application being sent in for this round of funding opportunity should be for Utility Construction for the 2"d Street Project. This Project is already in the implementation phase, and applying for grant funding for Utilities would be a good next step. Members discussed this option, Mayor Linda Hudson made a motion to move forward with the application to pursue grant funding from the State for Utilities for the 2"d Street Project, Marty Lavin 2"d the motion, all were in favor, Christine Taylor abstained. Lori Baer said that the Railroad project is still in the Current Master Plan and will still be in the plan for next year, if the Members choose to pursue this option. Don West asked Members to continue to discuss possible future infrastructure projects for the Port with State Grant Funding. Carole Mushier asked a question about the Port Workshop concerning the amount of space that was suggested for cargo use. Tom replied that it went from 20-34 acres, based upon the Public input at the Workshop. lim Oppenborn, St. Lucie Counties Artificial Reef Coordinators came in to speak with Members concerning making Wesley Island a sea camp/educational restoration area. Members were very receptive to this idea and asked Jim to return to a future meeting with a presentation. OLD BBfINEff: N/A f7AFF COMMEN7f~ Don informed Committee Members that the Emergency Inlet Dredging was complete. PUBLIC COMMENT''-fe NIA Page 2 of 4 ADJOURNMENi~ At 4:35 p.m. the meeting was adjourned. The next scheduled meeting to be held is Wednesday June 19, 2073 at 3:00 pm, in the 3`d Floor Conference Room. Workshop results ~raa~. ~ea~~~~ ~eamo seam. ~ ~eam~ ~- ~.amo ~eamr _ - ~eamn - ~ - ieam7 - ieam.u ~-~ --~ Team a. --~- ~eam.a - _ - IPT SS AUes/Sout hport . ~~ _ _ _ RR / / _..J. _ . I / _ _../__ -__.. _ _ _ _ /._ _ .. __.. _. _..... .._ floads __ _ __. - _ / .../ __-. _- ___ /- _._..._ . _ / _-._ - _ .. _ _. Bert FS / / / / - - -- ~-~ / _ _._..__....- _ TraOS(ef _ _ - -___ _.. __. .. _. _: _._ . _ .. .... 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