HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4072077 OR BOOK 3748 PAGE 1109 , Recorded 05/20/2015 at 11 : 14 Pr Worad By;The Home Dapbl.tt•£}omaSenttc� "44.tABltary troll ocernel4 as■ch f L 35+1.12 N 1E Permit No. Propartyld4ntlticuianNo. 3L1D3'- °Z ^ao'l`( op6 .3 THE UNDERSIONI:U hereby gives notice titer lmprovoments will be mado(o in aneosdand D with Scolou Y13.13 afthe Ylorida Sleruuz,the follWying inforrrtetlon is provided in the NG'nCR0VC0M)VVCPJv18PfT, I. DC1r-4tianofPmPCrty. ftal deratfitfFu:}.�enl n.� C_'il*_4exGa. olarS �llt t� GAF tl�o+t I( � a) StreatAddreas: L0 <jvhytsion st. _ - -- 2. Ganunl de=lption of improvements—C� PoAS 7. Owns Informztion s) Nsmeusd addrest;Pa1v ic.ra'i�1�ii�:�s 346 Jahr,5lrr Sh. l�z,r Pit r eC r Oyq)k L b) Num and address of Ibe simple III leholder(Ifo[bar than owner) c) irltert:lt in pruperty 9.' Cvnuxtvrlrlfonnat(Dn - II )) �1 a) Naatearrdaddress:5e l7pre-� 7C/io� AA'f76 14 ,�e,-,-ce3 b) Telephone No.!�5 x_37 --/Sao Pax No,(OP(,) S. Stadty Idfbuxaltio:t a) 'Nameand address: — b) Attuount offlond: P) 'i's laphonc NV.: Fa:No.(Opt.) 6. l+s=ndx all Namaand adtirau: wa 7. Idattity of person within the.Stara of Ftorlde deatlrjnated by owner upon whom notices or other documen Is an Ly ba served; a) Namoond address: " b) I'skphoneNo.: Fax No.(Opt.) S. U addltionto hibisel�osvnerdcaigspdas Ihv following Ferro'le reoeiva aaopy of tiro Gienot'j 11011u as Ptavidul In 13e041dn 913,13(1)(b1,Flot(da Staxuter: m) Natnorridaddtess: — b) TtUphone Nc: I m No.(Opt.) 9. ZxplWloudate orNallimufCumimtuementltheexpirationdale Isono ytarfloutrhodaldofrenprdi*gtmlcgs ad1H'ereatdatais speta(itd): WARXINGTO OWNER:ANY PAY(14ENTS(BADE BY THE OWNUFt AE'MR THE E)fltllrATiOf'1 OF-rHE WOMCE 0:6 OOMMBMCEMENTARE COlSTDEREDLWrnOPE1tPAVitTENT.SUNDEI;CH&FTZR713)PART1tSECTION'I>13.1d, FLORIDA STA FUTES AND CAN RMULT IN YOUR PAVING T{VICE FOR IPPQVRr4jth-MT0 YOUR Pu() jt'ry.A N0710E OF 4C0""BNC];A'IENT MUST OX REI3ORDED ANA POW 6b ON THE JOB SM BEPORL THM PfRST INSFEC'TION,IF YOU V%r=M TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT YOUR 1ZN10ZR,011 AN A-fTOWgFV BEFOttE COhtMMQ'NG WORK OR RECOItI1MG YOU NOTKC)r COMMENCEh1LN CdUtVtl'Y•bIt lQA -^A.•• •,.. r., i�! r 1' 't, 'STt<iri3frT crogF grme+or a +hOcixod 6tRnrClsreserttdacagq Plot No" [ht foregoirP in trvmdnt war netenowkdgcd before me thly_day of /ihr 2p L�by r✓ p, e as tea' ��r-d r —� C —=f(4 Pe of as s(xai4'r 0.3.offietry trurfos,anptneY(n Becg fdr (name ofpsrryooiteLatfofwhom' nlylas��), Prtsa6nity Known,_•_•Olt Produced(dentifiearien jL Notary Slgn■tvra`--;C�y'- 'ZAR Type of ldentglea8on Produsd Nurse(Prtn1) A,,,G Vcriil0atloa Pw=aaag Ic 84v110D 9931F 1) St?%wtsea t3nd r prnahla e! jv .1 daciarc that 1 reM tab fO cnol.g and Ihat t1 t Cedt1 sra4cd In,It on trua to tt1R tx9tof my k■.Y vled(SC attd Uellaf. uS•h� ac•.n,.otah.n,+ass,r,saa N.c.. pAUI.gueE E 8 TAHL s� MN GOtittatssl"M't079fits4 i. EXP#19S.hrn911.2017 ri S9aL1El gK,,�y�,