HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval CTCK EncjIneerin Spectalttj Structural EncginPPrtnq CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Evaluation Report "5V Crimp" Metal Roof AssemblyN R1 F I L E Y Manufacturer: �erm Sunlast Metal, Inc. l 2120 SW Poma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772) 223-4055 for Florida Product Approval # FL 10490.6 R3 Florida Building Code 2010 Per Rule 9N-3 Method: 1 - D Category: Roofing Sub - Category: Metal Roofing Product: "5V Crimp" Roof Panel Material: Steel Panel Thickness: 26 gauge Panel Width: 24" Support: Wood Deck Prepared by: James L. Buckner, P.E., S.E.C.B. Florida Professional Engineer # 31242 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1916 Project Manager: Diana Galloway Report No. 12-139-5V-S6W-ER Date: 4/ 16/ 12 Contents: Ya es L Buckner P.E., S E C B Evaluation Report Pages 1—7 Florida E.# 1242 CBUCK, Inc. 1 Z 1399 N. Killian Drive,Suite 4,West Palm Beach,Florida 33403 Phone:(561)491-9927 Fax:(561)491-9928 Website:www.cbuckinc.net FL#: FL 10490.6-113 Date: 4 /6/ 12 UCC Engine rin Page rt No.: Z5v-s5w-ER 2of 7 4 Specialtt j Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Manufacturer: Sunlast Metal, Inc. Product Name: "5V Crimp" Product Category: Roofing Product Sub-Category Metal Roofing Compliance Method: State Product Approval Rule 9N-3.005 (1) (d) Product/System "5V Crimp" Description: 26 gauge Steel roof panel mechanically attached to Plywood Deck with screws. Product Assembly as Refer to Page 4 of this report for product assembly components/materials & Evaluated: standards: 1. Roof Panel 2. Fasteners 3. Underlayment Support: Type: Wood Deck (Design of support and its attachment to support framing is outside the scope of this evaluation.) Description: • 15/32 (min.) or greater plywood, • or Wood plank (min.specific gravity of 0.42) Slope: Minimum slope shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, FBC Section 1507.4.2 and applicable code sections. Performance: Wind Uplift Resistance: • Design Uplift Pressure: METHOD 1: - 50.5 PSF (Refer to "Table A" attachment details herein) METHOD 2: - 106.75 PSF FL#: FL 10490.6-113 Date: 4 /6/ 12 CBUCK Engineering Page Report No.: 312o 7 5V-139 -ER Specialty Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • U L580-06—Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • U L 1897-04—Uplift test for roof covering systems • TAS 125-03—Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems Standards Equivalency: The UL 580-94 & UL 1897-98 standard version used to test the evaluated product assembly is equivalent with the prescribed standards in UL 580-06 & UL 1897-04 adopted by the Florida Building Code 2010. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 2010, Section 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report This product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural requirements Scope: of the Florida Building Code, as related to the scope section to Florida Product Approval Rule 9N-3.001. Limitations and • Scope of"Limitations and Conditions of Use"for this evaluation: Conditions of Use: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval' contains technical documentation, specifications and installation method(s) which include "Limitations and Conditions of Use" throughout the report in accordance with Rule 9N-3.005. Per Rule 9N-3.004, the Florida Building Commission is the authority to approve products under"Optional Statewide Approval'. • Option for application outside "Limitations and Conditions of Use" Rule 9N-3.005(1)(e) allows engineering analysis for "project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with the alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code". Any modification of the product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. • Design of support system is outside the scope of this report. • Fire Classification is outside the scope of Rule 9N-3, and is therefore not included in this evaluation. • This evaluation report does not evaluate the use of this product for use in the. High Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade & Broward Counties) Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance 'of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3.0005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through Keystone Certifications, Inc. (FBC Organization #: QUA 1824). FL#: FL 10490.6-113 Date: 4 /6/ 12 CBUCKEngine ring Report No.: 4 of 7 12-139-5V-SM-ER SpL clalty Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Components/Materials Roof Panel: "5V Crimp" (by Manufacturer): Material: Steel Thickness: 26 gauge (min.) Panel Width: 24" (max.)Coverage Rib Height: 1/2" Yield Strength: 40 ksi min. Corrosion Resistance: In compliance with FBC Section 1507.4.3: • ASTM A792 coated, or • ASTM A653 G90 galvanized steel Fastener: Type: Hex-Head Wood Screw with WSW Size : #10 x 1-1/2"" Corrosion Resistance: Per FBC Section 1506.6 and 1507.4.4 Standard: Per ANSI/ASME 818.6.4 Underlayment: Per roofing manufacturer's guidelines in compliance with FBC Section 1507.4.5 Insulation (Optional): Type: Rigid Insulation Board Thickness: 3" (max.) Properties: Density: 2.25 pcf(Ibs/ft3) min. Or Compressive Strength: 20 psi min. Insulation shall comply with FBC Section 1508. When insulation is incorporated, fastener length shall conform to penetrate thru bottom of support a minimum of 3/16". FL#: FL 10490.6-113 Date: 4 /6/ 12 RepoPage rt No.: 52of 7-5V-s6w-ER I UCK Engineering rin 4 Specialty Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#18054 Installation: Installation Method: (Refer to drawings on Pages 6-7 of this report.) ■ Row spacing: Refer to Table"A" (along the length of the panel) ■ Fastener spacing: Nominal pattern of 12"o.c. (along the row, across the panel profile & at the top of corrugation peaks) ■ Rib Interlock: Lapped ■ Minimum fastener penetration thru bottom of support, 3/16". ■ For panel construction at the end of panels, refer to manufacturer's instructions and any site specific design. TABLE"A" METHOD 1: METHOD 2: Design Pressure: -50.5 PSF - 106.75 PSF Row Spacing: 16" 8" Fastener Spacing: 12" 12" Install the "5V Crimp" roof panel assembly in compliance with the installation method listed in this report and applicable code sections of FBC 2010. The installation method described herein is in accordance with the scope of this evaluation report. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment. Referenced Data: 1. TAS 125-03 Uplift Test Hurricane Test Laboratory, LLC(FBC Organization #TST ID: 1527) Report#: 0412-1017-05, Report Date: 02/22/06 2. Quality Assurance By Keystone Certifications, Inc. (QUA ID: 1824) Sunlast Metal &Solar, Inc. Licensee#385 3. Engineering Analysis By CBUCK Engineering 4. Equivalency of Test Standard Certification By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering (FBC Organization#ANE 1916) 5. Certification of Independence By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering (FBC Organization#ANE 1916) • FL#: FL 10490.6-R3 Date: 4 /6/ 12 RepoI 6� K Enmeeting Page rt No.: 6 of 7-5v 55w-ER SpL claltj Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Installation Method Sunlast Metal, Inc. "5V Crimp" (26 Gauge) Roof Panel Attached to Wood Deck Profile Drawings 24"Maximum Net Coverage c If N r "5V Crimp" Panel Typical Panel Profile View Nominal 12"o.c. Nominal 12"o.c. Fastener Spacing Across Panel Wdth #10 Hex-Head Screw with WSW Spaced 12"across the Panel Assembly Profile View Typical Fastening Pattern Across Row • FL#: FL 10490.6-R3 Date: 4 /6/12 ® CK Engineers® ® Page Report No.: 12-139-7 5V-56w-ER 7 ofSpeclalty Structural Engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Installation Method Sunlast Metal, Inc. "5V Crimp" (24 Gauge) Roof Panel Attached to Wood Deck Panel Fasteners- #10 Hex Head Wood Screws with 5-V Crimp Roof Panel Weather Sealing Washers �Q. 04. Deck: Optional: -15/32"or greater Plywood,or Insulation 3"maximum -Wood plank Typical Assembly Isometric View TABLE"A" METHOD 1: METHOD 2: Design Pressure: - 50.5 PSF - 106.75 PSF Row Spacing: 16" 8" Fastener Spacing: 12" 12" REVISIONS COMPONENT&CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES: ROOF LOCATION ACTUAL ALLOWABLE ZONE 1 . FIELD -25.3 PSF -50.5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE 2 PERIMETER -44.0 PSF -50.5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE 3 CORNERS -51.5 PSF .-106.75 PSF(GABLE/HIP) N ----- " vi WOOD DECKING: -W I I ATTACHING OVER EXISTING SHINGLES PER 2010 EXISTING FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W SECTION 1510.3. U i 27 . CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE ROOFING APP.STANDARD(RAS117) =U i I oU T I I o "5-V CRIMP"26 GA.METAL ROOFING ATTACHMENT: w w #10-12 X 2"HEX HEAD S.S.OR GALV.WOOD SCREW W/SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAX. L------------------J N SPACING OF 8"-O.C.ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING @ THE CORNERS ONLY &16"O.C.ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING THROUGHOUT(BASED ON FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL#FL10490.6). _ 50'. " ROOFING CALC'S: N ZONE 1: (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT.=-50.5 PSF>ACT._-25.3 PSF BUILDING ROOF LAYOUT scuF:N.r.s. ZONE 2: (GABLE/HIP)ALL..UPLIFT=-50.5 PSF>ACT._-44.0 PSF -1 g ee ZONE 3: (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT=-106.75 PSF>ACT._-51.5 PSF pJ N N o y > Q 30 4 F I,Fj 5tg 3 �F jAr jAr I A,r A �. 3W .� �. o d o .0 O 0 OO O" "O co m al.s� z�; <: NOTES: DESIGN CRITERIA:- y wo0. - 1. ROOFING OVER EXISTING WOOD DECK. 2010 FBCzo j 2. INSTALL FASTENERS PER REQUIRED ASCE 7-10 a•, FREQUENCY-LISTED ABOVE FOR WOOD WIND LOAD:160 MPI-rvuI ' .• DRAWN �ucl zo A 3Q - 0 3Q 3 Q : 3Q DECKING ROOF COVER. 124 MPH(t9�s � ' srl�o,NJUL)§ 3. FOLLOW ALL LOCAL-&REGIONAL . WIND BORNE DEBRIS R5(3j' N -� TMT4'`Zs� _ ORDINANCES. :. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT:<15.0 // i GI1ECtD�BY A 4. ' USE FASTENERS AS PER REQUIRED. GABLE ROOF /1/ f i 1 1 Oos MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS&FL# ENCLOSED BLDG. SCALE' ASSIIO\VN ROOF ZONES 10490.6 FOR THE"5V CRIMP"PANEL. . . BLDG CATEGORY II SCALE:N.T.S. - 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED BY EXPOSURE:"B" _ SHEET CONTRACTOR. ADJUSTMENT FACTOR:1.00 GCPI'+/-0.18 S-1 END ZONE(A):3.0' REVISIONS COMPONENT&CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES: ROOF LOCATION ACTUAL ALLOWABLE ZONE 1 FIELD -25.3 PSF -50.5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE,2 PERIMETER -44.0 PSF -50:5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE 3 CORNERS -51.5 PSF -106.75 PSF(GABLE/HIP) W r------------------1' q rC/] v WOOD DECKING:: . . y N [x 1-I I• f ATTACHING OVER EXISTING SHINGLES PER 2010 EXISTING FLORIDA BUILDING CODE• D W d I'. 17T SECTION 1510.3:. . . . u o 2T °. I . 1 . ou CALCULATIONS BASED ON THE ROOFING APP.STANDARD(RAS117) =V I 1 "54 CRIMP"26 GA.METAL ROOFING ATTACHMENT: U 0 #10-12'X 2"HEX HEAD S.S:OR-GALV.WOOD SCREW W/SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAX. N - - -- -- --J SPACING OF 8"O.C:ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING @ THE CORNERS ONLY &16"O.C.ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING THROUGHOUT(BASED ON FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL#FL10490.6). 3 50. $ ROOFING CALC'S: _ - V) .N � ZONE 1: (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT=-50.5 PSF>ACT._-25.3 PSF BUILDING ROOF LAYOUT O �' SCALE:N.T.S. Ln d co ZONE 2: (GABLE/HIP)ALL:UPLIFT=-50.5 PSF>.ACT._-44.0 PSF V1. Q m`0 m N T F ZONE 3: (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT 106:75 PSF>ACT._-51.5 PSF pJ M o O � o€ . A A Ar ea W . V oo . R7 Yl A. p U Col _ (Cj: 1 NOTES: DESIGN CRITERIA: 1.. ROOFING OVER EXISTING WOOD DECK. 2010. FBC. _ V 6 - -2.' � , �O: 2. INSTALL FASTENERS PER REQUIRED ASCE 7-10 �'. > Z - A 30 ZO 3Q 3 2Q . 3Q FREQUENCY-LISTED ABOVE FOR WOOD WIND LOAD:160 MPH—Qd 1 DRAWN Jo[r . DECKING.&ROOF COVER. . 124 MPH s8 • SYJASONW.S.i r, -.-,3.. FOLLOW ALL,LOCAL&.REGIONAL WIND.BORNE DEBRIS-RL-Opr , . El 4.73.,2571 A . . HT. .0/77 ORDINANCES. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT:<15 A.' USE FASTENERS AS PER REQUIRED: GABLE ROOF' l 11 MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS&FL# ENCLOSED BLDG: SC O - - - TS SI101VN 10490 6 FOR THE"5V CRIMP"PANEL BLDG CATEGORY ROOF ZONES. Y II . . 5, ,'-ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO,BE VERIFIED BY EXPOSURE:"B" . SHEET F R 00 - CONTRACTOR.' ADJUSTMENT ACTOR: GCPI:+/-.0.18 END ZONE(A):3.0' REVISIONS COMPONENT CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES: 7-7 ROOF LOCATION ACTUAL ALLOWABLE ZONE 1 . FIELD .-25.3 PSF -50.5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE.2 PERIMETER -44.0 PSF -50:5 PSF(GABLE/HIP) ZONE 3 . CORNERS. -51.5 PSF -106.75 PSF(GABLE/HIP) 10 r--- ----, WOOD DECKING: W I. f ATTACHING OVER EXISTING SHINGLES PER 2010 EXISTING FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W. v ' SECTION.1510.3: . ' 27' I. CALCULATIONS BASED ON.THE ROOFING APP.STANDARD(RAS117) =U "54 CRIMP"26 GA.METAL ROOFING ATTACHMENT: U 0 #10-12 X 2"HEX-HEAD S.S.OR GALV:WOOD SCREW W/SELF SEALING WASHER AT MAX. N SPACING OF 8`'_O.C.ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING @ THE CORNERS ONLY &16"O.C.ROW SPACING/12"O.C.FASTENER SPACING THROUGHOUT(BASED ON FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL#FL10490.6). _ 50'. s ROOFING CALC'S: a. o ZONE 1: (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT=-50.5 PSF>ACT._-25.3 PSF BUILDING ROOF LAYOUT O V1 s m o SCALE:N.T.S.- ZONE 2:. (GABLE/HIP)ALL.UPLIFT=-50.5 PSF>,ACT._-44.0 PSF vg w N •' G'+ O N O'TO ZONE 3: (GABLE/HIP).ALL.UPLIFT=-106:75 PSF>ACT._-51.5 PSF OJ'_ -OU GI t a ..C. 3 jAr q q r, 61vi m A 3 O OO .O . O co - -7. . co NOTES: DESIGN CRITERIA:' - _ W co �� 1. ROOFING OVER EXISTING WOOD DECK. 2010. FBC <? o ` 2. INSTALLFASTENERS PER REQUIRED ASCE 7-10 • z -�-- FREQUENCY LISTED ABOVE FOR WOOD WIND LOAD:160 MPH pd�, DRAWN JULY, p •,� A laigf. . . DECKING&•ROOF COVER. 124 MPH NU o-,;•• .: BYJASON � 3. 'FOLLOW ALL LOCAL&REGIONAL WIND BORNE DEBRIS RE150N A ORDINANCES.. MEAN ROOF HEIGHT:<15.0 ' '" �Wg� 4. USE FASTENERS AS PER REQUIRED, GABLE ROOF. . MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS&FL# ENCLOSED BLDG. SCALE AS SHOWN - ' ROOF ZONES 10490.6 FOR THE."5V CRIMP"PANEL. BLDG CATEGORY II SCALE:N.T.S.. - . . 5. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE VERIFIED BY EXPOSURE:"B" SHEET C • . - . ONTRACTOR. ADJUSTMENT FACTOR:1.00 GCPI•+/-0.18 S-1 END ZONE(A):3.0'