HomeMy WebLinkAbout06- JuneArts 8c Cultural Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc. June 4, 2014 Mr. Robert Bentkofsky Assistant County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. Bentkofsky, The Arts & Cultural Alliance of St. Lucie, as the county designated Arts Agency, has contracted with Pat Cochran of Shadetree Studio to assess, recommend and oversee the maintenance and/or repair of several works of art on display throughout St. Lucie County, various pieces belonging to either St. Lucie County or the City of Ft. Pierce. I have enclosed a list of the art works, ownership, estimated cost $17,795, for maintenance/repair and our contract. St. Lucie County has a maintenance fund balance of $7,566.82, dedicated to refurbish and repair such art pieces and I respectfully request the county release those funds to the Alliance to assist making payment. Sincerely, ~~ ~ / Craig Mundt Chair Arts & Cultural Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc. Art In Pnblic Places Projects (BOLD=owned by ACA) SCITLPTURE LOCATION Ownership Blind Date Fort Pierce City Hall SLC Artist: Doug Makemson Tarpon North Bridge (N-AlA) SLC Ar~tist: Jenene Doelman Which Way Did They Go? ~ ' Fort Pierce Police Station SLC 6 Artist: Pat Cochran Fire Sentinel Marina Square SLC Artist: Susan Gott ~° Lush Serendipity City Public Works - storage SLC Artist: Jon Neprud Gator in the Gold Oxbow Eco Center SLC Artist: Anita Prentice Away Veterans Memorial Park SLC Artist: Jonathan Bowling Florida Highwaymen Obelisk Ave D. Roundabout at 15th SLC Artist: Stephanie Jaffe-Werner Adapter Port St Lucie City Hall ARTIST Ai~tist: Teriy Thommes Token Series Heathcote Botanical Gardens ARTIST Artist: David Hayes Leap of Faith Foi~t Pierce City Hall FP At~tist: Pat Cochran ~~ t Bird In Hand Fort Pierce City Hall FP Artists: Anita Printice and Ginny Piech Street Unknown Fort Pierce City Hall FP Artist: David Hayes Nut Shell County Bldg - Walton Road SLC Artist: Unknown Picnic Under the Wave River Walk Center SLC Artist: FSU Art Program Zora Neale Hurston Memorial Cemetaiy SLC Artist: Jim Liccione In the Swim Marina Square FP Artist: Jorge Blanco Totem SLC Clerk of Courts SLC Artist: David Lee Cumbie Buoy SLC Aquarium SLC Artist: Teriy Thommes Prevailing Winds Citrus Ave. Roundabout FP Artist: Pat Cochran ~~ Screen #10 Fort Pierce City Hall FP Artist: David Hayes Dynamics Fenn Center/Skate Park SLC Artist: Jorge Blanco ~ e Spealcer Hurston Libraiy SLC A1~tist: Dennis Howland ~ Bear Totem SLC Historical Museum SLC Ai~tist: Onabamiero Ogunleye Parcaraship SLC Aquasrium SLC ArtistL Pat Cochran/Ginny Piech Street Salfish Manatee Center FP Recycling Sculpture SLC Government Complex SLC Artist: Brown Hatcher Sapling Canopy Heathcote SLC Artist: Jason Losko 9ll Memorial Tradition Field SLC ~ Artist:: Pat Cochran 911 Memorial for CeeCee Ross Lyles River Walk Center SLC Remnant Series #26 Marina Square Plaza Artist: Dennis Kowal ~ONT , made this ~`~'~~day of Aprii , 2014, 6etween Arts Cultural Aliiarrc~ of Sto 1°HOS CON°f~~ ~ Luci~, Inc., hereina~ter called the "Aliia~ce", and SHADET'REE Sl'11D10, or his, its or their successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "CONTRA~TOR". WtT'NESSEI°W: 1. PII~POSE/~ES~~IPTION OF 1n/ORK That Contractor agrees with Alliance, for the consideration herein mentioned, at his, its or their own proper cost and expense to do all the Work and furnish all the materials, equipment, supplies, and labor necessary to carry out this Contract in the manner and to the full extent as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the satisfaction of the duly authorized representatives of Alliance, who shall have at all Cimes full opportunity to inspect the materials to be furnished and the Work to be done under this Contract. It is agreed that the work to be done under this Contract is Maintenance and Repairs of Alliance, St. Lucie County or Ft. Pierce City owned and/or leased AIPP Sculptures as set forth in the scope of work, attached hereta and made a part hereof. Any conflict between the terms and conditions of the scope ofi work and the terms and conditions of this Contract, shall be interpreted in favor of this Contract. 2. P~O1EC'T nAANAGER The Project Manager for the Alliance is it's Executive Director or Chairman of fihe Board at (772) 462-6412. The Project Manager for the Contractor is Patrick Cochran afi (772) 528-2402. 3. T'ERlill The term of this Confiract shall begin on the date first written above and continue through and including September 30, 2015. Upon written agreement, the Contract may be extended for one {~) additional one-year period upon the same terms and conditions. 4. CONTRACT PAYMENT' 1'he Alliance shall pay the Gontractor for the performance of this Contract and satisfactory completion of the project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract, the tatal amount NOT TO EXCEED $17,500 (seventeen thous~nd five hundred and 00/100 dollars) per year. The Alli~nce shall pay the Contractor through payments issued upon receipt of a certified invoice. 5. AUDIT' The Contractor agrees that the Aliiance or ar~y of its duly authorized representatives shall, until the expiration of three years after expenditure of funds under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of ~he Contractor involving transactions related to this Con~ract. 1"he Cantractor agrees that payment(s) made under this Contract shall be subject to r~duction for amounts charged thereto which are found on the basis of audit examination not to cons~itute allowable costs under this Contract. The Contractor shal) refund by check payable to Alliance the amount of such reduction of payments. All required records shall be maintained until an audit is completed and all questions arising therefrom are resolved, or three years after completion of the project and issuance of the final certificate, whichever is soaner. 6. GUARAhII'EE The Contractor guarantees to repair, replace or otherwise make good to the satisfaction of the Alliance any defects in workmanship or mafierial appearing in the work within one year after the day the work is ~ccepted by the Alliance Project Manager. Contractor further guarantees the successful performance of the work for the service intended. Neither inspection nor payment, including final payment by the Alliance shall relieve the Contractor from his or its obligations to do and complete~ the work in accordance with this contract. If the Alliance deems it inexpedient to require the Contractor to correct deficient or defective materials or labor, an equitable deduction from the contract price shall be made therefore or in the alternative, the Alliance may sue for damages. 7his guarantee is in addition to any other warranty available to the Alliance for the Work including but not limited to manufacturers warranties. 7. C~NTRACI°OR RESP~NSI~ILIT°Y The Contractor is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of the Alliance. Nothing in this Contract shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an indepenclent contractor, between the Alliance and the Contractor, its employees, agents, subcontractors, or assigns, during or after the performance of ~his Contract. The Contractc~r shall take the whole responsibility of the work and shall bear all losses resulting to him, or it, on account of the amount or character of the work, or because of the nature of the ground in or on which the work is done is different from what was assumed or expected, or because of bad weather, or because of errors or omissions in his or its bid on the Contract price, or except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents because of any other causes whatsoever. 2 ~< INDEM~IFICATION Contractor agrees to pay of behalf of, protect, defend, reimburse, indemnify and hold the Alliance, its agents, employees, officers and representatives and each of them, (hereinafter collectively and far the purposes of this paragraph, re~erred to as "Alliance"), free and harmless at all times from and against any and all claims, liability, expenses, lo~ses, costs, fines and damages, including attorney's fees, and causes of action of every kind and character against Alliance by reason of any damage to property or the environment, or bodily injury (irtcluding death) incurred or sustained by any party hereto, dr of any party acquiring any interest hereunder, any agent or employee of any party hereto or of any party acquiring an interest hereunder, and any third or other party whomsoever, or any governmental agency, arising out of or in incident to or in connection with Contractor's performance under this Contract, the condition of the premises, Contractor`s acts, or omissions or operations hereunder, or the performance, non-performance or purportied performance of the Contractor of any breach of the terms of this Contract to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Contractor and persans employed or utilized by the Contractor. Contractor further agrees to pay on behalf of and hold harmless and indemnify Alliance for any fines, citations, court judgments, insurance claims, restoration casts or other liability resulting from its activities on the project, whether or not Contractor was negligent or even knowledgeable of any events precipitating a claim or arising as a result of any situation involving Contractor's activities to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Contractor and persons employed or utilized by the Contractor. Said indemnification by Contraetor shall be extended to include all deliverers, suppliers, fumishers of material or anyone actin~ for, on behalf of, or at the request of Contractor. Contractor recognizes the broad nature of this indemnification and hold harmless clause and voluntarily makes this covenant. This indemnification and hold harmless survives acceptance of the Work. This clause of the Contract will extend beyond the term of the Agreement for a period of ten (1p) years after the date of the acceptance of the Work by the Alliance. 9. INSPECTION The project will be inspected by the ProjeCt Manager for the Alliance and will be rejected if it is not in conformity with the Contract provisions. Rejected work will be immediately corrected by the Contractor. When the worl< is substantially completed, the Contractor shall notify the Alli~nce in writing that the work shall be ready for final inspection on a definite date, afi least three (3) calendar days thereafter, which shall be stated in such notice. 3 10. iNSl1RANCE Connrrtercial G~neral Liabilitd; The Contractor shall maintain and, prior to commencemen~ of this contract, provide the Alliance v/ith evidence of commercial general liability insurance to include: 1) for limits of not less than $1,00O,OOQ per occurrence; and 2) a general, per contract/project, aggregate limit of not less than $2,000,000. The policy shal! also provide the Alliance will be given a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non-renewal and include Alliance as an additional insured. ~usin~ss Autorrnobile Liabili~v The Contractor shall maintain and, prior to commencement of this contract, provide the Alliance with evidence of business automobile liability irtsurance to include: 1) coverage for any automobile for limits o~ not less than $100,000 combined single limit (bodily injury & property damage) per accident and 2) Personal injury protection (Flarida no-fault) with full statutory limits. The policy shall also provide the Alliance will be ~iven a~hirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non-renewa) and include Alliance as an additional insured. 1A/orkers' Cornpensation ~nd Ernplovers li~bili~v; ~~;~-~ ~" ~~~~ ~ s ~u,~..~.s~~r~~ ~The Contractor shall maintain and~ ~'n'' ~+, provide the Alliance with evidence of Workers ' Compensation Insurance providing Florida statutory (F.S. 440) limits to cover all employ~es and include Employers Liability coverage with limits of not less than $500,000 for accidents or disease. The policy shall also provide the Alliance will be given a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation or non-renewal. 11. DEFAULT: TER~INATION A. FOR CAl1SE If the Contractor fails to fulfill its obligafiions under fihis Contract in a timely and proper manner, the Alliance shall have the right, but not the obligafiion, to terminate this Contract by giving written notic~ of any deficiency and by allowing the party in default seven (7) calendar days to correct the deficiency. If the Contractor fails to correct the deficiency within the seven calendar day period, this Contract shall terminate at the expiration of that time period. With regard to the Contractor, the following items shall be considered a default under this Contract: (1) If the Contractvr should be adjudged bankrupt, or if he, or it, should make a 4 ~enerai assi~nment for the benefit of his, or its, creditors, or if a receiver should be appointed on account of his, or its, insolvency. (2) If ~he ~ontractor should refuse or fail, except in cases for which an extension of time is provided, to supply enou~h properly skilled workmen ~r proper materia) to meet the project schedule or if the Contractor should fail to make prompt payment for materials, or labor or o~her services entering into the Work. (~) If the Contractor disregards laws, ordinances, or the instructions of the Project Manager or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of ~he provisions of the Contract. (4) Fails to perform any of the terms of this Contract or perForms work which fails to conform to the requirements of this Contract. In the event of termination, the Alliance may take possession of the premises and all materials, tools, and appliances, thereon and finish the Work by whatever method it may deem expedient. In such cases, the Contractor shall only be entitled to receive payment for Work satisfactorily completed prior to the termination date, subject to any setoffs due the Alliance in completing Che Project and for reimbursement of damages incurred. The Alliance may take possession of and use any materials, plant, tools, equipment, and property of any kind furnished by Contractor to complete the Work. If the expense incurred by the Alliance to finish the Work exceeds the unpaid balance on ehis Contract, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Alliance. The expense incurred by the Alliance as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor's default, shall be certified by the Project Manager. °fhe Contractor shall be responsible for both liquidated damages attributable to delay and 'for excess completion costs. The liability of the Contractor and its surety or sureties for such damages and costs is joint and several. The obligations of the Contractor and his surety with respect to the warranty and maintenance shall remain in full force and effect for the portion of the Work completed by the Contractor and sh~ll not expire until the expiration of the prescribed time period measured from the final acceptance of the project in its entirety. These clauses shall survive the termination of this Contract. lif the Alliance makes a determination pursuant to this Contract to hold the Contractor in default and terminate the Contract for cause and it is subsequently determined that any such determination was improper, unwarranted, or wrongful, then any such termination shall be deemed for all purposes as a termination without cause as described below. The Contractor agrees that it shall be entitled to no damages, allowances or expenses of any kind other than as provided in this Agreement in connection with such termination, and does expressly waive, in the event of termination, any and all Claims for consequential damages, loss of bonding capacity, destruction of business, unabsorbed home office overhead, last profit and the like. 5 ~0 1~i1°F0~t11° CA115~ Either party may terminate the Contract without cause at any time upon fifteen (15) calendar days prior wri~:ten notice to the other par~y. In the event of termination, the Alliance shall compensate the Contractor for all auth~rized work sa~isfactorily and responsibly completed through the termination date. Upon such termination, the Contractor waives any claims for damages from the termination without cause, including without limitation, any and all consequential claims as set forth above, and as the sole right and remedy of the Contractor, the Alliance shall compensate the Contractor for all authorized Work satisfactorily and responsibly completed through the termination date. 12. iV01°ICES All notices, requests, consents, and other communications required or permitted under this Contract shall be in writing and shall be (as elected by the person giving such notice) hand delivered by messenger or courier service, telecommunicated, or mailed by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid) return receipt requested, addressed to: As To Alliance: Arts & CulCural Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc. 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 3~9~2 Phon~: (772) 462-6412 As To Contractor: Shadetree Studios 2900 North Old Dixie Highway Ft. Pierce, Florida 34949 Phone: (772) 528-2402 or to such other address as any party may designate by notice complying with the terms of this Section. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the date delivered if by personal delivery, (b) on the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed. 14. ASSIGNME~Il° The Alliance reserves the right to freely assign this Contract. The Contracfior, however, shall not assign this Contract to any other persons or firm without first obtaining Alliance's written approval. In addition, the Contractor shall not have the right to assign any or all of its rights and interests under this agreement to any subsidiary or parent company, or any successor to its business through merger, consolid~tian, voluntary sale, 6 or transfer o~ substantially all of its assets without the express writ~en consent of the Aliiance. For purposes of this paragraph, a transfer of subs~anti~lly all of its assets shaii be deemed to occur when the owner(s) of more than 50% of the proprietary interes~ in the business entity transfer, other than between themselves, their immediate families or their heirs, such proprietary interest to another person, firm, partnership, corporation or business entity. Any attempt to effecY an assignment without Alliance's prior written consent shall be deemed a default subject to the remedies provided herein. 15. DISPIII°E RESOLI)1°I~~ Any disputes rela~ing to interpretatian of the terms of this Contact or a question of fact or arising under this Contract shall be resolved through good faith efforts upon the part of the Contractor and the Alliance or its Project Manager. At all times, the Contiractor shall carry on the work and maintain its progress schedule in accordance with the requirements of the Confiract and the determination of the Alliance or its represent~tives, pending a final resolution of the dispute, including, if necessary, any determination by a Court of competent jurisdictian. Any dispu~e which is not resolved by mutual agreement shall be decided by the Alliance Project Manager who shall reduce the decision to writing. The decision of the Alliance shall be final and conclusive unless determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be fraudulent, capricious, arbitrary, so grossly erroneous as to necessarily imply bad faith, or not be supported by substantia) evidence. 16. MEDIAT°ION Prior to initiating any litigation concernng this Contract, the parties agree to submit the disputed issu~ or issues to a mediator for non-bindin~ mediation. l'he parties shall agree on a mediator cMosen from a list of certified mediators available from the Clerk of Court for St. Lucie County. The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by fihe parties. To the extent allowed by law, the mediafiion process shall be confidential and the results of the mediatian or any testimony or argument introduced at the mediatian shall not be admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceeding concerning the disputed issue. 17. ANl'll°RUST ASSI~NNIEIVT The Contractor and the Alliance and the State of Flarida recognize that in actual economic practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the State af Florida and local governments. Therefore, the Gontractor assigns to the State of Florida and the County any and all claims for such overcharges as to ~oods, materials or services purchased in connecfiion with ~he Contract. 7 1~. INTERPRETATIO~: VENIJE This Contracfi consti~utes the entire agreement between the parti~s with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior verbal or written agreemen~s befiween the parties with respect thereto. This Contract may only be amended by written document, properly authorized, executed and delivered by both parties hereto. This Contract shall be interpreted as a whole unit and section headings are for convenience only. All interpretatiions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. In the event it is necessary for either party to initiate legal action regarding this Con~ract, venue shal) be exclusively in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit for St. Lucie County, Florida, for claims under state law and the Southern District of Florida f~r any claims which are judicable in federal court. IN Vi/IT(~ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have accepted, made and executed this Agreement in counterparts each of which shall be treated as an original upon the terms and conditions above stated. VVIT"RIESS~ : ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ l ,, f ..~ . /~,~~~ :1 C `~ `~' f ~"7 Ar~s & Cultural Alliance of St. Lucie, Inc ~~ ~~~ ~. P ~ject Mana~er 1AlIl'NESSE5: ; ~ t~~.~,~ -~~. ~_ ~ .~r.~~ ~ ~ ~.~~ e _ a~ .. .,..~.:_, ,_ r_ '~ SIiP-~ET~E 5'TUDIOS « ~ ~Y <~ ~~:~,-_ ~~ ~~~q ~~~~ , -~~,~ -~~ Print Name ~, ~a ~__~.~~~~-' 'l~ Title• ~~,~ ~~~.~,°~ q , 8 Si~adetr~e Scope of UVork Maintenance and Repairs of all Alliance, St. Lucie Gounty and Ci~y of Ft. Pierce owned and leased AIPP Sculptures ~s necessary. 1"he Contractor will inspect each individual sculpture as directed by the Alliance Project Manager and then provide a written report outlining the maintenance and repairs necessary to return each scuipture to its ariginal condition. This report will include estimated cost of the work, including time and materials, schedule for T~~r~~ ~, completion, and details of the proposed repair. ~x ia~~ ~ i rs ''~" ~~'~ "[~ "~'~ Contractor will not proceed with each repair until written approval from the C~/ ~` Alliance Project Manager has been received. ~~`~~~ The Contractor will be responsible for the general maintenance and repairs for each sculpture. if the Contractor causes additional damage during the maintenance and repairs, the Contractor will be responsible for those additional repairs at no additional cost to the Alliance. The Contractor will also be requested to assist in hurricane preparedness of the sculptures if and when a storm is approaching which includes adding extra tie downs, removing the smaller more fragile pieces, and any other required action. The Contractor will also assist in returning the sculpture back to normal after the threat of hurricanes pass. 9 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~~_ ~ / ~ ~~~ v ~ Sculpture Title Suggested Maintenance and Repairs " Blind Date " Stainless steel scuipture needs to be removed from location, sandblasted, cleaned, sealed and reinstalled. $ 425.00 " Tarpon " Sculpture is in no need of repair. " Which Way Did they Go? " Sculpture needs surtace repair, top kinetic moving element welded and entire sculpture repainted and sealed. $ 590.00 " Fire Sentinel " Stainiess steei element of sculpture should be cleaned, polished and sealed. All other elements in good condition. $ 185.00 " Lush Serendipidy " Sculpture needs to be moved to sandblaster, sand - blasted, primed , painted and reinstalled. $1200.00 " Gator in the Gold " Sculpture needs to be cleaned, sections re-leveled, edges repainted, entire border repainted and sealed, $ 800.00 " Away " Sculpture needs to be pressure washed and coated with a protective oil base sealer. $185.00 " Florida Highwaymen Sculpture is in no need of repair, but stainless section Obelisk " of plaque needs buffing and sealing. $ 45.00 " Leap of Faith " Complete sculpture needs cleaning and waxing and five roses need priming and repainting. $1,255.00 " Bird in Hand " Top section of sculpture needs to be replaced, sections of glass taken off and reattached and entire piece cleaned and sealed. $ 1,200.00 " Screen # 10 " Sculpture needs to be sanded, sandblasted, primed and repainted. $ 1,700.00 " Nut Shell " Sculpture needs to be cleaned, repatinaed in areas , sealed and waxed. $ 450.00 "Picnic Under the Wave " Sculpture is in catastrophic c~ndition. Interior foam has deteriorated and needs to be taken out and replaced. A large section of exterior needs to be refiberglassed, painted and sealed. $ 2,500.00 " Zora Neal Hurston Memorial " Sculpture needs to be cieaned, bronze coating replaced in areas, sealed and waxed. $ 250.00 " In the Swim " Sculpture is in good condition except for base. Base is rusting and needs to be sanded, primed and painted . $ 340.00 " Totem " Interior braces and base need to be sanded where rusty, primed and painted. Other elements fine . $ 330.00 " Buoy " Stainless section buffed, bronze elements repatinaed, and entire sculpture seaied and waxed. $ 340.00 " Prevai{ing Winds " Sculpture needs to be pressure washed, re-stained, and top movable section repainted. $ 530.00 " Dynamics " Sculpture is in good condition, but base needs to be sanded, repainted, and bolts repiaced. $ 260.00 " Speaker " Sculpture needs to be moved to a suitable iocation; decayed wood filled, missing metal sections replaced and entire piece stained and seaied .$ 990.00 " Bear Totem " Sculpture is full of termites and ants. It has large section of decayed wood that needs to be fiilled and re-stained. Sculpture should be treated for termites, sealed and waxed. $ 665.00 " Partnership " Vertical stainless sectians need touch-up paint as well as the blue side panels. Sculpture needs to be pressure washed and sealed. $ 225.00 " Sailfish " Needs to be cleaned, sealed and waxed. $ 90.Q0 " Recycling Sculpture " Needs to be pressure washed, stainless steel section buffed and sealed. Bronze figures on pavement repatinaed, sea{ed and wa~ced. $ 530.00 " Sapling Canopy " Angle metal sections under glass have deteriorated, need to be replaced. This invofves removing it from location, replacing metai, sandbiasting other needed areas, applying bronze coating, sealing and installing at Heathcote ~otanical Gardens. $ 765.00 " 9/ 11 Sculpture " Sculpture needs to be cleaned and waxed. $ 175.00 " 9/ 11 Memoria! for Sculpture needs to be cleaned, repatinaed in fiaded Cee Cee Lyles " areas, sealed and waxed. $180.00 " Remnant Series #26 " Sculpture is in good condition, but needs cfeaning and waxing. $130.Oa " World Sculpture " Sculpture is made of aluminum and powder-coated ( Lakewood Park Ball Field ) and has held up well in most areas. However, certain figures, because of their tocation and attachment to to the piece, have become bent and distorted from the wind and shoufd be replaced with a heavier gauge aluminum. Some of the elements, but not a11, need to be sanded and refinished. $1460.00 ,, :,~j~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~', • ~ s~ ~x~~ ~ ~ ~~i ~' ~~ ~'~ ~ ~~_ d 1 ~~~~ ~~t~ ~o~n~r~ 25+00 PI. Otd Uixie Hwy ~ Fort Pierce, Florida 3~t949 ~772-52&2402~ raygree50c~carncast.net NAM~: St. Lucie County AIPP DATE: February 7, 2014 _ ADDRESS: PNONE: ~MAIL: FAX: . ~~~ ~,~~5 ~~tt11 ~'~ 2900 N. Old Dixie Hwy ~ Fort Pierce, Florida 34949 m 7'72-528-2402s raytree50C~comcast.net NAME: St. Lucie County ,_ _DATE: February 7, 2014 ADDRESS: PHC?NE: FAX: EMA{L: ~ • ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~U~ ~°~ 2900 N. Otd Dixi~ Hwy ° Fort Rierce, Florida 34949 0 772-528~2402• royfiree50C~comcast.net NAME: City of Ft, Pierce ~_DATE: February 7, 2014 ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAI L: FAX: