HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application • i i • i ALL APPLICAB E INFO MU, B COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO Sir ACCOTE17 Date: S: Permit Number: Sv_ (P '��3 i Building, Permit Application IF � Planning and Development ervices Build;ng and Code Regular! n D[V151on 2300 Virginia Avenue,FQrr Xercie Ft 34982 Phone.,(772)462-x,553 ax;°(772)462.1578; Residential PPERMIT APPLICATIO FOR: Mephariic�Il Acidres$, 8167 N AIA APT 501, Legal Descrip�lon: OCEAN WWOVR TOWER CONDQ E UNIT 501 Property Tax ID 1411-7 9-QQ31-000-7 Lot No. � Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: JONES SetWcks Front Sack; Right Side: _ � Left Sider LIKE FOR LiKE AIC CHAN £QU'F-NO DUCT WORK..3 TON 14 SEER RUUp AC SYSTEM WITH 10 KW ELECTRIC HEAT i t�©na wor o e or�n ' un er t s perm -c ,a appy: HVAC. A Gas piping $Butters Windows/Doors Electric QI1lu l Bing $prinklors Generator HRoot Total Sq, Ft'pf CQnstruWo Sq.Ft.of First Floor: Cast pf Construction;$ ut'iiitieS'5ower Q Septic Building height:T MEN= Name Name: JAM>rS DEGATINA Address:5 Company: ALL AMERICAN AIR&ELECTRIC, INC City. State:FL AdOoss: 611 NW MERCANTILE PL dip COO: Fax: City; PORT$T LUCIE State:FL --,� Phone No. Zip Code. 34986 Pax: 77?-$78-5144 Phone No. 772-$78-5143 Fill in A0 simple�tle Ho der,on next Rage(if i.Ifferent E-Mail; t3°�YK�S@AAAEINC. 4M from the Owner listed a pile) State car Counxy License: CACO67965 If value of cdnstructipn:s$ 500 or more,a Ri WIRDED!Notice of commencement Is required. Ell DESIG ER EN'INEER: X Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address'.. Address: City: Stater City, tate: Zip: Phgne: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable 5 ..1NDINGa COMPANY: x.. .Not ApplicableName: Name= Address: Address: City: City' Zip: Phone: Zip: Rhone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT'Applicatiorj is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has comnlqjn6ed prior to the Issuance Qf a permit, St.Lucie County makes no represent tion that is granting a permit will authorize the ermit holder to build the gubject struqure which Is in confftt with an applicable home owners Association rules,bylaws or an covenants that may restrict pr prohibit such structure.Please consult With your Home Owners Association and review your deed or any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work In accordenco with the approved pians,the Florida building Cgd4S and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applirations are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessary struFtures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER,Your failure to Record a Notice.of Commencement may result Irp your paying twice for imprc►vements to your property.A Notice of Ccammencemont must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or rewding your Noticed Comm ncement. .�... Sign ab925jDf_'- er/Agent L, she Sigraiul iractQr icgnse Holder STATS OF FLORIDA STATE aF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sTwPlF. GOUIyTY OF QTLIJOIE The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The fQrgoing instrument was acknowled ed before m� this aTF1 day of Julvc 20ej by this aT�i day tai JuNa 20=by dAM�$01MATINA .LAME$0WATINA (Name of person acknQwledBing) � (Name of person acknowledging) G , . Al Sigpatuure of Notary Public-Statq of Fl6rilop IsIgnaturp,of Notary Public-State of Florida) Personally Known x OR Produced identification Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Type of IdentificationPiro uu d Type of Identification Produced """"'• GERI L.CALHOUN $E 1¢5900 91§"" P(,0,,1 mission NO. eE 10K Commission No. °�,••. >3 Public•State of Flori a' GERI L.CALHOUN Y r �,�DAY P(j tea .•s My Comm,expires qct 6.20 s �`��� �iotary Public•Stals of Florida 0. •- Bonded T^rough National Notary Assn. =qx "c�� Comm ss on#EE 1059007 RgvWd 07/1,5/2014 -•,;� �,.� % Bonded Through National Notary Assn. REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW PATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLMD