HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation Report i pr' � 8585 Duke Boulevard rale p NiaSon, o 45040-3101 USA t Y BUILDING PRODOibTS (513)770-4800 Fax(513)770-3558 n Grtjfor,Craryxun, December 12; 2012 (revised 12%20/12) Evaluafion Report for Clopay Building Products Cohipa.n.y Sectional Garage Doors, Vil6 through W8 1 have evaluated the wind load door designs.as:shown on the drawings listed below. I have reviewed the test reports, which were"geherated by accredited independent Iaboratorles as required by 9N-3:005(4), the englrieeririg rat(pnal artalys[s; Arid the product drawings. The test reports are llstec( below. Assembly tosEing W4s;cohductdd.by American Test Lab North.Carolina.. Component testing was cgnducted by HETI and ETC. For the doors listed in Tables:1 through 4; Static Presstre Tests Were.conducted.in accordance with.TAS 202'-4994,ASTM- 330=:2002 and ANSI%DASMp 108=2005. Missile Impact..and Cyclfc Presslre tests were conducted iri.accQrcla'rice with TAS 2Q1-1994 ari.d TAS 203=1994 and*ASTM.E18g6-2005 and ASTM E1996,2Qb9 and AN81/DA8M' 115=2005. The,pressures llsted ori the drawings are eitl er.direck results:of these tests of.resitlts obtained thr60gh en:glneering rational analysis based,on,aetilal tests. I haye concluded that the door designs listed below in Tables 1 through 44p 1h.'donipliance with the High Velocity Huj r(cane.2 dne..test`requirements oP.the 20]0 Florida Buildirjg i Code Sections 1715.5.3:]; 1625;and 1626 and therefore are;qualified as impact-resistant asserhblles_(l.r. eb misslle,I[ii.pottj. Tg13LE 1: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (r 0GLPAN-2F153: 10.4710=A-Rev02, max. .door 'size-26"Z.."; x -1610", +36/-42 'PSF' ' desJ O load) 04761 A=Rev02', rriax. :door size 18'2" x 1'6"6"`i' +36/-42 PSE design load) TABL .2: Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product Code.(MPC) PAN-2F143 104753--A-RevO2, max.. .door'si.ze-16.'2. ".'x :16'0"; +-38/;-:4.2 PSF '(design load) 104:7.62�.Rev02, max. door size 18''2" X x6.'0"; +41/-46 PSF (design load) 104754=ReV02, malt: door size '16':Z" 9 16'.0"; +4.6/=50 RSF (design load) 'TABLE 3' Drawings for.dobrs with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC) DSIE-1F17.1; 10.472.4-A-Rev02, max-. 'door size 16,-'2" *x'16"0"-, +38/-42 PSF '.((desi gn.'load) 1.0.4751-A-Rev02, tnai .. :door.si,ze. 18'.2'' x. 7,6'.0"; 4.88/-42. :PSF.,(design load) x04.736=Rev02; max: doo:.r size 16'-2" x 16.'0"; +46/.-52 PSF (design load) x04752=Rev02, max.: door size 18'2" X 16'0"; +46/�SO :P. . (desi:gri load) TABLE 4: Drawings fdr.ddors wlih Manufacturing Prod uct:Code.(MFC)-DSIU-iFi71j 104777-A-Rev02., max'; 400.- size.18'2" x 16'.0"; 438/.�:42' :PSF '(design load) 1047.78=Red02, maX., door size '16'2" x 16'0. ; +46/-=52 PsF% (des'.qh load) 104779-6v.02; max. door sine 18'2" x 16'0 +:46/�SO PSF (design `load) For the.doors in•Tables 5.through 8, Static Pressure Tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM-E330�2002 and ANSIJ�D .A108.=2o65;.The pressures listed on fhe drawings are.either direct results of these tests or results 04t6lne'd through eng,lneering rational analysis (iased:on actual tests. I have concluded that the:dobf designs listed.below iii Tables 5 fhtNjugh.8 are in compliance-witli the test requirements of the 2010 Florida' Building Code Section 1715.5.3,1. PAGE 1 0.P3 FILE:"COC_121212sA.1 i i I i .., ....,_. �.,.:,.•.�:::*:.fi'sya_.:;,; :.v,:°>=:�,._....,._„s.,....,.:1.�4..., ._.<.�. ...._...+..�.._., .... _hc-�s._'L..:_�....,.....s.:s.a.."..,.r...._v...s.....Y....... ._.Fz_....1_s.:..._a "4=..J.- clapay C YACUATION REPORT FOR CLOPAY BUILDING,PRODUCT$COMPANY SECRONA05ARA08 DOORS,W6^WS 'i TABLE 5• Drawings for doors with Manufacturing Product-code (MPCU PAN-2F153: 104710-B=Rev42, max;door :size 1.6. 2" ;x 16.'0", +36/= 42'P5F design load )) 1M4 1�grRev02, mak, door size 18'2" 'x 16'0"; +36/-42 PsF design 1oad3 TABLE s: b'ra'wings for doors with Manufacturing Prbduct.Code (MPC) PAN-.2Fi43:' 104753-B-ReVO2,' 0ax. door's-ize 16'2"'x -1610",' +38/'-42 PSFC e-t i gn load) TABLE 7• Draw-,'Inds-for for doors with Manufacturing Product Code (MPC).bSIE=1F17:i.:' 104724=B-ReV02; max-.' door size 16. 2" x 16'0"', +38/-42 PSF',((design load) 104751,'3 kevg2., max. door size 78'2° x 16''Q"y +38/:42 P5F (d6Mgn load) TABLE 8:.D awn s for doors with Manuf6ctueind Product Code (MOC) bSIU=1F171• 104777-8-ReY02; max. Boar size 3812' x 16`0"; +3.W-;42 psF .(desi_gri load) Test Re arts; Al L-OsOl:o1-'12,ATL-O$13:Q1-12,ATL-1o'1:s:01,4,2- ATLr:0807..01-12,ATL-1113.01-'12, -Y2;-ATL 0827.Q1-12;ATL-1623.01=:12- ATL.-:1009:01-12R; AT . 0827;01.-12. Product.Descripti6n for doors wlth MPC PAN-2F15S: these doors consist of:Z"ihlck steel pari sections With mini 25 ga. (6.019") skins. The steel skin is at least G40 DRS per ASTM A653, The maximum section height is 21". These.doors may have optional Impact-Resistant Glazing. Gptibnal Tmpact- Resistant Glazing:is gone-piece 1nJection-.rrjoided front frame artd glazing.TFC following rhodels are at least structurally equivalent to,'the tested:door: 84A, 94, 98, 73; 7.5, 1500; 190,:4R.ST, 4,.F; 4R$F, 6RST,6.RSF, 4$; 48g,`4Z, 429, 55{ 55S, GD58,.GDSSV, GRAS, GR5SV, ARSS, Aft5SV,EpSS, ED5S17. Not aq.rrro.dels tnay be shown on:a.given drawing. Product Descriptlon-for-doors'wlth.MRC.PAN-�i43: These doors cm-51st of W - "I " toel pan sections with rti.in. 24 ga. (0:022") skins.. The steel skin is at.least G40 t3DS per ASTM A653. The maic`iinum sectiah height is 2.1 . These doors may have optionalImpact=Resistant Giazing..0ptlonal Impact- Reslstdht Glazing is a 6he�plece fojection�molded front frarne acrd.gig ng.Tho fbl.loWing (node)s.aro at least structurally egLiCval.ent to the tesoq" ted dr: 84A; 94, 98, 411ST� 4F, 48, 4.813, Product Descriptloti for.doors with•,_,MPC.tGlEit1F171. These:doors tohM!t of 2"doubieskln.irisUlat0d sections with an ORS.come laminated to both skins. Both lnrrer acid outer skins are mini, 27 ga. :(OX1.6"1 G40 DDS per ASTM A653. The maximum sectioh height,ls 21 : These doors may have optional. i Impact=Resistant Glazing.. Qptlonal Impact=Reslstant Glazing is:a.one-piece JpJection- molded fr..ortt fra.Mb and glazing,The.tollowiii0 'Models are at least strutturaily equivalent fg the tested door: 4300,'43011 4310, IIDG, H.DGL,'lIDGF} 6.6, 6.6G, 67, 67G;68, 6280, 6201, 6203,`SP200; SF206, S60,0. r i i PAGE'2 of 3 FILE:CBPP 1212]2-A.1 i . j I r o Clopay= }� NALUATION REPORT'FOR CLOPAY 6UILDIN6 PRODUCTS COMPANY stMOW GARAGE NOORSJ W6 WS Product.Description for doors with MPC DSTU-1P171: These doors consist of 2"double�sklrt insulated sections with polyurethane Irtsulat#on foamed in puce between both skins. Both inner an-d:outer skins are tr11n. 27 pt {0.016") G40DDS per ASPM A653;The miaXlrri.uin section height.is 21 These { doers r by have optional Impact-Resistant Glazirig, Optional Iiripact-Resistant dazing is,a dne-piece tnjectlon-molded front frame and glazing.The Following rrtodels are at least structurally egulvalebt to the tested loot: HDP20; HpPF2O, HDPL20, 7200, 7201, 7203, 82.60' $201, 8203, 9200, 920 ; 9203. Impact- eslstant Glazing: The:aptional�Tmpact.eesistaht glazing Is an injection-.molded polycarbonate front frame and glazing (GE LEXAN SLX2432T, that is an approved.Ci plastic in accordance with testing required by SBC-B 2G 2. Approval based ort review of the f ailethilrig tests: HETI=t)6�A002 ASTM G158; HET. 06-T506 ASi'i+� [ 638. (hefare); NETT-(?6�T634 ASTi�I D638 (after); ETC-061024-17496.0 g5 TM'D2843,ASTM D635,ASTM ©1929, ]_imitat#ons: The draluing(s) cited above are.an expllcit;part of this eva#.Liation reliort:.The text of.this report does trot utter'bt fo address ail design details and relles on the 4ifu9tratlons acid text of these d.fawings as well. Jambs, lintels,sills of other striicti r6.-.eiements required to prepare openings are riot covered, The;design of�th.p supporting structural elements shall be°the respoiisil7illty of the professional of recarii for the. ullditig,or structure and In adcardance with current building.codes for.tlte loads listed tin the&.a referenced aboYe, Installation requirertients per$IV=3:005 (�+){e), 100ludi!'.j attachments, are detailed do the drawing{s} listed:above, Installation rhost be in,accordance with manufacturer's nstaliatloh Irtstructlons and.must be as shown on the drairvi 4g listed above.The trianiifacture 's liceri5ed designprofessional listed on the deawlrig(s) has reviewed the attachment detaiisand Installation r. ;qu..I.fefoOts: Signature, ti�Iir��tr��r, HAt�j/4TQ�{ No 63286 .Scott Hamilton, P. E, Florida P. 5. No..63286 JSTATE OF Date: t s.�i e i' i t r(� •. F ��T� O l3�p• •��`� PAGE 3 of 3 FILE:CBPC_i21212-A.3