HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09 17 2014Meeting Held On
September 17, 2014
Convened at 3:10 p.m, Adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday
September 17, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. in the 31d Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was talgen. Quorum was present. Minutes from the August 20, 2014 meeting were
Members Presents Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village, Chairman
Bradley J. Currie, Atlantic Design Group, Vice Chair
Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce
Bobby Hoplgins
Christine Taylor
Members Absents Vice -Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL
Marty Laven, Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast
Mary Chapman
Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA
Also Presents Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney
Don West, Public Worlxs Director
Britton Wilson, Planning, SLC
Rebecca Grohall, City of Fort Pierce
Ken Roberts, Indian River Maritime
Carole Mushier, South Beach Association
Gwen Morris
Ken Roberts, Indian River Maritime
Richard Silvestri
George Jones, ORCA
Christina Bell
Jeremy Upchurch, FDOT
OLD BUSINESSs Rebecca Grohall from the City of Fort Pierce Planning and Zoning
Department presented the Committee with a power point presentation on the zoning and land
uses located at the Port of Fort Pierce (please see attachment).
Ken Roberts aslzed for some history on when zoning was changed at the Bell property and if
anyone recalled that when the MacArthur Foundation owned the property they were going to
put a steel mill on that property. The County purchased the 20 acres. No one recalled the e
potential steel mill, however Ms. Grohall said that after her research of the Bell property, it was
re -zoned while the MacArthur Foundation owned it.
Don asked how zonings get changed. Ms. Grohall said a property owner needs to apply for it.
A City can re -zone a property (it is called a "taking") however, it is very expensive and not
something that she sees the City of Fort Pierce doing any time in the future.
Brad asked about land uses and zoning at the Port. Ms. Grohall said that if a property owner
would like to re -zone their land, they must pick something close to what the neighborhood has
existing so that it is consistent with the current land uses.
Chairman Thiess brought up the discussion on recommendations for future projects to add to
the Port Master Plan, and asked Don for his suggestions. Don suggest to bring back the AECOM
list for the Committee to look at those listed projects. Chairman asked Sue to re -send the list
before the next meeting.
$TAFFs Bobby asked about the Marine Academy. Don introduced Jeremy Upchurch from the
FDOT, and he said they are still waiting on the study to be reviewed and released at this time.
It is still in Tallahassee.
Don attended the Florida Ports Council meeting September 8th - loth, and gave an update to
the Committee Members. He said the Ports Council gave funding in the amount of $250,000
for the Fisherman's Wharf project, and none for the Marine Academy.
Mayor Hudson asked what comes next. Don said the Joint meeting with both Boards, then
direction and implementation. He would like to wait for the Marine Academy study as well so
when the Boards get together, they will be given all the information they need to make
decisions. Don feels this is a good opportunity for environmental options or a Fisherman's Wharf
Charrette for recommendations.
Mayor Hudson asked about the boundary change that Commissioner Hutchinson would like to
see added, in the Little Jim Bridge area, and does the Committee need to write a
recommendation. Don said he and Britton will be working on that together with the language
that is needed for the recommendation, and they will bring it back to the Committee Members
for review.
Mayor Hudson also mentioned, the TPO has something coming with the St. Lucie Waterways
plan. Chairman Thiess said he is on that Board and will inform members when that information
becomes available.
Ms. Mushier asked when the Joint meeting with the Boards will be held. Don said it may not be
until December, as they are waiting on the Marine Academy Study to be released.
Members asked when the new County Administrator is starting. Mr. Howard Tipton is our new
Administrator and his starting date is November 3, 2014.
ADJOURNMENTs At 4:15 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is
Wednesday October 15, 2014 at 3:00 pm, in the in the Third Floor Conference Room.
oning: Port
Light Industrial (1-1): Section 22-34. (a) Purpose. The purpose of
this district is to provide for industrial and related uses that are
suitable for such operations due to the desirability of site
characteristics, adequacy of utilities, appropriateness of transportation
facilities and other factors. Acceptable manufacturing, warehousing,
heavy commercial and similar uses are encouraged. Uses in the
district may perform a support role for uses in other industrial areas.
MarineIndustrial Zone (1-2). Sec 22-35 (a) Purpose. This zone is
intended primarily to provide a location for port activities, marine
industry and supporting uses. In addition, certain nonindustrial water -
oriented uses and uses associated with them may be permitted. The
district is designed to exclude uses which can be located equally well
elsewhere and are inconsistent with the character of the district. Large
areas with adequate waterfront, street and railroad access are
appropriate for this type of zoning.
Zoning: Port
Marine Commercial (C-6): Sec. 22-33.1. (a) Purpose. The intent of this
district is primarily to provide suitable locations for compatible marine
commercial and tourist -related facilities, In part, this means that areas in the
zone should be in close proximity to an arterial or collector street and should
also be located in close proximity to the waterfront. The requirements in this
zone recognize that certain marine oriented commercial activities can be
compatible with activities that are more tourist -related and when combined
can create a special environment. The uses laid out in this zone are not
meant to be as inclusive as those found in a general commercial zone, but
rather should be reserved for uses that are dependent on or benefit from
proximity to the water.
Planned unit redevelopment zone (PUR): Sec 22-42 (a) Purpose. The
Planned Unit Redevelopment (PUR) zone is intended to encourage
comprehensive redevelopment within existing residential and commercial
areas of the city. It is designed to achieve a desirable environment through
application of flexible and diversified land development standards in an overall
site plan. -
Land Use: Port
Land Use: Port
Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Element
Industrial (1): The Industrial designation is intended for parcels suitable for industrial
development and to promote the City's positlou as a major eunployimeut center. The uses
allowed under this designation Include light manufacturing and processing facilities; storage
and distribution facilities; warehousing; general and intensive commercial uses; research
corporate parks, large business parks and nixed use once parks; office, retail, and service uses
that provide support to employees; and compatible public, quasi -public, and special uses. This
land use designation allows a unaxhnnm FAR of 1.5.
Marine Commercial (MC): The Marine Commercial designation Is intended to promote
commercial and industrial uses with a focus on marine related establishments along the
waterfront. Uses allowed within this designation hiclude marine -related light industrial
activities and tourist activities, marinas, boat stores/boat repair, restaurants, retail shops,
hotels, and offices. Multifamily residences also allowed In this designation. This land use
designation allows a maximunn density of 15 dwelling units per acre and a mtaxini um FAR of 1.0.
Residential uses nnay comprise up to 20% of the total floor area of the Marine Commercial
future land use designation.