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FL# FL4334-R7
Application Type hai ge
Code Version 2010
Application Status Approved
*Approved b DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified
by the POC aid/or the Commission if necessary.
Archived __,
Product Manufacturer Masonite Int mational
Address/Phone/Email 1955 Powis Road
West Chicago,IL 60185
Authorized Signature Steve Schreil ier
sschreiber@r iasonite.com
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Exterior Doors
Subcategory Swinging Ext rior or Assemblies
Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency National;Accr ditation&Management Institute
Validated By National Accr ditation&Management Institute,
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
TAS 201 1994
TAS 202 1994
TAS 203 1994
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Product Approval Method Method 1 Opt on A
Date Submitted 04/13/2015
Date Validated 04/14/2015
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date.Approved 04/18/2015
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Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 3 _
Date Revised 04/30/2015
SummarV of Products
FL# Model,Number or Name Di4scription
4334.1 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 6' "Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door
Impact Rated
Limits of Use C 'fieation Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F 4334 R7 C CAC N1005930.01.pd
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Q ality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 03/28/2021
Design Pressure:+70.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL4334 R7 II FL0120.Ddf
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane VPirifed By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other EvI3luation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FL4334 R7 AE 504A.Ddf
3'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective system C IeTi ated by Independent Third Party:Yes
is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0120-05 for
additional information.
4334.2 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 8'- "Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door
Impact Rated
Limits of Use C ification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 334 R7 C CAC NI005930.02.0
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 02/28/2021
Design Pressure:+70.0/-70.0 Inallation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL4334 R7 II FL0121. df
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane V rifled By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Gated by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other E luation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. F 334 R7 AE 503A. df
3'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size.Hurricane protective system. C gated by Independent Third Party:Yes
is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FLO121-05 for
additional information.
4334.3 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 8'-1 "Opaque O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use Ce kation Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL 334 R7 C CAC NI005930.02.Ddf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quyality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 02/28/2021
Design Pressure:+55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL4334 R7 II FL0121. df
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane V rifled By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Ev luation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FL4334 R7 AE 501A. df
12'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size.Hurricane protective C ated by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0121-
05 for additional information.
4334.4 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 8'-p"Opaque I/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use Ce ification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4334 R7 C CAC 14I005930.02.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 5 /28/2021
Design Pressure:+50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FLI4334 R7 II FL0121.Ddf
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane V rifled By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by C ated by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Ev luation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 334 R7 AE 501A.Ddf
12'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size. Hurricane protective Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0121-
05 for additional information.
4334.5 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 6'-8-Opaque O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use Cejtification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FI-4334 R7 C CAC NI0GS930.01.1)df
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 0 /2812021
Design Pressure:+55.0/-50.5In Ilation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the F1J1334 R7 II F1_0120.Ddf
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane V�rified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party:
http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wUEVXQwtDgttSMGyvgTunPu.... 5/9/2015
Florida Building Code Online I Page 3 of 3
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Evpluation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FLi4334 R7 AE 502A.odf
12'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective Crated by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0120- I
05 for additional information.
4334.6 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 6'�8"Opaque I/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use C Irtification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4334 R7 C CAC NI005930.01.0f
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 02/28/2021
Design Pressure:+50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the .FL4334 R7 11 FL0120.Ddf
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Cheated by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Evaluation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FL4334 R7 AE 502A.Ddf
12'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0120-
05 for additional information.
4334.7 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 8'-b"Glazed I/S and O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL4334 R7 C CAC NI005930.04.Ddf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resistant:Yes 02/28/2021
Design Pressure:+50.0/-50.0 Installation Instructions
Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL4334 R7 II FLO123.odf
Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Vdrified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Cl ated by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Evaluation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FL4334 R7 AE S01A.odf
12'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size.Hurricane protective Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0123-
0 onal information.
4334.8 Fiberglass Side-hinged Door Units- 6'-$"Glazed I/S and O/S Door w/or w/o Sidelites
Impact Rated
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in HVHZ• FL4334 R7 C CAC NI005930.03.odf
Approved for use r VHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
Impact Resi :Yes ; 0728/2021
Design Press re:+60.0/-60.0 Installation Instructions
Other:Evalua d for us cations adhering to the FL4334 R7 II FLO122.Ddf
Florida Building o e Including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute
Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party:
ASCE 7,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Evaluation Reports
Structures,does not exceed the design pressures listed. FL4334 R7 AE 502A.odf
12'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
system is NOT required.See anchor detail DWG-MA-FL0122-
05 for additional information.
18ackl INeSct
Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallah c Fl,32399 phone:850-487-1824
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electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to
Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if
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Product Approval Accepts:
.K'CUl7 'b5 ti�dll.:S
http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgttSMGyvgTunPu... 5/9/2015