HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05 21 20141_1• '. •. • • :I.] ' I •. :. Meeting Held On May 21, 2014 Convened at 3:05 p.m. Adjourned at 3:55 p.m. This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday May 21, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken. Quorum was present. Minutes from the April 16, 2014 meeting were approved. Members Presents Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village, Chairman Bradley). Currie, Atlantic Design Group, Vice Chair Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce Vice -Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL Bobby Hopkins Christine Taylor Mary Chapman Members Absent: Marty Laven, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA Also Presents Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney Don West, Public Works Director Mary Satterlee, Planning Director Britton Wilson, Planning, SLC Ken Roberts, Indian River Maritime Carole Mushier, South Beach Association Gwen Morris, Resident Richard McCarthy, Resident Charles Grande, Resident PUBLIC COMMO MTSe Carol Mushier brought to the attention of the Committee members what she felt were discrepancies with the maps attached to the recommended revisions. Britton explained that the Boards of both municipalities previously adopted the maps. Charles Grande expressed concerns about unintended consequences. He asked the Committee to remember most Port land is privately owned, and he is concerned that might be risky to the Port since the Committee voted to change the language in the recommended revisions to exclude the word "limited" in reference to cargo. Mr. Grande feels the wording should say "existing cargo' instead. Mr. Grande would also like to see mega yacht and recreational uses stay in this document. Mary Chapman agreed with Mr. Grande. Page 1 of 3 Gwen Morris feels limiting anything with the Port will not be useful for the Port's future. Ms. Morris stated that she is confident that Staff will "define the document" as necessary. Ms. Morris read an interview from Alexis Hough with Mr. Bell from 2009. Ms. Morris feels the document should be loose in terms of document interpretation and does not want a monopoly. Chairman Thiess read revised Policy ib.1.2, which encourages support for mega yacht facilities, recreation/tourist uses, and other non -cargo uses; and explained that a vote was taken on the wording at the last meeting. OLD BUSINEM Chair Thiess asked the Harbor Advisory Committee Members for approval of the recommended revisions for the Port Master Plan, Mayor Linda Hudson made a motion to approve, Brad Currie 2"d. Mayor Hudson asked what was next in the process for this document. Don West said a joint meeting will be scheduled between the City of Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County Boards. The recommendation by this Committee will be presented at that time. Don also let the members know that the State has made some changes to the laws to include certain Items in the Port Master Plan. Don will return with further information. Chairman Thiess said this is all that the Committee needs to take care of for now. Chairman Thiess asked members whom they would like to include in the Blue Ribbon Committee for the Maritime Academy. Christine Taylor asked for a definition of the committee, Chairman Thiess explained that is was a separate committee to help with the potential Maritime Academy. Discussion on who to include by Members. Mary Chapman asked for Harbor Branch/FAU, Marine Recourses Council, and ORCA be included in the list. Members agreed to try to keep the list to an 8 to 10 member limit. Brad Currie made the motion to add Harbor Branch/FAU, Marine Resources Council, and/or ORCA to the list Mayor Hudson and Vice -Chair Bartz both 2d.nChairman Thiess asked Don West how soon he feels the Board needs this list, Don said the request for a list has already been to the Board of County Commissioners, it has been deferred until the FDOT Report comes out by the end of June, NEW BUSINESS: STAFF:. Don West informed the Committee members that the Bid for Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Phase II will be awarded at the June 3rd Board Meeting. This Phase of the dredging will focus on upstream muck removal in Taylor Creeks. The project is scheduled to be finished by November due to the Manatee Window. COMMITTEE COMMENT$s Mary Chapman asked Don West to give her an update on the Indian River Lagoon Seminar/Workshop they both attended. Don said 91 delegates attended. Folks with expertise on the Lagoon and gave recommendation on how to help preserve the Page 2 of 3 Lagoon. Don said much removal was one of the most popular ideas the group came up with so we are right on course with the dredging project we are doing at Taylor Creek. Don said they also felt that septic tanks and detention and retention ponds were subjects that should be discussed. ADJQURNMiENTs At 3:55 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday june 18, 2014 at 3:00 pm, in the Third Floor Conference Room, Page 3 of 3