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January 18, 2012
0 L41 �,0mmutuly9c4�b ad ADVI$ORV BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Barbara Mason -Gardiner Representing St. Lucie County Vice -Chairman Elaine Penn Representing Martin County Secretary Linda Wilson Representing Okeechobee County Barbara Felton St. Lucie County Darrell Drummond St. Lucie County BryanCH. Culpepper .Okeechobee County Christina M. Santibanez Okeechobee County Claudius Taylor, Jr. Martin County Charlene Oakowsky Martin County Staff Representatives Stefanie Myers St. Lucie County Sheila Savage Okeechobee County Anita Cocoves Martin County Street Fort. FL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Wednesday, April 18, 2012— 2:00 P:M. Classroom — Housing and Community Service Office fdH#\Ir7_1 1. Cali to Order 2. Approval of Minutes— January 18, 2012 3. Election of Officers 4. Financial Report • Okeechobee — Sheila Savage • Martin - Anita Cocoves • St. Lucie - Stefanie Myers 5. Old Business • CSBG Grant Modification Approval • Quarterly Report Review • ROMA Training 6. New Business • FACA Conference —May 15-18, 2012 —Tampa www.faca.org — for further details • Staff Training • Monitoring — Scheduled for week of July 23`d. 7. Announcements 8. Public comments 9. Adjournment Next meeting will be July 18, 2012 Please mark your calendars The Treasure Coast Community Action Agency's mission is to partner with other human services organizations, the private sector and citizens to offer programs and services that build self-reliant individuals, families and communities. OF Wednesday, January 2012, 2:00 — 3:00 p.m. Classroom — Community Services 437 North 7th Street, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Present: Martin: Elaine Penn, Claudius Taylor, Jr., Charlene Oakov Okeechobee: Bryant Culpepper St. Lucie: Barbara Mason -Gardiner, Barbara Felton, Darrell Drummond Absent: present: Martin: Okeechobee: St Lucie: Martin:• Okeechobee: St Lucie: in Attendance: None Linda Wilson, Christina M. Santibanez None None Sheila Savage, Stefanie Myers, None Sandra Gilfillan Barbara Mason -Gardner called the meeting to order at 2;05 and introductions were made Felton moved to approve the minutes of October 19, 2011 as written with n[ is. Claudius Taylor seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously approved. ;tefanle Myers reviewed the financial statements. This report reflects the first qua !xpenditures of approximately $34,577; leaving about $139,000 for the next three quart St. Lucie County has expended $30,000; $63,000 remaining. Martin County has xpenditures showing. The November and December request for reimbursement was rece eceived and indicates some expenditures in the first quarter. The October report has not seen received. Once that has been provided, all three months will be added to the finar preadsheet. Okeechobee County has expended $4,858 leaving a balance of $30,671. Culpepper made the motion to accept the financial report as presented, seconded by Drummond. The motion was unanimously approved. I modification to the CSBG grant agreement has been received, returning the carry-over from; he prior year, Prior to processing that modification, notification was received that morel funding was being allocated by the legislature. The DEO office extended the option of taking each modification to the board individually or waiting until they could be combined into on Q mmodification. The total modification will be a base increase of about $100,000 over the initial ;allocation. This is a substantial increase considering the initial cut of 40%. I CAA Minutes October 19, 2011 status report was requested on timeliness of reports from Okeechobee and Martin Coun mcerns were expressed, despite prior meeting reports of deadlines being met. Okeechob, id Martin have experienced staff changes, resulting in training needs and leading to delays porting. Karyn Brass from Okeechobee is receiving some training. Hopefully, with furth lining assistance, a return to meeting the deadlines can be achieved. It is noted that dela reporting to St. Lucie creates hardship for their staff and could lead to a County not beii ;luded in a submitted report. This would reflect poorly on all three counties. Tim( bmittals must remain a priority. ,RTERL.Y REPORTS figures shown in the quarterly report reflect a composite of all three counties. The state requires detailed characteristic data and if it is not furnished, clear justifications must be ded. St. Lucie County has a database that could make reporting and tracking easier, are working on streamlining the process so that a demonstration can be provided. Once 3ta is entered for the three counties, the reports will be automatically generated, makinc rtina much easier. ust of each year, a work plan is submitted with estimated goals and outcomes for I awing fiscal year. The progress of goals and outcomes are tracked in the quarterly repc ughout the year. Each County must show progress in achieving their goals and m 1de more than just one category. The work plan provided today does not include i itional funding to be provided in the upcoming Modifications. Work plan figures will fisted in accordance with the modification funding.. All data must be tracked carefully ure accuracy in reporting and work plan adjustments. sere are six performance indicators to be addressed in the Quarterly reports. The fi nployment and Economic Enhancement. The second: Community Improvement E ;vitalization. Goal 3: Community Enhancement and Expanding Partnerships. Goal xxxxx Goal 5: tracks all other funding used in support of programs. Recent guidance fr =0 indicates that resources reported, managed or overseen by the TCCAA Board c :nerate outcomes for the CSBG report and be included in outcome tracking. If other fund brought to the board for review, data generated from those resources could be included. LID BUSINESS • ROMATraining The CSBG Contract states that all board members must receive ROMA training one every two years. The TCCAA is currently not compliant. An alternative way t accomplish this goal, without sending all members to a training is being sought.1 Stefanie has spoken with Fred Richmond, statewide consultant, to see if he would b able to come to this area and provide training for the group. It is a two-hour training andd he has agreed to a discounted rate. It was suggested that boards from surrounding)) areas be invited. A suggestion was presented about becoming a host city for thE� ROMA training. Staff is directed to look into all the possibilities and bring back to the CAA Minutes board for consideration. Cost is a key issue. Training is being offered in Jacksonville January 31 and February 1. St Lucie County has grant funding set aside if one of the board members would like to attend. Definition of Self -Sufficiency CSBG funds SHOULD be focused on supporting self-sufficiency. The definition of self- sufficiency became an issue because some of the services provided and reported in the work plan do not appear to meet the self-sufficiency definition provided by the state. written statement from Jean Amison the State monitor was reviewed. The email also included a statement that supported the continuation of the senior services program, despite it not meeting the actual identified definition. Okeechobee concerns have been addressed and they may continue their program without change. The program goals are directed at providing services so that the elderly may continue to live independently, delaying the need to move into a health car facility. The TCCAA Board feels strongly that these services meet the spirit of the self- sufficiency guideline, preserve the quality of life for seniors, and save resources that would otherwise be spent on long-term care. Q St. Lucie County has an established self-sufficiency program. Martin County is working toward more self-sufficiency. A challenge to the program is that a client will agree to the plan generated for long-term self-sufficiency when they are in crisis, but then do no follow up or respond to efforts at contact. St Lucie is shifting the focus to identifying vulnerable families not in crisis; obtaining their investment in avoiding crisis through increased education, financial planning, child support payments, higher paying jobs and others. This approach seems to be working more successfully. NEW BUSINESS Community Action Day in Tallahassee. The Florida Association of Community Action Agencies annually sponsors Community Action Day in Tallahassee; providing an opportunity to meet with the legislators and to educate them on the association's and; agencies' identified priorities. February 10, 2012 is set and active participation is) encouraged. Fiscal specialist Karyn Brass, from Okeechobee and Suzanne Antonetti of St. Lucie County were introduced. Suzanne provided fiscal training to assist Karyn in learning l her new responsibilities. • Elaine Penn stated she did not wish to continue in her role as Vice -Chair and reminded i the Board that the bylaws state elections of officers should be conducted at the firs meeting of each year, Charlene Oakowsky made a motion to place the election of officers on the Agenda o O i the next meeting because two officers are not present at this meeting, the motion wasj Lseconded by Claudius Taylor and the motion was passed unanimously. CAA Minutes October 19. 2011 VITA The locations of free tax services provided in St. Lucie County were distributed. VIT sites are geared to families making $50,000 or less each year to have their taxe prepared at no cost. E-file is available at these sites, as is direct deposit of refund; Anyone interested in providing another site should contact Debbie Connelly, manager( the VITA site in Martin County. The sites require two or more trained volunteers wit access to computers. Some counties have donated used computers in support of th program. A request was made to share the VITA information with clients, residents an customers. St. Lucie is working with the Fort Pierce Utility Authority to place flyers i their bills to disseminate this information. In the past, with EITC funds, radio and T spots were purchased and broadcast throughout the region. Flyers have been placed i churches and at other locations. An increase in those being served is expected, as th sites are established and returning customers are anticipated. Volunteers have to pas IRS certification and although some volunteers can assist at the advanced ]eve volunteers may only work within the scope of their certification. State and Feden 'shoppers' are used to complete quality checks. DEO has directed the board and staff to work closely with the Workforce Solution Board. An existing agreement is in place, but is more than 14 years old. It is hope that the working relationship can be moved to a higher level. A Memorandum c Understanding is being drafted that will include marketing transportation, provision c teaching space, benefits enrolment, and more. It was suggested that these partnerships be recognized with perhaps a certificate appreciation at Board of County Commission meetings. It is important for 1 Commissioners to understand and see firsthand the benefit to the community fr( these partnerships. Repetition and information will help educate the board about 1 role of CAA. EITC Awareness Day is the end of January. It is suggested that each encourage their BOCC's to complete a proclamation. Homeless Management Information System — A survey of the homeless along the Treasure Coast is being conducted the last 10 days of January (Point in Time Count) The Sheriffs department conducts flyovers and identifies homeless camps so that thosE making the survey can locate the homeless to be interviewed. It is a difficult task a: many do not want to be known. HUD makes funding decisions based on the information gathered. Several agencies work together to perform the count. Informatior from persons living place to place without a designated address of their own are alsc considered a part of the homeless population ('couch surfing'). CAA Minutes One of the board members requested a list of all the partners working with Count Many of them are listed on the Quarterly reports but staff will work on getting a list to board. It was requested that Martin and Okeechobee submit their lists to St Li County to incorporate them into one list. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm. Submitted by: •. Stefap r Myers Approved by: �J ' Barbara Mason -Gardiner, Chairman Linda Wilson, Secretary The next meeting will be held on April 18, 2012. i mE 0 �- o\ I .. .. . . : .. . .. .. .. ( . . �. 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E s: g aRE 5 A $ a 3 a a s 6 r r 2011-2012 Non -Profit Partnerships Credibility Council on Aging Department of Veteran's Affairs Fort Pierce Housing Authority Health Department Healthy Start Heathcote Botanical Gardens Indiantown Non -Profit New Horizons of the Treasure Coast Red Cross Treasure Coast Food Bank United Way Workforce Development Board WPSL Faith Based Organization Partnerships Goodwill Presbyterian Church In the Image of Christ Mustard Seed Ministries Salvation Army Local Government St. Lucie County City of Port St. Lucie City of Fort Pierce St. Lucie Village State Government Department of Children and Families Federal Government For Profit Business/Corporate Partnerships Promo Concepts Florida Power & Light Coast 2 Coast RX Coalition/Collaborative Community Organizations Active in Disaster (GOAD) Council on Social Service Agencies (COSA) Inspired Network to Achieve Community Together (INTACT) Treasure Coast Hunger Initiative Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council School Districts St. Lucie County Public Schools Post -Secondary Education/Training Indian River Community College Financial Banking 1 PNC Banking Health Services 2 Hands Clinic SLC Health Department Statewide Associations or collaborations 1 c List okee s. Faith -Based: sacred Heart Catholic Church 901 sW 6th street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 763-3727 Okeechobee Presbyterian church 312 N. Parrott Ave Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 824-0013 Bigg Lake Missions outreach 605 NW 16th st Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 763-5725 C. Local Government: city of Okeechobee 55 SE Third Avenue Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 763.3372 county of Okeechobee 504 NW 4th St Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 763-9312 O. state Government Entity Dept of Elder Affairs Tallahassee, FL 32399 E. Federal Govt (0) F. For Profit All About You Caregivers 605 SW Park St Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 824-8733 Shirley's Personal care 316 NW 5th St Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 467-6399 visiting Nurses Association 208 SE ppark street okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 357-2197 G. consortiums (0) H. Housing: Okeechobee county Housing coordinator 450 Hwy 98 N. Okeechobee, FL 34972 Page 1 402 NW loth st Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 467-9771 I. school District: Okeechobee county school Board 700 sW 2nd Ave Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 462-5000 j. Institutions of Higher Learning Indian River state college 2229 NW 9th Avenue Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 824-6000 K. Financial (0) L. Health service Institutions Raulerson Hospital 1796 Hwy 441 N. Okeechobee, FL 34972 (863) 763-2151 Okeechobee Health care Facility 1646 Hwy 441 N. Okeechobee, Fl 34972 (863) 762-2226 M. (0) N. (0) List okee Page 2 Martin House of Hope United for Families United Way Volunteers In Medicine Clinic Comprehensive Alcoholism Recovery Program (CARP) New Horizons of the Treasure Coast Treasure Coast Homeless Council Project Response Indiantown Non-profit Housing Martin County Red Cross Faith -based agencies: - First United Methodist Church - Salvation Army - St. Vincent de Paul Society (X4) Holy Redeemer Church St. Joseph's Church Local Government: Cityof Stuart Martin County Sheriff's Office Martin County Utilities State Government: - Department of Children and Families - Department of Juvenile Justice - Circuit 19 Court Administration Federal Government entity: HUD - FEMA - Department of Justice For Profit Business of Corporation: - Florida Power and Light - The Prescription Shop Consortiums/col labo rations: - Shared Services Network - MISS Program - Martin County Interagency Sandy Gilfillan To: Anita Cocoves Cc: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication I will post the notice this Friday morning in the display case and it's on the web under Events. Below is a screen shot of the meeting and a link to Events: The following items listed below are Martin County Board of County Commissioner Meetings and Events Only. 18-Apr-2012 *k Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Advisory 2:00 pm Board Meeting Location: Conference Room of the Community Services office Located at 437 North 7th Street (Corner of 7th St and Ave D) Fort Pierce Contact: St. Lucie County Housing & Community Services Department 772.462.1777 Email: gilfillans@stlucieco.org http://www.martin.fl.us/portal/page? paaeid=340.1 & dad=portal& schema=PORTAL Donna From: Anita Cocoves Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 4:49 PM To: Donna Gordon Subject: PW: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication FYI, thanks) Thanksl Anita Cocoves x. 6932 From: Sandy Gilfillan rmailto:gilfiilans@stiucleco.org] Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 1:29 PM To: TCNYesDesk' Cc: Heather Young; Sheila Savage (ssavage@co.okeechobeeAus); Anita Cocoves Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication So sorry, got ahead of myself by clicking the send button before attaching the Press Release \ From: TCNYesDesk rmailto:YesDesk@scripps.com] Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 12:09 PM 161 Sent Tuesday, April 10, 2012 9:10 AM To: Charlene Furtado Subject: RE: Ad for 4/13 Good morning Charlene, I have you all set to go for the 13th 0 your cost is $240.80 and your 10 # is 2693100 You will receive a proof before publication. Best Regards, Nicole Carbone SCPIPPSMe& Targeted Audience Solutiow 0t11ce: 772-409-1369 Cell: 772-323-8061 Fax: 772-600-2857 nicale.carbone(@scrini3s.com rw learned... gfiiat opportunities are new Cost; someone uiff t * the ones you miss From: Charlene Furtado [mallto:furtadoc(&sducleco.or01 Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 10:38 AM To: Bellucci Carbone, Nicole subject: Ad for 4/13 Please publish the attached April 13. Otet6,. ot. d. -. Legal Assistant St. Lucie County Attorney's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Furtada COStlucfew.org 772 462-1420 (Voice) - 772 462.1440(Fax) NOTICE: All communications, Including attachments, sent to or received by this OfOce are considered public record and subject to disclosure. Please Note F olida has VERY Wien pnollp 1peoms laws Most wniten communications to or from County oflmmis regarding Calmly business are public records avdllame to the pubee and media upon request It Is the pobry of SI Lucia County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection. examination and (� or copying. Your a -mall commuNCaaons will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption apples to Inc communication if you lecerved this email in error please notify the sender by reply it -mad and delete all materials from all computers Sandy Gilfillan To: Heather Young Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Heather — you are an angel. I will need a copy please. Thank you so much. From: Heather Young Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:28 AM To: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Sandy, We did run the ad and have a copy If you need It, or the paper should have sent the affidavit of publication to Finance if you want to check with them. Let me know what you need. Thanks. Heather From: Sandy GIIFlIIan Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 8:25 AM To: Heather Young Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Heather, Did you by any chance post this meeting somewhere? If so, I will need a copy or some way to show we advertised it. Thankyou. From: Heather Young Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 9:12 AM To; Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Does it need to be a block ad or is it supposed to go In the legal notices? Thanks. From: Sandy Gilfillan Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 1:29 PM To: TCNYesDesk' Cc: Heather Young; Sheila Savage (ssavaae( co.okeechobee.fl.us); Anita Cocoves (acocovescamartin.fl.us) Subject., RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication So sorry, got ahead of myself by clicking.the send button before attaching the Press Release From: TCNYesDesk [mailto:YesDesk@)scriQos.coml Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 12:09 PM ;J To: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication nothing is attached Sandy Gilfillan To: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: CCAA Meeting Announcement Attachments: CCAA Meeting Announcement.pdf Please see the attached. rAdtl .0q. cr.bh.4 Legal Assistant St. Lucie County Attorney's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 FurtadoC@St luc leco.arrr 772 462-1420 (Voice) 772 462-1440(Fax) NOTICE: All communications, Including attachments, sent to or received by this Office are considered public record and subject to disclosure. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It Is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and + or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email In error. Please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all. computers. SUB -RECIPIENT INFORMATION (Complete this page for each sub -recipient) RECIPIENT: SUB -RECIPIENT INFORMATION SUB -RECIPIENT NAME; MAILING ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) CONTACT PERSON'S NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE: (863)462-5180 Okeechobee Senior Services 1019 WS Park Street Okeechobee FL ZIPCODE 34972 Sheila Savage, Program Manager FAX: (863)462-5184 ZIPCODE NOTE: The following line items (7, 13, 14 and 15) must correspond to Attachment B-1, Budget Summary.. If there is more than one sub -recipient, It is the Recipient's responsibility to ensure that the total of all sub - recipient budgets add correctly. Expenditures must be detailed in Attachment B-3. CSBG:FUNDED PROGRAMS ONLY (A) (B) (C) CSBG CASH IN -KIND (D) EXPENSE CATEGORY FUNDS MATCH MATCH TOTAL SUB -RECIPIENT ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: 7. SUB -RECIPIENT EXPENSES (Salaries+ Fringe, Rent, Utilities, Travel, Other) $6 925.00 $6 395.00 13 20.00 SUB•RECIPIENT PROGRAM EXPENSES: 13. SUB -RECIPIENT DIRECT CLIENT ASSISTANCE EXPENSES --------------------------------------------- $66,599.00 $0.00 $0.00 $66,599.00 14, SUB -RECIPIENT OTHER PROGRAM EXPENSES (Salaries +Fringe, Rent, Utilities, Travel, etc) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 15. SUBTOTAL SUB -RECIPIENT PROGRAM EXPENSES (L/ne 13+Line 14) $66,599.001 $0.00 $0.00 $66599.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: (Line 7 + Line 15) S66,599.00 S6,925.00 $6,395.00 $79,919.00 The Recipient must have a written agreement with all subcontractors. The agreement must meet the requirements of Section 14 of this agreement. A copy of the unsigned agreement with the subcontractor must be forwarded to the Department for review and approval along with this agreement. See OMB Circular A-133.210, Sub -recipient Vendor Determination, for further clarification. 17 KHB-04/10/12 (2) m "S, C4 I*- CD CN f;'6 too, -6i3 Vl} CN M, cc i Agg .0 mi IRV It i fp_ ��� m .'�ey�y +Fayye .�n1,�S �� ) tt� �w.r��.., CC ko ilk RE gg� IN .1 g2 w. 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O w a z p w t � i O LL si Q R w N s ss�fi 8 E 3 .W ..� b s'I i f g t�g 6 2 V E.s E'S sE ' SSo LU o a. gsg $o�d3 =a�g a d !a 3o u . n ag z aRRq PQRqG =R000 o00$8�rc_ �4,�b, l..ir�, i+' . �• ._sw diT+4i d m u c W r u Y- d m u d W ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Chairman Barbara Mason-Gurdiner Representing St. Lucie County Vice-Chairmun Elaine Fenn Representing Martin County Secretary Linda Nilson Representing Okeechobee County Barbara Felton St. Lucie Counh Darrell Drummond St. Lucie Count? Bryant H. Culpepper Okeechobee County Christina M. Sontibancz Okeechobee County Claudius Taylm. Jr. Martin Cnunry Charlene Oakovskl Martin Caunty Staff Representatives Stefanie Myers St. Lucie County Shelia Savage Okeechobee Comnp Anita Cocovcs Martin County Treasure Coast Co April 6, 2012 Action Treasure Coast Community Action Agency (TCCAA) is pleased to offer a letter of support for the St, Lucie County FTA VTCLI II Grant. The TCCAA is in support of initiatives that remove transportation barriers to Treasure Coast residents seeking to become self-sufficient. The TCCAA is committed to providing long-term support to the St. Lucie County Housing and Community Services transportation program and looks forward to this new partnership. Stefanie Myers Grant Administrator Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Martin County Calendar Page 1 of 2 Events Calendar News I Jobs I Contact I Help Public Meetings Martin County Calendar The following items listed below are Martin County Board of County Commissioner Meetings and Events Only. ( Sorted by Date ) Date • Event • Location 11-APR-12 *k Rio Neighborhood Advisory Committee Rio Civic Center Meeting 11-APR-12 *k Jensen Beach Sign Committee Meeting Jensen Beach Center 11-APR-12 Friends Meeting Hobe Sound Library 11-APR-12 irir Jensen Beach Neighborhood Advisory Jensen Beach Center Committee Meeting ***** CANCELED xxxxx 12-APR-12 CARES Class 40 Begins 12-APR-12 Hoke Library Book Discussion Group Hoke Library 12-APR-12 *k Parks and Recreation Teen Advisory Administrative Center Board Meeting 13-APR-12 Focus On Foreign Film Cummings Library 13-APR-12 Jane Miller Film Series Blake Library 13-APR-12 ABC Book Discussion Group Cummings Library 14-APR-12 Book Swap 'N Talk Blake Library 14-APR-12 Zentangle Art Class Hobe Sound Library 14-APR-12 Elisabeth Lahti Music Series (Concert) Cummings Library 16-APR-12 iiir Metropolitan Planning Organization Administrative Center Meeting 16-APR-12 *it Auditing Services Selection Committee Workshop Meeting Room 16-APR-12 Parenting Workshop Blake Library 17-APR-12 Friends Meeting Blake Library 17-APR-12 *k Board of County Commission Meeting Administrative Center 18-APR-12 i k Code Enforcement. Magistrate Hearing Administrative Center 18-APR-12 int County Health Care Review Board Administrative Center Meeting 18-APR-12 ik Treasure Coast Community Action (Agency Advisory Board Meeting 18-APR-12 ik St. Lucie Inlet Advisory Committee Administrative Center Meeting 18-APR-12 int Library Board of Trustees Meeting Blake Library Search Public Meetings Information illy Public Meetings Calendar "`•r' Schedule of Meetings `.r County Holidays Search by Group All Groups ink Public Meetings Administration Airport Building Department Community Development Community Services County Commissioners Engineering Fire Rescue General Services Growth Management Information Technology Library System - MCLS Parks and Recreation Television (MCIV) r Utilities S.Solid Waste Emergency Active Alerts! Currently No Active Alerts Calendar Search -Search http://www.martin.fl.us/portal/page?_lagoid=340,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL 4/11/2012 Sandy Gilfillan To: Anita Cocoves Cc: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication I will post the notice this Friday morning in the display case and it's on the web under Events. Below is a screen shot of the meeting and a link to Events: The following items listed below are Martin County Board of County Commissioner Meetings and Events Only. 18-Apr-2012 7kk Treasure Coast Community Action Agency Advisory 2.00 pm Board Meeting Location: Conference Room of the Community Services Office Located at 437 North 7th Street (Corner of 7th St and Ave D) Fort Pierce Contact: St. Lucie County Housing & Community Services Department 772.462,1777 Email: gilfillans@st!ucieco.org http://www.martin.fl.us/portal/page? pageid=340,1& dad=portal& schema=PORTAL Donna From: Anita Cocoves Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 4:49 PM To: Donna Gordon Subject: FW: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication FYI, thanks! Thanks) Anita Cocoves x. 6932 From: Sandy Gilfillan imailto:gilfillansCcbstlucieco.orol Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 1:29 PM To: TCNYesDesk' Cc: Heather Young; Sheila Savage (ssavage(dco.okeechobee.ft.us); Anita Cocoves Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication So sorry, got ahead of myself by clicking the send button before attaching the Press Release y From., TCNYesDesk fmallto:YesDesk@scripps.coml Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 12:09 PM Sandy Gilfillan To: Sandy Gilfillan Cc: Suzanne Antonetti Subject: FW: CSBG Audit Sandy, If you want to put this on the CAA agenda, it looks like the audit will be the week of July 23. Current year grant will be audited. From: Amison, Jeanfmailto•Jean.AmisonCa)deo.myflorida coml Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:31 AM To: Renee Scott Subject: RE: CSBG Audit I was hoping for the week of July 23rd so It looks like everyone will be available, Other than a quick site visit to Martin County, I don't need anything from them before hand. And I'll be auditing current year - 2012 CSBG, Thanks! Je.mison, Financial Specialist Community Assistance Section Office of Housing and Community Development Florida Department of Economic Opportunity 107 East Madison Street, MSC-400 Tallahassee, FL 32399-4120 Phone (850) 717-8458 Fax (850) 488-2488 ean.amison@deo.mVflorida.com From: Renee Scott [scottr@stlucieco.org] Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 10:23 AM To: Amison, Jean Subject: CSBG Audit Hi Jean, Below are the dates that key staff are on vacation. or the prior year? June 20-27 Vacation July 1s1-201" Vacation Martin County August 5-18 Vacation ,10^er�ee Sco�i Housing & Community Services Social Services Coordinator 437 North 7 Street It sure is spread out. @ Will you be auditing our current year WMA Sent Tuesday, April To: Charlene Furta< Subject RE: Ad for 4/13 Good morning Charlene, I have you all set to go for the 13th O your cost is $240.80 and your IO # is 2693100 You will receive a proof before publication. Best Regards, Nicole Carbone ®SCRIPPSMe& TarVted Audience solutions Office: 772-409-1369 Ceit: 772-323.8061 >±ax:772-600-2857 nicole.earboneQscrinns.com IW learned... That opportunities are never Cost; someone wiff take the ones you miss From: Charlene Furtado [maiit0'furtadocOstlucleco.orol Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012�10:30 AM To: 8ellucci Carbone, Nicole Subject: Ad for 4/13 Please publish the attached April 13. Legal Assistant 5t. Lucie County Attorney's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 FurtadoCiRStlucieco.ora 772 462-1420 (Voice) 772 462-1440(Fax) NOTICE! All communications, Including attachments, sent to or received by this Office are considered public record and subject to disclosure. Please Nole Flonoa has very hroao pubim records laws Most wulloa communications to or from County officials regarding Counly business are public records available to the public and media upon request It is the policy of SI Lucie County that all County recortls shill be open for personal inspection.. examination and r or copying. your a -mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication If you reWWed Iris email in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers . 1 meloung Anno'uncement The quarterly meeting of the Treasure Coast Corn unity Action Agency Advisory Board will be held .Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 2:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Community - Services Office Located at • 437 North 7th Street (Corner of 7th St and Ave D) Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 1774462-1777 Public on April 13, 2012 From: Sandy Gllfillan [gilffllans@stlucieco.org] SeilaaaacoOkeechobeeflusAocovesamartin.Fl.us); TCNYesDesk Heather Young, h Subject: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Hello, In accordance with our By-laws the attached Press Release must be published by each County. Please bring you proof of publication to the meeting so it can be forwarded to the DEO office along with the minutes of the meeting. Thank you, Sandy PS Happy Easter to all Sandra J. Gilfrllan St Lucie County Housing and Community Services 437 North 7th Street Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Phone: 772-462-1777 FAX: 772-462-1703 allflllans@stlucleco.orq Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the and media upon request. Ibis the of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and 7 public policy or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and r or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that aiLCounty records shall be open for personal Inspection, examination and r or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email In error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal Inspection, examination and t or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note Florida has very broad public records laws Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal Inspection, examination and t or copying Your a -mall communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. 2 Sandy Gilfillan To: Heather Young Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Heather —you are an angel, I will need a copy please. Thank you so much. From: Heather Young Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:28 AM To: Sandy Giifllian Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Sandy, We did run the ad and have a copy if you need it, or the paper should have sent the affidavit of publication to Finance if you want to check with them. Let me know what you need, Thanks, Heather From: Sandy Gilfillan Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 8:25 AM To: Heather Young Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Heather, Did you by any chance post this meeting somewhere? If so, I will need a copy or some way to show we advertised it. Thank you. From: Heather Young Sent: Monday, April 09, 2012 9:12 AM To: Sandy Gllfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication Does it need to be a block ad or is it supposed to go In the legal notices? Thanks. From: Sandy Gilfillan Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 1:29 PM To: TCNYesDesk' Cc: Heather Young; Sheila Savage (ssavage@co.okeechobee.fl.us); Anita Cocoves (acocoves@martin.fl.us) Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication So sorry, got ahead of myself by clicking the send button before attaching the Press Release From: TCNYesDesk [mallto:YesDesk@)scripps.comj Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 12:09 PM UTo: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: RE: CAA Meeting Press Release for publication nothing is attached Gilfillan Furtado Sent: Monday, April 16, 2012 9:53 AM To: Sandy Gilfillan Subject: CCAA Meeting Announcement Attachments: CCAA Meeting Announcement.pdf Please see the attached. PMHw 04. dh. - , Legal Assistant St. Lucie County Attorney's Office 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 349132 - FurtadoC@Stlucieca ora 772 462-1420 (Voice) 772 462-1440 (Fax) NOTICE; All communications, Including attachments, sent to or received by this Office are considered public record and subject to disclosure. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and r or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. O 50