HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application DATE: EES DUE: RECEIPT#: Permit#: -- ------- — ---- Planning &Development Services(Department Q °`Ow = Building&Code Regulation Division r 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft Pierce,FL 34982-5652 Te1.772-462-1553 APPLICATION FOR ROOF PERNUT SEE 3�ERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS 1 �4�� 1. Location/Site Address: is ��U 1� � S � ,P s�� k, 2. Parcel 11)Number: -7Lk 1000 —� Office Use Section TownshipRange Ma Pae ZoningLand Use Initials Only F 71 _ r I 3. Description of Projector`work Activity: 1 O PG(r,,��O in dv\ 4. Total hoof Area (square feet): `� 5.Roof Pitch: 6. Type of hoof: [ ]Fiberglass Shingle ( ] Concrete hoof Tile [ ] good Shake/Shingle [ ] Tar& Gravel [ Modified Bitumen [ ] Other IV Product Approval required for all types of Roofmg(material(2 Sets) [ ] All Commercial Roofing requires design by an Engineer or Architect(2 Sets)with Product Approval attached `* Roof Mitigation per F.S. 553.844 will be required. 7. Owner Information 8. Contractor Information, // Name: thea .y� '.1 oafo- 1FL Reg/Cert#: ---Z�OS-7�1 b Address: ;A-7 (7- kkm e , County Cert#: Z City: ���5 State: Business Name�(�o ` � QNJ( Zip•��a �Z Phone: 7 �Z7i�7 Cell Phone: 772Ll 677 9. Value of Construction: **Note Dry-in and Final Inspection Required. Additional inspection may be required per Product Approval. CONTRACTOR/OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all ofth information contained in this application is correct and that all work will be 1 rr w ^ done in compliance 'th all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. PRINT Q IFIERS/OWNERS NAME SIGNATURE OF QUALIFIER/OWNER STATE OF FLORIDA,COUNTY OF St LU L'-p— ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2D ,BY -Z S"u tERSONALE KNOWN TOMEORHASPRODUCE L AS IDENTIFICATIONURE OF NOTAR TYPE OR PRINT N F NOTARY (seal) COMMISSION NUMBER NOTICE TO OWNER: FAILURE TO RECORD-A NOTICE OF CO FWVWT& v 1W,-Qx rs TA WUR PAYING TWICE FOR(IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO TF�P$�NANCH0,%W Iit�r1P YOUR LENDER OR ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCE ,`�s, Notary Public•c' ' My Comm.ExI: Revised 4/26/2010 �y 0.. = Comm, SSD.1 N4BnolUln;�t>uc::y`— .. GL l dd B to?'OZ oaf? DOIr014 ir 'Ajl N .eJ0N