HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Evaluation Report 8585 Duke Boulevard..
® Clupay- Mason,Ohio 45040-3101 USA
BUILDING PRODUCTS (513)770.4800 • Fax(513)770-3558
December 19, 2014 (Revised 12/29/14)
Evaluation Report for Cl.opay Building Products Company Sectional Garage. Doors, W6
through W8
I have evaluated the wind load door designs.as shown on the drawings.listed below. I
have reviewed the test reports, which were generated by accredited laboratories as
required by 61G20-3.005(4), the engineering rational analysis, and the product
drawings. The test reports are Listed below. Assembly testing was conducted by
American Test Lab North Carolina.
For the doors listed in .Tables 1 through 3 ,Static Pressure Tests were conducted In
accordance with TAS 202=1994, ASTM-E330-2002 and ANSI/DASMA:108-2005. Missile
Impact and Cyclic Pressure Tests were conducted in accordance with TAS 201-1994
and TAS 203-1994 and ASTM E1886=2005 and ASTM E1996-2009 and ANSI/DASMA
115=2005. The pressures listed on the drawings are either direct results of thesetests
or results obtained through engineering rational analysis based on actual tests. I have
concluded that the door designs listed below in TablesI through 3 are in compliance
with'the High Velocity Hurricane Zone test requirements of the 2010 Florida Building
Code Sections 1.715.5.3.1, 1625 and 1626 and therefore are qualified as
impact-resistant assembiles (large missile Impact).
TABL�Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPCU DSIE-iF471:
103954-A-Rev05, max: door size 9'0" x' 16'0" +38/-44 PSF (design load)
104785-A -Rev03, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0."; +38/-42 PSF (design load)
104810-A-Rev04, max. door size 18'2 x X6'0"; +38/-42 PSF (design load)
1041197Rev04., max. door size 9'0" x 16'0"; +54/-60 P5F (design load)
104786- Rev03; max. door size 1612" x 16'0"; +46/-52 PSF (design load) -
TABLE 2: Drawfngs for doors with-Manufacturin4 product Code (MPC).DSIU-1F471;_
=104432-A-Rev05, max. door size 9'0 x 16'0"; +38/"44 PSF (design load)
104820-A-Rev03; max. door size 16'2" x 1610" +38/-42 PSF Cdesign load)
1048.21-A-Rev03, max. door size 18'2" x 16'0"; +38/-42 PSF (design load)
104435-Rev04, max. door size 9'-0" x 16'0"; +54/-60 PSF(design load)
104822-RevO3, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +46/-52 PSF (design load)
TABLE 3: DraWing, doors with Manufacturing Product Code MPCpSILIO-il<%M479:
104948-A-Rev00, max. door size' 9'0':' x 16'0':'; +38/-44 PSF design load)
104`332-A-Rev02, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0'. +38/-42 PSF (design load)
104951-A-Rev00, max. door size 18'2" x 16'0"; +38/-42 PSF design load)
104949-ReV00, max. door size '9'0". x 16'0 +54/-60 PSF design load)
104928-ReV00, max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; :+46/-52 PSF (design load)
For the doors in Tables 4 through 6, Static Pressure Tests were conducted in
accordance with ASTM-E330 ct=2002 and ANSI/DASMA_ 1082005. The pressures listed on
the drawings a_re either direresults of these tests or results obtained through
engineering rational analysis based on actual-tests. I have concluded that the door
designs listed below in Tables 4 through 6 are In compliance with the test requirements
of the 2010 Florida Building Code Section 1715:5.3.1.
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TABLE 4: Drawings ford.oors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) DSIE-1E4Z�.
7.03954-6-Rev05, max. door size 9'0" x 1610"; +38/-44 PSF. (design load)
104785-6-•Rev03; max. door size 1612" x 16'.0"; +38/ 42 PSF :(design load)
104810=6-Rev04, max. door size 18'2" x 7:6'0"; +.38/-42 PSF (design load)
TABLE 5: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) DSIU-IF_47J
7.04432-B-.Rev05, max. door size 910" x 16'0"; +38/-44 PSF (design load)
104820-B-Rev03,. max. door size 16'2" x 16'0"; +38/-42 PSF (design load)
104821.--B-RevW, max. door size -18'2" x16'0"; *38/-42 PSF (design load)
TABLE 6: Drawings for doors with Manufactstrig Product Code (MPC) DSIUO-1M/K47_1_: .
104948-B-Rev00, max.. door size 9'.0' x 16'0"; +38/-44 PsF '(design load)
704932 =B-Rev02, max. door size .l6'2 x .16'0'. ; +38/-42 PsF (design load)
7..04951=B-ReV00; max. door size 1812 x 1610"; +38/-42 PSF (design load)
Test Reports:
The following test reports are based on testingconducted by American Test tab at their
North ,Carolina Facility: 0304.01-13 (5/1/13),_0115.017M (3/18/13), 0422.01-13
(5/30/13), 0326.01-.13 (5/1/13), 011,7-01-13R (3/18/13), 1202.02-13 (12/5/13.),
0717.01-14 (8/4/14), 0515.01-14 (6/il/14), 0812.01-14 (9/3/14), 0723.01-14
(8/4/14); 0430.01-14 (7/10/14). These reports document compliance with the TAS
testing standards and are_signed and sealed by David Johnson, FL PE 61915.
PcLd_ugJt._Qe5_rIptIQ.o Lbe cQQrs with MPC DSIE-1F471:
These doors consist of 2" double-skin insulated sections with an EPS.core
laminated to both skins. Both inner and outer skins are min. 27 ga. (0.016':) GO per
ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". These doors may have optional.
Impact-Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact-Resistant Glazing is an
aluminum front frame and a separate. polycarbonate glazing. The following models are
at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: GD2SP, GR2SP; GD2LP, GR2LP,
AR2SP, AR2LP, ED2SP, ED2LP, 4302, 6202, SFC68, 4305, HDGR, MFR68, 6205, SFR68.
Not all models may be shown on a given drawing.
Product Description for do rs with MPC DSIU-117471:
These doors consist of 2" double-skin insulated sections with polyurethane
Insulation foamed in place between both skins. Both inner and outer skins are min. 27
ga. (0.0161i) G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum section height is 24". These
doors may have optional Impact-Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact
Resistant Glazing Is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing.
The following models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested door: GD2SU,
GR2SU, GD2LU, GR2LU, AR2SU, AR2LU, ED2SU, ED2LU, 9202, HDPC20, 7202, 8202,
MFC68CU, 9205, HDPR20; MFR68U, 7205, 8205. Not.all models may be shown on a
given drawing.
Product Description for doors with MPC DSIU-1K/M479:
These doors consist of 2" double-skin insulated sections with polyurethane
insulation foamed in place between both skins. Both Inner and outer skins are min. 27
ga.,(0.016") 640 DDS per ASTM A653: The maximum section height is 24". These
doors may have optional Impact-Resistant Glazing (Aluminum). Optional Impact-
Resistant Glazing is an aluminum front frame and a separate polycarbonate glazing.
The following "Coachman" models are at least structurally equivalent to the tested
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door: CGUnn, CXUnn, SXUnn, AGUnn. The following "Canyon Ridge" models are at
least structurally equivalent to the tested door: CAN2nn-XX, GLN2nn-XX, MWL2nn-XX.
Note that`nn',represents the arrangement of the decorative overlays. The,first digit will
have a value from 1 to 3 and the second digit will have a value from 1 to 8.Note that
`XX' represents the arrangement_of the type of cladding. Not all models may be shown
on a.given drawing.
Impact Resistant Glazing (AlljminuM)i
The optional Impact resistant glazing is.an aluminum front'frame and a separate
of carbonate 'lazin that is an
poly g g approved Ci.plastic_in-accordance with testing
required by PBC-B 2612. Approved polycarbonate materials are Sabic IP Lexan.9034
.(versions.also approved: MR10, 9030,. 90318, .90316, 903.171 90311; 90314, 90355)
and Bayer Makrolon GP (versions also approved: SL; AR; 15). Approval based on
review-'of NOA 13-0717.0.1 (Sabic IP,exp. 7/17/18) and NOA 12-0605.05 (Bayer, exp.
The drawings) cited above are an explicit part:of this evaluation :report. The
text of this report does not attempt to address all design deta_IIs and relies on the
Illustratlons.and text of these drawings as well. .
Jambs; lintels, sills or other structural elements required to prepare openings
are not covered: The design of the supporting structural elements shall be the
responsibility of the professional V record for the building or structure and in
accordance with current building codes for the loads listed ori the drawing(s) referenced
Installation requirements per 61G20-3.005 (4)(e), including attachments, are
.detailed on the drawing(s) listed above. Installation must be in accordance with.
manufacturer's installation instructions and must be as shown on the drawing(s) listed
above. The manufacturer's licensed design.professlonal listed on the drawing(s) has
reviewed the attachment details and installation'-requirements.,
Signature.: '0I'( ,H.AM/����i�
No 63286
Sco t Ha ilton, P. E. ` *• t
Flori a . E. No. 3286
ti Est -o STATE OF
Date: .,0� . w••
O N A 11��,,,
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