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OG/22/2015 09:32 7724662417 SEACOAST SHEET METAL PAGE 02 flesctipt£ot� Black flexible e(astomeric thermal pine insu£ativi .5'paett[cdtft#ftt Compliattt;8: ASTM C 534.Type I-Tubular Grade 1 AOPro a,Cued Neem•,tomptli nasal •Manufactured without CFCs,HFCs,HCFCs,PBDEs,or Formaldehyde. •AU Artnacett facilities in North America are ISO 9009:2008 certified. SpaelfieaLtons: Valves: Tist'Matltod'i Thertnat Conduetfvityt Btu•in./h-ft2•"F(W/mK1 75"F Mimn Temperature Ilk°Cl 0.2710.0391 ASTM C 177 or C 919 9Q°F Mean Temperature 1326Ci 0-276(0.040) Water Vbpnr Permwbilityt 0.09 11-16 x 10-111 ASTM E 46,Procedure A Perm-in.{Kglls•in-Pali sheen Spread and Smoke 25/50 rated ASTM E 84 Devetoped lndm- WatorAtromptiotr, 0.2% ASTM C 209 %by Voturner Meld Growth. Passed UL181 Fuftgi RestsMnes i ASTM 021IC1330 BadAlrlat Reststatue: ASTM 022 Upper Use Limit:I 2200f1105eC1 ASTM 0534 Lower Use Litnih 2 -297°F 1-183eCi s ASTM 0534 Ozone Resistance: GOOD Sizet►t Watt Thick,#=(nominotl 3/8"1/2",3/4"and 1-11(r,13.19 and 25mm1 inside D(ametet,Tubular 3/8",1D to 4-1/8"11)(Idem 10 to 105mm IOf Length of Sections.Tubular 6,11.83rn) Outdoor Use No painting is necessary for performance of the product.However,all etastomeric-based cellular snsulation wilt show surface defects after prolonged exposure to UV radiation.Painting will minimize these defects if installed outdoom On th4 heating cycle,AC Aceoflex plpo insulation will withstand temperatures as high bA 220-F 1107CI.520.$20 Black or 520 RV Adhesive may be usod with pipe Insulotion apptitetions up to 29,,b-F£10FCi, ?At temperatures below-20°F£-29"C1,eltetomeric insutation starts to be4ome less At:dhle.Wowever,this chsrwctoristic does not afh;ct thermal efficiency nd resistance to%VAM, vapor permoabfllly ofAeeoflou insulation, Forappliontloms of-407 to-2117°F f-40"C to-1 MI.contaet Armacelt. AR MACEl L UX TEL-800.866.5638 FAX: 3 4 ett7 i ftfa.uslst7dar919-204M47 3armacet(.cnrrr www arrnace(Lus 0.&arm a cell 76100 Oakwood Street Extension,Mebane.NC 27302 advanced i n s u l a t i o n Armatell provides thisiMortnluon as teehniral services To the extent the!Information k dariyed from sourrps other than Armacell.Armarofl is substantially.if not wuhalty,rvrgr1119 upon the other soundsi to prrnAde actuate Information.information provided:w a result of Arnlateirs own technical analysis and testing la accurate to the extent of our knowledge and ability,as of date of printing,using effective standardized methods and procedures.Each user of these products,or Inforniadty, on,should perform their mm tests to determine the safe tltn+!ss and suitability of the products,or combination,of products for ally fatttseeabtr purposes,applications and uses by the userand by all third party to which the u r may camrey the products.,Since Armaeell©nnoteantral the end use of this product Armacelt docs not 9uarantoc that the user witt obtain the same roau tr as pubibhed in this document The data and information act;prwtded as a tcehnicat strvicc and are subject to change without notice_ AC Aecoffex sutmiittot I 0o6AG I [ng/U5A 4I2p14 0 2011,Armooett Lt,C.Printed in United States of Amprica