HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes June 7, 20130 a CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: June 7, 2013 Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Culverhouse, Chair Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair Carl Hensley Richard Pancoast James Clasby William Donovan Marty Laven Gwen Morris Patrick Campion Jane Bachelor Jay L. McBee MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan_Kurek Stephanie Morgan Craig Mundt Ed Lounds OTHERS PRESENT: Faye W. Outlaw Marie Gouin Don Pauley Chris Lestrange Michael Powley Mark Satterlee Don West Ed Matthews Beth Ryder Susan Jacob Robert Bentkofsky Jennifer Hill Jim David Tara Raymore John Wiatrak Robert O'Sullivan Leslie Olson Karen Smith Laurie Waldie CALL TO ORDER Mr. Culverhouse welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m. APPROVAL OF MAY 17, 2013 MINUTES Ms. Morris reminded the group that she had suggested that a partnership with the School Board for internship and apprenticeship be pursued in the process of creating a pilot JGIG program for non-targeted industries local businesses. She asked that it be added to the minutes. Mr. Culverhouse said it would be added. After a motion from Mr. Campion and a second by Mr. Pancoast, the minutes were unanimously approved. Citizens' Budget Committee June 7, 2013 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENT No member of the public spoke at the meeting. STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE • Review of Strategic Planning Agenda Prior to reviewing the schedule for Strategic, Ms. Outlaw asked Ms. Hill to report on the property values. Projections and the values were discussed. The increase was explained. Growing out of the budget challenges was discussed.. Ms. Outlaw explained the agenda (see attached) of the Strategic Planning session. Mr. Knaggs asked about the July budget reviews. Individual department budget requests will be discussed in July. • Review of FY 14 Preliminary Outlook Ms. Outlaw went through the Fund Balance Snapshot numbers on the attached sheet. Mr. Knaggs asked about base budget and run rate. Ms. Outlaw explained them and fund balance. The future was discussed. Mandated increases were discussed. Ms. Hill explained some of the differences in this year's budget process and how new legislation would affect revenue. • Policy Question: Expansion of Library Hours Ms. Jacob gave background on the library issues. Mr. Campion and Mr. Laven told of their support for more hours. Ms. Jacob mentioned some of the available services such as Wi-Fi at all the branches and the databases being available online. Mr. Laven started discussion about the increase of library use during the economic downturn. Ms. Morris started discussion on the added hours. Mr. Campion started discussion on the new branch in SW Port St. Lucie. Ms. Jacob distributed the attached pamphlet and PowerPoint handout. Mr. Culverhouse asked the Committee if they wanted to make a recommendation. Mr. Pancoast feels it is the Committee's responsibility. Mr. Donovan asked about brick and mortar versus electronic services. Ms. Outlaw explained the limited allowable uses of the impact fee revenue. Ms. Bachelor asked about times and ages of users of the libraries. Ms. Jacob gave her opinion. Mr. Knaggs explained why he is against spending money for increased library hours. Mr. Laven spoke about increasing revenue to fund needed services with energy savings. Mr. Clasby spoke in favor of increasing the hours. Ms. Morris spoke in favor of Option B on the attached Policy Question and made a motion for the Committee to support it. There were six in favor and four against. Mr. Clasby did not vote. Ms. Bachelor added that the whole Committee is in Citizens' Budget Committee June 7, 2013 Page 3 favor of more hours, but some are more concerned with the total County budget needs and she wants more information to make a decision to support Option B. The controversy was discussed. OTHER ISSUES Mr. Knaggs asked if the Chairman had a seat at the table for Strategic Planning. Ms. Outlaw answered that he does and there will be a section for the other members. ADJOURNMENT After a motion and second, Mr. Culverhouse adjourned the meeting at 8:44 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, June 21, 2013 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. Preliminary FY14 Operating Budget -Fund Balance Snapshot Base Budget Operating Revenues Operating Gap Operating Fund Balance Remaining Operating FB Recurring Budget Increases BOCC FY 14 FRS Constitutional Officers FY 14 FRS BOCC FY 14 COLA Constitutional Officers FY 14 COLA Increase Library Hours (PSL to 3 days) New Positions (2-Criminal Justice) Friends of Library Position Replacement Equipment < $25,000 Airport Operating Subsidy Departments Above Base Constitutional Officers Other Operating 4 Recurring $ 128,577,723 $ 117,411,950 $ (11,165,773) $ 48,009,511 $ 36,843,738 General Fund Recurring Budget Increases $5,478,996 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 l A 1 1 Fine & Forfeiture Fund $ 134,056,719 $ 117,411,950 $ (16,644,769) $ 48,009,511 $ 31,364,742 314,764 315,529 997,212 302,604 45,000 75,000 241,473 694,930 94,612 16,468 56,747 949,150 984,985 115,580 3,000 71,942 00,000 3,097,592 $ 2,381 Total 371,511 1,264,679 997,212 1,287,589 45,000 115,580 75,000 244,473 694,930 166,554 216,468 5,478,996 Board of County Commissioners 2013 Strategic Planning Session Agenda Budget and Policy Planning Phase June 12 -14, 2013 Day 1: Wednesday: June 12, 2013 Welcome & Opening Comments Overview of Session Tax Collection Operations • FY13 Tax Collections • Business License Tax Collections • DMV Update Property Appraiser Operations • 2014 Property Value Discussion Presentations-Discussions: Workforce Planning • Succession Plan Framework • Overview of Employee Handbook Changes Organization Initiatives-Ideas (Discussion) 10:30 am - 4:30 p.m. BOCC Chairman Mowery County Administrator Tax Collector Property Appraiser Human Resources Director Human Resources Director Board of County Commissioners ---------------------------------------------------------- B re a k-------------------------------------------------- Special Revenue Funds Presentations • Erosion Control District Mosquito Control Director • Sports Complex Parks & Recreation Director • Transit MSTU Community Services Director • Law Enforcement MSTU OMB Director • Airport Planning-Development Director • Mosquito Control District Mosquito Control Director -°-------------------------------------------------Lunch Break------------------------------------------- Enterprise Funds Presentations • Solid Waste Solid Waste Director • Building Planning-Development Director • Utilities Utility Director • Fairwinds Golf Course Parks & Recreation Director Discussion and Direction Capital Infrastructure-Acquisition Programs • Roadway Bond & Impact Fee Program • Asphalt Milling Program • Storm water-Culvert Replacement Program • Sidewalk MSTU Initiative Assistant County Administrator Public Works Director Road & Bridge Manager County Engineer County Attorney Board of County Commissioners 2013 Strategic Planning Session Agenda Budget and Policy Planning Phase June 12 -14, 2013 Day 2: Thursday, June 13, 2013 10:30 am - 4:30 pm Greetings BOCC Chairman Mowery Recap & Overview of Session County Administrator 2012 CAFR Operating Fund Balance Presentation Budget Manager 2012 Operating Budget Overview • Budget vs. Actual • Revenue & Expense Variances 2013 Operating Budget Outlook • Budget vs. Projected • Projected Change in Fund Balance 2014 Operating Budget-Fund Balance Outlook Presentation-Roundtable Table Discussion 2014 Status Quo-Increased Budget 3-Year Capital Improvements Program OMB Director Budget Manager OMB Director OMB Director County Administrator Board of County Commissioners Constitutional Officers -------------------------------------------------Lunch Break--------------------------------------------- Policy Questions Panels • Internal Support o Waiting period for new employee benefits o New employees to use Health Center o Retiree benefit program • Health & Safety 0 800 MHZ radio system • Economic Enhancement-Development o Off-street parking requirements o Additional extensions for entitled developments o JGIG Program • Quality of Life o Expansion of Library Hours Next Step: January 2014 Session Framework for Comprehensive Strategic Planning Process and Setting of Strategic Priorities Session Wrap-Up-Open Discussion County Administrator Assistant County Administrator Board of County Commissioners Day 3: Friday, June 14, 2013 Reserved, if needed 2013 BOCC STRATEGIC PLANNING POLICY QUESTION Department: Community Services Division: Library Policy Question: Quality of Life Which option would the Board support for operation of the Hurston and Port St. Lucie Branches? Background: In 2010, rather than temporarily mothball the Library's two smallest branches, the Friends of the Library agreed to subsidize operational funds for a two year period for a total of $150,000. This funding made it possible to offer basic service at each site for two days per week. A shared team of six was carefully selected to provide service on a rotating basis. In addition, a Children's Program Specialist was hired to not only provide Children's programming in the newly expanded Hurston Branch, but to also serve children in the Port St. Lucie and Lakewood Park Branches. This crew also performed much-needed backfilling at the three other branches. Recently, the Library has piloted a plan to open Hurston a third day in the week. Hurston is now open to the public 26 hours per week instead of the previous 16. The Port St. Lucie Branch remains open the original 16 hours. Options: A. Open the Port St. Lucie Branch one additional day per week. B. Reinstate five days of service at Port St. Lucie and Hurston Branches, thereby matching days and services offered at the other branches. Guiding Legislation-Committee: Library (F.S. Chapter 257) I Friends of the Library Level of Service Impact: • Both options keep branches open, thereby continuing to provide a robust collection of books and materials and improving access to computer and online services. • Option A brings the Port St. Lucie Branch's service hours into parity with the Hurston Branch, thereby providing equal service to both neighborhoods. • Option B would allow the Library System to have a professional Librarian at each site and all branches would be open five days per week. Weekly service hours would go from 176 to 216. Financial Impact: Option A. Three Days Per Week Service at Port St. Lucie Branch: Estimated $45,000 for salary and benefits for three permanent part-time positions. Option B. Five Days per Week Service at all branches: $542,000 total salary and benefits and operating ($492,000 salaries and benefits, $50,000 in operating and a reclassification of a current Librarian II position to a Librarian III). This budget would fund two separate teams including two Children's Specialists who would cover Hurston, Port St. Lucie and Lakewood Park Branches. Missy Stiadle Subject: Ethics Training Subcomittee Location: Conference Invitation Start: Thu 7/18/2013 11:00 AM End: Thu 7/18/2013 12:00 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Accepted Organizer: Carol Russell When: Thursday,luly 18, 2013 11:00 AM-12:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Where: Conference Invitatitih Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments. Please join the conference call on July 18 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern. The passcode and dial-in numbers are below: Participant Passcode: 6592152921# Dial-in Numbers: Toll free: 1 888 670 3525 1 6/6/2013 6/6/2013 Storyteller. Mrs. Kate Using_puppetry, unusual instruments and riveting storytelling, Mrs. Kate provides one hour of family-friendly educational fun. June 19th -Morningside @ 10:00 ,Fort Pierce* @ 2:00 June 20th -Lakewood Park @ 10:00, Hurston @ 2:00 Duck in a Truck Puppets Professor O and Speaker the Wonder Dog teach us about Dinosaurs, Archaeology and Paleontology. Suzy Hammer as 'Geo Jane' Geo Jane takes children on a geological adventure full of magic, comedy and audience participation. July 10th -Morningside @ 10:00, Fort Pierce* @ 2:00 July 11th -Lakewood Park @ 10:00, Hurston @ 2:00 Orisirisi Africa! Folklore Meet Aja Ati Ijapa (.Dog and Turtle), the three birds and the Hen, the Wolf and the three Kids, and more unforgettable character: in tales that none will soon forged Geddy the Gecko Can you feelthe beat? It's anon-stop party: "Can you digit?" Dig into Reading with Geddy the Gecko lizard mascot. July 24th -Morningside @ 10:00 ,Fort Pierce* @ 2:00 July 25th -Lakewood Park @ 10:00, Hurston @ 2:00 These entertainments are most suited'for children grades K-6. Amve early!. Seating in each room is limited. All library programs are free 8 open to the public. June 26th -Morningside @ 10:00 ,Fort Pierce* @ Z:00 July 17th -Morningside @ 10:00, Fort Pierce* @ 2:00 June 27th -Lakewood Park @ 10:00, Hurston @ 2:00 July 18th -Lakewood Park @ 10:00, Hurston @ 2:00 flttp://library.stlucieco.gov !~ 4C~e~~c`~ ~ e !~ •: :umn7er Reading rava9anzals ~'~ ~~ ~'~ s ~~ saee~ For books, music, movement and other fun as we... Featuring ~a~, a .. a p~~~g Stop in at any of the 6 Library locations to: ~~~ ~aa G7G~C°~ GO~~QG~ (~Cf'~~3Q~3~ 30 days of reading...do you dare? GO WILD...READ! Featuring performers, entertainments, a reading incentive program, and story hours throughout the County. Dlg Info All children are welcome to attend but please know that these programs are geared toward children ai?es 5 - 8. Parents & caregivers, no unaccompanied children. COUNTY F L O R I D A This advertisement meets School Board Policy 9.40. However, this acknowledgement does not represent a recommendation of the product/service. Inviting all kids grades K - 8 to participate in the Library's Summer Reading Incentive Program. : ~ e!! The 2013 Summer Reading Program has been enhanced by the generosity of the Friends of the St. Lucie County Library Association, Inc.