HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering �A1,411A eJ/g r�� SURVEYOR NDTEsi lilLln L�SWtKt60,rK.SGti F iT 9uD MaFIX R l i/a•I40w ��D A Ni RD I(,07py FT HL LOA2Yi.Ynct!(1}Ifal/NISC N➢Ib D IABD[➢RKR SS Sx➢we AS•t wD fi¢➢gqSU.�Q�K��T//[D��apt •/_-07 ' hili K iCMINGi/Ai Rr �L�GP�i�D fi 90 N� 50 Fa�e..lfc LuccA,afrF (fOd"'Oo"coo' 80.00' /fYrwf � `D. •.fp➢p LR •ESGC 6 MYDQIi e�,(.w �/�? ar .auIAL �wr- •➢KRMM Mnm GOT/V,dcaeR 91 l/G II M .PASUKC a.PTSR P0L 1 tD) .IaID m➢£iWlPStDl V.P.a•UTttttt RDciTli . aLlrt mw // LP.D. .Imr PIR a w l•M.T. S�, PC. .P6WT DIK L•L�PGN r✓! 0 �i O - 1 P,T. •SIM @ iaNDCNDT a•RFDIIR ��++11Kmu NLD/f •wt4'L DISGT.0 y*� ` O P➢RT K tID 'T by [OiT itAT • r L(/ � Y7" � � p��I(p p"TCIRYFIIR 0 EIDcrR m Ta.Ymoma ITT 1—INT N ' N FILE w" tl xlo.au Bi uLi u :rnFrPss.cinnw F" ,.- ..^-.� a-�� r" - z:x)Lur xFTrus x➢T ucm m ocrtcaLa ro rw n2 vur.as nnzscFctz ' <.S'-.+�4'R's w:T.L�:� , liittl IN SIR.TFIi SLMYET Yli PRVMLO YITKYI D[xIPIT V /}� lTiOdET,TIRI Nm.LLL rUTTWt D Tull cN9L➢K RER➢RCa ro MI A+jrr (/ �4 T Txis iIWKY v YDT vLLiD vti�@If R2 IiW11IlE NID TK WICIxLL IS til I <�`� /).�. MIRD BLU.R F PLIWIOF Ll——13R 4r➢xMP[F. yac� j ��v_` ll.` aRiSa)cTiW1N-AGfAi.KiWIDS..N04YAf8wDMILtSSLl.sw. /�+ If /l NOIOr iDIWplTiaxa,tP Ntt iaK rA!iEDI L➢GTE➢.DIMW IHw SMI)'F. LOT /3 Bcc .114✓ Q1 Ifl �(� - LOT /s L<DF O[�RIPTIO PxwlpCl.QI M. /„FE..� •5"r1GD �,r0/kiSC11 3/c(;C»!" j`S mi:zumcr 1:r➢a ra uR a ra visna sRemuuT ernrenro ro RaLw..im x➢➢nlau. /•/y ppm,.,, ,aNe�ru p�"i0 ➢QIP D,r:� . DATOM FF VAriowssrrowrvls f1SSdA7�?AtMhSHOWN �INa ID M IYDf0.LL G[RfSNRY MWD T KMLiIDN IPp 1 1�� r)G49 I)6t0Yi t WR W:.Txia PP —LSCS Ix rtom AS ver. r lrlsTNepEspohmrArmnop"zEcoNIR4LTOR77 VWJ1yA7t LyxppITT PMa i/YD761 o�l�G ➢FTED If%�A "P''� \ 176 �"7 �SETDACSS PROPaZEDANDR7=7N0 DTf6P=AADALEPROPISED /7 h 'O •..•.•�.•.' vrC.cAOWNIfmWONPRf0R7OCOMTRUCPlOX ahC RcvFTlma (1*k h f2 4 Pr/BGfC 11��I�//�,tt.(rtdGGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1r)L ISL < 3 fl Ri BOUNDARY SURVEY LOT /e/ BLOCK 9( of AREDFOFF: V,a//7— A)IAJC rtBad K x Arkd � !' dref�/f r 6ourf/rs'tG h I pdof7d� �a I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS i RECORD IN PLAT BOOK/,I AT PAGE T OF THE PUBUC IJ.(rJl ` RECORDS OF 57.Ld ell coUNTY, FLA. _ REVISIONS fos/d'iPiC n In.7/B`wfsP `�- Coi1✓i) pa80.00' P+DvRls h II Fi` 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ABACUS LTS LAN., 'i- ,� {�~ ALL NOTES AND TRUE AND ACCURATE, E,SUBJEBY CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY ECT THAT PORT9ST,S.E.CAS [ SURVEYORS, INC. J° UCS A TMS OTES A!S TRUE AND ACCURATE,SUBJECT TOALORJDPPA AVE. /s 4 c.f'• rdORp7A 34883 70did �'7a g � /d,J;d Ga•r(/,3 (772)336-9432 LS 7025 "ff.•S/ff , idLY .!' •fi1n,AY->•• , �%,/,/yJ - f%J�f/r .G./Y•Q8 SCALE aoe No D7•4175' MICHAEL R.LAWS•/A ON pS15723 DATE F.S. Gam(.'.. PAGE coNTRAcroR:East West Aluminum WM SPEED AND EXPOSURE HAVE DESIGNCUM111A:. BEEN DETERMINED USING THE ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY COUNCELS WEBSITE P,.•"' ��� 1.The Coder.Aeevlatioe.,e.s Standards AND GOOGLE EARTH. �`G•• 1.The 2010 Florida Building Code.specifically Chapla 16 StruGivalDedgv, p`rQt�+;,•� Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23 Wood. `C h °.! o 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications forAluminem Sbacaues,Pen 1-Aaftbe 3 = Alumina DesignMuvual prepmed by The Ah-ire-Association,Inv. Wmbinglon,D.C..2005 Editi- �'•,j z 4 3.ASCE 7.10. i�J�'• n,7 Word Laad i�.(Sj•........... 1. ing Oc npl.ry agr Cotegany,Pmeph 16043 end Table 16M-5: Risk ,/err/I I i I P�O 2.Basic Wind Speed Table 1609C.StateofF].d&Debris Region At Basic } w-rte vrtoremorutseu Wind Speed,Pamgnph 16093.1 and Table 16093.1 Egainleot Basic Wmd Spee3Vmr-150 MPH.Vaca-116 MPH w 3.Exposure Category Patag aph 1609.43:Expo C w 4.Balding Category for Aluminum Swmves,Paegraph2002.6: Z tri HeMin¢Cate¢on 1-Senor Room:Nov-Habimb4 Uveovditlaved p 0: ggg Ravedart�Dn m w l7 Eaislm¢ to No odditiovalrovente faotm¢orsiabBrt4ulndm b Q resit,,be loadsImoored vvovaheealalne fhb br the omoose4 ronslroction lithe sahtina slab b a mlelmvm a14-thlrk end In smmd rovditlay.frte from eruemnl eneklna aa0fe¢,oratherdehrianeov, w !4 Zm a Roof p W a g I.R-f Type.EXISTING a 2 fM R- unia]: IST EXING. M3 Sveetfreetiena r-t• r-t• ¢ The following specifications ma applicable to Ihiapmjert 1.All work,hall be in ac=d=m with the Haida Building Code,2010 Edition,and any other applicable loaf codes and g"—. 2.Theminimum wall thickas,eofaluminum mmml-s[hell be in acaNanca eI I I with the Florida Building Code,2010 Edition and the 2005 edition oftlee Alueslmm A,socia0on Manuel.bntnot less thaa0.040 inrLc. pp 3.Alumim-corns cw ehnll be 6005 T5 Alloy.Due to quality c-trol fares, d so,mmufectuaersubstitution is acceptable without the specific writlm• b R 4 vvrnvnp— m C b Q l7 signed and solea eutharimtion orSune esl Aluminum F gmeesmg LIC. 4.Scream Matmiel:Design based-19114 or 2020 B—View.Ary fl- I I I cal W 3 rmteriel muRbe ppm-d. eppm {I. I} {I Qp u' S.Fastevmam rpirtmv dto be SAEGeade5nrbetarplated. UZ �E• 6.ADSeifMding Beam Seetiomammbesdtdedwith6tha®14screna6" .F—r-r—f I I I 41 r r—� Z V. fr®�ods and 24"emtamcamtmmMl2 varew96°from end and 12" ��w-r w � g nemn . 7.Whb maere c-aete specificatiana era tequked,-hems mthe saeam andosoe scope must•by one mmata regulatory agency.the following speeificati-s aro applicable a.C-arete shall—f—to ASTM CM forth.fo0owinge®-re pts: R 1.Ponland CesaamtType 1;ASTM C 150 C )i.Aggregates-Large Aggtegme 3/4"amt-ASTM C 33 iiL pit emmunvg-1-1%-ASTM C 260 - ir.Wmaredudgegeat-ASIMC494 p( ¢ esWt v.Cl—Potabla-atm is C3 2 0 IL Oaccessories tveatpamiin E b.Mehl isnshall cmt 13 f m: oc to .Reinforcing Bare-ASTMA61l.gmde60 G d.Welded wire fabric-ASTM A185 w v Watermalumpm diahagedd mtlm thin 3"amore th-5". te•noourz DlP) Cr ~ Woo aeaded aIle botddng umtperica.C p mo 9 nj Prepare and plea mnuUa per American Concrete lmtiNm Manuel 6,2 It on � ofStavdmd Procure.Pmb1.2•md3in]olioghea—lbs T-t' r-s' TAT T� T --dations, LDRAWN TP e.Moist mese or polyethylene ming pe-Ibcd. L Prior m plac ng mrumete.bnt the entim mbsurfnm ores f termites DATE DRAWN mcosplienmwithlbeFBG .. 0427/15 g.Cesarean,shall be placed ossa polyethylene vapeabamer. REVISION h.All alumm—rompmumts embedded witltiv e-arem shall be orated with a bibemiaom paint or epoxy. S.The minimum nominal thld—ofpmtecaorpanels 0.kpWes)shall be Industry standard of 0.024 inches. a 9.AllBsshivg mrd wvathapmaf esball bepmvidW by me contr,ctor. 10. Dom locoti-doll be determined by coencominthe field n_� 11. Usaafthem plans odm—],dg.and accepts a l'mitafliability rem At e,esed designandengiuctiogi. ALUADNUM MEMBERS DIMENSIONS •. f+razazE%TRuoeo * ��• ROUAw SeC110Nb ANOLB eSSlxsAtLOYFA ''GQ.•..•.•• 203:rxr 0.016• 6OE '•.btu ]a]:r:rio.GSB• 2x4 :r, O.G50- = 0.4 2 a5:r.5-a 0.050• PRGNT O.NBACHSECTIONS Ix]:1-x1•%0.010• ® w.lc¢1lE W�7 l a]:1•i1-i0.0dr YarOJI.BA8EPIATE-lYP SCREOW�GOHORG—C �7.,\•,• SNAPS oN$ Ft aTYA0o 8GREV9 � �i�Sl•'• � 102 smx 2•zl•aG.ar m+zac •••. 3%7 S.W.3-a rx 0.050• SRI FAfOlOf0J0�� oGis E�FDice 0F�9AeTO0N 1x4S+N rz1•a0.01S q.'.'. SELPMATDVG ISM SIDE VIEW•• s<AL 1i45MB:3'x IS O.ON-%0.100• I CC 2 i5SMB: 0.030-%0.100- I171TOIAlNRU BOLTMNYIDCN 2 i6 SMB:1-%6-x0050•:0.120• JAN NM•W IIEGOF NYLOC%1N1 W 217 SMB:ri TxQO5Tx0.120' IOia OUGOXCRETE NM.LNeNMaITAFAunCIO Z W 2 i B SMB:2-%ra0.0T1•z 0.124' NAY SE USED - 6CREWMCxOM 1MPfR1TO COMAOT•DONOT 47 m' C 2i9SMB:rz9•i00Trx0.121• Fl1MCONC.ENBFJ)I OVERIIGMEN f•ar6ECIbN W 2a IOSMB:ra10•a O.O r.0 r t7 MINIMUM PASI'ENFR EDOEDISTANC6:IX 1.-00, � "• MINIMUM PIN0 ASTEIhRSPAC :211• mtTeaOue. . +•ar SA8e P1ATEM(:NOREOTO 1N'OIAt TCONf lE Z CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: C...-C-- SCiIEWANLNORmX0.0 9U.IPSON TITEN HI50R EQIINAI,PM ANCxOROAW.t W Ea@Eq /B11LLD8%OA ITwl 2 ETALSCAER•SISM51: 6 010J0 '' .A.•'! NAi FJ1ACH SRE OFP09TAN0 1•aS6ECTIWI C TCW FQUIVAL@TT C Nw VVII G FRONT VIEW EZI3TWOH05T a --' 5%2TOHEADEROETAIL ,7e ( 'id'OR LARGER UPRIGHTTO CONCRETE DETAIL A-2 6GLE NR A-2 9CA E xT8 G 7 J Ca JZh p C J 1F/4�LD C,Z P M KIC%PIATEN01E9: Z IS) . no2lAuw 7Z� �� a 16CREWALLCOANFli9 VI W - R t ABN41p ZONES sEFez NTSN9 tr CC YAOO HEMER l 200-tb BKNO1ONE8 DIS aSU06CREW0fI0NFAOFR ME-- CRETE MFAOEA S 1MC-150 B4NIDZa'A•9 a 111 ve'Ou aTCON(OiEIE SCREIV Ube OGzfiAB18rCC MCMOR 0fI0 NEMER ¢ RA4 BOOI SaEd I %tIDaSN0005fAEW3, NIC%PUTEM-8 FRONGIRi4m1S¢C N -- -- _— —_ _ ITa(OSOORRIRI➢V Sf�.REWANt%OC�0.0� � Ea6T010 2'pRTMUPRIGNTOEPII+-1?7 I FROM GOITS m3faC O 1 HEMEN ALUN GACIU1G MlE (4)n0a1f4M0 .Q OGf k SCREW SOA S G `8w W a� r.rxalow rar wna.zsrs-b• I K w$¢ FAcx soe oFlrosr P)ma f f¢wuerto m.o m O 4J Ax¢:1•a¢NAx r.Y®1eo p 6alEweosses r.z%aom DRAWN BY rar a¢11SALIatMGIEW I SffNIBER TP 141 nd a yd•sus en0 UPRrirt t•.r DATE DRAWN UPRGM SNAPORSEIF4tATWOSEJGS 04127/15 orar REVISION &2 POST TO HEADER DETAIL �PURLIN OR GIRT TO BEAM OR POST DETAIL OR GIRT TO BEAM OR POST DETAIL /C-1'\l%2 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL a A-2 rwl�"'6 A-2 eufexTs A-2- P4 | §; § ■§@� g!§ . � . 7 � . PROJECrADDRESS: &NCO ASTALUMINUM PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER • : { JOE ENGINEERING c : §;§�| � _ - _.__&P 6 o � �_, _ _—.__ /\ }