HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit 2015-46-01 15.55 j .a.tayl,or roe -~ig 772 468 8397 » P 2/2 i Planning& Development Services Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce,Fl.34952 --------- 772-462.2165 or 772.462-2172 Fax:772.462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT Re; Permit#�� 17 Ith4--u licensed as =contractor* ngineer/Architect (P6 print narne&circle license type) ector "General,Building Residential or Roofing Contractor or any Individual cerriped under 468 F S,to make such an inspection. On or abou!)%'Oa / /,�,�I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing, (Date} work at' 6.1fit� (job site address) Based upon that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the Hurricane Mitigation Retrofit Manual(Based on 553,844 f.S.) Signature and Seal License# STATE OF FLOR D COUNTY OF r Sworn to- dsubscrl .d before me this � da Y 20f� by who is a Hall k wn to me or who has produced as it tion. I Notary Pub;! t F a ' Signature ta.,, i Commission Nurnbe I (Seal) En 01/1912011 Nnaa,p KAREN S. NIELSEN `�• •. Cpmmission n FF 115697 My Commisaian Expvex June 12, x018 f