HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) ' ' Planning&Development Services Department Building &Code Regulations Division Z3ODVirginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL9498Z- (77Z)46Z'15S3 Certification for Design Load Compliance � Project Name: ox Project Address: P14 J Permit Occupancy TypINSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: e ' ° This certification must bpcompleted,signed, and sealed hvthe design professional Of record. a Submit(Z)copies for residential,(3>copies for commercial with all permit apV_icstionsinvolving the following: � New Residences (single ormult}'family) o Residential Addition \ � 0 Any accessory structueequihn0abuildingpe,mK . / n Any non-residential structure. " Note: Form not required for interior rentions provided that noextehorstructural elements are affected- and certain minor building permits at the discretion of the local building official. Contact the 4 above for questions. DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED: \ (complete all that anph) / ���' �]�J ' S. -{ \ ,~- .. / l. DESIGN CODE: Florida +'~ Code 2010 Edition with 20 1 � Supplements using ASCF 7210 ,^- Z. Structure Designed as(check une): ' Enclosed Partially Enclosed �]peo l Risk Category: ___i ~/-I| |x m Exposure Category: ____e ____[ 4. Design Wind Velocity 1,6c i,t-mph - D LRFD End Zone Width: K ' 5 Mean Roof Height f1fl ` �ft Roof Pitch: ---___:zZ Parapet: ft 6. Components&Cladding Design Pressures Used: (psF.based on zosnu @ z*'wna.clearly label onall plan openings): Zone I: Zone l: Zune3� Zone u: ~~' Zone 5: Garage: ________ ' 7 oeaiQo Loads: Roor: pSp auoVDend: p5p nookuve:________ Oa/cunv'. psF Dock: PSF DeckPSF Stoi,,: pSr Froce: pSr nai8ng,:_______P�r /8 Were Shea,Walls Considered po,5tru�ure? ves _ Not Applicable �Explain Why Not: ' ' . ' \ 9. /sAContinuous Load Path Provided? Yes ' Not Applicable Exp|amvVhvwnc .//��r ' - / ' .v Design Bearing _ IF Soil Aep �s�ubmh�ed? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: | certify that, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief' the attached Plans & specific--tions have been designed io comply | portions of the building codes odv adopted andenio,o,d by St. Lucie Count)N-'-I,als,gP*-O!��v"'WucturaI elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design ' ' " Print Name Ceu# Co.[s/1 Auth. ��r�i���k»a�h ��K���ineering ------ ' 4853 ��EPRct��� ~ ------ Stuart, Florida 34997 ------- Compan neve^nry7s7Muw'"'' 'AHORATORI FS Architectural Divtstotj p(j. '407)384-7/744 1 Nx (407)384-.7751 ti. 11H Web Site: wwwx(larch.c .oni 1-ni' co nA ' ail: etlar( Report No.: CTLA 2037W-2 DC Not. No.: CTL 10011 DIM June 28, 2010 CTL Certification#: 08-0528.05 Test Dates: June 21 st—26th, 2010 Test Requested RY: Ingersoll Rand 9017 Blue Ash Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 Tests*Conducted: TAS 201 (Lg. Missile),TAS 202 (with deviations, no water test)&TAS 203 Desmon Pressures: Specimen I (TAS 202)-Outswing + 80.0 psf, -60.0 psf. Specimen 2 (TAS 202)- Inswing +60,0 psf. -80.0 psf. Specimen 3 &4 (TAS 201,TAS 203) + 70.0 psf. -70.0 psf. (1)DESCRIPTION OF SERIES Model Designation: SZ Series 3070 Steel Commercial Flush Door, 18 gauge Overall Size: All Specimens-(Frame) 40,00" wide x 86.00" high x 5.75""deep. Conflouration: All Specimens - X No.&Size of Panels: All Specimens-(1)Slab 35.79" wide x 83.19"high. (2)MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Frame Material: All Specimens ASTM A-366 16 Ga. Steel, cold rolled as stated by manufacturer Frame Construction: All Specimens Cold rolled steel measuring 2.0" wide face x 5.75"deep x 4 V51i &A?,pening. Mitered comer tab and slot construction. Extruded alum(st Z�,rj ring 0.500"high x 5" wide x 36" long coped to fit into mail,: ua "he three (3) #12 x 1.50" wood screws. j NO 20 24 7-4 0&1 z 5- 40RI Page 2 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Slab Construction: All Specimens Single slab measure 35.79" x 83:19"x 1.75". 18 Ga. Galvanized steel skins. Polystyrene core laminated to both inside faces. Vertical edges square with a continuous mechanical seam. Top and bottom rails contained 16 GA. steel channels measuring .688"x 1.660"x 35.66" long, spot welded to face sheets nominally 2" from each end and 6"on center thereafter. Lock reinforcement is 14 Ga. and 8 Ga. hinge reinforcements. Glazing: N/A Weather-stripping: All Specimens QTY DESCRIPTION LOCATION One (1)Strip PS-074 Weather-strip Frame Head One (1)Strip PS-074 Weather-strip Frame Jambs One (1) Strip Bulb vinyl bumper basket .250" o.d. Length of threshold One(1)piece Fas-seal door sweep two (2) fin Slab bottom Hardware: All Specimens QTY DESCRIPTION LOCATION Three(3) Ives 5BB1 hinges 4.5"x.4.5" x .134"thick with Three in each frame jamb four(4) .2 10"dia, X .525" self threading measuring from rabbet in head Phillips head countersunk screws to frame and to center of hinge at 9.75", four(4) Phillips head countersunk screws to the 41.69"and 73.625" leaf. Six(6) Wire hinge spacer. One behind each hinge on door leaf. One (1) Falcon T series, Grade 1,cylindrical lock 1/2" Door Slab latch throw. One(1) National Guard 950A Threshold w/bumper. Frame Sill. Reinforcement: A11 Specimens ti QTY DESCRIPTION LOCATION One (1) Cylindrical lock reinforcement, 14 GA Door leaf lock stile galvanized steel Three(3) Hinge reinforcement, 8 GA galvanized steel Door leaf hinge stile measuring 1.25" x 8" long. lfl! Three (3) Hinge reinforcement, 7 GA steel measuring Frful�,`l��i\�lll ya �p�ijf� 1.23" x 9.19" long. ���Q.�r.. Page 3 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Weep holes: N/A Seams All Specimens Latex caulking as needed to seal unit into rough opening. INSTALLATION: Screws and Method of Attachment: AR Specimens Specimens were tested in wooden test buck, installed with eight(8) 3/8 x 4" lag bolts (4 per jamb)and three(3)#12 x 1.50"wood screws. Head: None Sill: Three(3)#12 x 1.5" wood screws located 6.5", 18",29.5" Jambs: Eight(8) 3/8" x 4"lag bolts. Four(4)in each Jamb, located measuring from bottom to top at 4", 19.97", 51.9", an�4011) t t►��/// C,gH C. p NO 4 Uj STATE OF Page 4 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Performance Test Results Test Sequence:TAS 202 Deflection Gauges locations I. Air Infiltration ASTM 283-91 2, '/2 Test Pressure Positive ASTM E330-02 3. '/2 Test Pressure Negative ASTM E330-02 4. Design Pressure Positive, ASTM E330-02 5. Design Pressure Negative ASTM E330-02 6. Full Test pressure Positive ASTM E330-02 IT 7. Full Test Pressure Negative ASTM E330-02 Deflection was measured with two (2)5" CDI Dial Indicators X Location#12"above lock. Location 4 2 Mid-span of fasteners in jamb. AIR INFILTRATION Air Infiltration Tests were conducted in accordance with TAS 202-94 Air@ 1.57 psf. Actual Allowable Specimen 1 .13 cfm/ft' .34 cfnVft' Specimen 2 .14 cfmIft2 .340in/117 STATIC AIR PRESSURE TESTS Static Tests'were conducted in accordance with TAS 202-94 Specimen 1 -Outswing Range of test Time (See.) Load(Psf.) Loc. Deflection Perm. Set Allowable Positive loads (Design Pressure+ 80.0 psf.) 1/2 Test 30 60 Design 30 80 Loc. 1 0,286" Loc. 2 0.149„ Test 30 120 Loc. 1 0.022" 0.333" Loc, 2 0.041 0.128" Negative loads (Design Pressure—60.0 psf) 1/2 Test 30 45 Design 30 60 Loc. 1 0.322" Loc. 2 0,087" Test 30 90 Loc. 1 0.140" 0.333" Loc. 2 0.014" 0.128" All Permanent set numbers are gross numbers 1%11111 Location(1)- Max.allowable Perm. Set after test load(0.4%of 83.25"span)=0.333 Location(2)- Max. allowable Perm. Set after test load(0.4% of 32.0"span)=0.128 4, so C P'q C' < 0% ST ATE OF PC 0 R\0 Page 5 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Performance Test Results (Continued) STATIC AIR PRESSURE TESTS{Continued) Specimen 2-Inswing Range of test Time(Sec.) Load (osf.) Loc. Deflection Perm.Set Allowable Positive loads (Design Pressure+60.0 psf.) 1/2 Test 30 60 Design 30 80 Loc. 1 0.336" Loc. 2 0.0911, Test 30 120 Loc. l 0.145" 0.333" Loc. 2 0.015" 0.128" Negative loads (Design Pressure—80.0 psf.) 1/2 Test 30 45 Design 30 60 Loc, 1 0.275" Loc. 2 0.145" Test 30 90 Loc, 1 0.023" 0.333" Loc, 2 0.042" 0.128" All Permanent set numbers are gross numbers Location (1)-Max.allowable Perm. Set after test load(0.4%of 83.25"span)=0.333" Location (2)-Max. allowable Perm. Set after test toad(0,4% of 32.0"span)=0,128" Title of Test MetbodR Specimen 1 Forced Entry AAMA 1304.02 Passed 300 lbs Resistance Load peak was 30 seconds Specimen 2 Forced Entry AAMA 1304 -02 Passed 300 lbs Resistance Load peak was 30 seconds Note: At the conclusion of testing, there was no opening thru which access to the interior hardware,or locking devices could be gained. In addition there was no opening which allowed for entrance inkkt;W9ppF)yYqen tested.`l'he leaf remained locked,closed and no locks or hinges disengaged. SH C...,n,� 21 2A S D r €WMi = t' STATE OF ���ii'S► 6��-^t. �O Eft rl Page 6 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTZA 2037W-2 Performance Test Results-(Continued) Impact Test:Large Missile Impact tests were conducted ip accordance with TAS 201-94 Each specimen was impacted with an 8 ft., 9 lb. Southern yellow pine 50mm x I00mm (2" x 4") at the following locations: Note: Specimen 3(4utswing) &4(Inswing) X measurement from left edge of specimen. Y measurement from top edge of test specimen. Type and weight of missile: #2 Southern Yellow Pine 2x4, Length approx. 89-5/16"& 9 lb. Specimen 3 Specimen 4 r , t.. ............ � t i [� Z Specimen# Impact No. Speed Ft/Sec, X Meas. Y Meas. 3 1 49,7 20.00" 41.50" 3 2 49.5 33.50" 75.00" 4 1 49.3 20,00" 42.00" 4 2 50.1 33,00" 76.00" Result: None of the impacts penetrated the specimen. 01, STATE OF �/��'0ItAt. Page.7 of 8 Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Performance Test Results (Continued) Fatigue Loading Test Cycle tests were conducted in accordance with TAS 203 Specimen 3&4 Positive loads Design Pressure+70.0 psf. Range of Test Actual Load(psf.) #of Cycles Cycles/min. + .0 to 0.5 35.0 600 56 + .0 to 0.6 42.0 70 56 + .0 to 1.3 91.0 1 Deflection aLtt 671 cycles completed 0.375" 0.00" Negative Loads Design Pressure-70.0 psf. Range of Test Actual Load(psf.) # of Cycles Cycles/min. + .0 to 0.5 35.0 600 56 +.0 to 0.6 42.0 70 56 + .0 to 1.3 91.0 1 De,fle,clion Set 671 cycles completed 0.250" 0.00" Result: Specimen showed no resultant failure or duress after cycle test. No failure of fasteners.There were no cracks longer than 5"x 1/16"through which air could pass observed. The results obtained and reported apply only to the specimens tested. Comment: Nominal 2 mil polyethylene film was used to seal against air leakage during structural loads. The film was used in a manner that did not influence the test results. Drawings to be Submitted: Submittal drawings numbered, 2037W sheets 1 thru 3 of 3, and marked with the CTL stM�lPp, are a part of this report. �� ,�111t1t!//// tSNC. pq i ............. � %�t: STATE OF ': Page 8 of S Ingersoll Rand Report#: CTLA 2037W-2 Remarks: Detailed drawings were available for laboratory records and comparison to the test specimen at the time of this report. A copy of this report along with representative sections of the test specimen will be retained by CTL for a period of ten(10)years. The results obtained apply only to the specimen tested. This test report does not constitute certification of this product,but only that the above test results were obtained using the designated test methods and they indicate compliance with the performance requirements(paragraphs as listed)of the above referenced specifications. Certified Testing Laboratories assumes that all information provided by the client is accurate and that the physical and chemical properties of the components are as stated by the manufacturer. _Observers Yuriy Farber- Ingersoll-Rand Kevin Schmidt- Ingersoll-Rand Snehil Solanki - Ingersoll-Rand Dade County Witness: Not present All Tests Witnessed by: Ramesh Patel P.E. Stephen Gibbs -CTL No 20224 ice^ Jonathan Pittenger Lab TechnicianTE�►G F �J t Architectural Division ,� .•, fi� ��� .•�'��,•,�' Certified Testing Laboratories Floriffit/ cc: Ingersoll-Rand (4) Ramesh Patel (1) File (1) CMnFZTDs-nNGLAB0W0R0 `= ARCHITECTURAL DIVISION 7252 NARCOOSSEE ROAD ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32822 +tw-a. Date Verified: m19IUa - R E V I S I 0 N S 11-- ao• Verified By �— LTR DESCRIPTION Dpie APPROVED I I FRAME WIDTH I A APPROVAL DVG 06/28/10 E 2. [- SEE NOTE OiE 6. Nf1iE SEE "I+Msssz 9.750 I M 1 I Ea-HRIX 6 , I • i NOTES EQ M 2 3 (SEE k.-• 3) 0 L ONE ROW (IFPS074 VEATH RSTRIPPDG PER JAMB AND LEAD. Y =U' EMMENEKM d ; ® 2SEE SKT 2 FOR TE UU M4C>M ND DWALLATM N w �y M REgUOVIENT& 5 E OF N8� �. I�i(g 3 I@!GN C37 SOD HMN]tf]iiS+ � 1@N FSS LOOATU&9175' FROM RABBET IN HEAD TO 0.IF TOP H DIZ IGZr FROMFLOOR TO CL OF Bffffm HOME, I SEE $NT 8 EQUALLY SPACED IN BErHEEK M ° E(i• SEE SNT s 55..BARE HEETDOSTAL1FUR ATU M AS P AILABLE R�D0P9CM AND IWIF l FKWS CATD?tS 1 6 4'.:FACE WAD.IS AVARABLE%4" FR/ME IS M RMM VM CQICRETE. 40.875 1 7.APLLY.,CMLK AS.IEEDED. ti IST.5:NOT.APPROVED WHERE MATER MOLTRATKRN I ® REOURDIENT tS NEEDED 1 E 0: NAS I 1 _ k BATH 10"Tn SECIM R-B tTEY QUAKTM DESCRPTiON MATERIAL s 512E r SHOWN VIiH I IMORTISE LOCK 2ODO sn TYP. Bummp2wu .171. SEF OWE 7. yr x 1-3/4•TAPGM41 8 NOTE a 4.5'X 4S"BM HMIIGES .13t 19 (4) F12-24 MS PER HOME M X�Y 2 SPA O 11.50" 3 hiAx C37 PLACCS 00 RE WTEIdAL' 9 7 P(1Y5'i AwfE 55 68'X 81.5'WAX t 5.75'um I 10 1 Tw. ri 11 1 .GUARD MW � � � .100' ALM 6063 T5 5.r X 0.r X 36'YAX SD1 DCSTN1ATD]M M'PICALI / i 74in V) 11 AS- 2 YA7L iwt sn AW X 1. X Y 16 1005 SAJOCHE 40' MAX Ape,wm. 2w 36' MAX Ingersoll Rand WL � ;► ate. HVHZ TESTFOR SZ SOWSSWLE RUSHDOOR O 6Y SIEELOtAFT \ MTM LOC16 8Y FALCON xv ""`i �rrMn�h A b 2037W A ""` NTS I AUTOCAD 1 3 R E V I S I O N S O,+ I LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED 4., OF PART 8 SLATS A TEST DWGS. 06/28/10 FN=SECTION t 35.625 0.75" BENT TABS� FUDa&E TD SECURE ASSEMBLY SECTIW 28..`1 2" - FAS-SEAL DWR SHEEP TOTAL' (4) EMA 86 ANCHORS LAG .25„ F 0 5" 2 F P BOLTs 31.3. 3' I PER JAMB ! t C OF WOOD 5 } STUD NATIONAL WARD S Sr�n CONE, vpm ,KD 15.917,ANCHOR TYP. OR CREME BUMPER 'KNOCKED—DOWN' ASSEMBLY i REFER TO 4 2" SILL INSTALLATION DETAIL '475" (SHT.1) `' 1.94" f sm. 40' 5 75„ LOCK—IN §too�o JRWELD—IN �J WEATlf32STRIPPING DETAIL EXCEPT W11EM SP 0.375 P I EXISTING MASONRY ANCHOR FEMA) PS-m. HINGE JrwB STRIKE JAMB WITH LAG BOLT INTO WOOD STU D WALL AO iIngersoll Rand I �` Sewrity Toch4plogies t• p ' iM �`G + $ YMF ampa ANCHOR DETAILS / MOUNTING CONDITIONS t 3/8 x 4. ��a omm o _xT 'J ARCHITECTl1fiAL DIVISION SHIM SPACE 7262 NARGOOSSEE ROA11 s� ti.T stic 2037W A Dc I t/+' MAX ORLANDO,FLORIDA 3252 x NTS AUTOCAD SHT 2 OF 3 CTLA No. Date Verified:_ Si2i, ' !D Verified Bq. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING R E V I S 1 d N S iI MAX DOOR SIE I MIN.LATCH THROW OUTSIA7NG INSWING LTA DE$CRIPTFDN BATE � APPROVED 3070 9115 +801-60 PSF +601-80 PSF A NEV YM.F 6/29/10 LARGE AND SMALL MISSILE RESISTANT PER TAS 201&203 LATOH x(12-24 VSTHROW ti � ER7�IED�FSTI:tG�BORATDAi)s SS Fy--120 KSi l ` ARCHITECTURAL DIVISION 7252 NARCOOSSEE ROAD ° #8-32 MS SS ORLANDO,FLORIDA 32822 INTERIOR _Tr� Q C'TLA No. 9.e�'�0\A-� EXTERIOR Fy=120 KSi Q Date verified: co c> Verified B s '-�r^--- AVAILABLE PANEL PANEL FUNCTIONS j CYLINDRICAL LOCKSET FALCON T-SERIES HEIGHT AVAILABLE LEVER DESIGNS T101 I ODTsvnNc 000N mm # � M5M7NCs DOOR lhT1! � 5• rsERIEscYu+rowca. rsExs`sc:.iNo�.w_ LOCK BY FALCON LOCM.BY FALCON t T50136-a. j I v PANEL YADT`r! PFlI-.L ShDTF# AVALON T381 NOTES: 1 ALL FINISHES OFFERED. T411 2.SEE CHART FOR AVAILABLE FUNCTIONAL OPTIONS ci LL - 3,ELECTRICAL.INSTALLATION IS UNDER SEPARATE APPROVAL AND MUST BE REVIEWED BY CORRESPONDING AUTHORITY. TO BE USED IN 11 Ty , 4.THIS LOCKSEi IS APPROVED TO BE EQUAL ALTERNATIVE TS71 -4 SI.WAE 7B GA STEEL COMMERCIAL.DOORS HOLDING CURRENT APPROVAL .� WITH MIO PANEL HARDWARE LATCHING. ~,-..• THE LOWEST DESIGN PRESSURE RATING SHALL APPLY, :.�✓"' a`i'.. .,rte ttt �� T511 ',. -i 5.THE THAN 36•DEVICE NOHIGHER THAN Sr.INSTALLED W COMMERCW.STEEL DOOR NO WIDER 6.OPTIONAL SIGNAL SWITCH AND POWER TRANSFER UNITS MAY BE USED AS ALLOWED BY CODE AND IF IT DOESN'T AFFECT THE MECHANICAL PROPER TleS I ? OF THIS EXIT DEVICE AND/OR INHIBIT EGRESS. . . _ ALLST BE UL APPROVED. T521 ry , 7.THIS HARDWARE CAN BE INS TS MU THIS HARDWARE CAN BE INSTALLED AS PART OFIMPACT RESISTANT UNff. T561 .. r 1 5 t I I{ tng€asatPRaru1 T581 E"- 111 E FLORIDA BUILDENG COBE 4 PRODUCT-APPROVAL T881 1 0,Ar-Wr}+ ? } T ___._S BY FALCON ! CYLINDRICAL LOCK f Q T341 t� 1 •� a•: (`IRFBCT SHEET 1 OF 1 n � i F 1 "NTS 1 AUTOCAB 1 } i _._................_..._..............._. _....................................._.....- _..._.-............_..._..........__ _.._�._. _ _.._.__....._......---...._...... ....._............. -........ 4w Mp% TABLE 1. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING TABLE R E V I S I ❑ N S 4.00'MAUL .... ._......_............._...._.. .._.._._._.._........._._....._......T_._._._....._. SEE MDrE a. HDWE FAMILY LOCKING HDWE DESIGN PRESSURE LTR DESCRIPTION I DATE i, APPROVED INSWIN I OUTSWING B APPROvpL DWG � D7/28/ID I YORILSELOCN PALCON:NA BEN9E6 4 — ._.._-..,.,„...,...„_.___...__._...__..................... .. ._..._.........,....... 70!•70 PSF 1701.70 PSF c APPROVAL awc (JRO) 04/18/11 cnmin9GALIwaED1 FALCOWTORBSO)RS +601-70 PSF +7c PUS LOCK •lAR9E A eWLL IW091LD XAPACf IIEANTAMT PCRTAS TPNRN f ! ••NOT APPROYLT)WHEN WATER fHFLLTMTION RFCUWENENIS AREIN PLACE 11 TABLE 2. AVAILABLE FRAME-CONRGIRATNNS ! FRAME SFAIED JAMS DEP7K 'MA%ANM DOOR OFONNG 3I U OEST7S 10/.053• : "'•(J1 1 ' GS�RS 89' A%. &TVYIN. 14/.98)• 1 �� r)� '� F MEN. a•9• rD• z/.aR9• Y ✓ SrS&TLLEM "U V I1B1/.DO93' L 84'MAX, IN. X � I 2' HEAD j MM'-I i C'HM I I ,SB• 6825• I i 5)5• I NIN VARY MORTISE LOCH CYLINDRICAL(BORED) FRRN r AND FALCON:NA 8F7DB5 LOCK VFpTMEFeTRIPPING IIF TnU IALCON:T 00.B 6ePIE9 VARY (ALL NIIDNS TYPICAL EXCEPPTT VVIEW SPECIFIED) BEND TABS MINCE JAMB STRIKE JAMB *ICURIY NOTES: 1.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN MAIL AND TYP.FOR ALL DOORFRAME MODELS 2.ANCHORREQULiENFJNTS SEE SHEET 2 FOR APPROVED ANCHORS AND INSTALLATION. T 3.HINGE REQUIREMENTS 4.5'STD WT.MIN.(MIN.3 HINGES)BUTTS OR CONTINUOUS HINGE LOCATIONS 8.75'FROM RABBET IN HF_AD TO CL OF TOP HINGE 10.38'FROM FLOOR TO CL OF BOTTOM HINGE,EQUALLY SPACED IN BETWEEN.! APPROVED CONTINUOUS MINCE MODELS:MARKAR FM-300•MG-305,STANLEY 661HO. MCKINNEY MCK-12HO.HAGER 780-224HO.790-900,SELECT SLIIHO.PEMKO FAN-SERIES. I WELDED WELDED 4,HARDWAREINSTALLATIONAS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. "UA' S. AS4'FACE HEAD IS AVAILABLE SET-MP AND ARC-WELDED 8.APPLY CAULK AS NEEDED. 'KN EAWN' ASSEMBLY T,USE ONE ROW OF PS374 WEATHERSTRIPPING PER JAMB AND HEAD.INSTALL PER SHEI ASSENBLT B.FRAME CONSTRUCTION 8.1.MINIMUM JAMB DEPTH-S 3/4',STOP HOGHT-5/9' 08%5/8 TRUSS 8.2.FRAMES AVAILABLE AS FLUSH(F-SERIES)AND MULT-USE(MU-SERIES)(SEE TABLE.2) HEAD SMS OLINGERSOLL-RANDCOMPANY ....-....-................._...... STEELCRAFT MFG. I .. '�'�• )m)1w.uN Aa c.e..eu Ps wz.2 I WELDED ,NrvO TYRP`YDG Am d9C6"•...••"._...__._..._.......__.....__....__.._-_J.........................._.._..............-� WIND AND MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE ! WELDED YMF 96/3Y1 SZ SERIES 1-3/4'3'0'7'0'SINGLE DOORS '—'-•-'- F/HU SERIES FRAME Nb�CA.............. IR HARDWARE MEADNOTCHED I AND BUTTED MEAD SITS ON TOP "'ACv'-"1 BETWEEN JAMBS OF NOTCHED JAMBS gpyTI-LI E'SERIES ... .. _ i 2 7W-I SHEET 1 ❑F 2 C � ASSEMBLY xAui NTS j AUT❑CAI) , �' i ,Y i -- -....._.__.............._................ W.. _.__-.____.............................-- _..._...........-__-m� ----........_.._..._.... _ .�_..- ......----.._.......__........_ __....................................._._._...... ®aro cRcuAUE ® YAoO 9TID Axaa ©_.___...la .��+ R E V I $ I 0 N S ........... Am IiOd riAu P « LTR DESCRIPi[DN DATE l APPROVED ..........•w. B APPROVAL DRAWING YMF 07/28/10 5 6Q Ana Y.> ...._ ........._.._..._.__.._.__.._. .._......_.... 9 .... Y ....• �� .._._APPROVAL ORA.... JRD 07/18/11 :...... ............._........_. .._......___...._......................... .._...... Bi:Li r�Me e.rvnl 8.�4 IIk01'JR DET•G Tti Lars to ' • '� n• a. N01C 6 snu B1uo mom f 01,PART n aDn YABWRY i-ANLNW Ilo1C Y44M:AT AMO,OiLl wO� WOOD a1U0 ANCHd AOD-N OR LDOM-N 1 �iRLL••• (LDL%-LN OR VW-N) n wY W a•tg Rse m BPONT 8440O¢V r°iva S B 0.x' AY'�0 amyl f tlOm SR1 1 _PLR 91E£L STAYWS L�L�'�•[.1„/��I Y D!�D ? LV f SLE NOTES 1 n]. ilblM s¢MOILS I A.Y\ •41/��iVA� `SNIu SPACE . uATWN amt YNL4 yru" OOAETaC VABaRY ANCHOR lfNA1 © E]BSTMD uASdRY AVaa IDMAI . s>r INTO CO/CRE1F riALL OR dV MM LM BOLT*TO YOOU SNo WKl Of NOTES; DE19a a 5 OODOR9IEELEIRUCi PAIMEMBERE a`'' . OF WOOD AND BTEEL wWALLS MOST BE DESIGNED TO CARRY SUFFICIENT uq a� 1. I x•TdY(4N10 BIIS��O�[4(,,Ogayla1nrLnWF4nO LOGO. 09,—IL LBULOET ].LNNERSAL ANCHOR CAN BE USED FOR WOOD ANO STEEL 55a STUD APPLICATIONS. 1NUN0[R�ANCK° rORVARIOU°OPEIONGNEIGIATS i� j _•- eL I 19 LIMOEO BY MAXIMUM DISTANCE BMNMN ,OR9, FLRAYF/ANCNORISHSALLATIRI 3MLOGNMRMTOTH. ;:. 4TEFLCN/FTINSTALIATON MSTRl10T1018.801105 v+J SOTEMS OR ' „•A!.',i:2 '�•L- :i INTDAa9FOR OSVANOODCRS TAPCON �° SFARWES,ANOEADMSTALAU nrS100N INSETTRAUl1CATIONGUR0EEPOR EKTEAN FOR OUT9YNC I]I PLACES AND HARDWARE SLOTLOCAISNIAYVARYWNTD00RWDOT N . LL 710N 0:DOOR SWEEP FR6108ECT10N19MADE OF PROFAX OP6I0B rmm) j n.AN POLYPROPYLENE HOMPOLYMER 7.OOORMEPREMBIESECTM]NISLVDEOFPNJTOPRENE I ! 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