Minutes of Meeting
May 30, 2013
Convened: 3:34 p.m.
Adjourned 4:11 p.m.
Commissioner Mowery called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m. in Conference Room # 3, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Me~nberf Presenb~
Commissioner Tod Mowery
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Justine Patterson, Florida Department of Corrections
Chief Judge Steve Levin,l9t" Circuit
Gary Wilson for Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Judge Philip J. Vacucci,l9t" Circuit
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
Major Pat Tighe, SLSO
Mitch Hilburn for Janet Collins, Bail Association
John Romano, New Horizons
Members Absent:
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
Others Presenb~
Mark Godwin, SLC Criminal Justice Coordinator
Allison Duffy, SLC Drug Lab
Ivelisse Chico, SLC Pretrial Program
Trevor Morganti, SL SO
Scott Harloff, CORE Program
Susie Caron, BOCC
Ethel Rowland, Taxpayer
William Lawhorn, SL SO
The minutes from April 25, 2013 were unanimously approved.
Publie =afeby Coordinating Council
May 30, 20f3
Page ~
UPDATE by =LC fherriff~: Office- Major Tighe on behalf of fheriff Mafcarae
Major Tighe reported the population of the St. Lucie County Jail at 1186 with 58 Federal
Inmates. Major Tighe introduced Captain William Lawhorn who replaced Captain Walsh
after he retired. Captain Lawhorn was assigned as Commander of the Jail. He was formally
from Vermont Corrections and Broward County Sheriff s Office with 23 years of experience.
Captain Lawhorn was welcomed by all.
Commissioner Mowery spol2e about the inmate programs offered at the St. Lucie County Jail
and inmate graduations he has attended as a result of those programs and the positive effects
from them. He was recently able to help promote what Sheriff Mascara and Major Tighe
have developed to improve the system and reduce the recidivism rate. This was done through
"Coffee with the Commissioner through the Chamber of Commerce, it was televised with a
studio audience. They were able to highlight the results of the Jail Programs as well as what
Mr. Godwin was able to develop with St. Lucie County's Pretrial Program. Commissioner
Mowery said there was a good response from that and it was just another way to help people
understand that the jail is not just a place to "store" people. Active programs have been in
place with results favorable to those who have participated. Commissioner Mowery thankted
those involved with developing those programs.
UPDATE by Criminal ~u:nice Coordinator - Marh Godwin:
Mr. Godwin introduced the County Grant Writer, Glenn Henderson. Mr. Godwin announced a
possibility of obtaining a 1.2 million dollar Reinvestment Grant. This would amount to
$400,000 a year for 3 years. The grant would help makte a 24/7 Mobil Emergency Response
Team available to support law enforcement for those individuals in crisis. Mr. Romano, CEO of
New Horizons explained he currently has a sF~eleton team funded through the State, but it is
not operational 24 hours, 7 days a weelZ. Mr. Romano made a motion for the Public Safety
Coordinating Council to endorse the application because St. Lucie County would be the lead
county and handle the financial reporting. Major Tighe seconds the motion and all other
members signified by saying Aye.
The Monthly Population Report of the Detention Center was reviewed and discussed. Allison
Duffy, St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab Manager gave an overview of a handout she
provided entitled, "Teens Mix Prescription Opioids with Other Substances". Ivelisse Chico,
Pretrial Program Manager for St. Lucie County indicated things were going well with the
program. Markz Godwin passed around an article that was written by, ton Silman in the
Tampa Bay Times, entitled, "Pasco sheriff, judge trade ideas to address jail overcrowding". Mr.
Godwin pointed out that this was the county that did away with their Pretrial Program three
years ago and now they are facing jail overcrowding issues. Please see the attached article.
Publie =afeby Coordinating Council
May 30, ZO'3
Page 3
JUDICIAL UPDATE by Chief fudge Levin
Chief Judge Levin reported Mental Health court and Drug court were doing well. On the civil
side, funds may be given to the Circuit to hire a magistrate to help with the baclz log of
foreclosure cases, he will Know by June 14t" 2013 if it does not get vetoed. Chief Judge Levin
gave an update on the success of the Landfill Community Service program. When someone is
assigned to community service at the landfill, it saves the County money.
Bruce Colton, State Attorney and Vice Chair of this committee made a motion to meet
quarterly and Gary Wilson who was Sheriff Mascara's designee second the motion and all
members agreed. It was decided if an urgent matter arose a meeting could always be called
together. Mr. Colton suggested meeting quarterly because of how well things have been going
and often times there has not been any crisis. He spore about how well all the members
cooperate and worl~ together. Mr. Colton said that in the beginning when it was first started
there was a lot to get accomplished. He also suggested the monthly data reports can be sent
via email. Chief Judge Levin added that they are always accessible to one another.
Commissioner Mowery announced that the quarterly meeting schedule will begin in October.
OLD BU=INE=f -None
NEW BUfINE:f -None
Commissioner Mowery adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m.
Submitted by,
Carlene Busse