HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes May 17, 2013 Revised~~~~~~ CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE Meeting Date: May 17, 2013 Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Culverhouse, Chair Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair Carl Hensley Richard Pancoast James Clasby Craig Mundt Marty Laven Ed Lounds Gwen Morris Patrick Campion MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Kurek Stephanie Morgan Jay L. McBee Jane Bachelor William Donovan OTHERS PRESENT: Faye W. Outlaw Robert Bentkofsky Marie Gouin Jennifer Hill Mark Satterlee Robert O'Sullivan Don West Tara Raymore Karen Smith Beth Ryder George Orteo David Wood Ed Matthews John Wiatrak Laurie Waldie Sherry Burroughs Jack Southard Garry Wilson Toby Long Michael Brillhart Ron Roberts Pennie Burke Michelle Franklin Ken Pruitt Audrey Jackson Jim David CALL TO ORDER Mr. Culverhouse welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 7:31 a.m. APPROVAL OF MAY 3, 2013 MINUTES After a motion from Mr. Mundt and a second by Mr. Pancoast, the minutes were Citizens' Budget Committee May 17, 2013 Page 2 unanimously approved. PUBLIC COMMENT No member of the public spoke at the meeting. MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT: FOLLOW UP INFORMATION Mr. Culverhouse read the motion that was made at the last meeting with the amounts filled in: The Committee agrees in order to maintain the health and safety of this County, as well as the maintenance of the dikes, the $2 million (.0952 mills), reserve for the Mosquito Control District is the minimum needed and sufficient for minimal operations. However, the Committee feeling the importance of maintaining a higher level of reserves, in anticipation of storms that could occur, recommends the reserves be raised to $4 million (.2494 mills). Mr. Culverhouse also read a suggested change made by email from Mr. Kurek: The Committee agrees in order to maintain the health and safety of St. Lucie County and maintenance of the dikes, a reserve of $2 million (.0952 mills) for the Mosquito Control District is the minimum required and sufficient for basic operations. However, the Committee recognizes the importance of maintaining a higher level of reserves to allow for emergency repairs due to seasonal storms. Therefore, the Citizens Budget Committee of St. Lucie County recommends the reserves be raised to a balance of $4 million (.2494 mills). Mr. Knaggs expressed his concerns. He wants to be sure the Board understands they are recommending a tax increase. He suggested changing the second paragraph of the amended recommendation to: Therefore, the Citizens Budget Committee of St. Lucie County recommends the reserves be raised to a balance of $4 million, requiring a millage increase of .2494 mills. Mr. Knaggs made a motion to send the recommendation to the Board. It was seconded and unanimously approved. Mr. Clasby wanted to be sure the reason they were asking for $4 million, rather than $2 million, was understood. He repeated the quote from a previous meeting, "When you go to the well, bring a big bucket." They felt they should Citizens' Budget Committee May 17, 2013 Page 3 ask for what was really needed. The Commissioners' options were discussed. STRATEGIC PLANNING UPDATE • Policy Questions Ms. Outlaw began the presentation and introduced Ms. Raymore, Human Resources Director, to explain the first portion of the Policy Questions (see attached). After discussion, Mr. Culverhouse said the Committee supported the first two questions and did not take a position on the third. Mr. Southard, Director of Public Safety and Communications, explained the Health and Safety portion. The Committee supported the question. Mr. Bentkofsky introduced Mr. Satterlee, Director of Planning & Development Services, to present the next two questions. Ms. Outlaw introduced Michael Brillhart, Business & Strategic Initiatives Manager, to present the final question. Ms. Morris suggested that a partnership with the school board for internship and apprenticeship be pursued in the process of creating a pilot JGIG program for non-targeted industries local businesses. After background and discussion, the Committee supported all three Economic Enhancement-Development questions. • Constitutional Officers' Equipment Needs Plans Ms. Outlaw gave the attached PowerPoint presentation regarding needs of the Clerk and Supervisor of Elections. She talked about the Sheriff's needs with Mr. Long. Cost of Living Adjustment Ms. Outlaw discussed the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) slide (see attached) with the Committee. OTHER ISSUES Ms. Outlaw confirmed for Mr. Mundt that the preliminary property value numbers from Mr. Pruitt are due June 1. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Culverhouse adjourned the meeting at 9:02 a.m. Citizens' Budget Committee May 17, 2013 Page 4 Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, June 7, 2013 at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex. 5/16/2013 Supervisor of Elections • FY i4 • Voter Registration Server and Software Upgrade - ~46,000 • Voting Equipment & Software Licenses - $i,io~,750 • FY i5 • Replacement of 3 vehicles - $6r,47o • FY i6 • Replacement of Peterbuilt Truck - $86,300 1 5/16/2013 ~_ ,;. ~~, ~- ..-f .• Clerk of Court • FY i4 • South County Annex Remodeling Project- $a5o,oo0 • South County Phone System = $45733 • Fort Pierce Phone System - $77,669 • Phone. System for both South County and Fort Pierce - $izi,iai Z BOCC 2013 Strategic Planning Session Tentative Policy Questions Internal Support: • Would the Board support changing the waiting period for new employee benefits from 90 days to 30 days? Would the Board support allowing new full-time employees to utilize the Employee and Family Health Center until they are eligible for health benefits? • Would the Board support updating the retiree benefit program to require the retiree to .pay the full. premium for health-insurance coverage and eliminate the dependent contribution of $100 per month? Health and Safety: • Would the Board support to move forward in upgrading the 800. MHz Public Safety Radio System including radios and review different options for funding? Economic Enhancement-Development: Would the Board support staff developing standards to permit additional extensions of entitled development projects? • Would the Board support amending off-street parking requirements to reduce required parking? • Would the Board support exploring the creation of a pilot JGIG program for non- targeted industries local businesses? 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O n BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUDGET REVIEW FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 Conference Room # 3 DATE TIME DEPARTMENT/DIVISION 9-Jul Tuesday 1:30 County Administrator and Staff Budget Overview -Comments & Discussions 2:30 External Agencies Soil & Water conservation Health Department 3:00 Statutory Agencies Guardian Ad Litem Slate Attorney Public Defender Medical ExamineY Court Administration 4:00 Constitutional Officers Sheriff Clerk of Court Supervisor of Elections (The Property Appraiser and Tax Collector are fee based and are not normally subject to Board budget reviews) 1010=Ju1 Wednesday 8:30 County Commission 9:00 County Administration Administration Business and Strategic Initiatives Media Relations Research & Education Park Economic Development Council 9:30 Human Resources Human Resources Risk Management 10:00 Parks, Recreation, & Facilities Regional Parks & Stadiums Parks & Special Facilities Facilities Fainvinds Golf Course Tourism and Venues 11:00 Public Works Port Engineering Road & Bridge Water Quality Solid Waste _ Water & Sewer __._ 12:00 Lunch_ 1:30 Public Safety & Communications BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BUDGET REVIEW FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 Conference Room # 3 DATE TIME DEPARTMENT/DIVISION Information Technology Marine Safety Emergency Management E911 Central Communications Animal Control Radiological Planning 2:30 Community Services (excl. outside agencies) Libraries Resident Support Services Veteran Services Housing 3:30 Environmental Resources Environmental Regulations & Land Management Cooperative Extension & Environmental Education 1111Ju1 Thursday 10:00 Mosquito Control & Coastal Management Services Inspection Impoundment Coastal Management 11:00 Planning 8 Development Services Planning Building & Code Regulation In the event the Board moves through the reviews faster than anticipated, be prepared to meet at an earlier time than shown on this schedule . This schedule is subject to change, however, any changes will immediately be brought to your attention. Preliminary Budget Public Hearing: 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday ,September 10, 2013 Final Budget Public Hearing: 6:00 P.M. on Thursday ,September 19, 2013