HomeMy WebLinkAboutCBC Minutes 03 21 2014Meeting Date: March 21, 2014 Conference Room 3 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Knaggs, Chair Dan Kurek, Vice Chair Jane Bachelor William Donovan Marty Laven Craig Mundt Stephanie Morgan James Clasby Gwen Morris MEMBERS ABSENT: Carl Hensley Ed Lounds John Culverhouse Richard Pancoast Jay L. McBee Patrick Campion OTHERS PRESENT: Faye W. Outlaw Robert Bentkofsky Marie Gouin Jennifer Hill Laurie Waldie Tara Raymore Shane Dewitt Mark Satterlee Don West Karen Smith John Wiatrak Ed Matthews Mike Quinn Sherry Burroughs Glenn Henderson George Otero George Baker CALL TO ORDER Mr. Knaggs called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT No member of the public spoke at the meeting. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 21, 2014 MINUTES After a motion to approve by Ms. Morgan and second, the minutes were unanimously approved. Citizens' Budget Committee March 21, 2014 Page 2 OPRERATING BUDGET: FY13 Result, FY14 Update, FY15 Assumptions After an introduction by Mr. Bentkofsky, Ms. Hill gave the attached FY13 Operating Results PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Kurek started discussion about excess fees from Constitutional Officers, the Tax Collector's new building, Supervisor of Election's building timeline and Sheriff Department's insurance. Ms. Outlaw added information about FY13 and FY14. Ms. Gouin presented the attached FY14 Update. Mr. Kurek complimented Ms. Gouin and the County. Mr. Knaggs started discussion on the insurance fund. Ms. Outlaw gave the FY15 Assumptions PowerPoint presentation (see attached). Ms. Morris asked about Airport subsidies. History, current situation and future plans were discussed. Mr. Mundt asked what else is being subsidized. Operations supported by the General Fund and Enterprise Funds were discussed. Mr. Kurek asked about the variance. Ms. Hill and Ms. Gouin explained their process. Ms. Outlaw added information about positions. Mr. Knaggs asked about information sent out between meetings and the track record of the State's projections. History and the process of projections were explained. Mr. Knaggs started discussion on the plan to bring the budget to a sustainable position. Ms. Outlaw will present her- suggestions before she leaves. She believes adjustments should be made before FY17 and is working on a three-year plan. Mr. Knaggs asked about the schedule for Ms. Outlaw's replacement. Ms. Outlaw answered with the timeline. Mr. Mundt gave information from a Board meeting he attended. Ms. Outlaw expressed her confidence in her current staff. Committee action was discussed. Mr. Clasby suggested asking the candidates about the budget issues. Ms. Morris feels increasing revenues is critical and asked about the Economic Development Council (EDC) President coming to speak at their meeting. Mr. Knaggs answered that it was scheduled. Ms. Outlaw said she would like, in her last meeting, to do an overview presentation of where we started, how the gap was dealt with and a model for FY15-FY17. Mr. Knaggs decided Ms. Outlaw would make her presentation at the next meeting and the other items would be deferred. INFORMAL BOCC MEETING UPDATE Mr. Knaggs reported that a new Supervisor of Elections building, keeping her office in Orange Blossom Mall, Clerk of Court remodeling the South Annex Building, the Tax Citizens' Budget Committee March 21, 2014 Page 3 Collector's new building, concern for the impact of the building on non -profits and a letter of intent to apply for a grant for a veteran's nursing home were on the agenda of the last Informal. Ms. Outlaw and Mr. Henderson gave an update on the grant request. The next Informal will be the second Tuesday of April. The schedule for the Commissioners the week of March 24tn was discussed. OTHERISSUES Mr. Knaggs reminded the Committee that their next meeting was moved forward one week because of Good Friday to April 11tn ADJOURNMENT After a motion, Mr. Knaggs adjourned the meeting at 9:06 a.m. Respectfully submitted by: Brenda Marlin The, next CBC meeting will be held on Friday, April 11, 2014, at 7:30 a.m., in Conference Room 3, at the St. Lucie County Roger Poitras Administration Annex.