HomeMy WebLinkAboutEnergy Calculation Form & Manual J's 05/27/2015 11:51 7724662417 SEACOAST SHEET METAL PAGE 02 AC Accoflzm Pipe Insulation Statit flexible etastomeric thermal pipe insulation ASTM C$34,Type I-Tubular Grade 1 A0proms.cOr"C001%centifflaft"A ManufacWred without CFCs,HFCs,HCFCs.PSDEs,or Formatdph"e, 9 All Armacell facilities in North America are ISO 9001-,2009 certified. vatuls T"t Mothc+ TharmaLftndudiv Btu-0 in./h*ttz a'IF%RrnK) 759F Mftn Temperature(24°Cl 0.27 f0.0391 ASTM C 177 or C HIP 701F Mean Temperature 132"Cl 0176(0.0401 Water Vapor Permeability-. 0.0811.16 x 10-Tal ASTM 5 96,Procedure A Perm-in.IK(3As-m e Pall Rome Spread and Smoke 25/50 rated ASTM E84 t1evetopad index Water Absorption, OL2% ASTM C 209 %by Volume: Mold Growtht Passed U1.191 Fungi R@Qoance- ASTM G21/C1330 Haeurlot Resistance: ASTM G22 Upper UseLlimitt-I 220OF(105°Ci ASTM 0534 Lower Ube Limit:2 -247°F I-183°CI 3 ASTM C534 Ozone Resistance; GOOD Watt Thlcknes!k(nominall 2/9'1/Z",3/4-and 1 17 0j 134 19 and 25MMI inside Dlameftr,Tubular 318-.10 to 4-116"ID(10mrn ID to 105mm ID) Length of Sections.Tubular 6,11-83fril Outdoor Use No painting is necessary for performance of the product.Howew,all etastomeric-based cellular Insulation wilt show surface defects after prolonged exposure to VV radiation.Painting Will minimize these defects If Installed outdoors. On the heating eyrie,AC Accaftex pipe inaylationwiLLwlthstARd temperatures as high as 220'F(1051C1.$ZO.520 Black or 520 SLV Adhesive may be used with pipe insulation applications up1*22WOOPCI. =At temperatures below-206P t-29°CL etaiiarnzric insulation start:;to become test f(wdble.However,trila characteristic does riot ofrtct thermal efficiency;nd resistance to water vapor permeability of Accaflog insulation. Arapplicatlarts of-40T to-297°F 1.401C to-1836C1,contact Armaicett. AWACEULLC TEL:900-866,5638 FA)C,91"04.3847 info.usfaarmacelLcorr e *mm.wmacetLur, 7600 Oakwood Street Ekbension,Mebane,.NC 27302 advanced insulation Armocpd pmvide-q this information aka technical service.To the extomttho information k derived from-mureos other than ArrnA4otl,Armaceit is sulbkantially,if not wholly,r4ft('ftg Upon the other sauroels)to provide acwriW information,Intom6alion provided as a result of Armacetrs awn technical analysis and testilho Is acuratc be the extent of our kri=and ability, date m3ftn,should perform their own tests to determine the safety. and. b the prodMo in thi!sornerosuft as pubilshed lnthL-document.,The dale ..d information aC AI; ;ll x submittal-1 a =EnqjtJSA.1.-412014 02014Armacelli.t.C.Printetl in United States of America