HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (4) y o �Y,4k'�•_,S� � -F.4��u.Y:.uai.4 Sa.v}�SLYwS 3 Gd �$�- d Florida Departmefl 4' SCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search usines ��I �'r�fessi nal v ��Public User Approval Regulation Product Approval Menu >Product or ADDlication Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL15225-R1 Application Type Editorial Change Code Version 2010 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton, OH 43517 (419) 298-1740 rickw@rwbldgconsultants.cam Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.cam Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category E' ri ''' ors Subcategory, Swl ging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certificati Maarrk r Listing +ys Certification Agency National Accred tion anagement Institute, Validated By Ryan J. King, P. Validation Checkl a y Received Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year 101/I.S.2 1997 ASTM E1886 2002 ASTM E1996 2002 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201,202,203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A http://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgv3yVVKJZ I QRASQ... 2/17/2014 Date Submitted 07/06/2012 Date Validated 07/08/2012 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 08/14/2012 Summary of Products Model,Number or Name I EDe:9-u:fliption 15225,1 a. 11ciassic-Craft"and"'Benchmark"6/8 and 8/0 Opaque and Glazed Fiberglass Door With and' by Th.erma-Tru" lwithout SidefibLs-Inswing and Outgwing of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ-.No FL15225-Rl C CAC 15225.1 NAMI certs.od Approved for use outside HVH7--Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impar#Resistants No 12f31/2015 Design Pressure:N/A installation Instructions other.See INST 15225.1-68•(68 Door Products), INST FL15225 R1 IIINST15225.1-68.pd 15225.1-80(BD Door Products)and INST 15225-68M FL15225 R1 H INST 15225.1-80.od (68 Door Products Direct to Masonry)for Installation FL15225 R1 H INST 15 Instructions.(Note-Glazing Shall comply with ASTM Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E.43409 E13011-04) Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL15225 R1 AE-EVAL 15225,1-80.pdf FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225-1-68.1?df FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15,225-68M.lp Created by Independent Third Party:Yes._ ---Fb.-"CD.StrUcrion Series"and 618 Opaque Steel Door with and wit:hout SiderlbeS. 15225.2 P"Benchmark by Therma-Tru" Inswing and Outswing Certification Agency Certificate Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ-No FL15225 R1 C. 15225.2 NAMI certs.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ-Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12131f2015 Design Pressure:N/A stallation Instructions Quality u- r Inswing 2 Opaque and R d 0 1 Steel Certification n L 0 Ce Agency I g I' C A n catl utsw Hatlo n g c C Assurance C Instructions r b r w 5 e 2 Contract Other.See INST 15225.2-68(6'8 Door Products)and FL1 551 2_25R 1 11 INST 15225.2-68.pff INST 1527 -68M(6'8 Door Products Direct to Masonry) _FLI.9225Rl 11 INST 15225-68M..pd Masonry) for Installation Instructions.(Note-Glazing Shall comply Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 With ASTM E1300-04) Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Created d Evaluation Reports p E.. FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225.2-68.i)d E EVAL 1, FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225-68M.i)df Gated 1C."Fib Created by Independent Third Party:Yes and 15225-3 er-Classit"and"Benchmark 6/8 and 8/0 Opaque and Glazed Fiberglass Door with by Therm without Sidelites.Inswing and OutswIng Urnits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use In HVHZ-No FL15225 R1 C CAC 152253 NAMI certs.Dd Approved for use outside"VHZ-Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12131/2015 Design pressure:N/A installation Instructions Other.See INST 15225.3-613(648 Door Products),MIST FLI5225 R1 II INST 15225.3-68.pdf I5225-3-80(810 Door Products)and INST 15225-68M FL15225 R1.II INST 15225.3-80.pd (6*8 Door Products Direct to Masonry)for Installation F1-15225 RI 11 INST.,15225-68M.od instructions.(Note-Glazing Shall comply with ASTM Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 E1300-043 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225.3-68.odf FL15225 FL15225_R1 AE EVAL 15225-68M.pd Created by Ind endent Third Party:Yes 15225.4 m Series"and 618 and 810 Opaque and Glazed Steel Door with and "Bencfirmaaric by Then n a-TiV' without Sidelites.Inswing and Outswing Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved I for use in HVHZ--No FL15225 R1 C CAC 15225.4 NAMI certs.odf Approved for use outside HVH7--Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1 Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2015 iDesign Pressure-NIA Installation Instructions Other.See INST 15225.4-68(68 Door Products),INST FL15225 R1 11 114ST 15225.4-68.1)d i 152.25.4-80(8'0 Door Products)and INST 15225-68M FL15225 R1 II INST 15225.4-80.pd J�(68 Door Products Direct to Masonry)for installation FL15225 R1 II INST 15225-68M.pd instructions-(Note-Glazing Shall comply with ASTM Verified By:Lyndon F-Schmidt,P.E.43409 li E1.30O-04) i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225.4-68.pd FL15225 R1 AE EVAL 15225.4-80.pdf http://floridabuilding.org/pr/t) dtl.aspx?parain--wGEVXQwtDqv3yVVKJZIQRASQ... 2/17/2014 .r�-a11pp— NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005330-11-4 108 Mutzfeld Road Corti leation Date: 10/15/2003 Butler,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 Revision Date: 01/04/2012 Product- Fiber-Classic/Smooth Star Glazed Fiberglass Door Inswiag/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Benchmark by Therma-Tru Series Glazed Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Specifications Tested To: ASTM E330/E331/TAS202 To verify that the "Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit wwwAAMIC-ertifIcatiomeom to aware that the product is active and currently listed. this certification represents prodad coaformity-w the applicable speciflestion'andi thiiiat cer-tdkaiibn criteria has been satisfied. Please review and advise NAMI is any corrections are required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact & Outswing Opaque Size Pas/NRated comments X VS Glazed 3W9 x 61", +47/47 140 NCTL-210-1940-1-2.3.41TTF-256F Single X OIS Glazed 3v0"x 6177 +47/47 No NCTL-210-1940- Single XX I/S Glazed 6'0"x 6'9" +4,01-40 No NCTL-21.0-194.0- Double Standard Aluminum Astra al Xx O/S Glazed 6'0"x.6T +40/40 No NCTL-2 1'0-1 94'0-L2.3.4=,F-25SF Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX I/S Glazed WO"X 6$8" +47147 No NCTL-21;0-1946-1-.2.3.4fr'F'F=256F Double Coastal Aluntinurn Astra al XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 6'8" +47/47 No NCT.-!.,-2:1"*0-NO-1.13AMT-25 5-F Double Coastal Aitunknum Astragal OX-0/0x—/Xo I/S Glazed Door 5'4"x-61" +40/40 No ETC-0'1-741-11 :0/L-2151 MF-256F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Glazed Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-04-741-HOO&OL-215 I nTF-255F Single W/Si&lites Glazed-S4cIjt;s OXXO I/S Gkzed' 8'4"x 6-'8" +40/-40 No ETC-01-741-119E A/L-2151-/TT-F-256F Double w/Sidelites Glaz.ed Siqi!eliles Sfaridar l Ahmiiiiu'm Astragal OXXO O/S Glazed Doors 8'4"x 6°81' +40/40 -255F No APS Dou.ble."M -2 rrr OX-90 I/S Glad b"'s '9`4"x 6!9-' +47/-47 Na -2.56F Double wisidelites QWOO S AO41 OXXIO O/S Gird DOM 8`41'X 61" +47/47 No ETC-;W-741-14.�)�. ',-25517 L Double w/9WjjW Clad Sts ! trettt ;A�stta .; .7 NA ------------------------- NOT!".OF PRODUCT CERTUICATWN Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005331-114 109 Mutzfeld Road Certification Date: 10/15/2003 Butbr,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12t3-1120,15 Revision Date: 0-1/002012 Product..- FibaehmiciSm"th.Star Opaque Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Benchmark by Therma-Tru Series Opaque Fiberglass Door InswinglOutswing w/and w/o Sidelites Speeffiestions Tested To:-ASTM E330/E331/TAS202 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification" is valid, ph-ase visit w.ww.NA!4 to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conforadlio to the applicable specification and that certfrikatift criteria has been sstisfW; Please review and advise IMAM! is any corrections am required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Mal-imam Pressure Impact & outswing opaq!!! size P RatedComments X YS Opaque 3'0"x 6*8" +67/-67 No ETC-0 I-741-10702.0/L-2096MF252F Single X O/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +67/-67 No ETC-0 1-741-16702.0/L.-2096/1-FF251 F Single xx I/S Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-1-0762-.0/L,2096nFF252F Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" +40/-40 No ETC--OI-741-107.02.0/L,2096/TTF251 F Double Standard Ajumtin. urn Astragal xx YS Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" 140 ETC-01-74'1-I IM,0/1-2151 M—F252F Double Coastal Aluminum Astra I -. xx O/S Opaque 6'0"x 61" +551-55 No ET-C-0-1-14 j-i MOO/L-215I/TTF251F . Double Coastal Aluminum Astrogal OXO/0X/XO I/S Opaque Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-1 l008-.0/L-21-51=,F-252F Single w/Sidelites G14*Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Opaque Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-0.1-74 1-1 1 068.0/L-2151 fFrF-251 F sin Gibed SidelitesW/Sidelites oxxo YS Opaque Domi , 8`4"x-61" +40/40 No ETC-#]-741-1 i 4Q8.011- 2151 fr-T.F-252F Double w/Sidelites Glows wites Stan d'*ltrp mi Astragal + 15`117 MMIF Ox-x-0 O/S 8'4 x-6' Glued Standard Astra I DooW.wraidetites, +551-55 No ETC*--+14-4-1"I11,11St 2- F 0010 I/S S'4"'xV Double w/Siddlit6s oxx O/S 8?4�'x,6No ETC-OI t,)8'4''x,6'&" +5551-6-5 5I/ -25 IF Double w/Sidkelites A Mai 4. =A U 66.SU'MAX. C Ci a 105 50 MAX.OVERALL R2h WIDTH OVERALL WIDTH THERMANTRU2 3 z_M _ w i 2 3 I 2 2 3 w THERMA TRU DOORS I ie INDUSTRIAL DR., EGGERTGN.OH 43517 I ! ! ! ( i' 1 ly t i 1 I t !' i m O Ix it it rr� IN-1' Ilii" �� h 1' iI 1i II Ii ' !i a p YM< m "Fiber-Classic"and"Benchmark b Therma-Tru" '' '' ' '' '1 I' '' g_ _ t W 3: 1 , 1 , 1 1 I , Y » 4 11 1i er 4 ti R. o r $ O D , it !t II r! 11 I I, 1I I' '1 = 5 I Ii 1 5 1 1 1 1 ! ! a a s m p G x --I,- is �_� �]I ! Q tl! it 6`8"SINGLE AND DOUBLE OPAQUE OR GLAZED PANELS : s II 5 •I; 5I! n1 ' S S Yn t cY W/&WJOUT SiDELITES '! INSWINGIOUTSWING INSULATED FIBERGLASS DOOR WITH WOOD FRAMES L it L _� ", �� L=_ �-_i 1 2 3 4 5 6 t P T 2 3 4 5 6 o Genesi Nofes6 6 6 .1 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Z t. This product anchoring drawing has been developed in compliance with the 2010 ftorida DOUBLE W/ SIDELrTES Once SINGLE W SLDELIrES Oxo ! 6 6 Building Code(FOC)excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone".See the Certification MAX DESIGN PRESSURE MAX DESIGN PRESSURE ` Agency Certificate for sizes,specifications and ratings. +55.0 -55.0 +40.0 -40.0 w m� m � 2. Product anchors shall be as rMed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment 53,00'MAX. to base material shall be beyond wag dressing,stucco,foam,brick and other wag }�—OVERALL WIDTH OVERALL WIDTH a� 37.50'MAX_ iI a coverings. OVERA 3. Wood screws shall be installed following installation instructions of ANSi)AF&PA NDS 21705. WIDTH LL , 5 5 s 5 5 5 a o m All other fastener types to be installed following fastener mcrwfocturer s installation instructions. II I� tQ 4. Fastener embedment depths,edge distances and center-center distances shall be as ¢ S- 1�=T < r 4 z , + t 4 O.H. 4 _ specified by the fastener manufacturer but in no instance shag they be less than shown in � s I 1 s 5 4 ; ;' to I I 1 �, I `� �I , ! f� i i ! this drawing. O I' ', ' '! �' '� �' `! + r' '1 it it O = 5 e�}-3! -l� 5 O.H. 5 -SI ��.'y ✓-_i. 5 ,: :1 6 J.-Aa LL"'Aj cn 5_ Where shims are used,they must be o"rigid 1 sfift"material that complies with the 5 • 5 5 5 e � requirements of the 2010 FBC. $ rr 'r y; ? F?' ? S 6. Positive and negative design pressure requirements for use with this drawing shall be y �; i y �L�, �} o-_r,; determined by others for specific jobs in accordance with the governing code. SI > 7. Site conditions not covered by this drawing are subject to further engineering analysis. 4 5 6 4 5 6 t 2 3 4 5 6 a 6 6 6 6 6 �6,1 k,6A,Ei�A6 TAKE Of CONTENDS SINGLE X DOUBLE Kx SINGLE vJ/SIDECITE Ox a z (ISHEET# DESCRIPTION MAX DESIGN PRESSURE MAX DESIGN PRESSURE MAX DESIGN PRESSURE g I Typical elevations.design pressures&general notes +67.0 -67.0 +55.0 -55.0 +40.0 -40.0 w1E 2121112 ° 2 Buck anchoring scALE: N.T.S. ol 3 Frame anchoring DwG,In: JK m' n 4 Frame anchoring&bill of materials LOCK HARDWARE MFG 6 SERIES d"' Ur: LFS 5 Horizontal&vertical cross sectionsGRAM.G NO.: t XWlKSEr SIGNATURE SERIES LATCH KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES 7190 GEA08OLT a 4 6 vertical cross sections FL-15225.3-65 g .--^ SHEFT t of 6 4" 4" J_r 4"o r{ 14" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 1 4 it a vt i 1 it ""tet I ' t I it v � ep= I' MUWON 1 f I I' `MUWON i 1 `-MUWON (i 4 MULLION �I MASONRY 4 }1 SHOWN FOR MASONRY 4 ii SHOWN FOR MASONRY li SHOWN FOR 1 SHOWN FOR 11 OPENING li REFERENCE OPENING II REFERENCE II1D OPENING TYP. I! REFERENCE 1 TYP. '• (� HEAD 1 REFERENCE I I HEAD I I HEAD 11 do JAMBS f I & JAMBS do JAMBS I i 2X BUCK SEE NOTE i (.I SEE NOTE i SEE NOTE 7 11 (! 2X BUCK yy 2X BUCK a II ASTRAGAL MUWON !i SHOWN FOR I l l i a`t I I SHOWN FOR I! !! 1 REFERENCE i! 06 o !I a6 o i f REFERENCE I I 16 o DOUBLE W/SIDELiTES SINGLE Wlr)FLrrF " SINGE W/SIDELITES BUCK ANCHORING $U�K ANC_ Ott R�NG BUCK ANCHORING r� -i 48" I I NOTES: I-�. 1. 1/4"Sco Concrete screws anchoring 2x buck require a I I minimum 1"clearance to masonry edges,a 1-1/4'minknum 1 a embedment and a minimum C clearance to odjacent 4 it concrete screws.Substitution of equal concrete screws from a 4 MASONRY different supplier may have different edge distance and MASONRY OPENING TYP. HEAD center distance requi ements.Concrete screw locations at the OPENING & JTYPHEAD & JAMBS ASTRAGAL comers,at mullion locattans and at ostrrrgoi bcotkxss maybe do JAMBS SEE NOTE 1 1 SHOWN FOR adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortor SEE NOTE 7 2X BUCK--/ 1 REFERENCE joints.If concrete screw locations noted as MAX.ON CENTER" �+ must be adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to k^ 6 I mortar joints additional concrete screws may be required to 2X BUCK z cwt 1 ensure the mwdmum on center dimension 8 not exceeded. z 7U Q buck min.S.G.2 0.55. o 2 F- •`• 1 n-y Z e ' nae: 2121/12 ; w.r. N.T.S. JK nOtJRLE DOOR SINGLE DOOR ciac er 1FS # BUCK ANCHORING BUCK ANCHORING MOM too: n FL_ 75225.3-68 8 3 a r ' N �r row �• N C" A• a� >C of IN 'B" A" a n1 "C. 3" PAIRS 3D 6" ssn I- r* u MUWON M„ i .0- _ � II MULLION `* n w/2x BUCK 1 8 o v j SHOWN FOR iii `�' °- SHOWN FOR o INSTALLATION REFERENCE - _x - w< - - �d w/1x BUCK- > - REFERENCE > !7 INSTALLATION / N N A /ZX BUCK INSTALLATION r� JAMBS HEAD do - A W 2X BUCK INSTALLATION - � of _ M C?U �.- - o - 9 /i X BUCK INSTALUTION n— o v SEE NO E 1 - 9 W/1X BUCK'INSTALLATION 92 o TYP. HEAD 3c JAMBS �p �• HEAD k JAMBS SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 - o r SEE NOTE 1 SEE h SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 1 0 1s 16 DETAIL "4" o I SEE _ _ wa 16 16 Mf) 16 SEE 6 1 z 12 �jj 5 pi - 16 55, DETAIL '�� 12 fit - SEE 5 DE7A7L "i . ci+ o 12 SEE NOTE t .6. iii 5 DETAIL "2" - 1 - us Y. T - _ G" "D' "E' a � � "C" p" ;q" A• o a SINGLE DOOR WI-SIDELITES yif_W "E•-"E" YIEV D D SINGLE DOOR W/SIDELf7F VIEW B "B" SINGLE DOOR rIEW *A"-A" r "M W1 WMWAL 15ORM447M m FASM 033 rfEL jJ[!{j}p Nt SOOT 10 ODON SWii�NdCTJO�..) NOTES: W/2X BUCK 2 INSTALLATION 1. 114"ITW concrete screws anchoring frame and/or SM requae a minimum 2-I J2"clearance to mosotry edges.o 1-114"minimum embedment and a minimum 3"clearance to adjacent B W/'X' X BUCK 11 concrete screws. Substitution of equal concrete screws from a different supplier may have INSTALLATION different edge distance and center distance requiremenh. Concrete screwlocaflons of the SEE NOTE 2 comers,and at mullion locations, be may a djusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortarjoints.If concrete screw locations noted as MAX ON CENTER"must be adjusted to maintain the minimum edge distance to mortar joints,addttlonal concrete screws may be required to ensure the maximum on center dfinenslon is not exceeded. DETAIL "6" DETAp "2" 2. 3116"iTW concrete screws orlchoftng frame arxt/or sN requhe a nrinimum 2-518"clearance to i masonry edges,a 1-114"minimum embedment and a minimum 2-1/4"cieafance to adjacent W/2X BUCK 2 a concrete screws unless otherwise noted by concrete screw manufacturer. INSTALLATION B ; 0 3 3. The sidelffe is dkect set Into the jamb with 1121#8 x 2Th "pth.wood screws. era are(4)at each W/1 X BUCK 12 z o vertical jamb,hom the top down of 13.5';3 1"48.5'd 66".There aro(2)at the header at 4"from INSTALLATION 1 C 1 C auz 2121112 °z LL the outside comers of the frame.There are(2)at the s9L 4"horn the outside conva. SEE NOTE 1 edge N.T.S. ° p4. For optional sldellte cofsfnrctkm with stoptes,sideLte is drect set wo the jamb with(41746"X 1 JK o n 1-%'16 ga.staples clong eoch jamb(6"from ends and equally spaced 1 aec W. LFS a duMrna ND: DETAIL "1" DETAIL "4FL-15225.3-68 0 sMezr 3 or �y s 2-1f2"MIN.FROM 2-1(2"MIN.FROM N 13 MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE— 1"MTN.FROM 1"MIN.FROM a (TYP.) (FYP.) <• rr-MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE. ? (TYP♦).. {FYP.) . :� yr •a � g a i3 4 .s 4 ji v �. IX BUCK "�- ad — d ec � -lP 8 9 ` 3 A Z i g 2X BUCK a INTERIOR EXTERIOR I2S :u A INTERIOR EXTERIOR c� fi HEAD JAMB 2 INTERIOR HEAD JAMS 3 HEAD JAMA EXTERIOR ca 13 2X BUCK N – INTERIOR INTERIOR z 4 - rn A A En �r O `.': . EXTERIOR EXTERIOR �z? O.I S MIN. .2.7 MAX. 025 MAX i T �? SHIM SPACE SHIM SPACE 1 i.15 M1N. I.1S MIN. 1 r 125'MIN. �� EMB. EMB.TYP. _ z �°+ WE M21112 12 i 4 VERTICAL SIDE JAMB 5 VERTICAL SIDE JAMA SML M.T.S. $ To 2.Wb•h 5 to wood frame opo.W. JK m knwing dawn kuwkV Mown cNc en ifs 3 M 3--68_,¢_, ° 0 a n w� INTERIOR EXTERIOR 4 $ a r W INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR 20 Z- s G 2] 12 °a 13 13 13 a 16 16 2-1 IT MIN.FROM 2-1/2•MIN.FROM 2-1/T MIN.FROM 2-1/T MIN.FROM 2-1J7'MIN.FROM 2-1/7'MIN.FROM �-MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE— MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE— MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE» PP.) (TYP.) (TYP_) (TYP-) (TYP.) j z 1 VERTICAL CROSS SKnON VERTICAL CROSS SECTION r3l_�VERTICAL CROSS SECTION b Inswing configuration b Out-Ing configuration b o � U C INTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIOR � ��• 16 g F 1� :. 2-11T MIN.FROM 2-1/T MIN.FROM 2-1/T M1N.FROM 2-1/T MIN.FROM 2-1IT MIN.FROM 2-1/7'"N.FROM• MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE•« +-MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE«► -" ' MASONRY EDGE MASONRY EDGE•-.- {TYP.) III ITYP.) (TYP.) (TYP.) (TYP.) (TYP.) ■ p a 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 5 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION b�VERT iCAL CROSS SECDON 2121112 z 6 b"*V configuration b 0.11M.9 WIRMallon b OLgw*v conngti allon N.T.S. ° g o.0 er JK m' aNc erg LFS DRUTM«0- FL-15225.3-88 a