HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit oV,e c1(t_)) skI( Lc(_zCID . ° 1' Planning&:Development Services fi Building:&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue 9 Fort.'Pierce, FL 34982` .... : 772-462-2165 or.772=462-2172 Fax:1:772-462-6443 ,ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT C' Re: Permitt J 0 5 6 1 CO ,: icensed as n)Contr-acto /Engine:er/Architect (Please:print name&circle>license type) *F5468:Building Inspector *General;Building,Residential or Roofing Contractor or any:individual certified under 468 F.S.to make.such an inspection: On or about 5 I did personally inspect.1he roof.deck na'i(in (Date) work at: l:G (Job_site address) Based upon that examination I have.determined.the installation._was done according`6 the current edition'of.the Florida-Existing_Building Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted (whichever is most stri nt). Sigifature and Seal License STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY"OF. Sworn.o and subscribed before me this""day of . . f) 1 20L,. by PclS(�A Who is pe rs 11 'k kn�o to me:or who has produced as identification. `NotaryPublic,State of Flora ])i?;i Signature.of Notary Commission Number: gci$ (Seal). En 01/19/2011 a o+"*"'M11, MYSS:HAMPTON `Notuy'Public: State:et Floilda,; N 'a? My Comm.Expires Jig I 2018 Commission N OF 1:19908 -5 - 6 4 q (R .n-r". 0 1?n?�