HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4064233 OR BOOK 3740 PAGE 1339, Recorded 04/28/2015 at 04:28 RECEIVED MAY 191015 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT To be compleW when conshurrim value ucaeds S2,S0000 PERMIT If. TAX FOUO't ��9l:f )I010C� e 0-j STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST LUCIE The undersigned herebygives notice that Improvementwul bemade to certain real property,and In accmrdancewith Chapter 713,Florida Statutes,the following Information Is provided In this Notice of Commencement. OA IFTI O ( EET ,tF AVARAaIE 9&9 � � Z crJ o OFIMPRD itsof I I ll aneShu_4 -6LL o OVWN 11NFOj TiO� TION ffTHE LESSEE[ OFOR Name* THE IMPROVEMENT: Name: (C,f ri I. Address: -j-A- -"Ll'it) I-C11IL110 Interest In property: Name and address of fee simple title holder(it different from Owner listed above): coNimaOR'8 NAME Etmed Shudet Services,Inc. Phone No.:(772)871.1875 Address.1628 SW B(Itmore SL.Port S1 Luck.FL 34848 SURETY COMPANY(D applicable,a copy of the payment bond Is attached): Name and address: phone No.: Bond amount: tENDE"NAME: Phone No.: Address• Persona within the State of Florida designated by otmer upon whom notices or otherdocuments may be served as provided by Section 713.13 It)(a)7,Frodda Statutes: . Name: Phone No.: Address: in addition to himself or herself,owner designates of to receive a copy of the Llenors Notice as provided In Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statues. Phone number of person or entity designated by Owner. _ Epp mftn dam of Notice of Co mnanumen: (the atcisIraUon data may riot be before the complation of construction and final payment to the contractor.but w111 be 1 year from the date of recording unless•different dorm b sperlMd): WAaNINC TO OWNER ANY pAYMENIS WE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OFTHE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CH.aPTER 713 PAaTI SECTION 713+3,FLORIDA STATU*ESAND GeN RESULT IN YOUR PAVING TWICE FOR I's TO YOUR P ENCIMENT MUST BE MtW=AND POSTED ON IM JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST I IULTWJTHYOUR LENDER 09 AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCINGR z5U pe of ,1 read the foregoingforegoingaandthat rile Tam In R are true to the hart of my krwwlad{a and ballet. rove of Owner or se,orOwnees or lessees Authorized Offimt/Direetmr/Partner/Manager/AtWMBe'tttdact Slgnalorya Tme/Ofrw /� 1 'G .i The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this l (n dayof /'� rt 1 .20 1.J eY:C 1( vy-A1a _ ;1' (X ones far q'1hIZ7IM: 1o4 alpeO-Y�y1iM� 1pt0-i- Nameolpersmn Type of authority officer,trustee) Par(y.Vbb)!1(or,�,()ptD.JnSMuTpnt riYlo .` �'lUU''1 lJl \C Personally known O or produced Identification� Notary}l6 r�e1(/yTypeofldentff1.tl nproducedWr r7( JTr�a� rinC Type61 9edInp Cwnml�,,1,-�,1/�fneddNName of Notary) T:tBLmWdg_FomaWew ApplirationswormaWadu arconur—ment.Doo: mer Notary Pudic Slato of Florida Rev.9/15/11 McSssa Carrano va My Commission FF 180025 p, Expires 11/0812DIS STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRU AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORI AL. J SE IE ITH,CLERK AW2 8 Cle72015 R . Data:.