HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (4) RECEI'.7D MUM. FELE COP ' M IAM I•DADE h NIIA va-DARE COUNTY,FLORIDA PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Rooni 208 BOARD AND CODE AMMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)3I5-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE(NOA) ►i�vw.miamidada�av/economy PGT Industries,Inc. 1070 Technology Drive, Nokomis,Fl.34275 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other.areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated-below. The .Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami-Dade County)and/or the AW(in areas other than Miami-Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or.material tested-for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION Se e' s `` ;D�759�' C2u s ing �` h o �� acl -L.M.I. APPROVAL DOCUME_ NT: Drawing No..8000-11, titled "Alum. French Door & Side Lites, Impact' sheets 01 through 12 of 12;dated 12/23/04, with revision "E" dated 10/12/11, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller,P. R., bearing the Miami-Dade.County Product Control Section Renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance.number and Expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Sectioir. MISSILE IMPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturei•'S name or logo, city, state, model/series, and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein.. REVISION of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/ or mamtfacture of the.product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement. of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA- shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises and renews NOA No. 11-1013.24 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages.R-1, E-2, E-3 and E-4, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Jaime D. Gascon,P.E. NOA No. 14-1117.05 MIAMI DADS COUNTY Expiration Date: February 24,2020 NEWcad � Approval Date: February 19,'2015 Page 1 PGT Industries,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Manufacturer's die drawings and sec�ions. (Subrtiitted under previous NOA No. 09-10.28.10) 2. Drawing No. 8000-1.1., titled "Alum. French Door & Side Lites, Impact", sheets 1 through 12 of 12, dated 12/23/04, with revision "E" dated 10/12/11, prepared by manufacturer, signed and sealed by Anthony Lynn Miller, P. E. (Subtnitfed snider previous NOA No:11--1013.24) B. TESTS 1. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air.Pressure Test, Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per-FBC, TAS 202-94 4) Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202=94 along with marked up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum_sliding glass door using a low sill threshold, glazed with 7/16" laminated glass,. prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL 5941; dated 05/20/09, signed and sealed by Julio E. Gonzalez,P. E. (Stthniitted ttrt(ier-previous NOA No. 09-1028.10) 2. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test;per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC;"TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test- per FBC,TAS 202-94 4) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC;TAS 201-94 5) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 6) Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202--94' along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminumdoors of OXXO configuration, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No, FTL-4921, dated 07/17/06,signed and sealed by Edmundo J. Largaespada,P. E. (Subinitted under previous NOA No. 05-0419.03) 3. Test reports on: 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC,TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Forced Entry Test,per FBC,and TAS 202-94. along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum doors of OXXX configuration; prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report . No. FTL-4527, dated 02/10/05, signed and sealed by Edmundo J.Largaespada,P.E. (Sttbtriitted utt(ler previous NOA No. 05-0419.03) Jaime D. Gascon,P.F. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 14-1117.05 Expiration Date: February 24,2020 Approval Date: Febriiary19,2015 E-1 PGT Industries NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. TESTS (CoINTLNUED) 4. Test reports on: 1) Air Infiltration Test,per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Unilbrm Static Air Pressure-Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 3) Water Resistance Test, per FBC,TAS 202-94 4) Forced Entry Test,per FBC 2411.3.2.1, and TAS 202-94 along.with marked—up drawings and,installation diagram of an.aluminum doors of OXXO configuration;prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No.'s FT1,-4528, dated 02/14/05, FTL-4315, dated 09%13%04; both signed and sealed by Edmundo J. Largaespada,P. E. (Submitted un(ler previous NOA No. 05-0419.03) 5. Test reports on: 1) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94. 2) Cyclic Wind-Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 . along with marked-up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum doors of XXXO configuration, prepared by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Reports No.'s FTI4529, dated 02/14/05, FTL-4530,-dated 02/14/05, FTL4311, dated 09/01/04, all signed and sealed by Edmundo J. Largaespada,P. E. (Submitted raider previous NOA No. 05-0419.03) 6. Test reports on: 1) Uniform.Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201.-94. 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 along with marked up drawings and installation diagram of an aluminum outswing French door, prepared by. Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc., Test Report No. FTL-4312, dated-09/13/04, signed.and sealed by Edmundo J. Largaespada,P.E. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 05-0419.03) C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor verification calculations and stiuctural analysis, complying with FBC 5"` Edition 2010, prepared by manufacturer, dated 10/11/11, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller,P.E. 2. Glazing complies with ASTM E1300-04/09 D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami—Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (R.ER). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS I._ Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0916.10 issued to Kuraray America, Inc.for their "Kuraray PVB Glass Interlayer"dated 02/19/15, expiring on 12/11/16. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.15 issued to-Eastman: Chemical Company (MA)- for their"Sahex CP—Saflex and'Saflex'HP C6Mi osite Glass Interlayers-with PET Core" dated 06/19/14, expiring on 12/11/18. Janne D.Gascon,P.E. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No.14-1117.05 Expiration Date: February 24,2020 Approval Date: February 19,2015 B-2 PGT Industries NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) 3. Notice.of Acceptance No. 14-0423.16 issued to Eastman Chemical Company(MA) for their"Saflex ITP Clear or Color Glass Interlayers" dated 06/19/14, expiring.on 04/14/18. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of conformance to FBC-2010 and complying with FBC 5'b Edition (2014), issued by manufacturer, dated 11/06/14, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller, P. E. 2. Statement letter of no financial interest, issued by manufacturer, dated 11/06/14, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller,P. E. 3. Department of State Certification of PGT INDUSTRIES, INC. as a for .profit corporation,. active and organized under the. Iaws of the State of Florida, dated 01/27/15 and filed by Ken Detzner,Secretary of State. 4. : Statement letter of conformance to and complying with FBC 2010, issued by manufacturer, dated 10/11/11, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller,P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 11-10-13.24) 5. Statement letter .of no -financial interest,. issued by manufacturer, dated _10111/11, signed and sealed by-A. Lynn Miller,P. E. (Submitted under previous NOA No. 114013.24) .6. Notification of Successor Engineer for 'manufacturer's NOA document per Section 61G15-27.001 of the Florida.Administrative Code, notifying original engineer that the successor engmeer.is assuming full professional and legal responsibility:for all engineering documents pertaining to this NOA, dated 10/07/11, signed and sealed by A. Lynn Miller, P. E. (Submitted raider previous NOA No. 11-1013.24) 7. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Report No. FTL-5941, issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory,Inc.,dated 05/20/09, signed and sealed by Julio E. Gonzalez,P. E. (Submitted raider previous NOA No. 09-1028.10) 8., Proposal No. 08-1891 issued by Product Control, dated 01/26/09, signed by Ishaq Chanda,P.E. (Submitted urtder previous NOA No. 09-1028.10) Jaime D.Gascon,P. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No. 14-1117.05 Expiration Date: February 24,2020 Approval Date: February 19,2015 E-3 PGT Industries NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBI IITTED F. STATEMENTS (ConTllNUED) 9. Laboratory compliance letter for Test Reports No.'s FT"921, dated 07/17/06, FT"527, dated 02/10/05, FTL-4528, dated 02/14/05, FTL-4315, dated 09/13/04, . FTIr4529, dated 02/14/05, FT1, 4530, dated 02/14/05, FTL -4311, dated 09/01/04 and FTL-4312,dated 09/13/04, all issued by Fenestration Testing Laboratory, Inc.; all signed and sealed by Edmundo J. Largaespada,P.E. (,Sub»fitted wi..der previous NOA No. 05-0419:03) G. OTHERS- 1. Notice of Acceptance No. I1-1013.24, issued to PGT Industries for their Series "FD- 750" Outsung Aluminum French Door w/Sidelites - I,.M.I.,.approved on 11/24/11 and expiring on 02/24/15. Jaime D.Gascon,P.E. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No.14-1117.05 Expiration Date: February 24,2020 Approval Date: February 19,201:5 E-4 -NOTES: OUTSWING IMPACT FRENCH D 1,GLAZING OPTIONS: A. 7116"LAM[ CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3/16"ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)Lt- BUTACIT OR$AFLEX/KEEP6AFE MAXIMUM, Bl-114[..AMI_CONSISTING OF(2)LITE$OF 3116'HEAT STRENGTHENED GLA C. 7/16"LAM] CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3116"ANNEALED GLASS AND(1)Lt' D.7/1 6"LAMI CONSISTING OF(2)LITES OF 3/16"HEAT STRENGTHENED GLA E. 7/6'I.AMI 1.9, CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3/16"TEMPERED GLASS OUTS11 Fi 718"LAMI I;G. CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 31167 TEMPERED GLASS OUTSIE G, 718"LAMI I.G. CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3/16"TEMPERED GLASS OUTS11, (3/16"A,075 VANCEVA,3/16"HS). H. 7/6"LA�Ml 1,G. CONSISTING OF(1)LITE OF 3/16"TEMPERED.GLAS$OUTSIE .(3116"HS1.016.VANCEVA,3/16"H$). 2. DESIGN PRESSURES:TABLE 1,SHEET 3. A.NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS TA A B. POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON WATER TEST PRESSURE AND GLAS: 3.CONFIGURATIONS:12.XX,,XO'. X -oxx- oxo M- 'mo"OX) ANY TWO ADJACENT A A '&UNITS'C N BE EITHER TWO S X DOORS ORA FRENCH D60R ASSEMBLY BEAM IS USED TO ASSEMBLE 4,XX AND 0 UNITS TO MAKE THE ABOVE CONFIGURATIONS. 4. ANCHORAGE,THE.331/3%STRESS INCREASE HAS NOT BEEN USED IN THE 5.SHUTTERS ARE NOT REQUIRED. 6.SEALANT: INSTALLATION SCREWS,FRAME AND PANEL CORNERS SEALED V% INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WITH CONTRACTORS SEALANT. ' 7.REFERENCES:TEST REPORTS: FTL431 1,,FTL-4312FTL-4316, FTL-4 627:FTL­ ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2006 FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION ADM-2005 ALUMINUM DESIGN MANUAL 8.THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED&TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQI HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ). DOW R**W%* WbAyel)WiLDINO CWHARb DeSIGq MMVAL WAR& JIM OR42M 0 A .Wt .W tESiREPORTNUMBERS, R"W' pew P4Vjb=* mmws wo sHEE-r Y070 A P. . ofwfo D no A R"rr.JAI lcvfvtl 9 Fac 2010 00DE CIAWE 0(&Anw. Data: ad Bata: F.K. 1 12123104 7116"NOM. -�►- 3116"ANNEALED OR HEAT .090"DUPONT SUTACITE 0 MAXIMUM PVB INTERLAYE 3/16"HEAT STRENGTHENS 91 OR 92 109 90 107 (� 618"GLASS BITE EXTERIOR INTERIOR GLAZING DETAIL SETTING BLOCK 7116" LAMI GLASS W/ PVB INTERLAYER 718°.NOM. 3116"TEMPERED GLASS AIR SPACt 3/16"ANNEALED OR HEAT STRENGTHENED GLASS .090"DUPONT BUTACITE 0 KEEPSOE MAXIMUM.PVB 3116"HEAT STRENGTHENE 95 OR 913 109 108 . 90 105 6/81"GLASS BITE EXTERIOR INTERIOR GLAZING DETAIL sETT[NG BLOCK 7/8" LAMI I.G. GLASS W/ PVB INTERLAYER RaradBy: Dr+te: wlsbtq,` - FX tGVf11C}8 B NO Cf M69 M 3Hf:ET 107 W. p, WgioFew 0A NO CHANCG T 0 SHEET ' Rowels): pato ftarlrJax Nt7 Ctf4KeE$THIS 6HQ;T J.R. ams fo P j Drtstn 8j; Osa: 6#x+aktd . Delo: F.K. 12l23lDt L.T A18/(15 Table 1. Maximum Design Pressures (psi} Allowed Configuration Width (in) Class 79 314" (68 Types ) A,E +70.0 -80.0 + X 37" (50) +100.0 -100.0 +' French C,C Door, . A,>= +7(}.0 -80.0 + M 713/411 (60) C,G +100.0 -10'0.0 +' -Full -A,E +70.0 -80:0 + 36. 11/16" Jamb C,G +100.0 -100.0 +. 30111161 . C,G +100.0 -100.0 +. Sidelite 3311116" 'C'G +100.0 -100.0 + Narrow Jamb A, O, E,.F. - 70.0 -80.0 + 3611/16" C,G +100.0 100.0 + D,H +100.0 -100.0 . + Tablel a;.Glass Type end-1"est Report Number A -7/16" LAW (3i VA,.090 PVB, 3116"HS) B -7116" LAMI (3/16"HS,,090 PVl3, 3/16"HS) C -7/16" LAMI (3116"A,.075 VANCEVA, 3/161HS) D - 7/16" t.AMI (3/16"HS076 VANCEVA, 3/16"HS) E - 7/8111AMI'I.G. (3/16"T, 1/4" AIR SPACE, 3/16"A,.090 PVR, 3/1+ F -718" LAM[ 1.0. (3116"T, 1/4" AIR SPACE; 3l16HS490 PVB, 3l. G -7/8":I.AAMI I.G. (3116"T,.1/4" AIR SPACE; 311V A;.076 VANCEV H --7/811 LAMI I.G. (WMT, 1/4" AIR SPACE, 3116'HS,.076 VANCE' Rewd BY% D►' Rwk.fOt*' FXfoil= R TABLE I TO ASTM R 130"2 • as Rask : Tort J R: D 12A74 4 DE 7F NUMGRAM FOR LOWRISESI RomeDaw J,it r Ofl2Nf0 f) NO CHANG$3 THIS SHEET D�xttBr. Data ad4 Date: Y t F.K. 12/2"4 L,T. 410105 . —7313!16"MAX.WIDTH r / r 96 314" IV MAX. HEIGHT ALL. \ QKQ..h 37" MAX.WIDTH 25"MAX. 71 SW MAX.WIDTH DLO ALL X — . UNITS ;_.:.... I / 791/8" r MAX. DLO ALL \ 1 LF \ \ 1 X xx NOTES: 1.CONFIGURATIONS WITH SIDE LITES CAN BE EITHER NARROW JAMB OR FUL 2. FOR ANCHOR SPACING AND DETAILS SEE SHEETS 9 THROUGH 11. 3, FOR VERTICAL SECTIONS SEE SHEET 5 AND FOR HORIZONTAL SECTIONS RrwdW. o,&: Itrewma: F.Vlamer. itYf2rbs an 8 NO CMRM3�TNt3 SHEET 1070 AR 0 G lhy3ENo CMWES THIS SHEEr TNt$BH�� N J.h p1/2,Ti/IQ Q N tks to fiy Qafid CficCtttd KK tz123/at c.r 41&W VERTICAL SECTION A NARROW AND FULL `-�- JAMB SIDE LITE HEAL} 61 - MAX, DLO gXTR 1OR INT, ERIDF . I ` 6 9 VERTICAL SECTION C NARROW AND FULL JAMB SIDE LITE SILL a mw"ro mw,dt.t[i�'• Rka :IC iW1zw jwwsE naj& &xo€v ltc r trttiutt TGwaNt 8027pMttAtt xxrRus[oH. 1070 DOW ow4w otowigMstuRp NOC1rM$7HtsSHEE7 Otl (0 txet»syt vete: mcXzcdced Ovy D. 1:K. 12123rod L.7 r 8/015 OXXO HORIZONTAL. SECTION SHOWING(1)-OF EAC- 3 r �r 53 .52 -28 20 20 46 5- 26 C r DETAIL O STILES AT ASTRAGAL ' - 6 82 SEE NOTErc C 5 5 20 'I06 20 Al '30 80 29 83. 70 29 - 1 DETAIL H DE NARROW JAMB SIDE LITE HINGE JAMS (AT HINGE JAMB) (NOT SH rDr. Mtl R Ax rtvt2lr16 11 NO CWJM MIS SHEEr J.rt t)mem G 1 K3 CltAttiY3&riffs SH&&T h yd rV. NW RtstrA+w No amwd arts sme r JR. Orj.2 o d ocmt»f�7: Pt!!e: tx�eckad lei; F.K. 12123/04 L,7: 4/8A03 FD750 DOORS YrFm DWGl1 DESCR PTN3N PGT# MA111E KfT PARTS 1 8006 IFRAMS.HEAD&HINGEJAMB 65006 2 8003A OUF-SWINGSII.L 68003A 3 80440-O1TI'-SW1h1GSiLL(gW' 680040 4 M-QDLI P CAP S ,•. HFAD,$ILLB:IAb1VIWPATHMTRIP SCHLMAL USM7TM 6 W07 SCREW COVER ml 7 8009 1NSTAU.PLATE 68009 8 PRAMSASSM4BLYSCKM 98XV PFI WAP 781 A 98032 A8TIZAEIALIDIpSFAL 48032 10 SOS$ OU1'-SWINIGSI11,LO4'/RIS_ 48058 DOOR FAf'1EL . S. 11pAP SILL&IAh18WU1'fl3i4tSTRiP SCHLFAAL 083337TW 208012 STIR 65012 21 8014 .TOP RA14(THREADED ROD D'BI 65014 22 8013 BQTI0 4RAIL,(THREADED ROD DESIGN 68013 23 8017 TOP SWo 68017 24 8010. I307'1'OI4 SWC 68016 25 ......... SWOV SCRRWS,94 X-1/2"PHI PH 26 841$ AST. ..tT_ ACTrffl&TNACfVE 08015 27 842113.DPA R.HIN.GQJAM1341M 680218 28 801A G1'A B HIN.. COV t 68020A 29 5018 : 4i k11N _ HACK v PLATO 68018 30 8019A QE/1 HWN(A pOOR$1DE M19A 31 803$ GEAR WF._ 13FA11?Q 68035 32 ......(iF?AR 1.N. . S4-$C-AZV#6.32x1/4" . 33 •••:• •.Ci7ARHING�MTC3SCi;MVffl2x3/4*TRU$SHD. 34 ;£;BARk11N M3fixSCR V#12x1F/2`T _ISS HD. 35 .......•,••? €#EA 1tOD S/1618 X 36" bTKODA 36 PFAi3t3 ? NUT S/16-18 7990NUTA 37 $039 TRUSS CLAMP ' 60378M 38 $443' S/SwRIATCI{h113CHANISM ASHLAND 39' $030 LACK W )CK 48030 40' -• I,ATCHASS'YS.CREWS#SX2"SSPHILLTRHD 78X2'fPAX 41 8037- SIS SHOOT Il!OLT ROA SU11.1VAN 42 $445 SANDA, .. F JS-BOLTS W/SS ROD SUILIVAN 43. 8031 SHCX3TF>OLT=VF3 48031 44 -- -4 SIWCWLTGWp9&STRIK6SCRBW 8-32X3!8`SSPHIU.TR.HD 78X38PFTX 45 80388 1tIC i1=STRIY, !ATEATASTRAGAL ACTIVE1IINOIDIMT W3110-43S1 46 80381, LEFT-STRIKRPLATRAT ASTRAGAL(ACTIVEHINCMR1 W5110.44SI 47 - STRIKgEKfFSCW- -VS&32X3/8`SSMILLIRHO 78K38P X 48 ..S RIIKEPLA EMI.DD133SCRIAV 6.247{1/2"FH 7612FPTX 49 8036 STRIKEPLATBATHF.AD:&SILL 50 HFA1)STRIK MREWSS.S 8 X 1/2 PMLLFH 7SWAX 51 S'i'RIKBP THSCRIAVS @SILL SS 8X 1/2PHIILUNDIRCUTFN 78X12PFF1UX 52 1 ACTIVFT 1MSEF ASHLAND 53 843.2 -MSS4YI3°F`RIh1 SET ASI4L.ANp - 54 8444 STAIM.MSSTEELPASSIVELOCK(3EAR ASHLAND 55 8014A TOP RAI G BOLT DBSI GW14A 56 8013A DMOM RAIL LAG BOLT DMIGN 68013A $7 •• .... 5/16°x21/2`LAOOLTS 7516LBOLTX Rmd . Otb„ Rn xu KK lwfzty B UPDATE f7EM3;ADD FTElkf.466,66.67ANO 04 1070 J.R, Qom_tM C ADDEOLOWMESU h mzd8y; tt. Re iWW' NO CttMNGFcS TIM SHEET J.R. OIWFO 0 N F K 1?J23/A4 1,.7: 418106 -- -; 1.278 F- - .062 .062- 1.000 .i_ 3.636`-------moi --------�---3.636 -------r^ #8006 6003-T8 #$003A 6063-T6 FRAME, HEAD, JAMB OUT-SWING SILL AND SIDELITE SILL - - .062 . - -. .583 :050 #8009 6063-T5 #8056 6063-T6 INSTALL PLATE SOUT-SWING LOW S 1,936 .100 £3.250 22 #8013 6.063-T6 BOTTOM RAIL 1.936 .100 j -- — 8.260 I 56 #8013A 6063-T6 BOTTOM RAIL, LAG BOLT DESIGN Rrerd ar. MAW Rwvis p: AIG I(Vfzw 8 UI'SIL ffPMSJ JA a,4r1'lN4 G AUDEO LOWME SIUAND SECOND EXTRUSION SHEET. R 11AOIt N "Wow, NO Cttq ms mE67 t�,tns7; ca oar: Nt a 742 2.260 .075 �. �._-. � _ -_--- ,072 I 27 #8021 B 6063-T6 28 #8020A 6063-T6 . GEAR HINGE, JAMB GEAR HINGE, COVE 3.775--,----�-� • ,.�,,;^ .050 2.622 .125 050 61 #8028 6063-T5 a #8056.6063-T4 . SL HEAD TRIM SUBSILL: OPTIONAI .045 1.169 .442 .965 ,71 ,965 .045 4 0 #8022 6063-T5 ,106 #8026A 6063-T5 0 #8{ BACKBEAD SLBACKBEAD , RQr:dBy: D*W- RAt hkYn F.K I(ViztQ 9 UPicWEIM(SS. Rnld8• Rftq*m. fort JR PW22b9 Q NEWPAGE 1 W- Rnuk" NO CKWOES THIS SHEET J.R. 0Lm D Drstfi8y: D� L7nckM ODEA; d FK. 12/23/04 L.7: 4/8/08 -1 61r 611 11" 11„ 10.571„ . MAX. O,C. AM8 !LAMB AHORS 18,600 NCANCHORS HT. QTY. MAX. HT. QTY. 95 314"-(5). O.C. 95 3/4"-(8) 913/4"-(6) 91.3/4"-(8) 87 314"-(5) 873/40-(8) 83 314"-(5) 83 3/4"-(7) .. 79 314"-(5)' 11„ 79 3/4"-(7) 11+, 'A+IL A (CONCRETE} � �ETA1� A (SINGLE PANEL) ($INGLE PANEL) ANCHOR TYPES: ANCHOR TYPES: . OR 2 2 OR 3 ANCHORAGE SPACING .REQUIREMENTS: 1. DETAILS A AND B ABOVE-REPRESENT-ANCHORING OF SINGLE X DOORS,C ABOVE REPRESENT ANCHORING OF ANY MIXTURE OF DOUBLE XX DOORS, INSTALLATIONS OF TWO OR MORE PANELS. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED: 2.ANCHOR TYPES: 1 -114"ELCO ULTRACON 2-1/4"ELCO SS4 CRETE-FLEX 3 CONCRETE SUBSTRATE USE TYPE 1 AT 13/8"MIN, EMBEE WOOD SUSTRATE-USE TYPE 2 OR TYPE 3 AT 1 3/8"MIN.E: 3.SINGLE PANEL CONFIGLIi NS:(DETAIL A,CONCRETE SUBSTRATE. DE' HEAD AND SILL......6"MAX. FROM FRAME CORNERS. - JAMBS.....................11"MAX.FROM FRAME CORNERS, 18,600"MAX.O.C.GOP 4JW/0 OR MORE PANEL CONFIGURATIONS:(DETAIL C,CONCRETE SUBSTRA HEAD AND SILL......6"MAX. FROM FRAME CORNERS,AND AT 3"AND 6"MAX. JAMBS-....11"MAX.FROM FRAME CORNERS AND 18.506"MAX.O.C. S.TWO OR MORE PANEL CONFIGURATIONS:'(DETAIL D,WOOD'SUBSTkATE) . HEAD EAD AND SILL......6"MAX, FROM FRAME CORNERS,AND AT T,f",.9"AND ti PLUS ENCIRCLEDANCHORS OUTSIDE CLUSTERS,REQU JAMB$................:....11"MAX. FROM FRAME CORNERS AND 10.571"MAX.O.C. Rrdd er. MW Knfa7an REATo—VERNENERTAINING TO AWHOWE OUTSIDE"COUNTY. AIC iiYt$1U6 B RtY13EANCtiOKAG' FI RF8G2Q04AN}TR61+1SISNOTES7r9 E6,. X070 F . Rntsknr JA ow" C No MANGE Tw$H99' N R0f f0 �p GtMGEA`TAPCOff TO YXMkCOM. G,ms»sy: Da ed Date: N, K. f21&w L.T. 4/8/05 CONCRI TE ANC CONCRETE ANCHOR 114"MAX SEE Ni 1/4"MAX. (NOTE 1) GROUT, GROUT, SEE NOTE 5 NOTE 5 - :1;.•1s :'z,:v•+ia}.•_a"••i; y'•t•' �. ,y-{,:.f -.1..y.. �' as 'i-. - - .. 7 '•.1 . . �:i� yle:.::•i.�•.i i i t a.. �,� *.;�EMB�D. ,� :aj•-•a' !:-t.'. r '3a4 KS!MIN.•j' "r j.:. ;'. SEE l8 'J.3rd I(8I MIN.; .S CONCRETE • °':` :-.::NOTE 1 `4 CONCRETE'= TYPICAL SIDE LITE SILL OPTIONAL S (DIRECT TO CONCRETE) (SUBSILL. TC ::EMBED. MAX. ,y '�:•' ­3.4 KSI MIN, •: : SEE SHIM .t: •a_. CONCRETE: r:�' "% NOTE 1 : : .. -r.�;: .a;•,;=, _:�_Via:.:-�_•_ 4 ti •.r f _ 114 MAX. - SHIM — CONCRETE ANCHOR,SEE NOTE 1 &CONCRETE ANCHOR: A TYPICAL DO I; NOTES: 1 a FOR CONCRETE APPLICATIONS IN MIAMI-DADS COUNTY,USE ONLY MIAMI-D FROM ANCHOR TO CONCRETE EDGE IS 1314". MIN.EMBEDMENT:1/4"ULTR 2. FOR WOOD APPLICATIONS USE##12 STEEL SCREWS(G5)OR ELCO 1/4"SS4 3.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 1x ARE LESS THAN 1 1/2'THICK,. 1x WOOD BUC DEPICTED AS 2x ARE 1 1/2"THICK OR GREATER, INSTALLATION TO THE SUE AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION(AHJ). 4, FOR ATTACHMENT TO ALUM:THE MAT'L SHALT;BE A MIN. STRENGTH OF 606 PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT TO THE DOOR FRAME SIMILAR TO THAT SHOWN Ifi WITH FULL ENGAGEMENT INTO THE ALUM. IF THE?SE?CRITERIA ARE MET,Ti- ON FON SHEET 10 MAY BE USED. 5. IF SILL IS TIGHT TO SUBSTRATE,GROUT OR OTHER MATERIAL 13 NOT REQI MUST FULLY SUPPORT THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE SILL THAT IS NOT TIGF Raywmy- "Dow FAVU ra; omw. mm R- CtWWO MINKS!0#GO 0'' 1070 ark � c ADDED OAfrE 6U �rAL REORWItz�t�os AX0, _ h R .!R• . s:De cNWWD-rAF`C&-ro'�l TRAOi7w txztxer 6t: nett: -«t . Hata N F.K. =3VO4 L.T. 4!x/05 EXTERIOR- INTERIOR - CONCRE=TE - (ALL SILL SECTIONS) ANCHOR, SEE NOTE 1, SHEET 11 CONCRETE j ANCHOR 114"MAX. SEE NOTE 1, GROUT, 114"MAX. SHEET11 - y,:' SEE NOTE. cl 0 SEE NOTE 5, ---' S,SHEET 11 r SHEET 11 •'1_J't�je;'`v�t• i';-_ -�.r.i•Cri}, .rtr.a •�; tS: ..� _ •`• '�` '+`_ •to•.a.I�• :' � � • " • J v •' 1'•• .�:� - 5 0TH t,w . : s,•'_< t 't:3.4 KS N1ltJ. : s j TYPICAL DOOR SILL„ OPTIONP (DIRECT TO :CONCRETE) (SUBSILL T AEMBED. 't�:1 SEE NOTE 'I, SHEET 11 INTERIOR {ALL JAMB SECTIONS} ' ' ``'.. CONCRETE EXTERIOR ' I�{ ANCHORS `� SEE NOTE 1 SHEET 11 3.4 KSI MIN. CONCRETE ^• =' 114`t MAX.SHIM TYP1 A!G 10/LAV V 0 NEWSNF AOD SMILL ANDAG7 RNri3E TOP A BOTTOM RtllL EUSIOW RftWW. DOW barb CKW #P MIN K01 OF 6ONCAM, 1070 OWL 0401tt?D G ADDrb WWW49 SILL OP770N.aRggMIZE&MAW. h e»d W. Do 10. PA*10m, NO iCN oca MIS$NEST ot:»„Pyr, naa ct,occea Daft: Ir.K. 12123M L.T. 4!-8!05