HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOrST PH E;:, SMI "H, GI,ERK QES THE C > CUIT COURT SAINT CT L' GOtJNTY FILA 4077,2490 OR, BOOK; 3 53 PAGE 103.4,, R Boded Ci6/b3f2015 at 02"28 Ptd AFTM RECORDING-RETURN TO;; r t; t' -D.JIIN 04°1015 4 1?ERMrf NUMBER q NQTICE QRCQMMEAl NCEMENT The anders�gnedhereby gt�ea notice thattthpraYement will bemadeto certain W-0, p*6and to accordance*nth Chaptet FTonda stahtces the foClowing xosxt►attonis provided to the Notzce pf comm(Tgement 1.1?IrSCRIPI"lON'OF PYt bl'ERTY(Legal desc*dli.and street address);TAX FCILIO NUMBER-'1' 0064 150=2 SUBDTI41!f 8 (3GS� TTItAGT: . OT`. :g :IIG.. JTT .__ 2 GENERAL QES+CRIPTIpN OF IMPRa�,1Vll1NT Install new.tnnndavus; r; 3,tWNEit }T`4RlGIpTItZN aNattte Dahiet Sands Address 2446 Ha hour Cavi l5t Fl,?�eree,Fir 33943 c,tnterest,m properiryw!' f d`Dame and address of Tee tnpe,ttticholder(tf ID r than oVvner 4 GQNTRAC7'tiR'S NAME,A�DARFSS ANDPHO�tS NTR6tBERn self, ,„mai:, � T TS S SURET,Y'SPI,AME,ADDRESS,tld`1D�'AO1VL I�IFJI�B;�R.A1�IDl�(�ND AMOUI�� _ ., .. _ , _ .. ._ x� 4 6 tEJIrR3�FAlVk ADb.RFSS,ANA PHf1 NiJhi}3ER.: -.- �, us S' 2 Petsons Svtthto the State QI Flgfnda dessgnat�d by.Owner a,`ponwhom twUres orothedocetments may served as provided by F" SecUpn 7�3'l�(I)(a)7,,�7gr�cla Statutes Datuet Sandsx5fiT-3Q3-3310 t.: ��;t� ' V: NE1R¢E.ADDl3ESSAND 1PR43NE S Tin adthhonto htmseIf or herself Owner deslgnop§the follviytng to xeoe�ya a co '- t.,.x PYn �e�iennr� F3uhcei� s proyidi d to Se. . . � � NAW-ALIDT3ESS AND PTIONE NtJMITET2� cs 4:Expuahon date of nghce of commencetpent(the'expxratton date is Y year,from the¢ftp of recording unless a different ddte WARNMG TO OWNS ANY PAY ENTS MADE Y TIE OWNER A CRR TH EXPIRA [OIC OF CHET+1(#1ICE?OF C014IMEl3 EMENT i_ ' IN-YOTJR P Q'i VfiTCE FOR 1 V NTS.C Y [JR':RRO .R " ;`A-NC MCR OP COIGtIvIEIVCEMENT i~S AND APt LT ARE CONSIDW.A3FROPER'<EtYY" D CHAP CEIt 7 3 P 2T t SECTION 4115.48-"RtD Ni 5T BRECORDED t�ND „ROSTED ON CEtB JO d E FlItST''tNSt�EC'AION TF YO 'INTEND TG,OBSFAINi PINANC 4 CONSC3L W1T YOUR LENDER OR- OR kEt✓"< � _ tiff .. t A u - Sign tare of tllwner E'r3ntName and`Piovtd6,st&utot or 's'Litlel fEce I ow`ner's-KUWO tzedOfIIcetlDtrector(lE'antnerllti pager State of Flonda: xy ;bounty Q��t�t_ucie_- 3; Thefore rnn`tnstriiment was acknowied:ed before me the � da of` �wV,- �.. (Name o person); (Typt of authoncy e g Owner offiCec txutee attorney(n act).... _: (Name o£partxon,be f of whomznst;umenjSwos exeCSlted) P Xsonafljkftown •.,,, QEFttlT17A GtVNS j Putilic State b Honda lj � . t • •�1)TCotnm ExP+�s pac t6,2tT16 s a 11_�r.n... •\ u�_1 �'` "qfr CommfsSign# $58761 {PemtedlVamp,ofNo Publrc), (StgnatureofNotatj!Public) •n:;�`� ` (}pndgdiTh[oughNat�aass" Uidet penaik+cs ofperjury,l decI thattI ve i` the fore om ;nd that the fiats ui rt are true Io,theIat of my knQlvedge and: g � belief(seetioi 92 52S lion es) r t 5ignatiu s) uet(s)'A who ufliortzedUkcer7DirectoYJParEnet(14ianager s�gged,a6ove N Rs��oarawzom"(t�uram� `