HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4070917 OR BOOK 3747 PAGE 1058, Recorded 05/18/2015 at 12:46 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Ferrell:No. Taz Follo No.j-q 51 D l Sate of Fbdda County of St.Luce The ums rApted hereby gives notice on kw omeent ma be trade to certain real property.and M aamrdarrc with Chapter 72%Flarkla Salutes. the101109 igkdom *mIspratdedintldsnoticeofCoa encemera- tega General desofption of OwnerWUaed'etthe orlessee NameInerestNarnealaddrtsof impktRieinld, Iff [t.1ft-ll-5i1dahovej Corarartofs fsattrc Carrkaaar PhoneRumber 177-71%1 SmetY{rappkablgacwYorthepaymentbondkatWo*Amount ofbond:S Wmeandaddm= Phomeniur: `nbe Lander Na Phom N%nhet' .p,.s.rg._._ tendees address: �T PlimnswIf, theStateofFWridad ig 'brOwneruponwhomnotionsorotherdamsm wmaybesavedasprovirJedbySession . Z smi)(a)7 Fl*ddaStvtetese ��/� Name: F-- �RNurnbeY'. A[/tL_ Ate_ ''TT �— inaddnionto hiemottortimsttt,Ov nersie:iTmtes A11A. to restive a copy of tht vermes Notice as pm%ftd In SeCtion2 3.>3f DL FWnila Sa-MM Phone number of petsan weathydesiamted W mvner. ExpitatSmsdate0fn0ttctofaman=wmw(rleesplmtkmdattmgndbebdmtt*cwn edonafao=uoonard&Wpaymw*othe mrdradw,batwW he 1 wearfram the date of recwft unim a diffemm date b sperMed) ;,'/i/`A WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS FADE BYTHE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OFTHE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENTARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMOM UNDER DW'YER719.PART!,SECnON 713.136 fLOW04kSTAYUfES,A"CAN REWT 1"YOUR PAYMGIWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTSTO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENrMUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON TREJOB SITE BEFORE THE Off IfbPECiTOII.IFYOU IMEtDTOOUADiFiHAtONG,CONSUETWONV URiEtHSEftORANATTORNEYBEFORECIMMENCMWORKOR s . REOORWNG YOUR NOME OF COMMENCEMENT. Under Penalty ofptrJvY.Idtda Ihaver,ad -V- and blot the fun statedD,erelnarcst>:totfebestoF ngtra7wle is and (SlpatweotOwneror OwtrfswLCUW$AudwdltdOtRcer/Okector/Pamrer/Manner )SipuswtrsTRk/CdROe) The Fort ng ka?ru hent was odmwledged before me f 144.A day 0f_•_.L.20 a es IUo'faR4 mul�ljc torvCkj\e-- By :: ��t�inlLtj( Type ofaatho (e4after tustee) Partyanpebttf0ludwaknDnmprtwaseaeanla! PersaraRYta+mrn t!w Pmtkrced - 1 s-t&ColFTrnneSsce ( TypGor Name ofNofavyPubFic) Type ofidentl0cwtidnpmduad ply "then e6>,P; f1-X16-(7 Scanned by CarnScanner STATE OF FLORIDA SLUCIE comity T. THIS TRI1E N TWIT PYFT �RRECTQ o ORIGI gEpH E. ITIi, LE K Data'