HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Safety OctOctober 30, X014
300 p.m.
1. Call to Order Chairman Tod Mowery
X. Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes- July 31, 2014 Meeting
4. Sheriff's Office Update- Major Tighe
5. Update by Criminal Justice Coordinator- Mark Godwin
6. Judicial Update- Chief Judge Levin
7. Old Business
So New Business
9. Adjournment
Suzanne Caudell
Janet Collins
State Attorney Bruce Colton
Commissioner Tod Mowery
Public Defender Diamond Litty
John Thompson
Sheriff Ken Mascara
Chief Judge Levin
John Romano
Major Pat Tighe
Judge Philip Vacucci
Minutes of Meeting
October 30, 2014
Convenes 3:30 p.m. J 2+� djourneds 3:46 p.m.
Vice Chairman, Brue Colton called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room # 3,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken.
Members Presents
Members Absents
Others Presents
Bruce Colton, State Attorney
Tom Genung for Chief Judge Steve Levin,19th Circuit
Judge Philip). Yacucci,19th Circuit
Ken Mascara, Sheriff of SLC
Major Pat Tighe, SLSO
Diamond Litty, Public Defender
Janet Collins, Bail Association
John Romano, New Horizons
John Thompson, Florida Department of Corrections
Suzanne Caudell, CORE Program
Commissioner Tod Mowery
Commissioner Kim Johnson, BOCC
Markt Godwin, SLC Criminal Justice Coordinator
Broderick Underwood, CJIS Analyst
Allison Duffy, SLC Drug Lab
Ivelisse Chico, Pretrial Program
Captain William Lawhorn, SLSO
Trevor Morganti, SLSO
Susie Caron, Aide to Commissioner Mowery
The minutes from July 31, 2014 were unanimously approved.
Public $afety CoordinatingCouncil
UPDATE by SLC $herriff's Office- Major Tighe on behalf of Sheriff Mascaras
Sheriff Mascara briefly remarked that the population was going up, the bookings down (Major
Tighe would expand on that). The Sheriff stated, we were getting into a danger zone again.
Major Tighe gave an update on a regional training that took place at the Fenn Center called,
Control the Crisis. It was regarding how to deal with the mentally ill in the jail setting. The turn-
out was successful with seven counties in attendance and positive feedback was given on the
evaluation cards regarding the training. Mark Godwin thanked Major Tighe for allotting five
spots for his staff to attend.
Major Tighe provided a handout: Safe Jails/Smart Decisions, this training is offered by, Envision
Justice Solutions and will be held at the Fenn Center January 21-22, 2015 (the cost is $295 per
person). Please see the attachment for more information.
A breakdown of the jail population was reported as follows: 1326 with 48 Federal Inmates, 33
percent mentally ill, 400 gang members, 5o murder/attempted murder individuals along with
over 200 female inmates encompass the population. The medical unit as previously reported
by Major Tighe is at 200 percent. In October the jail population was 1360 and the population
threshold is 1370. He referred to the Quarterly Detention Center Population Summary
(attached) and noted the Average Daily Population block showed an increase since April 2014
while the block below showed a decrease in the Booking rate. Tom Genung asked the Major if
there was anything he can put his finger on to attribute to the cause of what was reported.
Major Tighe replied no and he was going to suggest a case study be done with the Criminal
Justice Coordinator if Commissioner Mowery was present. Mr. Godwin offered to pass the
suggestion on to Commissioner Mowery on behalf of the Public Safety Coordinating Council. Mr.
Colton who facilitated the meeting on behalf of Commissioner Mowery supported the idea.
Concluding the Major's report, good news was noted, since January 2014 there were no new HIV
cases in the jail. Unfortunately, Hepatitis C is on the rise and not only locally. There is a cure that
costs $150,000 per patient. The medical unit at the jail will not be treating this because the
provider who starts the treatment has to treat and track the patient for 22 months and the
average length of stay at the county jail is less than that.
UPDATE by Criminal Justice Coordinator- Marl: Godwins
Public Safety ooa in linCouncil
JUDICIAL UPDATE- Judge Vaeueci on behalf of Chief Judge Levin
Judge Vacucci went over some judicial assignments and some upcoming investitures for new
Judges taking place in January 2015. Tom Genung confirmed that there are 16 candidates for
Judge Holly's seat.
NEW BUSINESS- Mark Godwin thanked the Sheriff once again for the vehicles that were
donated to the Pretrial Program over the years, we are in the process of returning them since
we were able to get new ones. The Sheriffs office assisted with installing AVL's (Automatic
Vehicle Locators) for safety purposes and he expressed appreciation for that as well. Mr. Godwin
also thanked John Thompson, DOC for the meeting he invited our staff to attend at his office.
The Regional training Coordinator for the Drug Enforcement Agency in Miami provided
information about a new "shake and bake" method of making Meth Amphetamines. Mr.
Thompson complimented the professionalism of our staff members who attended the meeting.
Vice Chairman, Bruce Colton adjourned the meeting at 3:46 p.m.
Submitted by,
Carlene Busse