HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval REAR Ift Lowe's Millwork Site Plan 00 1-2 641 10 2 12 #A4 3 13 4 14 5 1s 6 16 7 17 { 1 g is 9 19 �Q 20 Cf►Mr D-Lst=1cow onertlntt#t 40.41 rst ure:SFR CondoJrwnhse___,#of stories roof:Height length Width Proiect:Yltindows. 0oors�r• - 1huttefs onda/Twnhse:Corner Unit(Y N) if(Y)size: FRONT oors:Overhang(Y/N): i#(Y)size Customer Name: acz.4l"-present{YJN): If(Y}type Address, i I "iridlca'te alternate means of efr•ess;on drawing* r *indicate intorfor layout to lrKlude bedrooms* *Measure all openings to apply 25%rule" a uFjv a va � f e +z • • A vA 1 A gor!;1a[ielpartn,onrcl 5=tim Lop In User RRNIAmtion Not Topics Submit surcharge Stats Q Facts Publications FBC Stall B,=site Map Unks Search Busines /�� :a Product Approval onal a` usi<R,�� Profess eculation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>ApWtafion DetaB FL# FL11646-R$ Application Type Revision Code Version 2010 Application Status Approved `Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Atrium Companies Inc. Address/Phone/Emall 9001 Ambassador Row Dallas,TX 75247 (214)583-1828 Jason.seals@atrium.com Authorized Signature Jason Seals jason.seals@atrium.com Technical Representative Jason Seals Address/Phone/Emall 9001 Ambassador Row Dallas,TX 75247 (214)637-2696 Jason,seals@atrium.com Quality Assurance Representative Tommy Smith Address/Phone/Email 300 Welcome Center Blvd. Welcome,NC 27374 (336)764-6400 tommy.smlth@atrium.com Categnry Exterior Doors Subcategory Sliding Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Arrhitemirai Manufacturers Assnclarion Validated-By American Architectural Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2005 AAMA/WDMA/M%101/I.S.2/A440 2008 ASTM E1300 2004 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By hip://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dd.aspx?param=WGEVXQwtDgSQFc5K%2fi'... 11/13/2014 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 11/13/2013 Date Validated 07/28/2014 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/29/2014 Summary of Products FL* Model,Number or Name Description 11646.1 311/312/378 Sliding Glass Door R-PG35"-1797x2019(71x80)-SD(311),R-PG35-2407x2019 (95x80)-SD(312),R-PG30-1899x2426(75x96)-SD(312), R-PG35-1829x2083(72x82)-SD(378) Limps of Use Certiiicatfon Agency Certieate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 311 312 SD XO SD-R30 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 75x96 AAMA APC D2326.01-801-47-r0.pdf Impact Resistant:No FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 311 312 SD XO SD-R35 Design Pressure:N/A 71x80 AAMA APC D0985.01-601-47.pdf Other.311/312 utilize steel rebar;378 utilizes aluminum FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 311 312 SD XO SD-R35 rebar.All doors shall utilize safety glazing per 2010 FBC 95x80 HAMA APC D0985.01-801-47.pdf Section 2406.All frame components are fabricated from FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-06 311 SD XO SD-R35 72x80 extruded vinyl(PVC). Finless AAMA APC D6923.01-801-47.pdf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 312 SD XO SD-R30 75x96 Finless AAMA APC[6923.01-801-47-r0.odf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 312 SD XO SD-R35 95x80 Finless AAMA APC D6923.01-801-47.pdf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 378 SD XO SD-R35 72x82 AAMA APC D0986.01-801-47.Ddf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 378 SD XO SD-R35 72x82 Finless AAMA APC D6923.01-801-47.pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/28/2017 Installation Instructions FL11646 R5 II ADW-08 311 312 378 Installation FBC 2012 ATR023 RI.Ddf Verified By: Hermes F.Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL 11 46 RS AE ADW-08 311 312 378 PER FBC 2012 PER2920 R 1.Odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11646.2 332/388 Sliding Glass Door SD-1140 72 x 96(388),SD-R50 72 x 82(388),SD-R50 71 x 96(332),SD-R50 95 x 80(332) umks of Use CertiHeation Agency Certiflate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 332 SD XO R50 71x96 Fin Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes AAMA APC D5177,01-801-47.pdf \ Impact Resistant:No FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 332 SD XO R50 71x96 Design Pressure:N/A Finless AAMA APC D5177.01-801-47.pdf Other:Series 388 utilizes aluminum rebar;Series 332 FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 332 SD XO R50 95x80 Fin ® utilizes steel rebar.All doors shall utilize safety glazing per AAMA APC[5177.01-801-47.odf 2010 FBC Section 2406.All frame components are fabricated FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 332 SD XO R50 95x80 from extruded vinyl(PVC). Finless HAMA APC D5177.01-801-47.[)d FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 388 SD XO R40 72x96 Fin AAMA APC D5179.01-801-47.odF FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 388 SD XO R40 72x96 Finless AAMA APC D5179.01-801-47.pdf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 388 SD XO R50 72x82 Fin AAMA APC D5179.01-501-47,odf FL11646 R5 C CAC ADW-08 388 SD XO R50 72x82 Finless AAMA APC D5179.01-801-47 pdf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Data 02/14/2018 Installation Instructions FL11646 RS II ADW-08 332 388 SD Installation FBC 2012 ATR025 R1.Ddf Verified By: Hermes F.Norero 73778 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL11646 R5 AE ADW-08 332 388 SD PER FBC 2012 PER2.950 RI.pdF Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11646.3 352 Sliding(lass Door,Non-Impact SD-C60 96 x 96 Limits of use Cartliffcation Agency certiflnte Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL11646 RS C CAC ADW-01 352 SD C60 96x96 Non Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Impact AAMA 101 APC A7352 01-801-47-RO Ddf Impact Resistant.•No Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pK_app_Afl.aspx?ParaM=WGEVXQwtDqSQFC5K%2ff... 11/13/2014