HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval RW R W Building Consultants, Inc. B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building industry C P.O.Box 230 Valrico,FL 33595 Phone 813.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorisation No.9813 Anchor / Report R'// I li Date: Febtuaiy20,2012" Product Category Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Swinging Therma Tru Corporation "Smooth-Star"and"Benchmark by Therma-Tru" Exterior Exterior Door 118 Industrial Dr 6'8 Single&Double Opaque or Glazed Panels w/&w/o Sidelites Doors Assemblies Edgerton,OH 43517 Inswing/Outswing Phone 419.298.1740 Insulated Fiberglass Door with Wood Frames Scope: Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants,Inc.&Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.(System ID#1998)for Therma Tru Corporation,based on Rule Chapter No.9N-3,Method 1A of the State of Florida Product Approval,Dept.of Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitations: 1. This product anchoring has been developed in compliance with the 2010 Florida Building Code(FBC)structural requirements including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone". See the Certification Agency Certificate for sizes,specifications and design pressure ratings. 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. 3. Wood screws shall be installed following installations instructions of ANSI AF&PA NDS 2005.All other fastener types to be installed following fastener manufacture's installation instructions. 4. Fastener embedment depths,edge distance and center-center distances shall be specified by the fastener manufacture,but in no instance shall they be less than shown in drawing FL-15227.5-68. 5. Where shims are used,they must be a"rigid/stiff"material that complies with the requirements of the FBC. 6. Positive and negative design pressure requirements for use with drawing FL-15227.5-68 shall be determined by others for specific jobs in accordance with the governing code. 7. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FLA 5227.5-68 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architec Supporting Documents: 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by ETC-01-741-10702.0 TAS 202-94 ETC Laboratories Wendell W.Haney,P.E. ETC-01-741-11008.0 TAS 202-94 ETC Laboratories Joseph L.Dolden,P.E. TEL 01460146 TAS 202-94 Testing Evaluation Lab. Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 2. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed&Sealed by No.FL-15227.5-68 RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 3. Calculations Prepared by Signed&Sealed by Product Anchoring RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. Buck Anchoring RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. ze? - Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. FL PE No.43409 PF 1430 Sheet 1 of 1 2/20/2012 NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION '• Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005331-R4 108 Mutzfeld'Road Certification Date: 10/15/2003 - II Butler,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12/31/201.5 Revision Date: 01/04/2012 Product: FiberClassic/Smootb Star Opaque Fiberglass Door. Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Benchmark by Therma-Tru Series Opaque Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Specifications Tested To:.ASTM E330/E331/TAS202 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. Please review and advise NAMI is any corrections are required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact & Outswing Opaque Size P6s/Neg Rated Comments X US Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +67/-61 No ETC-01-741-10702.0/L-2096/TTF252F Single X O/S Opaque 3'0"x 6'8" +67/-67 No ETC-01-741-10702.0/L-2096fl-FF251F Single XX US Opaque 6'0"x 618" +40/40 No ETC-0`1-741-10762.0/1-2096/TTF252F Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Opaque 6'0"x 678" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-10702.0/L-2096RTF251 F Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX US Opaque 6'0"x6'8" +55/-55 No ETC-01-741-I1008A/L-215ItffF252F Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Opaque 6'0"x 6'8" +55/-55 No ETC-01-741-11008 0/L-215IM-T251F Double Coastal Aluminum Astra al OXO/OX/XO US Opaque Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-01-74-1-1160810/L-21 SI/TTF-252F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Opaque Door 5'4"x 6!8" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-11008:0/L-2151/TTF-251 F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXX0 US Opaque Doors 8'4"x 6'8" +40/-40 No ETC-01-741-110©&0/L-2151frr -252F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sjdeltes Standard Aluminum Astragal OXXO O/S Opaque Doors SW'x<6'8" +40/40 No ETC 0::1 711-1;1008 Q%L 2151`ri-T-25 IF Double w%Sidelites Glazed OaSideleStn7n4dard1;1A0l0u8eors + /5No ETC= 1 tninLum1.A5s1traT._ al- 252FOXXO IIS 6 Double w%Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Coastal Aluminum,Astra :,a OXXO O/S Opaque Doors 8'4"x 678" +55/-55 No ETC=U1 741-1:1008 S:IPTTF-251 F Double w/Sidelites Glaied Sidelites. Coss; ,1>AI mum Astira al National Accreditation&1Vlanagem6it Instttate,lt*c/4.7..94 George Washtagton Memorial il(tghway ,�A 072 t' Tei {804j:684-St4/Fpx-{804}b84-5122 NA11I A(1 NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION .n ' Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005330-114 108 Mutzfeld Road Certification Date: 10/15/2003 Butler,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 Revision Date: 01/04/2012 Product: F"rber.Classic/Smooth Star Glazed Fiberglass Door..I.nswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Benchmark by Therma-Tru Series Glazed Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Specifications Tested To: ASTM E330/E331/TAS202 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit w.wWAAMI:Certificatiomc-.om to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. Please review and advise NAM is any corrections are required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact & Outswing Opaque Size Pos/Neg Rated Comments X US Glazed 3'0''x 698" +47/47 No NCTL-210-1940- Single. X O/S Glazed 3'0"x 618" +47/47 No NCTL-210-1940- Single XX 1/S Glazed 610"x 6'8" +40/40 No NCTL-210-1940-1.23.4f1"I'F-256F Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 6'8" +40/40 No NCTL-2104940-'1`L'•F-255F Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX US Glazed 6'0"x 6'8" +47/47 No NCTL-21%0=104.0="1?F-256F Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 618" +47/47 No NCTL-210=1940= Double Coastal Aluminum Astra al OXO/OX/XO US Glazed Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC41-741-11008:0/1--2151/TTF-256F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Glazed Door 5'4"x 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-11008.0/L-215I/TTF-255F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXXO I/S Glazed Doors 8`4$'X 6'8" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-11008:0/L-2151/TTF-256F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Standard Aluminum Astragal OXXO O/S GIa?ed Doors 8'4"x 6'8" +40/-4:0 No ETC=01 74':1=11008:0/L 2151/TTF-255F Double.w/Sidelites Gla ed Sidelites Standard Alu M;Astp4 al OXXO US Glazed Doors 8'4"x 6'S" +47/-47 No ET-04 741_11008 0/1- 215.ITTF-256F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Coastal'Alum.inum Astra al OXXO O/S Glazed Doors 874"x 6''8" +47/-47 No ETC=01 74.l.=110 /L 2l 51/7"1 F-255F Double w/Side..lites Glazed S�dei.ites . Coa tal.. lumnum:Astra al NationW Accreditation&-:t6'nageme i Institute;Inc/4794 George Vt'ashington Me inorial;Highw%a esYA<23072 Tel (8a4 684-Sf4/Faz (800684:,5122 NAlY1I A11TZI�RIZED STGNATlJ1[ E f NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005329-R3 108 Mutzfeld Road Certification Date: 1'0/15/2003 t Butler,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 Revision Date: 01/04/2012 Product: Fberclassic Opaque Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites Benchmark by Therma-Tru Opaque Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswing w/and w/o Sidelites c Specifications Tested To: ASTM E330/E331/TAS202 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification" is valid, please visit wwwAAMICertification:com to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certitcat on criteria has been satisfied. Please review and advise NAMI is any corrections are required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact & outswing Opaque Size pos/rqeg Rated Comments X US Opaque 3'0"x 8'0" +67/-67 No ETC-01-741-10703.0/L-2097n7F-253F Single X O/S Opaque 3'0"x 8'0" +67/-67 No ETC-01-74140703.0/L-2097fM, -254F Single XX US Opaque 6'0"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC41-741-10703.0/L-2097/TTF-253F Double StandardAluminum Astragal XX O/S Opaque 670"x 8'0" +4.0/40 No ETC-01-741-1070101L-2097=17-254F Double Standard Aluminum:Astra al XX I/S Opaque 6'0"x 8'0" +47/47 No ETC-61-741-10,03:0/L-2037fFTF-253F Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Opaque 690"x 8'0" +47/47 No ETC-01-74.1-vol- 63 0/L-2097/TTF-254F Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal OXO/OX/XO US Opaque Door 5'4"x 8'0" +40/-40 No ETC-01 741.11`0593:0/L-2173/TTF-253F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Opaque Door 514"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC41-741-10593.0/L-2173fUF-254F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXXO US Opaque Doors 8'4"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC41-74:1-10593A/L-2173/TTF-253F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Standard Aluminum Astragal OXXO O/S Opaque Doors 8'4"x 8'b" +40/4.0 No ETC 61 741=1;0593 A.L- '73/TTF 254E Double w/Sid_elites Glaed Sidelites Standard Aluminum.Astra al OXXO I/S Opaque Doors 8'4"x,8'V' +47/47 No ETC.M 741 }A593 O/Lr2173nTF-253F Double w/-Sidelites Glazed tsiaeflt&s CoamAi Altlmtriu. a al OXXO O/S Opaque Doors 8'4"x'8'U" +47/-�17 No ETC-0.1 741 10593 0'. 2113/TTF-254F Double w/S.ideltes Glazed Sidelites Coastal A, mum Astragal Nat i6haI°Accreditation&fiagemeti "Institute;Tnc./4.794 George Washington Memorial l Gghway/Hay , �A 2 72 Tet Esoaj 6s�-s�24/>+ax (ate>��t� z� NAM' UTHORhZED SIGl!iTAT13RE: %< s i NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION 3 Company: Therma-Tru Corporation Certification No.: N1005327-114 108 Mutzfeld Road Certification Date: 10/15/2003 Butler,IN 46721 Expiration Date: 12/31/2015 xe Revision Date: 01/04/2012 Inswiq Product: FiberClassic/Smooth Star Glazed Fiberglassg/Outswin w/and w/o Sidelites g Benchmark by Therma-Tru Series Glazed Fiberglass Door Inswing/Outswiog w/and w/o Sidelites t Specifications Tested To: ASTM E330 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification" is valid; please visit w:v;;w.NAM.tCertirication cvm to assure that the product is active and currently listed. This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. Please review and advise NAM1 is any corrections are required to this document. Inswing Glazed Design Missile Test Report Number Configuration or or Maximum Pressure Impact & Outswina Opaque Size Pos/Neg Rated Comments X I/S Glazed 390"x 890" +47/47 No NCTL-21.0-1940- Single X O/S Glazed 3'0"x 810" +47/47 No NCTL-210-1940- Single XX I/S Glazed 6'0"x 810" +40/40 No NCTL-210-1940- Standard Double Aluminum Astratral XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 8'0" +40/40 No NCTL-210=1940- Double Standard Aluminum Astragal XX I/S Glazed 690"x 87 0" +47-47 No NCTL-240494o: Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal XX O/S Glazed 6'0"x 8'0" +47/47 No NCTL-210=1940- Double Coastal Aluminum Astragal OXO/OX/XO I/S Glazed Door 5'4"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC=01-741-10593:0/L-2173/TTF-257F Single w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXO/OX/XO O/S Glazed Door 5'4"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC-01-741-10593.0/L-2173/TTF-257F Single iv/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites OXXO I/S Glazed Doors 8'4''x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC-41-74 lA05036/L-2'l73/1rTF-257F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Standard Aluminum Astraa.l Me, OXXO O/S Glazed Boars 8'4"x 8'0" +40/40 No ETC-0.1 14-.1'-1-0593 0%L Z173ITTF-257F Double w/S'rdelites Glazed Sidelites Standard Aluminum Astra`a'I OXXO I/S Glazed Doors 814"z 8'.0" +47/47 No ETC-011 741=10593 011 73/TT'F-257F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Coasthl.Alumii um Astragal OXXO O/S Glazed Doors 8'4"x FO" +47/47 No ETC=0.1 74;1=:I0593 011;-Z 173/TTF-257F Double w/Sidelites Glazed Sidelites Coastal.Alumn .:Astra al National Aecred1tation&Management lastotute.,IneJ4794.George Washington Mem—on a!0ghtiva 'YT 23lD :2 ei {80 )684-5.124/Fax;(804j 684 5122 NAMI AUTHORIZED SI'GNATUR'E: MIAMI-DARE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY 0 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami,Florida 33175-2474 T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) %vw.v.mianiidade.¢ov/buirdins Eastern Metal Supply,Inc. 4268 Westroads Drive West Palm Beach,Florida 33407 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: 0.050"Solid Bertha Aluminum Storm Panels Shutter APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. 11-117,titled"0.050"Bertha Aluminum Storm Panel",sheets 1 through 15 of 15,and I of 15, prepared by Tilteco,Inc., last revision#1 dated November 15,2011,signed and sealed by Walter A.Tillit Jr.,P.E.on November 23,2011,beating Miami-Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each panel shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state,the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",and NOA number,per TAS-201,TAS- 202,and TAS-203,unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in adve►tising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA#12-0209.06 and consists of this page 1,evidence submitted pages E-1,E-2,E-3,E-4,& E-5 as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Hehny A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. NOA No. 13-0521.15 MIAMbbADECOUNTY j , '1 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 ,y? Approval Date: 06/20/2013 Page 1 Eastern Metal Supply,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#96-1203.08 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing Number 96-331, Eastern Metal Supply, Inc., 0.050"Bertha Storm Panel, sheets I through 8 of 8,prepared by Tilteco, Inc., revision 2, dated 07/15/97 signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test report on Large Missile Impact Test, Cyclic Wind Pressure Test and Uniform Static Air Pressure Test on 0.050"ahrminum storm panels,prepared by American Test Lab of South Florida, Test Report No. ATL#1022.01-96 dated 11/08/96, signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Comparative Analysis and Anchor Analysis, dated 10/21/96,pages I through 15, prepared by Tilteco, Inc., signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. 2. Calculations for revised anchor schedule, dated 05/02/97,pages I through 33, prepared by Tilteco, Inc., signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Mill Certified Inspection Report of coils, dated 01/23/96,for Ahtrninum Alloy 5052-H32 by Barmet Aluminum Corporation with chemical composition and physical properties. 2. Certified Tensile Test Report by Certified Testing Laboratories Report No. CTL #846B dated 10/31/96,for Alu ninunr Alloy, signed and sealed by Ramesh Patel, P.E. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#198-0817.16 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 98-172, titled "0.050"Bertha Storm Panel",prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated July 7, 1998, last revision #1 dated July 7, 1998, sheets 1 through 8 of 8, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Mill Certified Test Report issited by Nichols Ahtnrinum dated 05/28/98, with chemical composition and mechanical properties of the 3004-H34 Alttnrfnurrr Alloy panel. Hy A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No.13-0521.15 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Approval Date: 06/20/2013 E-1 Eastern Metal Supply,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 3. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#00-0602.04 A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. 4. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#01-0516.06 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drmi,ing No. 01-058, titled "0.050"Solid Bertha Alzrnrimrm Slorm Panel", sheets I through 15 of 15,prepared by Tilteco,Inc., dated August 27, 2001,signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. B. TESTS 1. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Presszrre Test,per SFBC PA 202-94 2)Large fissile Impact Test per SFBC, PA 201-94 3)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per SFBC, PA 203-94 along with marked-zip drawings and installation diagram of 0.050"Solid Aluminum Storm Panels Shutter,prepared by ATL of South Florida, Test Report No. 0221.01-01, dated 05/02/01, signed and sealed by Henry Hattem, P.E. 2. Addendum to ATL of South Florida, Test Report No. 0221.01-01, dated 10/12/01, signed and sealed by Henry Hattem, P.E. 3. Addendrrnr to ATL of South Florida, Test Report No. 0221.01-01, dated 02/04/02, signed and sealed by Henry Hattem, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Analysis, dated 09/10101,pages 1 through 53,prepared by Tilteco, Inc., signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Mill Certified Inspection Report of coils, dated 04/24/01,for Aluminirrn Alloy 3004 -H34 by NA Nichols Ahaninum with chemical composition and physical properties. 2. Certified Tensile Test Report by QC Metallm-gical, Inc., Report No. 1 CM-384, dated 03/26/01, signed and sealed by frank Grate, P.E. r Hqh y A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No.13-0521.15 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Approval Date: 06/20/2013 E-2 Eastern Metal Supply,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 5. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#03-0707.02 A. DRAWINGS 1. DrmOng No. 03-141, titled "0.050"Solid BerthaAhumimm!Storm Panel", anel",sheets I through 15 of 15,prepared by Tilteco, Inc.,dated July 02, 2003, last revision#1 slated July 02, 2003, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None, D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. E. OTHERS 1. Letter f•om Tilteco, Inc., dated July 03, 2003,signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.K, stating that the only change from the previous approved drafting#01-058 are the general notes#1 &#11 to reference the Florida Building Code and the ASCE 7-98 6. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#05-0926.03 A. DRAWINGS 1. Draining No. 05-073, titled " 0.030" Thick Galvanized Bertha Steel Storm Panel", sheets 1 through 9 of 9, and IA of 9,prepared by Tilteco, Inc., dated 04/25/2005, last revision 91 dated 0412512005 signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. on 09/15/2005 B. TESTS 1. Test report on Large Missile Impact Test and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test of Galvanized Steel Storm Panels,prepared by American Test Lab of South Florida, Report No.ATLSF 0616.01-05, dated September 15, 2005, signed and sealed by William R. Mehner, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Storni panel shutter Calculations, sheets I through 91 by Tilteco, Inc., signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. on 09/13/2005. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1, By Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Off ce. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Tensile Test Report from QC Metallurgical, Inc., Job No. 51M-926, dated September 20, 2005, tested per ASTM E8-93, signed and sealed by Frank Grate, P.E. t , / r f HeWi A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 13-0521.15 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Approval Date: 06/20/2013 E-3 Eastern Metal Sunnly,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 7. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#08-0623.06 A. DRAWINGS 1, None, B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Building Code Compliance Office. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. 7. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#12-0209.06 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. 11-117, titled "0.050"Bertha Aluminum Storm Panel", sheets I through 15 of 15, and IA of 15,prepared by Tilteco, Inc., last revision#1 dated November 15, 2011, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E. on November 23, 2011. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Permitting, Environment, and Regulatory Affairs (PERA). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. F. OTHERS 1. Letter from Tilteco,lire., dated January 13,2012, signed and sealed by Walter A. Tillit Jr., P.E., stating that the drawing number 11-117 is in compliance with the 2010 Edition of the Florida Building Code. t F �r He'liny A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 13-0521.15 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Approval Date: 06/20/2013 E-4 Eastern Metal Supply,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED S. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatof y and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. n 3. Helmy A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Unit Supervisor NOA No. 13-0521.15 Expiration Date: 08/07/2018 Approval Date: 06/20/2013 E-5