HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT •- SAINT LUCT)?, COUNTY FILE # 4084466 OR HOOK 3760 PAGE 2300, ROCorded 06/24/2015 at 10:19 AM AFrF2 RPCORDIKa.RROI1tA•To, / - Cn)7 PERa1FLfIIILiB1iR: i ; NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT t The undersigned Hereby given notice ihnt improvenlcat will be made to cenain real property,and in 4ttorduncu with Chapter 713, MOND stalutes the following inrammtton IF provided In the Notice ofcommenccment. 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description noel street nd(lrm)TAX F01,10 NUMDER;142&701.0025.000.1 5n[RiDIYP5fON°r °BLOCK2 TRACT LOT4 BLDG UNIT I GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMERE-Teat out and raplaco 18x7 garage door 3.OWNER 1NFQRMAT10Ne u.Name CarolynRlcherrls b.Address 231 Simin!Or Ft Plorco 34049 c.inttrtal it property d.Noma and 4ddra m ar fee simple titleholder(ir other thus owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMDEE:D z Daa"Oo 000m Pst,Inc 43S NW Emurpnso Dr Por Sltuclo 349Ra 5.SU)tbZY'S NAME,ADDIt)ySS AND PHONENUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: G.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBU: 7,Persons within the Slate of Flprida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may ba served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(A)7„noddy Statutes: NAIME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMHUt S.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the rolluwing to receive a copy Ortht Lienors Notice as provided In Seedon . 713.13(11M,FlcddaSlalules: NA.\tE,AIJDRtSS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9,Expiration date of anticC of enmmcncemut.(the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) —.20,_ WARNING TO_OIITI,Y.W=FAx ENIS MADL BY TIIR OWNER AFTER THR EXPIRATION OFTHF.NCMCF OF CK'CEM ARE CONSIORRED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,E6IiMFCTIDN 7.I,1,.t3,FLORIDA STATUTES.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYWO TW ICF FOR IMPROVFMBNT.57n D1M PROPPirry.A NOTICE OP COMMUNC17MRNT MUST BE IICORDF13 AND POSTF,O ON.TliB JOB Srr�n WRF i j1f JURE,IN9POCTION iF YOU MEND TO OBTAIN FINANCINR=sit]-r WMI YOUR ),yueR oR AN ATIMN•Y t FORI!COMM13NCING WORK OR R r.ORDIN.YOUR ruQrlrc...rr- Signature erOwIlor Print Natue and Provide Signatory's Tlue/OtY,re Owdcr's Authorized Officer/Olreetor/Partner/Monuger Stott of Florid County ofe— TheffQQregoing id1trdnlem was acknowledged before me this Q,-) 4ay.f_ - _._- ,20—la-- (Nome of pmon) (Type of authority...e,e•Owner,otLccr,Irtltitt,attorney In fRCI) For (Nnma of patty on behalrur whom ittsuuntent was executed) Personally Knuwn_or produced the foltowiag SYpc of ID: SIFFEE df (Printed NmReofNokryPublic) (SignRturca NolaryPuhli) " " AM11SA66WI10HIFFtatvq IRES;ApA28,2a1a fin a� eroolalh`4erx,lRoWvs, , Under penalties of perjury,I declare thfil I have read the romguing and that the lints in it ore true to W btst Of TRY Itlto.1,an�r boner(section 92,525.Moricin Statutes). Slgnaturc(s)or Owncr(s)or Owner(s)'AuWorixed OIDcer/Ddrectar/PartrrerlMmlugcr who signed above: By: — Ey Alr,Os40+70o71rumWW) . STATE Or- FI_ 'DA ST, LUM U)"T'( TM V111�'1l �4L. Com`' 1 1 r�1� 6j��;�,+^�%��:1:.,LDM�.t •� ' :i'i1 l:.a„rIIT1J Gh;t., �J,:�^,}�.:tiTr•,.r.'' !!! a i3y '�' I�4 A1 1, r �... 1 l�rl.s`i•,il,�7Y( � �tit.;ege,�dri"� 'Dec.. 6/6 d << 5£91OWIL SJOOO a6ejeD ansa 62:06 �Z-90-560?