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Building Permit Application
To: Page 4 of 5 2015-06-03 13:36:57(GMT) 17726733383 From: Maritza Ramirez-Carpenter li,A4 Pl1 ABI E. IV150-MUSTIBE CQMRLETEI3.FOR APP3 CA7[C3;Q1.�,i E:.P�I CEP EiD. " . I nate;. t` Fermit:Number: Planning and DevelopmentServices &.utldlrrg and Code Regrivtioi�'tJivision 2300 Vi.'(712)-462- pinia-Avenue ,FortPierce FL 34982 Phone: (772): 62-1553'. Fax:(772)462-1578 Cam. me.rcia.i � Residentibi PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: ff M1t r n t r 1 4 ,..�• } T r n" Address: -7-6y q Legal Descrt tion. ' 'Gc't'c d� 4T V?A&WA �x'7� Property Tax IQ#: y a`j - d - 6116 - 6�0 0 :Lot-3 No. _ Site flan.-lame: Block:No,. 1 Proje.ct*Name.:.. Setbacks Front Back:_.RighV$Jde: �,o Left'Siide: ------------- ,;.. y Ai yM Y T"38✓y v �C L .0'a S i "(' �. -4 .F XI`. p 4- - c'✓ 'R kq �r{t�. b t`h`a B b4 4 1}� - 7, �� r 3 v r� 4 'T, ! 't' *1"11)" ' t yyW-' y,}1l.,,� g� w +' > it. �._ ?a.. :Sl ..°1r....,_ a`tilea n i:w 631.. . „'f�'�t'r � SS. f IR N' itiQfsa war to.. e pe Orme. t1n: ert. �s permit—cher a t Mechanical G.as Tank .Gas..Pipin . .... . _Shutters _Window. sjl�oars _.Electric YKPJUM.t i.rrg Sprinklers ' !Generator _Roof i Total Sq.Ft of Gonstructioa:- act,El-of Firs.t.Floor .� Cost:of Construction: Vtiliiies: Sewer Septic Building Height: e "YJ` ,, ci,9 �1 R,�1 t j,":k x{S} ri.. {sY 1 a "'sq' �f �� )c. -r w�a Zf i`P� 4I{ i - Address` Company,: City; ` State-F.-C, Address 6Zip Gocle: ^�� Taxi' ff`I 6t CityT z-- State:. ii� l Phone.No. � )" _ �..0 ..=n.rm .` ._n_. . Zip Code:. E-Mail- K'1 11� Pl�o.he IVa Fill in.fee simple Title.Fiolsier on next page(if different. E-MailI rl•�b00, . frons the O.vi hO listed above) State or County License P I14 If value-of construction is 2540 of more,.a'RECORDED-koticeof'Commencement is required. � `I To: Page 5 of 5 2015-06-03 13:36:57(GMT) 17726733383 From: Maritza Ramirez-Carpenter 1 RDE$1603NIER/EN61NIM _Not Applicable IVIO�t°fG/�GE r��l!lIPRiVY: ` Not Applicable I Nam-p: Name: Address:. Address: City:' State: City: State: Zip: _ Phone Zi Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLN?M �Not App,lieaiile BONDING CCIIIPNPA.NY:^T _Not Applicable Name:' Na.me- Address: j.Address'y j.City:. '( Zip.: Phone:. ! Zi.p: Phone: iC►WNER/CQNTRACT®R AFF.IDVIT:Application is:hereby-made.tp obtain.a,..ermit to:cia.the:'worlca.nd installation a5.indicated:. 1 certi#y�that:no wo'r.k or''tnstaliatiorl hascommeraced pnorto the'issuance:uF a,p.er..mit. St. Luc` ountyy_makes no:represeniatiori thax isgraniingapermft will::auth.Qrizethe ptri ermit.hafder'' .buildthe.sul�ject:structurE which'is in co'n.Tlict.vtlth'any aoplic.able.Home Owners A'Ssocration rules,.bylaws or and covensnts:that'may restriet`flr'proNbit.such structure. Please consult'innth your Home f}wners.{3SsQci6tioh and reviewyrour cieed:fo.r.any:restC.ictlans'which.rnay apply.. In consideration ofthegrantingofthis:requestied.permit,I do her..eEiyagree..that 14itl,inalfrespects,perfiorm the work i ih accyfdance with the.approyed.plans,'tbe Flor:i.da l3uilding Codes:andSt...Cticie Gounty.Amendmerits-. The following-building.permit,a.pplicatioris aee exerrj.p#.frprrr.undergoing a full.,00ncurrency review:room additions, accessory-structures,swimming pools,fences;w:�lls,signs,sere?n,.rpoms:ancl:aceessory,u..es to another nonresidential use W—ARNIN.G TO'INNER:Y urfailureto Re.cord:a.NotiCe:.of oCo.mrnencement may-resa.It:n:your:payirig twice for improvements ta.yourproper .A:Notice:of Commeoiwement must be..record and poste on the job&ite 6eFore'.the first i.ns.e i:oo, if. u i6Vand to'obtain fi.naridrj&:consu -W.th ie o er.-a, an a rnej+before' etimmenci uva or ecor your Notice:of Commencemenk. Sig attire Fbwner/Agent[ essConntracto•�. Sa ria#tire of Contractor./L!cense l fifer- y i STATE DF F ORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF; `� �S _ COUNTY C91=_ l The•. rgoin instr. rnentwasacknowled ed be€ore:me Thef � Qii1 mstru,.em:'vas acknowied e. before.rne : r? 6 g: g ... B #his. day,sof: 20' this' 'dayrof 20. 5 ` Name:of {Name of person:ackno�vled ing.l. { person ackngyvledgi.np•. ' I l. {Signpture..of Nbtary•.Publ.ic-.tate of.fi (�igna.t re'of�Ngtaryr P.ubt, :' ate Of Fi ri,. 1 Peusonally:Known_ t}.R Produced Identificatibn: l -Personally.-Known Produced I enti , TYPe'of.IdentificationType of identification' t#a Produ.ced�• __ :e:�i' .: � .1 .���ed: is ti .—:. $T-AAT". ssion No. Commission No. V, , C 11 , REVIE:M i :t.R.©.NT ZONING. SUPERVISOR. PLANS VEGETATION SEA.TURTLE MANGkOVE I COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW f REVIEW REVIEW I REVIEW DATE REdIVED i DATE CQMPLETED � t i