HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes August 16, 2013CITIZENS' BUDGET COMMITTEE
Meeting Date: August 16, 2013
Conference Room 3
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Culverhouse, Chair
Carl Hensley
Richard Pancoast
James Clasby
William Donovan
Marty Laven
Gwen Morris
Patrick Campion
Jay L. McBee
Dan Kurek
Stephanie Morgan
Craig Mundt
Ed Lounds
Ron Knaggs, Vice Chair
Marie Gouin
Sophia Holt
John Wiatrak
Don West
Beth Ryder
Ed Matthews
Robert Bentkofsky
Sherry Burroughs
Tara Raymore
Mark Satterlee
Karen Smith
Jack Southard
Joe Cimino
Mr. Culverhouse welcomed the group and called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m.
After a motion and second, the minutes were unanimously approved.
No member of the public spoke at the meeting.
Citizens' Budget Committee
August 16, 2013
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Ms. Outlaw introduced Ms. Gouin, OMB Director, who gave the attached PowerPoint
presentation. Ms. Gouin was asked about the port debt. It is a 20-year debt that should
be completed in 2017.
Mr. Lounds asked about rent money from the State for the property on Picos Rd. Ms.
Smith answered with the amount of rent they pay.
Mr. Mundt wanted to know about services for the Judicial agencies and General &
Administrative (G & A) charges. Ms. Gouin is working on an interlocal agreement.
Mr. Lounds asked about the Medicare payment situation. Ms. Ryder gave an update.
Mr. Hensley questioned Ms. Gouin about the funds paid to the Economic Development
Council (EDC). It is paid from the business tax fund and the General Fund. Ms. Outlaw
informed the Committee about EDC's request and why the amount to be paid is less.
When asked if we were getting our money's worth for the $100,000 from the General
Fund, Ms. Outlaw explained their funding is not performance based. Ms. Outlaw added
information about what the money is used for, her position as the County's
representative on the EDC board, the Sunshine Law, the City of Fort Pierce and
updates from Mr. Pelton. Mr. Laven feels there is a disproportion in South County to
North County assets and more of an orientation to life sciences, which has brought
some benefits. He feels the EDC will be the key in developing the port. He thinks it is
critical to have updates of the direction.
Mr. Lounds asked for a review from Treasure Coast Education Research Development
Authority (TCERDA).
Ms. Morris asked if performance would be better if the EDC was given expectations.
Ms. Outlaw thinks that would give the Board a standard to determine funding. She
thinks their contract could be revised, but doesn't know if it would work better. They
work with the Chamber of Commerce on current businesses, but not prospect
Mr. Culverhouse thanked Ms. Outlaw and staff for their work in the budget process. He
asked what the Committee could do to help for next year. Ms. Outlaw answered that
they have instituted Budget Workshops for the fourth Tuesday of every month. In
August through the end of the year, Mr. Bentkofsky will lead the meetings focused on
the Capital side of the operations. Starting in January, they will look at the General and
Fine & Forfeiture Funds. The first major challenge is to get direction on holding the line
on increases to the FY15 budget. She believes it is better to set the guidance before
budgets are prepared, especially for the Constitutional officers. She will need support
from the Committee for guidance after the first of the year. Mr. Culverhouse said the
Citizens' Budget Committee
August 16, 2013
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Committee is here to help and again expressed his appreciation.
Ms. Outlaw wanted to be sure the Committee knew the Tentative Budlget Hearing would
be September 5, 2013. The TRIM notices will be mailed by August 24 h. They will show
the proposed millage increase for the Mosquito Control District, so we should start
getting feedback.
Mr. Clasby felt the information on the Mosquito Control website was very useful to
explain why the increase needed to happen. Ms. Outlaw thinks Mr. Bentkofsky and Mr.
David did a good job putting it together.
Mr. Lounds expressed his concern about the dependence on Florida Power and Light
(FPL). He feels the EDC and the County should do all they can to help small
Mr. Kurek gave history on a former Property Appraiser's warning that at some point the
FPL plant would be worth nothing. When that happens, we will be in trouble. Mr.
Donovan asked how much FPL pays. Ms. Gouin will get that information to the
After a motion and second, Mr. Culverhouse adjourned the meeting at 8:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin
The next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, October 18, 2013, at 7:30 a.m., in
Conference Room #3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex.