HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-25-2013PUBLIC =AFE? OORDIN~11'ING COUNCIL
Minutes of Meeting
April 25, 2013
Convened: 3:40 p.m. ~~~~ Adjourned 4:19 p.m.
Commissioner Mowery called the meeting to order at 3:40 p.m. in Conference Room # 3, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was takten.
Member: Presents
Commissioner Tod Mowery
Tom Genung for Chief Judge Steve Levin,l9t" Circuit
Gary Wilson for Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Judge Philip 1. Vacucci,l9t" Circuit
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
Major Pat Tighe, SLSO
Janet Collins, Bail Association
John Romano, New Horizons
Memberf Absents
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Justine Patterson, Florida Department of Corrections
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
Other: Pretent~
Allison Duffy, SLC Drug Lab
Ivelisse Chico, SLC Pretrial Program
Trevor Morganti, SL SO
Scott Harloff, CORE Program
Susie Caron, BOCC
Ethel Rowland, Taxpayer
Chris Harris, Magellan Health
Kayla Filippini, Third Grade Student
The minutes from January 31, 2013 were unanimously approved.
Publie safety Coordinating Couneil
April ZS, 2013
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Commissioner Mowery opened the meeting by introducing the new Pretrial Manager,
Ivelisse Chico who was promoted after her predecessor, Lisa Savage retired earlier this month.
Ms. Chico shared her backrground as a former Police Officer for the NYPD. She relocated to
Florida in 2007 and has worked her way up within the Pretrial Program ever since.
In light of recent events in the news outside the state and in Orange County Florida where the
Pretrial Program was shut down, Ms. Chico explained how the St. Lucie County Pretrial
Program is different. Defendants are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 day a week including
Holidays. Unlike other Pretrial Programs monitoring is performed by staff, not an outside
agency. Defendants are required to check in the office at least once a week and they are
visited at their home weekly ensuring visual contact. Ms. Chico explained that there is always
three staff on call to handle any GPS alert. Ms. Chico invited members to contact her anytime
with any questions or concerns.
Judge Vacucci added that Judges had standards put into place when the Pretrial Program
was set up to limit who would be eligible to participate in the program. Safeguard measures
were implemented in the beginning to minimize the chances of any occurrences like the one is
Orange County. Furthermore, Judges have been called on occasion in the middle of the night
for a warrant if there was an issue that needed to be addressed. Major Tighe spoke of the close
communication Pretrial has with all involved in the system and offered support if needed.
Judge Vacucci as well as Major Tighe praised Ms. Chico for her outstanding work over the past
years and expressed their confidence of her abilities in her new role.
Commissioner Mowery also introduced Kayla (Carlene Busse's daughter) who had the
opportunity to attend the meeting because it was, Take Your Son/Daughter to Work Day.
Kayla became Commissioner Mowery's assistant during the meeting and enjoyed her
educational experience.
UPDATE by sLC fherriff'= Offiee- Major'iighe on behalf of sheriff Ma:aara~
Major Tighe reported the population at the St. Lucie County Jail declined to 1175 with 59
Federal Inmates.
He announced on May 4th the Police Athletic League is going to host, Law Enforcement
Family Fun Day from noon until 4:OOpm. in Fort Pierce. This group was formed after wives of
other Law Enforcement Officers attended the Funeral of Sargent Gary Morales this past
February. This was in an effort to offer support to one another and get to know the spouses of
those who are in Law Enforcement.
Public fafety Coordinating Council
April 35, X013
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UPDATE Criminal Justice Coordinator- Allison Duffy on behalf of Mark Godwin
Allison Duffy, Manager of the St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab provided a Summary
Statistics hand out for fiscal year 2012/2013. The St. Lucie County Criminal Justice System
Yearly Population/Booking Summary was also distributed.
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program Director, thanked Ms. Duffy for the Drug Testing Hot Line
she implemented. Ms. Caudell was pleased about how well the hotline has worked out. All of
the CORE clients are testing more often with the random system as opposed to the manual
system that was in place in the past.
JUDICIAL UPDATE- Tom Genung on behalf of Chief Judge Levin
Tom Genung, Court Administrator for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit provided a few updates
since our last meeting. Mr. Genung announced the State Court System received a little over
five million dollars from the Foreclosure Settlement Lawsuit. Those monies are used to address
the backlog of foreclosure cases statewide. Mr. Genung stated we were able to apply for some
of that money. It was also suggested by the Chief Justice to mention in the application that
intentions for the funds would be technological advances to address the foreclosure backlog
better. Mr. Genung advised members that electronic filing was now mandatory for Civil
Attorneys and all civil proceedings. He also mentioned in October electronic filing would be
mandatory for Criminal Attorneys as well.
Mr. Genung explained that the Clerk's Office will be storing digital images and bites
accordingly. Court Administration recently contracted with Memphis Technology Solutions for
installation and implementation of a Judicial Viewer System. He gave a brief overview of
what that does and how it will make the electronically stored information searchable and user
friendly between the different databases within the court system. Mr. Genung indicated that
eventually sometime in the future the Judges would go paperless by viewing cases on a
touchscreen tablet.
Commissioner Mowery explained that the County Board recently transitioned to a paperless
system with agendas being done through a program and Commissioners viewing those items
on a tablet at the Board meeting.
Public fafety Coordinating Council
April Z5, Z013
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OLD BUfINEff -None
Suzanne Caudell, Director of CORE Probation, added that they too are malting an effort to
go paperless and have been reviewing Case Management software with scanning capabilities
that includes a web portal for the Judges, Clerkzs Office as well as other agencies.
John Romano, CEO of New Horizons, shared good news about Mental Health and Substance
Abuse dollars have not been on the "chopping bloclt" for the first time in years. It is too soon
to tell what that means in terms of additional dollars for our area yet since there is still some
time left to go in the legislative session.
Commissioner Mowery adjourned the meeting at 4:19 p.m.
Submitted by,
Carlene Busse