HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs (2) Volumetric Conc_'--; :e Dispenser Mix Desig' Worksheet
OWNER Mobil Crete Technologies Unit Serial# N91-83R
YOUR MIX DESIGN (This sheet must be filled out for each mix design)
MIX DESIGN i-- 4000 PM � Date j , 9/26/2014 -� i
(max 8 characters)
Materials of one cubic yard:
Cement �~ 666--]LBS. ( 1006l.-- I Cement Discharge Speed 44 Counts per Bag of Cement
(In Percent)
Cement . 6.4 BAGS 1.99 Cubic Yard Discharge Time(Minute)
Aggregate Pounds of
Aggregate Name #Desired Aggregate Name Aggregate
(enter 1,2,3,or 4)
1 Pea Rock Aggregate 1 ( 2 Orton Sand f 1744-
2 Ortona Sand Aggregate 2 3 Rock#67 900
3 Rock#67
-- _ 4
Color IF —]OUNCES Fiber Chopper r -� j Pounds per Yard
Low, Mid,
or High Sys Dilution Oz/bag
(Mid Range available on 130,150,&200 Series units only)
1. Determine the count per cubic yard.
6.4 bags/cubic yard x 44 counts per bag = 281 count per cubic yard.
2. AGGREGATE 1: Divide the lbs.of fine aggregate per cubic yard by the count per cubic yard.
1744 lbs.fine aggregate divided by 281 counts per cu. yd.= 6.22 lbs.per count.
GATE SETTING(from graph) 3.5
3. AGGREGATE 2: Divide the lbs.of coarse aggregate per cubic yard by the count per cubic yard.
900 lbs.coarse aggregate divided by 281 counts per cu. yd.= 3.21 lbs. per count.
GATE SETTING(from graph) #DIV/01
Description 4000 PM
Total 281 Counts/Cubic Yard
Cement 2.14 lbs./Count Dial
Aggregate 1 6.22 lbs./Count Setting Oz/Min
Aggregate 2 3.21 lbs./Count Admix#1 ERROR 0.0
*Water 2.49 lbs./Count Admix#2 ERROR 0.0
Aggregate 1 Gate 3.5 Admix#3 ERROR 0.0
Aggregate 2 Gate #DIV/01 Color #DIV/01 0.0
Water Meter i 42" Fiber Chopper #DIV/O! 0
At this point we recommend that you run a 1/4 yard yield test.You must have a box that is 1/4 cubic yard.
You can build one with internal dimensions of 36"x 36"x 9".You start the unit producing concrete.Stop
both the conveyor and mixer at the same instant. Set the 1/4 cubic yard yield box under the discharge.
Start the mixer and conveyor at the same time. Run the unit to the amount indicated
for 1/4 cubic yard(1/4th of the meter count per cubic yard from step 1).Shut off the mixer and conveyor at the
same instant.The box should be full. It may be necessary to adjust the aggregate gates slightly to adjust
the yield.
1/4 Yard Count 70
*If you have a water recording meter your lbs./Count will be approximately 1.0425.
SRM 08-10
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